Firepower is king

Chapter 561: New here?

Lloyd has never brought an entourage before, and even if he brings a subordinate, he will not act casually in the name of the Pentagon. And even if he follows Lloyd, a retired general, he will not let the driver do this Arrogant.

After just a few words, Gao Guang knew that the driver in front of him was definitely not from Lloyd.

Maybe the driver really came with Lloyd, but they were definitely not traveling together.

The Morris matter should be settled completely, and Lloyd or anyone else in the Pentagon will never come to the King's Defense, so they can only follow this driver who seems to have a sense of superiority.

"Mike, drive."

Gao Guang didn't know how to drive himself this time. He shook his head to the driver and said, "You lead the way, and we will follow."

The driver looked a little surprised and said in astonishment: "I drove here, and you still want to..."

"Are you a newbie?" Gao Guang interrupted the driver and said in an unarguable tone: "Lead the way."

The driver looked to be in his late twenties, a few years older than Gao Guang, but compared with the people Gao Guang often interacted with, he was still young, so Gao Guang seemed to be talking in the tone of a newbie. normal.

The driver's expression was a little astonished. He subconsciously scratched his face with his hand, and then said in a daze: "This, no, you..."

Gao Guang had already turned around, and when he got into the car driven by Mike, he waved to the driver again: "Lead the way, don't waste time."

The driver closed the window blankly, started the car, and drove ahead to lead the way.

Lloyd will never step into the office of King's Defense, because if he is seen and photographed by King's Defense's surveillance, it may be used for something.

Similarly, Gao Guang will definitely not get into an unfamiliar car.

If you come to invite or meet rashly without communicating in advance, it is more likely that you will be prosecuted.

Gao Guang took out his phone and dialed Lloyd. After the call was connected, Gao Guang immediately said, "General, are you in Los Angeles?"

"Yes, just arrived, just a few hours ago."

"Did you send someone to pick me up?"

"It seems that you have already seen him. Come with him to see me."

Lloyd is not a person who likes to beat around the bush, so the way he spoke today was a bit interesting. He did not admit or deny, expressing his affirmation in an ambiguous way, but did not answer directly.

Gao Guang thought about it and understood what was going on.

This person was not sent by Lloyd. Lloyd's name was just a cover. There were other big shots who wanted to meet Gao Guang.

"Okay, see you later, General."

Gao Guang hung up the phone. He breathed a sigh of relief and said to Mike, "It's no problem. We may have to negotiate later, but we shouldn't have a fight."

Mike also let out a long sigh of relief, and then he said with a relaxed face: "That's good, um, that's great."

It can be said that there has been an undercurrent in the past two days, and the highlight is definitely not as easy as it seems on the outside. Although the final result has not yet been released, but judging from Lloyd's handling method, it is quite gentle, so there should be no risk of falling out directly. .

The two cars weaved in and out of traffic. After driving for about half an hour, the leading car drove directly into a motel. Then the driver got out and knocked on a room door.

There is no comfort in a motel. The biggest advantage is convenience. Choosing a place like this to meet often means a quick resolution. Regardless of whether it is a fight or a negotiation, it will never take too long.

The door opened, the driver pushed it open, and then he made a please gesture to Gao Guang.

Gao Guang entered the door, and when Mike was about to follow him in, the driver suddenly stretched out his hand. He wanted to stop Mike from entering, but he turned around and followed Gao Guang into the house.

Mike frowned and said, "Are you new here?"

When the driver was confused and a little overwhelmed, Mike held the driver with one hand and held the door with the other, and then said to the driver: "Wait outside with me."

The room is large, but the facilities are old and not even clean.

Lloyd was sitting on an old-looking chair, but as expected, there was another person in the room, a middle-aged man with a very serious expression. He sat next to Lloyd, looking very... Somewhat impatiently.

Lloyd had no expression, but the middle-aged man looked at Gao Guang with a scrutinizing gaze and suddenly said: "Are you a mad dog?"

Lloyd hasn't spoken yet, but the middle-aged man with him can't wait to speak, which shows that he doesn't care much about Lloyd's status, or that he doesn't take the retired Lloyd seriously.

"Hello General, nice to meet you."

Without answering the middle-aged man's knowing question, Gao Guang respectfully saluted Lloyd and said hello.

Lloyd smiled slightly and said to Gao Guang, "Hello, I'm really happy to see you again."

After saying hello, Lloyd pointed to the middle-aged man next to him and said, "This is the Joint Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Orville."

At this time, Gao Guang said to the middle-aged man: "Hello, I am a mad dog."

Lieutenant Colonel Orville seemed a little annoyed, but due to the strict superior-subordinate relationship in the army and basic military etiquette, he couldn't say anything to Gao Guang, because that would be a slap in Lloyd's face.

Orville realized that Gao Guang didn't seem to care about him at all, which made him even more angry, so he stood up and said in a very oppressive tone: "Do you know what you have done!"

According to the normal rhythm, whether Gao Guang said he knew it or not, it would be incorporated into Orville's language logic, but Gao Guang did not follow his rhythm.

"General, can I speak?"

Gao Guang actually didn't have any plan. He didn't know whether he would face questioning or punitive treatment from the Pentagon, but he had a principle, that is, since he was not from the Pentagon, he should put himself in the position of Lloyd's collaborator. to respond to all questions.

Unlimitedly elevating Lloyd's status, and pretending to follow Lloyd's lead, this is called hugging the thigh and not letting go. If the sky falls, let someone taller block it.

Ever since he knew that Lloyd had come to Los Angeles in person, this was Gao Guang's only response plan. Otherwise, no matter what attitude he made to the people sent by the Pentagon, it would not be easy to deal with it.

But Lloyd knew that the highlight was being used as a shield, but he was happy with it.

"You can say whatever you know. We are all our own people. It doesn't matter."

Lloyd smiled easily, and his reply was very tactful, but he expressed his protection for Gao Guang. He is one of his own. It doesn't matter what counts as one of his own, but he said that Gao Guang is one of his own. You Orville, put on a show What are you trying to do with the attitude of wanting to kill?

Gao Guang felt reassured and said to Orville: "Well, I'm sorry, can you make your question more clear? I don't quite understand what you mean."

"you you……"

Orville, who was angry about this, had never met anyone like Gao Guang before. He was indeed used to being straightforward. Meeting a young man like Gao Guang who pretended to be confused gave him the courage to face the Congress and the government. The feeling of those old foxes in the company.

The script was not like this. It was supposed to be a scolding maniacally, and then a savior-like scolding, but in just three sentences, Orville was so stubborn that he didn't know how to proceed.

Taking a breath, Orville forced himself to calm down, and then he said coldly: "Don't you know what you did in Washington?"

"Oh, you said kill Morris."

Gao Guang spread his hands and said, "This is what I should do."

Orville was really angry. He didn't know whether Gao Guang was really stupid or pretending to be stupid, but either way, it made him very angry.

" dared to take action in Washington! Do you know what kind of price the higher authorities paid to settle the impact of this incident? Now you act like nothing happened, bastard!"

Orville couldn't help but exploded. Lloyd frowned, stretched out a hand to press down, and said: "Lieutenant Colonel, be careful to control your emotions."

Orville was really going crazy, because he never expected that the situation would be like this, and the conversation could not proceed at all. As for pointing at the nose of a small arms dealer and yelling, this should be a reasonable thing, but Now it is simply not possible.

There were only two chairs in the room, and there was no place for Gao Guang to sit. Unless he sat on the bed, otherwise, Gao Guang could only stand in front of two people and be scolded with an attitude of being scolded.

But Lloyd stood up. He didn't let Gao Guang sit down. Instead, he walked to Gao Guang's side, stretched out a hand and put it on Gao Guang's shoulder, and said seriously: "Mad dog, you did it in Washington." The matter is huge and troublesome, making us very passive.”

Gao Guang immediately lowered his head and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, General, I was too impulsive."

Lloyd immediately said: "You are just too impulsive, but... young people can understand it."

Orville couldn't believe his ears, but Lloyd and Gao Guang were standing side by side, and he couldn't even point at Gao Guang and curse.

Orville didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to proceed.

The original plan was to call the highlighter to scold him, and then decide based on the situation whether the highlighter can still be used. If not, then do whatever you want to do with it. Find a way to make him evaporate, or pull the highlighter out to take the blame. If If it works, just hit the highlighter and scare him half to death. After rounding and flattening it, it will be easy to use.

But Lloyd didn't say anything and directly forgave Gao Guang. He also directly defined Gao Guang as young and impulsive.

what to do?

Orville couldn't, he really couldn't, so he looked at Lloyd and said: "General, you, you..."

Lloyd turned to look at Orville, and then he smiled and said: "Lieutenant Colonel, you are new here and don't know the situation very well. That's it. I'll go to the next room to talk with Mad Dog first. quickly."

Lloyd didn't chase Orville away, but he wanted to talk to Gao Guang next door. If Orville couldn't see that Lloyd was determined to protect Gao Guang, then he would be really stupid.

Orville took a breath, his face turned livid, and he said solemnly: "No, I'd better go next door. I just want to call the general and report the situation here."

After saying that, Orville strode to the door. He pulled the door open. After seeing the two people standing at the door, he didn't know why he felt even more angry, so he closed the door hard.

Mike and the driver who brought him stood on either side of the door.

The driver saw his boss rushing into the next room aggressively. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to follow up and ask. But just as he turned around, Mike whispered: "Rookie, if I were you, I would never do it at this time. Follow along."

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