Firepower is king

Chapter 581: Cognitive Early Warning

Just from the indoor shooting range to the indoor shooting training range, it is very close, just a stone's throw away, but the setting is very different.

There’s not much to say about the highlights.

After being around for so long and fighting so many battles, it would be abnormal if Gao Guang still hasn't gained confidence.

Confidence, super confidence, as long as you hold the pistol in your hand, Gao Guang has invincible confidence.

Moreover, Gao Guang knew that his marksmanship was beyond the limit of normal people, so as long as he hit casually and normally, it would be enough to break the understanding of all knowledgeable people.

In other words, highlights can destroy a person’s self-confidence.

The soldiers of the Phantom Force are generally young. Compared with a top special forces force, the age of the Phantom Force is relatively low.

For American special forces, there is a recognized golden age group between the ages of twenty-eight and thirty-two. At this age, human physical strength is still at its peak, but the mind has matured and the personality tends to be stable. It is the perfect combination of physical strength and experience. There are definitely differences in time periods, but this is generally the case.

High-light visual inspection showed that the members of the Phantom Army were generally under thirty years old, and at least half of the sixteen people looked to be in their mid-twenties or five-years-old.

Young and energetic, but also more vulnerable to attack.

Received a psychological blow.

Although Gao Guang may be the youngest person here, he knows what kind of impact his performance will have on people. Anyway, no one who has seen him use a pistol dares to say that he is a good pistol shooter. No one dares to say that they are good at close combat anymore.

What's more, Gao Guang didn't remember any of his acquaintances who dared to say that he was good at assault.

Standing at the entrance of the training ground, holding guns in both hands, Gao Guang warned Lei seriously.

"I'm going to start showing off, no, I'm going to start performing. You are responsible for the consequences."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang rushed into the room full of moving targets.

One fixed target and three movable targets that suddenly appear. They are the kind of targets that pop out suddenly and stay in place for up to a second before resetting. If you miss, it is a mistake and may be judged as a drill. Failure error.

This is a training center. Of course, there is only shooting training. It is a live-fire exercise at best. It is impossible to arrange live people as targets for Gao Guang.

Highlight knocked down the fixed target with one shot, and then he shot down all three movable targets that bounced up almost at the same time. The last one was a bit difficult, and Highlight almost missed, but he still hit it before the target was about to reset.

There was a exclamation from behind, but only one.

It is true that this is a combined assault and indoor shooting range training venue, but this kind of scene and target position are provided for assault team training, with at least four people. The extreme conditions of the exercise are also targets for a three-person assault team. Highlights can be shot by one person. .

But the most important thing is that this is Gaoguang's first time here, and he is unfamiliar with everything here. He doesn't even know how many target positions there are, let alone which angle the target will suddenly appear from.

It's so magical and unconventional.

The highlight passed through the door without a door panel. He used his habitual right hand to fire a shot to the left. Sure enough, there was a target in the corner, but his eyes were looking to the right. The gun in his left hand fired under his arm. He hit the target on the right, then he pulled back with both hands at the same time, raised both guns and fired at the same time, hitting the two targets that suddenly popped up at the same time after hitting the back door.

There are four targets again. This is a setting to cultivate the tacit understanding of the assault team. Each of the four assault team members has one target. It is indeed close to actual combat and simulates common scenarios in CQB operations, but it is not too difficult.

Of course, the difficulty is only for a four-man assault team. For a person holding two guns, this seems very fake.

Lei clenched his fists. He was a little excited and a little proud, because he could do it this time.

It was with the same skills and level as Gao Guang that Lei was qualified to become a pistol instructor at this training center.

But that won't work in the next room. Ray's limit is the third room, because six targets will pop up in this room.

Gao Guang ran into the third room. He was really stumped by the setting of the third room, because there were four targets on one side and two on the other side, and they were all moving targets.

Moreover, the targets are not lined up in a row. Although they are still generally arranged on both sides, shooting on both sides at the same time will still be interfered by your own body, unless you can go in in a circle and shoot within 1.6 seconds. Six targets.

Lei's limit is five targets, and he can't hit the sixth one. Even if he knows the location of any target and the order in which each target pops up, he can't hit it even if he can't hit it, even after four years of practice.

Ray raised his right hand.

Lei also had selfish motives. He just wanted to see if anyone could hit the six targets in the third room. These six targets could not be hit with a rifle, let alone a shotgun, and could only be hit with a pistol. And only those who can go beyond the limit of speed can defeat them all by themselves.

Gaoguang rushed in. He used a strange posture. He twisted his hips and leaned back, waving his arms violently and quickly. He hit six targets without any suspense or accident.


Lei Mengran waved his right hand. He was a little disappointed and felt empty in his heart, but he also felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

In any case, the third room that had troubled Lei for four years passed.

Lei suddenly felt like crying, but he didn't have any time to express his feelings because Gao Guang rushed into the fourth room.

Gao Guang used an M17, each gun had 17 bullets, and now he had used only 14 bullets, leaving 20 bullets, more than enough to hit the targets in the fourth room.

Lei just looked down out of inertia, because he knew that Gao Guang could not hit the fourth room.

There were eight targets in the fourth room, but the eight targets were located in eight directions, evenly arranged, two in front, back, left and right, and two targets were set side by side.

This was not something that one person could solve, and a four-man assault team could not solve it smoothly, because the four people would block each other's shooting range, so this room was not even a target that a four-man assault team could solve.

All eight targets were movable targets. Although the positions were fixed, the eight targets appeared at the same time, and there was only 1.4 seconds from ejection to retraction. It was impossible for one person to fire eight shots in a row.

The key is that even if a person moves fast, it is impossible to shoot in the four directions of front, back, left and right at the same time, so it is normal to fail here, and it is abnormal to pass, unless Gao Guang fired two shots at his body and let the bullets penetrate his body and hit the target.

But a miracle happened.

Why is Gao Guang good at fighting? No one dares to say that he is good at assaulting in front of him, because he always breaks through the limit and creates real miracles.

Gao Guang didn't know the setting of the fourth room, and he didn't ask. He just heard a click. It was the sound of the mechanical target popping out when it sounded at the same time in front, behind, left and right. He subconsciously made a big cross.

With his left leg in front and his right leg in the back, Gao Guang dropped his height sharply, and then he shot on the left side with his left hand and on the right side with his right hand, firing two shots each. Then he sat on the ground and leaned back with his upper body, swinging his arms in a sweeping motion with a long stick. He shot forward with his right hand without looking at it at all, tilted his head back, and pulled the trigger with his left hand. Two shots hit eight targets at the same time.

Luck, the last shot was a little out of control, but fortunately, the bullet hit the edge of the target, so Gao Guang still hit it.

There was a loud bang behind him, which was the sound of many people exclaiming at the same time, but Gao Guang had already turned a deaf ear to it. He jumped up and didn't have time to change bullets, and rushed straight to the fifth room.

At this point, Gao Guang knew that he couldn't rush down.

There were not enough bullets, and there were too many targets. He couldn't even see how many targets there were, and then the sound of failure finally sounded.


The sound was loud and sharp. Gao Guang fired four more shots in the last room, but he hit too many targets each time, and he couldn't hit them all.

Gao Guang put away the gun in a somewhat dismayed manner. He sighed, and then shook his head in annoyance.

There were five rooms like a string of candied haws, arranged in a straight line, each room was bigger than the other, and there were more targets than the other, but Gao Guang was very disappointed that he couldn't pass the level.

In fact, it wasn't particularly disappointing, but it was indeed a little disappointing.

Gao Guang turned his head and saw several people who followed him in regardless of the training regulations. Then he shrugged and said, "This is a bit difficult."

Lei's face was ashen. He walked up, stretched out his hand to take the pistol in Gao Guang's left hand, unloaded the magazine, and pulled the slide to eject a bullet from the chamber.

Gao Guang was also emptying the chamber, and then he grabbed a bullet in the air. When he handed the empty gun to Lei, he asked curiously, "How many can you shoot?"

Lei didn't say anything. He gave both pistols to the person next to him, then he lowered his head and pulled Gao Guang away.

Gao Guang walked past the sixteen people lined up to watch.

It should be that they were all defeated, otherwise it wouldn't be so quiet. Gao Guang was still confident about this, but he was half curious and half showing off and said, "How many can you shoot? Speak up, why is no one talking?"

Gao Guang was pulled away by Lei, knowing that they had completely withdrawn from this simplest and most difficult indoor shooting training ground, the sixteen dumbfounded people finally made a little sound.


Everyone's face was similar, all of them looked lost and absent-minded, but a soldier who didn't see it clearly said hesitantly, "Did I see it wrong, or was there something wrong with the target?"

His leader finally said, "Shut up."

Then there was silence for a long time.

Finally, someone sighed deeply.

A long sigh filled with desolation and loneliness, someone said in a lost state: "What are our training subjects today?"

"Indoor assault and shooting."

Then there was another silence.

Finally, someone broke the silence and said: "The guy just now was called Mad Dog, what did Mad Dog say just now?"

No one answered.

After another silence, someone finally said: "What are we doing?"

Still no one answered, finally, someone whispered: "Let's start training, today's training subjects are indoor assault and shooting."

No one spoke, a group of people walked out in a lost state, until they stopped again, and then someone said in a daze, "Mad Dog is serious, I thought he was joking, damn, he is serious, he is actually serious"

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