Firepower is king

Chapter 571 I am a rookie

Lei can't say that Mad Dog's tactics are like shit, because they have no tactics at all.

Just knock on the door, enter the door, and then beat anyone you see. After the beating, go up to the second floor to search for the remaining enemies. This is the idea, and the method is the same. Words and deeds are consistent, what else can Lei say.

At first glance, this house is not a mansion, not even a good house. It is just a bad house in a bad neighborhood. There are just six fierce and tattooed men, each with a gun in their hand, sitting on the floor. Lou watched the TV, waiting for someone to break in and then shoot. This is basically the operation and process for most gangs rooted in the community in the United States.

But here's the point, there were six people in this house with guns, and then someone knocked on the door and forced their way in, and then shot them all to death without them having a chance to shoot.

After a long time, Lei carefully searched his memory bank, but he found that there seemed to be gaps in his memory.

Wasn't it just one or two seconds, but one minute, two minutes?

If it really only took one or two seconds, how did the mad dog beat these six people to death?

It was because of his confusion and the extremely strong sense of oppression that Lei swallowed his anger and said yes.

If Ray suppressed his anger due to a strong sense of oppression, then Dimitris felt a strong sense of helplessness, accompanied by an extremely strong sense of crisis.

This boss is so powerful, how can he express himself with such a boss?

Dimitris turned around silently. Although he had not trained with his boss, he at least knew the reasonable formation of a three-person assault team. That is, when two people search forward, at least one person should pay attention to the rear. .

This is the only role Demetrius has.

Sadness, the greatest sadness of a down-and-out middle-aged man who is in the midst of a mid-life crisis is that he cannot find the value of his own existence.

In fact, Gao Guang was a little nervous inside.

Although MS-13 is just a gang, known for its cruelty and viciousness, and is more organized than gangsters, these people have guns after all. If there are one or more ambushed upstairs, the gun is pointed at him. If one person fires successfully, there is still danger.

But there was no way. Since he was maintaining the image of a tough-minded man, he couldn't shrink back at this time.

Therefore, although the opponent was not strong, Gao Guang was really forced to use the strongest peak state in his life to deal with it. There was no other reason. As long as he was shot, even if he could not die, it would still hurt.

He slowly turned around, then suddenly accelerated and rushed forward two steps, and then Gao Guang immediately stopped. This was not a formal tactical move, it could only be regarded as a fake move that he had figured out by himself, but he felt that this sudden change in rhythm and position The action is quite effective.

This time the fake action still had an effect. As soon as Gaoguang stopped, there were two more bullet holes in front of his feet.

There was someone above, but the person above didn't show his head at all. He stretched out his hand and shot towards the stairs.

Gao Guang subconsciously stretched out his foot and stomped on the ground. The wooden stairs made a loud noise, and then he let out a loud cry of pain. Then, he saw a head emerging.

There had to be someone left alive, but two heads appeared on it. Highlight fired two shots left and right. One shot blew out one head, and then the second shot hit the hand holding the gun.

He accelerated and rushed forward, but at this moment, Gao Guang heard a clicking sound.

Gao Guang stopped his upward movement without hesitation. He bent down, then moved forward and then retreated. He stared at the top and began to move backward quickly.

That was the sound of a shotgun being loaded. The worst thing was that he couldn't see the enemy. Gao Guang really didn't dare to use his head to catch a shotgun.

At this time, Lei, who was extremely aggrieved and dared not say anything, finally found an opportunity to appear. His right hand was still dragging the gun, but his left hand had already held a shock bomb.

Gently throwing the shock bomb upwards with the ring pulled out, Lei held the shotgun with both hands. When a loud noise followed, he immediately said habitually: "Go!"

A figure appeared at the top of the stairs. She had long hair. She was a woman, but she was holding a shotgun. She appeared at the moment when the shock bomb exploded, so Lei subconsciously pulled the trigger and fired a shot. Got out.

The woman was beaten until she fell to the ground, and Gao Guang had jumped up again. He waved his pistol left and right, and after two shots, he shouted loudly: "Safe!"

There were four people on the second floor, three men and one woman. One man and one woman died, and two men were left.

Lei followed, and he said aggressively: "The shock bomb was not invented as a toy! Didn't you know how to throw a shock bomb before the assault? Shet!"

Lei was very angry, so he yelled fiercely, but he didn't even look at the woman he shot to death. He deliberately avoided the body.

Gao Guang looked at the two men shouting on the ground, and then at the woman who was shot in the heart, and then said: "Well done."

Lei let out a long sigh of relief.

Gao Guang touched Lei with his arm and said, "You killed a woman, but she was holding a gun and was about to fire, so don't have any inappropriate thoughts."

Lei said angrily: "I will not be angry because I beat a woman to death! In my eyes, there is no gender, only enemies, enemies!"

Gao Guang stretched out his hand and said, "Then why don't you dare to look at her? Look, she is very dangerous. She is a very dangerous enemy."

Lei was about to collapse, and he said to Gao Guang with extreme confusion: "Why are you telling me this now? Are you an idiot?"

Gao Guang pointed at the woman again and said, "This is a killer. You don't have to feel guilty. Look at the tattoo on her arm. She killed four people."


Lei immediately turned to look at the woman at the top of the stairs. This woman was wearing shorts and a tank top, lying face up, but she did have teardrop tattoos on her arms, and there were indeed four of them.

Lei let out a long sigh of relief, and said with relief: "She is actually a killer, and she is not beautiful, right?"

When Dimitris walked backwards to the second floor, he saw two people commenting on the corpse.

Demetrius hesitated for a moment, then coughed slightly and said, "Ahem, are you done?"

"Oh, sorry."

Gao Guang looked at the remaining two people. One was fully clothed and had a lower status. The other was only wearing underwear and should have been lying down to sleep, so he was the person with the highest status here.

Gao Guang pointed his pistol at the naked man and said, "Are you Edgar?"

"Who are you? Who are you! What do you want to do?"

Gao Guang said seriously: "Tell me first, are you Edgar?"

"You are dead!"

When the unclothed man started yelling, Gao Guang raised his gun slightly and shot the man who was wearing clothes and had been shot in the hand. The shot hit his arm.

The sudden shooting startled the yelling man, so he stopped yelling and just stared blankly at the highlight.

"I asked you your name, and you just told me your name. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

The boss spoke harshly, but it was the younger brother who was shot, so the younger brother immediately said: "Edgar is not here, he is not Edgar, not Edgar."

The younger brother spoke first, so Gao Guang turned to the man who was shot and said, "Where is Edgar?"

The younger brother said anxiously: "I don't know..."

The highlight was a shot, hitting the naked boss. This time he shot the leg.

The man without clothes hugged his legs and began to cry, and then he said urgently: "We have been summoned to wait here. If anyone comes to the door, we will kill him!"

Gao Guang asked curiously: "You are not Edgar, so this is not your home anymore? Why are you not wearing any clothes?"

The boss was a little hesitant. The younger brother was afraid of being shot, so he said anxiously: "This is Edgar's house. This woman is Edgar's woman. He is Edgar's most trusted subordinate."

Gao Guang looked at the undressed boss, then at the clothed younger brother, and then he said with a strange look on his face: "No, this relationship is not right, then what are you two doing here?"

Lei took a deep breath, and then he said shakily to Gao Guang: "Can you ask me anything useful?"

Gao Guang was shocked and asked, "You speak Spanish?"

Lei pulled out his pistol, shot the boss twice in the leg, and then said angrily: "Where is Edgar! Tell me!"

"Ah, you bastard..."

Gao Guang would shoot the other person he asked, which was called killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, but Lei felt it was unfair, and he had a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, so his choice was to shoot whoever he asked.

But the effect was quite good. The boss screamed twice and immediately said: "Edgar answered the phone and knew that something happened to the person sent to do it. Let us stay here and wait for someone to come and kill him. Then he He left by himself, I don’t know where he went!”

Gao Guang held the gun and didn't know who to ask. He frowned and said, "I don't think you told the truth, well..."

Gao Guang looked back and forth between the two people. He was hesitating who to hit, but the younger brother said anxiously: "He knows that he is Edgar's cousin, and Edgar trusts him the most!"

"I don't know, I really don't know!"

When the two people started shouting at each other, Gao Guang also said to Lei and Dimitris: "It seems that they are unwilling to say, who of you two is cruel, give them some cruelty, I can't do it, I am a human being The heart is kind and the hand is soft, and I can’t do it.”

Dimitris wanted to show off, but he remained silent in the end, while Ray looked at the highlight, and finally pointed the shotgun at the boss's feet angrily.

"If you don't tell me, I'll shoot you in the head one after another! Tell me!"

Lei Shouting spitted out, but the effect was not very good. At this time, Gao Guang could only look at his younger brother and said: "You give me a direction, and then you can leave. If you can't tell me, I will fight." Die to you."

The younger brother was stunned, and then said anxiously: "I know, I know! He must be hiding in... Chinatown, Edgar has a hiding place in Chinatown."

Gao Guang was helpless. He raised his hand and shot his younger brother directly to death.

Lei was stunned again. His anger level had reached its peak and he was about to explode.

Gao Guang pointed the gun at the boss and said angrily: "If you don't tell me, then go to hell. I have no patience anymore."

It is too difficult to maintain the image of a reckless man, and playing stupid also requires skills. Gao Guangming has obviously found a solution, but he still has to act stupid here, which is actually very hard.

But shooting someone without hesitation is really scary. Edgar's cousin finally gave in. His will collapsed in an instant, so he said without hesitation: "Edgar is in Chinatown. He is really In Chinatown.”

Gao Guang shrugged and raised his hand to shoot.

Lei couldn't bear it anymore. He stared at the highlight and said, "You killed the last living person, and you couldn't even ask where Edgar was. You, you bastard! Idiot!"

"Shut up, you rookie."

The chances of Ray being called a rookie are really rare.

Gao Guang waved his pistol impatiently and said: "There is a mature solution to this situation. This guy is not wearing clothes. Go find his clothes. His mobile phone is next to the clothes. Find it, unlock it with his finger, and then unlock it from He found Edgar’s phone number on his cell phone, asked the police to prepare, make a phone call to locate him, and then we went to find Edgar. For such a simple thing, you are really, alas, rookies.”

Lei was suddenly stunned because he found that this method seemed really simple and feasible.

Looking at the two people who fell into silence, Gao Guang suddenly said angrily: "Do you still want me to go through the clothes to find my mobile phone? Go quickly!"

Dimitris silently searched the room, then he walked out with a mobile phone, unlocked it, turned it on, and then he started to scroll through the phone numbers.

"Keep the screen on your phone from going dark, just watch the video, and let's go."

Gao Guang walked away carelessly with his pistol in hand. Lei needed to calm down, so he took a deep breath, exhaled, and then took another deep breath.

At this time, Dimitris patted Lei's shoulder, looked at Lei with sympathy and understanding, nodded to Lei, and followed Gao Guang away.

Ray suddenly smiled. He waved the shotgun helplessly, then exhaled and whispered: "Rookie, ha, I'm a rookie, okay, I'm a rookie! Fuck!"

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