Firepower is king

Chapter 612: Means

It was impossible to show Mike's ability in the parking lot, but Gao Guang had to explain Mike's change.

"Coach, did you see the gunshot wound on Mike just now?"

The coach saw it, of course, and he was very surprised, but the gunshot wound is definitely a bad thing for an athlete, and it will never become a plus.

Gao Guang pointed at himself and said, "What do you think we do?"

Behind Gao Guang was his Bentley, and Mike stood beside him. These could not explain much, but Francesco and Ricardo stood behind the coach.

With this temperament and image, the answer is already obvious.

"You are gangsters, oh no, sorry, you are."

The coach wanted to find a beautified word, but he found that he couldn't find it.

Gao Guang shook his head and said seriously: "No, we are not gangsters. The work we do is much more dangerous than gangsters, but we are legal mercenaries."

The word mercenary is obviously more deterrent than PC.

The coach suddenly realized, and then he was even more frightened.

Gao Guang pointed at Mike again and said, "He is my bodyguard. He is responsible for protecting me. Coach, do you know what this means? This means that if he makes a mistake, he will die. Then look at his scars. Mike, take off your shirt." Mike took off his T-shirt. Gao Guang pointed at the three gun scars and said, "Coach, please look carefully. Two bullets in the chest and one in the stomach are fatal positions, but he survived. Why? Because he was wearing a bulletproof vest. The bullets hit the fatal position but failed to kill him. You may not know what this means. Let me tell you. This means that he appeared in the right position every time and blocked the bullet for me." Gao Guang motioned Mike to put on his clothes, so when Mike put on his T-shirt, Gao Guang continued, "Now you know what he has been doing in the past two years since he left the court. So, please imagine, if Mike is protecting the quarterback, what effect will it have?" The coach said a little confusedly, "This is not the same thing at all, and what you said is a bit too confusing. I don't understand it very well. Sorry, what do you want to express?" "I want you to see his sense of danger, There is also the instinct to protect the quarterback. And look at his physical data. After two years away from the court, he still maintains such a good body shape. What does this show? This shows that Mike is very self-disciplined!" After Gao Guang finished speaking excitedly, he took a step forward and put his hand on the coach's shoulder. Then he whispered: "Also, Mike has been training in fighting for the past two years, so he will gain weight. Do you understand what I mean? A running back with an explosive body who learned fighting and then returned to the field to play as a guard, where can you find such a person? Also, Mike has experienced too many battles. He was on the verge of death. After countless times, are you still worried that he can't control his temper? "

The coach took a deep breath, then he looked at Mike, his eyes looked a little alert, and whispered: "Mercenary?"

"Well, it's better to call him PC, PC is legal."

"Has he killed anyone? Oh, sorry..."

The coach felt that he asked a question that he shouldn't ask, but Gao Guang immediately said: "At least a dozen, South Africa, Baghdad, Mike is not a beast now, his realm is different from any player you have seen, he is a beast who has seen blood and eaten meat, do you understand what I mean?" Hurry.

The coach was silent, Gao Guang sighed: "Now we are rich and successful, we want to pursue our dreams, Mike's dream is to be a star, I have to realize his wish, so we came to the door and arranged this trial, train buddy, think about it, think about our background and strength, you are an eyewitness, you should be able to figure it out. \

,"Gao Guang is bragging, but the person who can expose him is definitely not here.

The coach stopped talking. He was thinking about why he was unlucky. He stayed after the training and hosted a tryout, and got into this kind of bad luck.

But Gao Guang had to make the coach feel that he was not unlucky, so he whispered: "One million dollars, I know it's nothing to you, but I am willing to give you one million dollars, as long as you can find a way to add a more formal tryout for Mike, give him a confrontation, give him a chance to train with the team, and give him a chance to protect the quarterback, man, think about it."

The coach opened his mouth, swallowed his saliva, and then he instinctively refused.

"You are bribing me, oh no, this won't work, I will lose my job, sir, I don't know you..."

There was a snap, that was the sound of the switchblade opening.

Gao Guang turned his head, the coach looked back, and then saw an open knife in Ricardo's hand.

Still with a cold expression, Ricardo did not raise the knife, but hid the knife behind him under Gao Guang's gaze.

"What are you doing!" Gao Guang was very angry. He shouted, "Do you know what kind of occasion this is? Bastard! Is this a matter of fighting and killing? I'm talking to this gentleman, why did you take out the knife?" Ricardo immediately lowered his head, put away the knife, and said respectfully to the coach, "Mr. Douglas Quinn, I'm sorry." No explanation, no extra words, but a very sincere apology and then Ricardo put away the knife.

Gao Guang laughed dryly at the coach and said, "I'm really sorry. He didn't mean anything else. Let's continue talking. Well, it's like this. You don't have to worry about losing your job after receiving this money. Of course I won't let him." This situation appears. In fact, we are very good at money laundering. Well, most of our income needs to be laundered. "

It's okay if you don't explain it, but the more you explain it, the worse it is.

But Gao Guang continued: "As a coach, your annual income is very high, so one million is just a small token of sincerity. Mr. Coach, we will never hurt you, threaten you, or intimidate you. I I just want to say that as long as you can give Mike a chance to show himself, this million is yours, and you don’t need to be responsible for letting him join the team. Do you understand this?”

If a person earns fifty thousand dollars a year, and you ask him to risk losing his job to earn ten thousand dollars, he will definitely not do it, but if you give him one million dollars, he will definitely dare to take the risk.

The coach is a bit troublesome because his annual income is indeed very high. One hundred and eighty thousand won't work. One million is indeed not that small, but the coach will not lose his job with an annual salary of one million just because of one million.

So Gao Guang had to dispel other people's concerns. He said confidently: "We will give you the money first and you will do the work later. As long as Mike can get a chance to perform, that's fine. How about that?"

Coercion and inducement, that's all.

The coach didn't see Mike's performance, but he felt that since Gao Guang was so sincere, Mike must be right.

"What if, I mean what if, what if I strongly suggest to the head coach to take a look at Mike's performance during training tomorrow, and the head coach agrees?"

"One million is yours."

"But what if he goes to training and doesn't perform well?"

Gao Guang smiled slightly and said: "That's his problem. We will never look for trial training opportunities again. Let's do this. To show sincerity, I will give you the price now. Do you want cash or transfer?"

"6 Well, I think it's better to get the money after the thing is done, but there is a problem. To do this, you must get the manager's permission."

Gao Guang immediately said: "We will let the manager agree, but the manager needs a suitable excuse and a recommendation from a professional like you. How about this, after the manager agrees, you and the manager recommend Mike to the head coach. ?\

,""That's okay, no problem, I agree."

Gao Guang nodded, and then he smiled and said: "Thank you for your understanding. Please rest assured that I will never let others know about this matter. Please believe in our business reputation. After all, let the manager know that I have to give you one million to let the manager know." Mike gets a second try out, which is bad for you and me."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang whispered to Riccardo: "I want Mr. Quinn to receive the money tonight. You give the cash to Mr. Quinn and send it home."

The coach just wanted to get out of the situation and then think about how to solve the problem. He could call the police or discuss it with the manager, but he felt that things were gradually getting out of control.

Having said that, one million is really a lot, why don't we wait until tomorrow to see what happens?

The coach's mind was changing, and then Gao Guang smiled and said, "Leave a phone number so we can contact you."

"Uh, uh, okay, leave a phone number."

There was no way out as soon as the phone was left, but now it seemed that there was no way out. The coach was worried and finally took out his mobile phone and said: "My number is..."

Gao Guang saved the number and said with a smile, "I'll take the coach back to the car."

"Oh, no, no, I'll go there by myself and then contact you. I think it's better to collect the money after the matter is completed. If it doesn't work, forget it. Well, don't worry, I will try my best. As long as you can persuade the manager to agree, I promise I will try my best... No, I promise the coach agrees to see how Mike performs. We have worked together for many years and have a good personal friendship."

Gao Guang smiled and said: "That's great, Riccardo, send Coach Quinn off for me."

Riccardo was enthusiastic, with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Quinn, please."

The coach and Riccardo left, but Mike scratched his head and said, "Is he willing to agree without even looking at my performance?"

Mike's IQ is not low, he is very smart, but it is obvious that his way of thinking is still a bit linear when it comes to solving this kind of thing.

Gao Guang whispered: "Is this something you can do if you perform well? Intimidation and threats come first, and inducements come later. As for your performance, that's not important."

Mike was stunned for a while, and then he whispered: "As long as I can get a trial training opportunity, it's worth one million. Boss, I'll pay for the one million!"

"Nonsense! Of course you paid for it, do I still have to pay this money for you?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang took a long breath and said: "We need to deal with the manager now. Well, the manager is not easy to deal with. They are richer and more famous than us, so coercion and inducement will not work. Let me think about it... …”

Gao Guang thought for a while, but didn't think of any good ideas, and he didn't expect Francisco and Mike to come up with any good ideas. Waiting for Riccardo to come back, he said without hesitation: "The cooperation was good just now. The timing of the attack is just right, now help me figure out how to deal with the manager without letting us get the blame."

Riccardo said without hesitation: "This is very simple, please leave it to me."

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