Firepower is king

Chapter 566: Get out of here

Gao Guang was very happy. There were many reasons for his happiness. First, he could finally let go of the huge stone that was weighing on his heart. Then, he was also happy for Mike. Then, he was also happy to repay a Greek.

Chinese people pay attention to clear grudges, and also pay attention to repaying every drop of kindness. In matters between countries, high light can't do much, but when it falls on an individual, he is willing to use the greatest sincerity to treat a person who was a stranger before. With maximum return.

But what really makes Gao Guang happy is that he discovered that he has the ability to change a person's destiny.

From the moment Dimitris came to the door, his destiny changed, and the highlight of changing his destiny did not require any special price or effort, he only needed to pay.

So money is really a good thing. With money, you can buy 6,000 bottles of good wine, and you can also let the best talents in the world take the initiative to invest.

Mike reached out and patted Dimitris's shoulder hard twice, and then he said seriously: "You are prosperous, don't ask why, you are lucky, you have found the right person, so you will have everything you want." ,"

After speaking very seriously, Mike picked up the wine bottle and gave Dimitris a glass, poured it on the highlighter, and finally filled up the bottom of the bottle for himself. The 750 ml of wine was divided into six glasses in total, which is one glass. One thousand dollars.

Dimitris didn't know if he could be prosperous, but the welcome ceremony of eating hamburgers and drinking a thousand-dollar glass of whiskey made him feel quite friendly.

There is no airs and no restraints. I think the working environment will be more relaxed in the future.

But Dimitris still needs to figure out one thing, that is, if he finds a job now, what will he need to do in the future.

"If I go to work tomorrow, what do I need to do?"

Gao Guang only drank three liang, but he was a little drunk. After hearing Dimitris's question, he waved his hand very proudly and said: "What are you doing? You don't have to do anything now. You are lucky. You chose the best time to come to me.”

Mike also said without hesitation: "Do you dare to take a bullet for your boss?"

Stop a bullet? This really doesn't work. Dimitris is here to make money, not to die, so he was a little hesitant about Mike's question and did not answer it immediately.

Gao Guang said with a smile: "Blocking bullets? Do you think we will still fight as hard as before? No, we will be businessmen from now on. Businessmen don't fight, so they don't need to block bullets."

Mike immediately said: "If you don't block the bullet, you can't give too much money."

Gao Guang laughed and said: "Of course, you think anyone can be even with me..."

Drinking makes things worse. This means that after drinking a little bit, you talk baldly.

In the past, the group of people around Gao Guang were the veteran heroes who followed him to conquer the world. Now they cannot be said to have achieved success, but they are still different from when he made his fortune. Therefore, Gao Guang is about 30% to 70% with his old brothers, and he still wants to share the majority. , but it will be impossible to divide them like this in the future.

This is called the passage of time, and the treatment of elders and wage earners must be different. However, it is okay to talk to the elders in private, but saying this to newcomers is not conducive to unity.

Gao Guang scratched his head, and then he said to Dimitris: "In short, the salary will definitely satisfy you. As for how much money you can earn, it also depends on what you can do. Do you understand what I mean?"

Dimitris nodded, and then he said seriously: "I understand, this is what it should be. On the surface, you receive a salary, but to really make big money, you have to make it out of sight. It's fair and normal."

Gao Guang laughed, then he held up the paper cup and said, "Drink, uh, drink slowly... I didn't say cheers."

Mike drank the second glass in one gulp. He bought a bottle of wine and took two sips. He probably lost more than half a catty in two sips.

Then Mike seemed a little drunk. He was bigger and ate a lot, but his drinking capacity was really not good. This may have a lot to do with the fact that he never drank. As an athlete, Mike was very self-disciplined.

So not long after Mike drank his second cup, he started to talk drunkenly.

"I don't care about money, I care about dreams! Dreams!"

Mike cried as he spoke. He suddenly hugged Gao Guang, and then choked up and said, "I'm so happy, I still have a chance to realize my dream!"

Demetrius was stunned and at a loss.

What happened today was too bizarre. Dimitris didn't know why he encountered this kind of thing. The legendary mad dog was a young Asian, and his bodyguard was holding him and crying.

"Aren't you? Getting drunk so quickly?"

Gao Guang was really helpless. He put down the paper cup and pushed Mike away with great effort. Then he said helplessly: "Go find a room to sleep. Mike, go to sleep."

"No, I'm going to finish my junk food, I won't be able to eat it anymore."

Mike turned around and picked up the fried chicken wings, and then started to eat the chicken wings with tears on his face.

This scene was a bit sensational and made people feel psychologically uncomfortable. Dimitris put down the paper cup and said to Gao Guang: "How about I avoid it first and come back tomorrow?"

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Eat before you leave. Don't be in a hurry. If you have no place to sleep, you can sleep in the company. There are many rooms here and mattresses. We have lived here before. You can stay here first." Until you can rent a house.”

This job was too casual, and Dimitris was puzzled in every way. Moreover, as he reached middle age, he began to be more steady, so after hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "Thank you, but no, I’d better go back to the tent and sleep tonight.”

Gao Guang just waved his hand because he didn't really care where Dimitris lived.

"Let's talk after eating."

Gao Guang ate a hamburger, but he drank two glasses of wine. After drinking two glasses of 40-proof whiskey, he found that he was starting to lose the ability to drink, but he was just a little dizzy, but not to the point of being completely drunk.

Even Mike, who is much taller than Gao Guang, seems to be able to drink better, because Mike obviously talks more and his tongue is a bit big.

Finally, Gao Guang and Mike finished eating, and Dimitris also finished eating. He drank two glasses of wine, but he was not drunk at all, he could only be regarded as a little tipsy.

Dimitris packed up his things very meticulously, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Boss, I'm going to take my leave now. What time will I come to work tomorrow? And about the salary and work content, should we wait until tomorrow? Woolen cloth?"

"Let's talk tomorrow, let's talk tomorrow."

Gao Guang stood up and said to the slightly drunk Mike: "Where will you sleep at night? I'm going to the hospital for a visit and then go home to sleep. Do you want to stay here or go home? Or you can go to my place to sleep. I The house is very big.”

Mike waved his hand and said feebly: "I...go to the hospital to sleep. I'm going to the hospital."

Dimitris felt puzzled again, because sleeping in a hospital was not a habit that normal people should have.

Dimitris watched Gao Guang and Mike get up slightly unsteadily and walk outside. Then he couldn't help but said: "Are you going to drive away? I suggest you not drive while drunk."

"Not drunk, not drunk, uh, how can you drive if you drink..."

Gao Guang felt a little like waking up from a dream, and he said to Mike in distress: "We can't go back."

Mike said nonchalantly: "I'm fine, let me drive."

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "No, don't drive when you drink, don't drink when you drive, forget it, we won't go back, just sleep here, Dimi, we'll see you off, you can go by yourself, we won't leave."

Dimitris whispered: "Sorry, my short name is not Dimi. My name is Dimitris. If you think this name is too long, you can call me Papa."

"Okay Dimi."

Gaoguang's steps were a little frivolous, but he still came to the door with Dimitris carrying garbage in his hands. He pushed open the glass door and said to Dimitris: "Dimi, see you tomorrow, I'll go to bed today." It’s here, just come after ten o’clock tomorrow.”

Dimitris was a little helpless. He nodded, looked at Mike and followed him out unsteadily, and said quickly: "You guys go to bed early, see you tomorrow."

Dimitris felt that his new boss was so abnormal that he needed to seriously consider whether to join King's Defense.

After walking down two steps, Dimitris's eyes searched for the trash can, and then he found a black car parked across the street in a space where parking was not allowed.

Gao Guang walked out of the glass door, and Mike stood beside him. At this time, Gao Guang was still waving goodbye to Dimitris.

Gao Guang said enthusiastically: "See you tomorrow."

Dimitris felt something was wrong, not because of his keen sixth sense, but because he saw the muzzle of the gun sticking out of the car.


Dimitris roared, he threw away the garbage in his hands, and threw himself forward. Shouting to be careful was the limit of what he could do.

It's impossible for a boss I just met to really take a bullet for him.

Gao Guang was really drunk, and he saw the muzzle of the gun sticking out of the car, and before Dimitris yelled, Mike also saw it.

Mike subconsciously took a step forward, stood in front of Gao Guang, and subconsciously raised his arms.

Dimitris saw everything. At this time, he understood why Mike asked him if he would take a bullet for his boss.

"go away!"

If it had been any slower, Mike would have died.

But Gao Guang was just a little dizzy, he was not so drunk that he couldn't move, so he pushed Mike to the side, pulled out the gun with his left hand, raised his hand and shot the person in the car.

The car window was lowered and a gun muzzle was stretched out, but before the people in the car could fire, Gao Guang opened fire at a faster speed. Then, Gao Guang took a step forward and fired another shot at the driver's position of the car. gun.

The driver's window was not lowered, and the driver could not be seen through the high light of the glass, but he still opened fire without hesitation, and then he walked towards the car.

Someone got out of the car and fired before he could adjust the muzzle of the gun. Two high-reflection shots were fired. The person who got out of the car immediately fell next to the car.

The car started to move, with the intention of accelerating to escape. Gao Guang ran two steps and fired two shots at the driver's seat. By the time he caught up to the car, the car had already hit the isolation belt on the roadside and stopped. Come down.

There was another person in the car, sitting in the passenger seat. Gao Guang subconsciously wanted to hit the person on the head, but before he opened fire, his reason finally reminded him that this was not Iraq, this was in Los Angeles, in front of his company. .

Gao Guang was not afraid of being pointed at by a gun just now, nor was he afraid of firing at two low-level gunmen. But when he thought that he was in front of his company, Gao Guang suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He raised his hand and fired another shot, hitting the fourth man's hand, making it impossible for him to shoot. Gao Guang held the gun and said sternly: "Put down the gun! Otherwise I will kill you!" The battle was not fierce, nor was it dangerous, but someone had to be left alive, and it was necessary to find out who hit the company's door. If it was not clear, it would be a big problem.

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