Firepower is king

Chapter 620 Shooting Club

There was some reluctance when I came last time, but this time I came again. Although I was urged to come, who told King's Defense to really continue to strengthen their training, so I came back this time with great willingness.

There was no welcome ceremony at all, and the King's Defense arrived silently.

"This is your team?"

Colonel Magers was a little surprised when he met all the members of King's Defense for the first time, because the image of King's Defense may have some problems now, it just doesn't look that powerful, and it doesn't look like it can fight particularly well.

It turns out who is standing next to Gao Guang, they are Mike, Paul, and Francisco, and behind him is John. Let’s not talk about his combat ability, but at least his size. Although John is a little shorter, he is strong.

Whoever is standing next to Gao Guang now, Francisco's height and weight are all right, but Dimitris looks like an ordinary person. With Riccardo, he is handsome, but he is not much fatter than Gao Guang. , overall the image of this team is a bit unsatisfactory.

David, in particular, lowered the image score of the entire team. He was still lame even though he was old. He was still ugly even though he was lame. He didn't even carry a gun to poke at anything. He looked very annoying.

But after Colonel Magers stayed on David for a moment, he looked at David for a long time as if he was fixed by a magnet. Then he suddenly said with a look of surprise: "It's you!"

David's face was still expressionless, but Gao Guang said in surprise: "Do you know each other?"

"do not know."

David and Colonel Magers said in unison, and then Colonel Magers said quickly: "I don't know him, but I have heard of him. Now I know why his identity is kept secret."

The king's defense bag contained a lot of things, and Mags didn't have anything to say. He said to Gao Guang: "Your residence is still arranged far away. Only there is a phone there to contact the outside world. Other people's dormitories have been arranged. Okay, do you think this arrangement is okay in the soldier’s dormitory for full members?”

It was impossible to live together. Just because of the need to communicate with the outside world, Gao Guang also had to live alone, so he immediately said: "No problem."

"Okay, let Lei send you there, and put your things away first. Regarding your training content, you and Lei will communicate with each other. As long as it can satisfy you, we will try our best to satisfy you."

There's not much to say, it's fine for now.

Gao Guang went to check it out. The dormitory of the Phantom Army was quite good. There were two people per room, complete facilities, and quite a large space. It was not at all the six-person or eight-person room he thought.

The two of them were in one room, and after settling in, they started to make a training plan. But at this point, there were too many things to study.

Let’s first pull out Riccardo and Lin Nianzu. They basically have zero basic knowledge. If they want to practice, they have to start from the most basic ones.

Talking to Lei was much easier. Gao Guang pointed at the two of them and said, "Both of them are complete novices. How can you practice?"

Lei's brows were already frowning, because training two pure novices is not difficult for a special forces training camp, but there are only two people, and they have to be assigned a special coaching staff, which seems a bit... Too extravagant.

But if Riccardo and Lin Nianzu were to train with other students, they would definitely not be able to keep up.

Lei frowned and thought for a moment, then he whispered: "Not everyone can be a special soldier. It depends on overall quality, physical condition, and skill base. This..."

Gao Guang immediately said: "They don't have to be special forces. At least when they get to the battlefield, they won't know nothing and can't do anything."

A little embarrassed, but for the sake of the money, Lei gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I will find suitable instructors based on their situations, and when you leave, I will ensure that they will be qualified soldiers. ”

Gao Guang took a step forward and said in a low voice: "You're welcome. Although you can't practice to death, as long as you don't die, the standard can be set higher. It doesn't matter if you can't reach it, but you have to try."

He said that it was not necessary to train to become a special soldier, but he was required to train to death. Lei somewhat despised Gao Guang's inconsistency, but he still nodded and said: "Okay, I understand."

Gao Guang said with a smile: "What about parachute training?"

"You can start when all your people meet the requirements. I think maybe you should also receive some basic training. Skydiving is still very dangerous. You can't expect someone to take you to jump with you every time."

Gao Guang's expression changed slightly, because his first skydiving experience was not a good one at all, so Lei's suggestion still made sense, and he had to follow and practice from the basics.

Highlights do not require everyone in King's Defense to have the ability to specialize in parachuting. There is no such thing as jumping high and flying low, or jumping low and flying low. As long as you can land safely after jumping out of the plane.

If the requirements are high, the price will be high. Thinking about the terrifying experience of jumping high and driving low, Gao Guang feels that it is better to be lenient to yourself.

"Well, it will be fine if we can all skydive together in the end. It doesn't have to be night skydiving or anything like that."

Lei nodded, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Okay, maybe we can go to the colonel's office to study the training plan in detail."


This Mags and Lei, they are a bit thin-skinned after all, and they actually want to avoid others and talk about business.

Anyway, everyone has settled down. Gao Guang said to everyone in King's Defense: "You guys take a rest first. Instructor Lei and I will study the training content. That's it."

Gao Guang and Lei left the soldiers' dormitory, and on the way back to Mags' office, the two of them were waiting for the other to speak first.

They pull each other off, and whoever speaks first loses.

We are almost at Maggs' office, and if we don't talk now, it will be even harder to talk about it.

In the end, Gao Guang looked like he had just remembered it, and then mentioned it casually, as if nothing had happened and said: "Oh, by the way, did Laura go to training?"

I don’t believe that you kid didn’t take the initiative. Lei felt very happy in his heart. Then he looked like he just remembered it and said nonchalantly: "Lola? Oh, she, she went to train."

As they were about to enter the office building, Gao Guang said nonchalantly: "I'm here this time, so I have to calm down and practice my marksmanship. Sniper training should also be put into the schedule. Well, Laura will still be my assistant shooter. Is it right?"

"This depends on the instructor's arrangement. We have many excellent snipers, but if you just want to cooperate with Laura, well, there should be no problem."

The two people entered the office building while talking, knocked on Mags' office door, and then Gao Guang and Lei walked in together.

Mags looked a little uncomfortable. He coughed lightly and said, "Are you settled so quickly?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Yes, it's settled."

Of course Gao Guang knew what Mags was expecting. He stepped forward, took out a card from his pocket, and placed it on the table. Then he whispered: "This is a bank card from the British Big Scum Bank. There is a deposit of five million US dollars, and I am responsible for the handling fees.”

Magus stretched out his hand to cover the card, but he did not pull it back immediately. Instead, he looked at the highlight, with a strange expression on his face.

How could Highlight make Mags feel embarrassed? He took out a pile of cards from another pocket, placed them in front of Mags, and continued: "There are five more cards here, each card contains a hundred Wan, they are all anonymous, and you can withdraw money with the password. I wrote the password on the back of the card. Well, if you want to change the password, please do not do it at the teller machine in the United States. It is best to do it when you go to the UK for vacation. "

Mags looked at the highlight and finally whispered: "Thank you."

Gao Guang smiled and said: "You're welcome, it's just a little effort."

Ten million dollars is not something that can be easily obtained, but this cannot be said. Mags smiled at Gao Guang. He picked up the card and looked at the back. Then he raised his eyebrows and said, "Twelve-digit password? It's very complicated. ”

"It's better to be more complicated. It's all random numbers and letters. You'd better write it down. As long as you know the account and password, you can withdraw money at any time, so this card is actually not of much use."

Always explain the instructions for use. After Gao Guang finished speaking in a low voice, he said to Mags: "For safety, the convenience level has to be reduced, so if you want to withdraw money, it is best to go to Dazha Bank, but if you want to If you want to withdraw small amounts, it is not impossible. The British service is very good. When the time comes, open a few small accounts at the Dazha branch in the United States and withdraw money as you please. But do not use this main account in the United States. If it is inconvenient for you , I’ll have someone do it for you later to ensure safety, the CIA and the Mexican drug lords are doing this, uh, you understand what I mean?”

Mags took a breath and said, "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, Maggs picked up a bank card and said to Lei: "Lei, come here."

Lei stepped forward, and Mags held up a card clearly and said: "Your share."

Lei looked a little embarrassed when he took it. He looked at it first, and then took the card. He didn't put it on immediately after taking it, but saluted Mags and said, "Thank you, sir."

Then Lei said to Gao Guang: "Thank you."

One look and it was clear that Mags and Ray had never done this before. This was not good. The fireworks were too strong and the movements were too obvious.

Gao Guang said helplessly: "Don't salute, don't say anything, you have to move quickly, be hidden, and speak with skill. You have to say this is the thing you left me last time, and I picked it up. I’ll give it back to you, or you said I have a shooting club membership card, did you leave it here for me?”

Both Mags and Ray's eyes widened, and then they nodded in unison.

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "In short, don't talk about money or bank cards. Do you understand what I mean? Nowadays, technology is so advanced. Who knows if there are any cameras nearby? You should be careful at any time. There will be more of this kind of thing in the future, you’d better master these little skills.”

Mags nodded, and then he said with emotion: "Understood, um, Lei, go and invite them over, one by one."

Knowing that the highlight was coming, Mags and the others were eagerly awaiting it.

Ray went out, and after a moment an officer came in.

Mags said calmly: "Last time we went shooting together, I picked up a shooting club membership card. Do you think it's yours?"

Mags picked up a card, and the officer took it, and then he said excitedly: "It's mine, thank you, sir."

The money was given by Gao Guang and given by Mags, so Mags asked Gao Guang to be present to witness it. This was also the face of the two of them.

Then the officer said to Gao Guang: "Thank you."

The process of each one is similar. Everyone comes in with a set of words. What Mags picked up were shooting club membership cards, and there was no need to change them.

When the last person took the card, Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Actually, we can change the reason. If we continue like this, we will really become a shooting club."

Mags was silent for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Actually, it wouldn't be a problem to set up a shooting club, right?"

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