Firepower is king

Chapter 556: Chase your dreams

Los Angeles.

The plane took off in the middle of the night and arrived in the morning. After arriving in Los Angeles, Gao Guang did not go to the hospital, but went directly back to the company office of King Defense.

Xavi is indeed pretty, but they went their separate ways at the airport, which Gao Guang regrets.

But Gao Guang's cell phone finally had a woman's phone number. The important prerequisite was the phone number of a woman of about the same age.

He was waiting in his office openly and openly, as if what happened last night had nothing to do with him. Gao Guang was indeed a bit unscrupulous.

With such a busy schedule, I have no choice but to focus on my career.

First call Kevin Jones in and listen to him report on the company's financial status.

I have to say that after having Kevin, Gao Guang never had to worry about financial matters. Regardless of whether he was there or not, Kevin handled things in an orderly manner, very well and beautifully.

After you have money, don't be in a hurry to spend it. The more serious thing is to find enough help for yourself first.

But after talking about finances with Kevin, and then waiting for a long time, the call that Gao Guang was waiting for never came, and there was no movement from Lloyd who was waiting.

Gao Guang thought that Lloyd would definitely come to see him, but after lunch there was no movement, not even a phone call. Gao Guang thought that maybe Lloyd would not come to see him. After a long time I will not contact him again for a period of time, unless the matter in Washington is completely settled.

Then we won't wait for Lloyd, we have to deal with important matters first.

What's more important, of course, is to get Frank out of prison quickly.

Mike needs recuperation, but he can run and move. Francisco also needs recuperation, but he has to rest in bed. This is the difference between the severity of the impact injury.

Gao Guang originally wanted to get Francisco and his cousin to come to the King's Defense, but now, he has to wait, mainly because the matter in Washington has not been completely over yet, and he is unsure, fearing that the King's Defense will fail after calling someone over. No, wouldn't that be very embarrassing?

To get people out of prison, you don't necessarily have to ask your wife to take action. Gao Guang thought that if you have money, you can do it, such as applying for parole or something. But after getting to know it a little bit, he thought it would be better to save some trouble.


Gao Guang yelled, and then Mike, who had been sweating in the gym for a whole morning but only exercised lightly, yelled: "What are you doing? I'm taking a shower!"

"Go out with me."


Both of them shouted, because this saves them a trip out.

Now, people like King's Defense like to hang out in the company when they have nothing to do, and if King's Defense has anything serious to do, they just sit around.

A few minutes later, Mike entered Gao Guang's office still wet, and then he asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"To jail. San Francisco jail."

Mike nodded and said, "Okay, I'll book a flight."

"Wait a minute, let's drive."

Mike was stunned for a moment and said, "Drive? It's a full four hundred miles, and the drive will take at least six hours."

"so far?"

"Yeah, so I'd better take a plane..."

"It's better if it's so far away, and we need to drive there. We also need to go to the airport by plane and wait for the flight. The time is not much different, so it's better to drive there, use your car."

Mike shrugged and said, "Okay, I'll drive."

"Give me the keys and I'll drive."

After asking for the car keys from Mike, Gao Guang said very calmly: "I have to drive more in the future. The more I drive and the more I practice, the more I can make progress."

Mike's car was parked at the door. Mike looked a little confused, and then he said with a puzzled face: "You just came back from Washington. You don't need to take a break and you are driving to San Francisco. Is there something wrong?"

"There's no problem. I'm just worried that I won't have the chance to do some things in the future, or that I won't be able to do them anymore. Let's get them done as soon as possible while I still have the time and ability."

He got in the car, started it, and drove Mike's BMW X6 onto the road. Gao Guang thought it was normal, but Mike pointed at the road ahead: "Boss, you don't have to be so gentle."

Gao Guang stepped on the accelerator hard, and the powerful car rushed forward. Mike grabbed the door handle and said in shock: "There is no need to treat my big baby so violently!"

"Mike, you have been slacking off recently. Why don't I see you practicing fighting?"

Mike breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I have practiced, but it is a little easier without a sparring partner. Now I mainly do light fitness, well, that's it."

"You don't want to be a fighting star anymore?"

Mike was originally in a good mood, but when Gao Guang asked, his face dropped. After a moment of silence, Mike sighed with emotion.

"I think... I may not be a fighting star anymore."

After finishing speaking sadly, Mike spread his hands and said: "After seeing real fighting and what real kung fu is like, I feel that I lack the talent for fighting. Although my physical condition is very good, it is different from rugby. It’s not the same thing as fighting.”

Gao Guang sighed and said: "Yes, Fang's existence is to defeat the dreams of those of us who have kung fu. I practice kung fu, but I can't reach Fang's level after practicing for a lifetime, so I give up and become a kung fu master." Fighting star, I agree.”

After that, Gao Guang suddenly asked: "Have your classmates participated in the NFL draft?"

"No, few of my college teammates have the opportunity to enter the NFL. I was the most promising one, but... you know, it's impossible."

Gao Guang was silent for a moment, and said: "Do you still have a dream?"

Mike frowned and said: "Dream... what do you mean?"

Gao Guang said lightly: "Have you ever thought about a possibility, that is, the previous you really ruined your career, you will never play in the campus football league, and you have lost the hope of entering the NFL, but now, we have money and connections, why can't we let you play?"

Mike was stunned for a while, and said: "Uh, um, hiss..."

Gao Guang said lightly: "I decided to give the zero-dollar purchase business to John. As for you, you have only one way out, to play and be a star. You can't delay it any longer, and you can't get injured again, so you should resume regular training . "

Mike scratched his head and said, "But I can't join any team and have no chance to train with the team."

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Stupid, can't you hire a coach at your own expense? Can't you find a sparring partner at your own expense to practice with you?"

Mike swallowed and said, "Yes, I'm a rich man."

Gao Guang exhaled and said, "Maybe you can skip the college football stage and go directly to the NFL. There are so many teams, and there will always be a team willing to take you."

"You don't understand, it's not that simple..."

Without waiting for Mike to finish, Gao Guang said lightly, "Do you understand coercion and inducement? Do you think we need to beg others to give you a chance?"

Mike suddenly stared, then he turned around and looked at Gao Guang woodenly, and said in a daze, "But if I leave, who will block the bullet for you?"

Gao Guang laughed, and then he said with great disdain, "With my current wealth and status, do I still need someone to hold a shield for me? I don't need you anymore, go chase your dream. "

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