Firepower is king

Chapter 563 Pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger

I don’t know if it’s because of the way of thinking or what, but I feel that the American brain circuit does seem strange and childish sometimes.

You can't silence Gao Guang, and you can't kill him to vent your anger. Then you have to send someone over to scold Gao Guang, and maybe even teach Gao Guang a lesson. Is this something that a big shot in the Pentagon can do?

Opening the door, Gao Guang looked at Mike who was guarding the door, and before he could say anything, he found the driver on the other side.

There was no way to explain this clearly in words. Gao Guang could only wink at Mike, and then said in a helpless tone: "Which room is the Lieutenant Colonel in?"

The driver perked up, and then he immediately pointed to the door next door and said, "Here."

The driver went directly to knock on the door, but he didn't say anything. He had to wait for Lieutenant Colonel Orville to shout loudly: "Who!"

With a tone full of anger and dissatisfaction, Gao Guang coughed lightly and said politely: "Lieutenant Colonel, can I come in?"

After waiting for a moment, Orville said in an unhappy tone: "Come in."

Mike stretched out his long arms and grabbed the door handle. He squeezed in between Gao Guang and the driver. Even if he was blocked by the two of them, he still had to open the door for Gao Guang.

Mike separated Gao Guang and the driver with his body. He opened the door and said to Gao Guang: "Boss, please come in."

When Gao Guang entered the door, he realized that Mike was going to close the door outside again, but this time it was different. This time Gao Guang needed an audience and someone to watch him get scolded.

Gao Guang stood at the door and winked at Mike.

Mike was a little dazed, his eyes rolled for a moment, and then he finally stared at the highlight with a blank expression.

Gao Guang could only turn his eyes towards the room and motioned for Mike to follow.

"What are you doing?"

Orville finally couldn't help but ask, and when he asked, it meant that the eye contact between Gao Guang and Mike completely failed.

With great hatred in his heart, he rolled his eyes at Mike helplessly. He turned around and said to Orville who was sitting on the chair: "Lieutenant Colonel, I just want to... uh, I'm sorry."

Gao Guang waved his hand, gesturing for Mike to follow, and then he took two steps forward.

Mike finally followed in, and after he came in, the driver finally followed in, so Gao Guang stood in front, and two people stood behind him, both of whom looked like his followers.

Mike glanced at the driver, his eyes full of contempt and disdain for the rookie.

The driver suddenly realized, and then he finally took a few steps quickly and stood behind Orville.

Orville looked like he was going crazy, and he became even more angry. The reason was simple. The followers he brought seemed a little careless.

Finally, the audience took their seats. Gao Guang immediately lowered his head and said to Orville: "Lieutenant Colonel, I'm really sorry. I didn't know your identity. I thought... I didn't know your background. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry."

Orville felt a little surprised. He felt that Gao Guang shouldn't be so stupid, but looking at Gao Guang's face that was too young, and looking at Mike's silly, black and rough street gangster style, he felt that maybe there were two young people. Maybe he really didn't understand the rules and what his rank of lieutenant colonel meant.

The anger of being ignored, ignored, and taken seriously was somewhat relieved. Orville said happily: "You don't know where I come from? Don't you know why I'm here?"

Gao Guang looked horrified, he nodded and said: "I really don't know, I just...just...actually I am a shooter, I am good at shooting, but I really don't understand things that are too complicated. The general told me just now, I just knew...I just knew your identity, I'm sorry."

Gao Guang bowed deeply, making Mike look stupid.

Mike opened his mouth wide in surprise, perfectly interpreting the image of a thug with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

If anyone dares to say that Mike is a college student from a famous university, Orville will definitely slap him in the mouth.

Gao Guang stood up straight, and then he said to Orville: "Lieutenant Colonel, do you have any orders?"


Wait a minute, Orville suddenly felt that he wouldn't say anything anymore, because he had always regarded Gao Guang as a qualified arms dealer, but now it seems that Gao Guang is just a brainless cannon fodder, and the men he leads don't seem to have any brains. Yes, is it appropriate to tell him about those things in Washington?

Orville hesitated. After a moment of pause, he finally said tentatively: "You are very brave. Do you know how much trouble the things you did in Washington caused?"

Gao Guang immediately said: "I don't want to either, but I can't help it!"

With a look of dissatisfaction and grievance, Gao Guang took a step forward, and then said angrily: "Maurice has been..."

"Stop! Stop! Are you an idiot?"

Orville had to stretch out a hand and said angrily to Gao Guang: "Don't say that name, Fuck! Just know who it is, don't say it, don't you even understand this? "

"Sorry, the general has already told me, but...but Lieutenant Colonel, I can't help it. I can't still let Morrie...that bastard humiliate me without me making any response."

Orville felt that something was wrong, because Gao Guang's performance was very different from the rumors.

He is obviously a reckless man, not like an arms dealer.

But thinking about the man in front of him who was called Mad Dog, and then thinking about the things he had done, Orville suddenly felt that Gao Guang's current state fit the name Mad Dog.

Orville had a sense of enlightenment as he saw through the truth. Looking at Gao Guang's various performances, a sense of intellectual superiority emerged spontaneously.

A young man who has just debuted has no idea that the sky is the limit. He is just a mad dog that bites everyone he sees. No, he is a mad dog that dares to bite anyone he sees. He brings a bunch of equally brainless people with him and is used as a gun by the old fox Lloyd. .

Gao Guang continued to look annoyed. He danced and said: "I just want to make money, but I didn't offend anyone. I didn't steal Morris's business... I'm sorry, I didn't steal that bastard's business. It was him, it was him He keeps provoking me, he wants to kill me, Lieutenant Colonel! How can I let him go?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang waved his hand aggressively and said: "What am I afraid of? So what if I'm in Washington! I'll kill him anyway! I'm not afraid of death. I never thought about what would happen next when I came out as a mad dog!"

He had been reminded once, but this idiot still called out Morris's name. Orville didn't know the word reckless, but he must be a complete idiot now.

No wonder Mad Dog was respectful to a retired general just now, and looked arrogant to himself, the representative of a truly big shot. That was because he didn't know his identity at all, and he didn't know the value of General Lloyd.

Orville suddenly calmed down. He was not angry at all. After all, what was the point of being serious with a fool?

He stretched out his hand and pressed down. Although Orville still had a straight face, his tone softened a lot.

"Okay, stop talking and tell me now, what are your plans in the future?"

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "I will do whatever the general asks me to do!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang seemed to have some regrets, so he quickly lowered his voice and lowered his head to Orville: "You have the final say. I will definitely listen to your arrangements, Lieutenant Colonel."

Orville couldn't help but smile. He wanted to say that an idiot like you should be assigned to serve the general, but after all, he has a pattern, so naturally he would not say anything too extreme.

But there is nothing left to say.

Orville breathed a sigh of relief and began to rub his chin with his hand, thinking about what to do next.

Completely unexpected, the plan was disrupted. Orville originally wanted to suppress Gao Guang in all aspects, but now he feels that it is not necessary.

Finally, Orville reluctantly raised some interest, and he said to Gaoguang: "Your marksmanship is very good, isn't it?"

Gao Guang immediately became proud. He nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes! I am invincible in close combat. No one can survive my gun!"

Orville immediately sneered: "Really? You are very confident."

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Of course I am confident, because all my enemies are dead and I am still alive."

The contrast in the highlights was huge, and of course Mike could see it.

Mike is very smart. When he realized that Gao Guang was creating an image of an impulsive and brainless man, he was looking for a suitable opportunity, and now, he felt that this opportunity had come.

Taking a step forward, Mike looked proud, using the exaggerated emphasis and body movements unique to black people, and said triumphantly: "Our boss has killed many people, don't you know? Don't you know the name of the mad dog? Man, you The news is not good, you are not good at it."

Gao Guang turned his head and said sternly: "Shut up! Do you have the right to speak here?"

Gao Guang scolded, but his face was filled with pride.

Orville thought it was normal. After all, what kind of boss there is, there must be what kind of thugs. A fool leads a group of fools.

Only the driver was about to cry because he found that he had been fooled by a street gangster.

I really thought that Mad Dog was some kind of boss, and that Mad Dog's bodyguards were experienced and powerful characters. But now, the driver discovered that these two live treasures were basically in the style of those lowest-level ruffians on the street.

What a shame.

Orville stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead. He had to think about what to do next, and at this time, the expert he brought finally took the initiative to speak.

"You are very confident in your marksmanship. What a coincidence, I am also very confident in my marksmanship."

The driver took a step forward, and continued to the highlight seriously and seriously: "Compare?"

Gao Guang didn't hesitate. He raised his eyebrows and said with extreme confidence: "Competition of marksmanship? Just you?"

Marksmanship is the foundation of a life. Anyone who dares to challenge Gao Guang's position in the field of marksmanship must immediately give the toughest response. This is the psychological characteristic Gao Guang shows at this moment.

Gao Guang shot the gun and said impatiently to the driver: "I really want to compete with the masters in the army. Tell me how to compete!"

Orville suddenly felt very boring.

It's time to change the plan. What's the comparison with a reckless man who relies on his marksmanship to make a living? Winning is no glory, losing is even more embarrassing. Most importantly, regardless of winning or losing, what's the point of competing?

Orville felt that there was nothing to compare with and nothing to say. He didn't even bother to scold him. As for the verbal beatings and explicit and implicit warnings, they were even more meaningless.

Facing a fool, any sense of superiority in intelligence loses its meaning.

With a soft breath, Orville waved his hand and said to his driver: "Okay, there is nothing to compare with. Can you still draw your guns and shoot?"

Gao Guang immediately said: "It's okay to draw a gun and shoot. I'm never afraid of challenges!"

"That's enough, that's enough."

Orville felt a little headache, because he was sure that the mad dog must show his bravery to gain survival value, and the people he brought could not die or be injured, so it was meaningless to talk about competitions, and it was also very embarrassing. .

How could the people above decide to replace Morris with such an idiot?

Orville was a little confused, but thinking about it, he thought it was normal. If he wasn't a fool, how could he be willing to listen to Lloyd's arrangements but give up the opportunity to work for a real big shot?

Lloyd, the old fox, must have been this bastard who wanted a piece of the action, but the thug he chose was too stupid and he messed it up.

After figuring it out, there was nothing more to say. Orville suddenly felt that there was no point in saying more, so he waved his hand at the highlight like shooing away flies and said: "You can go, get out! Leave. my room."

Gao Guang said with a flattering smile: "Lieutenant Colonel, is there anything I can do for you, please..."


Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, with a humiliated and angry expression on his face, while Mike also had a black face and opened his mouth to say something.

Fortunately, Gao Guang changed his expression in time, turned his head, and said to Mike in time: "Humph, let's go!"

Gao Guang showed an angry expression of suppressing humiliation. He opened the door angrily and pushed Mike out first. After hesitating for a while, he finally swallowed his anger and closed the door gently instead of slamming it hard.

Orville waved his hand to the driver who stayed behind, and said angrily: "You also go out, wait for me outside, don't let anyone in, get out."

The driver left in frustration. When Orwell was the only one left in the room, he first let out a long breath, then couldn't help but smile and said to himself: "Idiot, I To waste time on such low-end goods..."

Taking out the phone, Orville dialed a number. When the call was connected, he whispered: "General, I saw a mad dog."

"How about it."

"Just a brainless cannon fodder. I don't think he's a threat."

Big men always speak concisely, but Orville had to explain clearly. He lowered his voice and continued: "Mad Dog is definitely an idiot. He is just that kind of pure thug. I think it was Lloyd who planned the whole thing. It’s just a mad dog that screwed up.”

"Well, what do you have in mind."

Orville continued in a low voice: "I suggest not to create friction between Mad Dog and Lloyd. It is completely unnecessary. Mad Dog is very valuable. It is completely an illusion. I am sure it was Lloyd and others who fabricated the illusion for their own benefit. Now Mad Dog has already done it." Smashed, he has no value to Lloyd."

"Did Lloyd give up Mad Dog?"

"Lloyd asked Mad Dog to come to see me alone, and he didn't stop me from taking advantage of the opportunity of a shooting match to kill Mad Dog. After he saw Mad Dog alone, he asked Mad Dog to come to see me, and Mad Dog was defenseless."

"Then there's no need to kill the mad dog. A fool with no brains is not worth it."

"Yes, General, I think so too."

"Come back, let's not solve this trouble for him. Leave the mad dog to Lloyd and let him have a headache."

"Yes, General."

The phone was hung up. Orville listened to the busy tone on the phone. He took a long breath, then exhaled disdainfully, and said with a sense of superiority: "I am invincible in close combat... idiot!"

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