Firepower is king

Chapter 626: It’s easy, it’s easy!

Lei's education level and experience made him disbelief in the so-called consecration, but the high-gloss gun was too accurate.

Lei's cognition has been impacted, and his outlook on life has quietly changed, but now, his spiritual world has also been polluted, but he doesn't know it yet.

It's just that one ceremony leads to another ceremony, nothing else. If this makes people kneel down and shout for consecration, then that's over.

After struggling for a while, he finally felt that firing all his guns was too contrary to his common sense. Lei finally changed the topic with great regret.

"Mad Dog, it's time for us to practice today."

Today is not only a big day for the rookie trio, but also a big day to clean up the Kings defense. They have been training for a month, and it is also time to test the quality of the Kings defense. ,

"Okay, let's get started."

There is nothing to say. After completing this small ceremony, the exercise should have started. This was all planned.

Moreover, today's exercise is a big event. Although the highlights are not impressive, Mags has been looking forward to it for a long time.

All the members of Gao Guang and the rookie trio came to the exercise venue. The single stone house that Gao Guang had practiced before was the content of this exercise. As long as the target was not captured alive or killed, then accordingly, the phantom troops The task is just to kill or capture the target alive.

Gao Guang happily designated Laura as the target of protection, so the target of the phantom army's attack was Laura. Then they also gave Laura a white headscarf to wear as a marker.

The stone house is isolated in the mountains, with no cover around it. Gao Guang and the others can just wait inside and wait to be attacked. However, Mags and Lei did not appear on the attacker's side, that is, the phantom troops. They stayed directly with Gao Guang. together.

It just needs to be seen closely to be intuitive.

"Are you ready? Start when you're ready."

Mags seemed a little excited, and he didn’t know why he was so excited because it was just a drill. But although Gao Guang was puzzled, he still said: "Do we have any restrictions? For example, we can't shoot in advance and can only be passive in the room." Getting beaten or something.”

Magus waved his hand and said: "There are no restrictions. You can fight however you want. Any scenario that may occur in actual combat is reasonable!"

The highlight was not polite, he smiled and said: "Okay, no problem, let's get started."

Mags picked up the walkie-talkie and said calmly: "The exercise begins."

There are six of them in total, including Laura, they are seven.

Highlights: Among the six of them, Carlos is a doctor and has little fighting ability. Dimitris's fighting ability is questionable, but the remaining four are considered one by one. They are all at the top level.

The problem lies here, Patrick has a machine gun, David fires freely, and Francisco holds a shield and sticks it at the door, waiting for the phantom troops to attack upwards. This exercise is not easy to handle.

It was just an exercise, but it was still a big scene. Four helicopters flew over with a roar. Since Magus said that he could attack as he pleased without any restrictions, of course he had to strike first.

David didn't go out, so he started to fire at the people who were landing on the ground through the window. It was just a few shots. The people who had just left the helicopter door started to smoke in the air, which meant that they were shot on the way to the ground. died.

Lei couldn't help it anymore. He whispered: "According to the exercise settings, two of our four helicopters are armed helicopters accompanying us for protection. If you fight like this, you will be attacked by the armed helicopters."

"You can't say that. If you want to set it up, why don't you just blow up this house with a bomb? If it doesn't blow up, then it definitely can't blow up."

Amid the conversation between Gao Guang and Lei, the first attack ended in a disastrous defeat for the phantom troops. There were two eight-man groups in total. Six people were killed during the rappel process. After landing, Patrick killed four of them with a round of fire before they could start. Regardless of whether it was normal or an exercise, the attacker must have failed at this point.

Gao Guang didn't even have a chance to take action, and the first round of exercises ended in the failure of the phantom troops.

Mags didn't say anything. He just quietly directed the two groups to attack in the second round. He had to be careful this time and don't forcefully land in someone's yard. ,

So the second round of exercises was much more normal.

It must be admitted that the phantom troops are really strong. They even deployed snipers this time. When David opened fire again, he was hit by an aerial sniper. Smoke started coming from his body and the weapon could not fire, so he quit the exercise.

But Patrick was different. He moved his position to the back of the room so that his position would not be exposed. Then when the attacker started throwing smoke bombs wildly, he opened fire and sealed the room with a machine gun. The door, no one can rush in.

This is also a normal situation. The battle has already begun. The defensive side's machine gunners must use machine guns to seal the door if there are smoke bombs at the door and smoke bombs in the house.

But this time Patrick's lockdown time was too long, and it was abnormally long.

Normally, the machine gun you carry around has a 100-round bullet chain. It would be normal to have no more than 200 rounds, or 250 rounds. But Patrick kept firing. He didn't need to change bullets, and he fired a full round. Eight hundred rounds of bullets were enough for the people inside to throw out the smoke bombs thrown in. Then, when the people outside were caught off guard, Gao Guang and Francisco took the initiative to attack, carrying a large shield, right at the entrance of the house. After a random beating, they killed all the sixteen attackers, and once again won this round of drills.

The Phantom Troopers' helmets are very good, and their thermal imaging can penetrate smoke. However, the reason for their failure this time was that they failed to break through Patrick's machine gun blockade. They judged that the shooting should be interrupted several times and forced an attack. In the end, they were hit by the machine gun again. Come back.

So this time someone was dissatisfied.

"Stop! Wait a minute!"

Lei was very angry. He said to Patrick: "Although this is an exercise, please follow the rules. What kind of machine gun can fire continuously? This is not a Maxim water-cooled machine gun that fires eight hundred bullets continuously. Are you crazy?" ?”

Patrick looked at Lei, he spread his hands and said with a serious face: "I use a bullet backpack, which can feed a thousand rounds continuously, and then my gun will not explode after being fired."

Ray was angry, and Mags was also unhappy. He frowned and said, "Bullshit."

Patrick did not flinch. He said with a proud face: "I fired more than 600 rounds of bullets in South Africa. I fired continuously. The barrel of the gun was red, but it just didn't explode. I know my gun. My gun doesn't explode." It will hurt me!"

This is too idealistic and a bit too much.

Blank ammunition is used for exercises, but it is equipped with a laser system to simulate actual combat to the greatest extent. However, because it is a blank ammunition, it lacks the huge heat generated by the friction between the warhead and the barrel, so the machine gun will not jam after firing a thousand rounds. , but firing live ammunition, such non-stop shooting, without even a break to change bullets, the barrel of a gun with four or five hundred rounds will be absolutely red, and the barrel of a thousand rounds should have melted. It would be strange if the barrel does not explode. .

But this is Patrick's understanding, and if this happens in actual combat, he must be trying his best to blow up the barrel but also use continuous firepower to block the door, so it cannot be said that his choice is wrong.

When common sense collides with reality, the only option left to the exercise director is to take action.

Mags didn't want to argue with Patrick. He waved his hands and said, "That's it this time. Next time, your continuous shooting cannot exceed four hundred bullets."

"A thousand shots!"

"No gun can shoot like this. Even if you can change the barrel, it will take time. You can't shoot like this."

"A thousand rounds is absolutely fine, but four hundred rounds is unreasonable."

"Hell! Do you dare to shoot a machine gun that fires a thousand rounds in a row? You will be hit all over your face by the blown parts!"

Ray was a little angry, but Patrick said firmly: "You are talking about an ordinary gun. My gun will not treat me like this. Last time, the barrel of my gun was a little bent and I had to replace the barrel, but the gun There is no problem with the main part, I still use it well. ”

Mags felt that he had to be fair, and he said calmly: "Hello, soldier, you are an excellent machine gunner. I believe you have a basic understanding and knowledge of machine guns. Now we have to talk about science. You It’s impossible to say that a machine gun allows you to fire a thousand rounds continuously.”

When shooting a machine gun, it is usually a combination of short bursts and long bursts. If the shooting interval is long enough, then it is no problem to shoot several thousand rounds of bullets. However, if you hold the trigger tightly, you can shoot up to two to three hundred rounds before the barrel starts to smoke. Yes, it will definitely turn red after firing five hundred rounds of bullets. If it fires a thousand rounds in a row, the barrel of the gun will probably melt and bend.

If there is no other way, it is normal to continue shooting with the red-hot and deformed barrel. Some cases cannot be ruled out. Even if the barrel is bent, the chamber will not explode. However, the exercise must take a normal value, and the average value.

Mags made a concession and waved his hand: "Four hundred rounds is a bit too little, so six hundred rounds is fine. You can only shoot six hundred rounds in a row at most, and then you have to replace the barrel or change the machine gun."

Patrick was silent for a moment. When Ray thought that Patrick had agreed to this actually very loose condition, Patrick suddenly said: "No! I refuse to accept this unreasonable precondition."

Lei's eyes widened and he said, "Unreasonable? Six hundred rounds is still unreasonable?"

"Other guns won't work, but my gun will work, because my gun has been fired, and you obviously didn't take this variable into account when you preset the conditions for the exercise. This is unfair."

It is said that Germans are very stubborn, but Gao Guang has never felt that Patrick is stubborn, until now, Gao Guang finally sees it.

Patrick said firmly: "My bullet backpack has a thousand rounds of bullets, and my gun can withstand continuous shooting of a thousand rounds. Even if my gun will be completely useless later, you can't deprive me of firing a thousand rounds continuously." ability, so I refuse to accept your preconditions.”

Mags was confused. He looked at Lei, and then said with a puzzled face: "Can you tell me, what is consecration?"

Lei was silent for a long time, and finally said with a solemn expression: "An ancient witchcraft from the East."

Mags clearly didn't understand, and Ray continued: "Mad Dog presided over and performed the blessing ceremony."

Mags was even more confused. He looked at Gao Guang and said, "Are you serious?"

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