Firepower is king

Chapter 633: No accidents

If you defeat the second, you will become the second. If you defeat the first, you will become the first. This logic is very simple and basically correct.

I just don’t know whether the Trident counts first or second. The Navy says the Trident must be number one, and the Army says the butter knife is number one. But no matter what, if you defeat the Trident, you are at least second. It’s definitely true.

Never mind that there are so many things that are good or not, and don't talk about real strength. The outcome is determined by an exercise, and this time the Phantom will win.

Even luck was on Phantom's side. A coin was tossed to determine attack and defense. Magus won, so he chose to defend first.

For defense, you can hide the shield and don't use it for now, and then hit them hard later.

According to the rules, the attackers had half as many people. If the Phantom had eight people, the Trident would have sixteen people. With just that few people, it was not enough for one magazine.

The venue is a two-story building. The Phantom Force has never been here, and Trident will not come. Although Trident is selected from the SEALs, the SEALs are very big and have many bases. Even if there is this base After entering Trident, it is impossible for everyone to be familiar with the venue.

Anyway, as long as it's not the kind of venue where you can just run around with your eyes closed, if you're really familiar with it to a certain extent, it can really improve your combat effectiveness. ,

The mask was a little uncomfortable, and Gao Guang rubbed his chin with the back of his hand.

The Phantom Force is a special force of the military. Military troops generally do not wear masks, either without camouflage or directly with camouflage paint.

Police special forces like to wear masks, so in the eyes of many military special forces, those who wear masks are unprofessional, at least not as professional as them. The Phantom Forces basically hold the same prejudice, and they don't like to wear masks. .

But now, all members of the Phantom Force are equipped with black masks.

Why, it's not because the high-gloss light cannot show the face, so this time the Phantom Troops are all in black, with black clothes and black masks. They don't have the style that a military should have.

Gao Guang seemed to hear a sound. The whirring of the helicopter rotors was quite loud. If he heard this sound indoors, it meant that the enemy was very close.

I don't know how Trident will launch an attack. Logically speaking, their routine is similar to that of the Phantom Force. They just use helicopters to be sent directly to the training ground and then launch an attack directly. It is impossible to take them by surprise. To fight is to fight hard.

"The enemy has landed!"

Lei couldn't help shouting.

Everyone could directly see that in the open space less than fifty meters away from the exercise ground, a Black Shadow helicopter landed directly on the ground. Then people jumped out on both sides of the cabin, and then quickly lined up in two columns and headed directly towards He rushed over to the training ground.

Logically speaking, you can attack at this time, but this exercise is an indoor battle, so Gao Guang and the others can't attack even if they look at it. They must wait for the Trident team to get close, or at least break through, before they can open fire.

Two columns of four quickly approached and posted themselves on both sides of the entrance.

"Where's the other group? Where's the other group?"

The senior officials couldn't help but ask, but Lei said nervously: "I don't know, they may want to surround us from front to back."

The training ground is a two-story building. Highlight and they can choose their defensive positions at will. However, in order to take full advantage of Highlight, the personnel cannot be dispersed. That is, eight people are guarding the lobby on the first floor, facing a broken wooden door. defense.

With a bang, the broken door panel was directly blown to pieces. At the same time as the door panel was shattered, an unknown number of shock bombs, grenades, and smoke bombs were thrown in together.

The grenades couldn't be real, but the shock bombs were the real deal, and there were also smoke bombs. When Gaoguang heard the dull loud noise in his ears, the smoke had quickly occupied all the space.

Regardless of martial ethics, I knew that smoke grenades would greatly interfere with the lasers emitted by the countermeasures system used in the exercise. If I used smoke grenades, it basically means that it is impossible to shoot within the smoke.

But the enemy's figure can be seen clearly, and the high-tech helmet Gao Guang wears can clearly see the enemy's figure.

"Back off!"

There was no way to shoot, and the enemy's attack was extremely fast. Lei shouted and retreated, and the eight men quickly retreated in an unscientific and dense formation.

The living room has been filled with smoke, so they can only retreat to a place where there is no smoke. While the phantom troops were retreating quickly, a team member who was paying attention to the whole process suddenly cursed angrily.


Before he could finish speaking, a puff of smoke came out of the speaker's head, and he was hit.

Gao Guang turned around and saw two team members behind him firing together. Red smoke quickly appeared from the body of a man who fell in mid-air.

Trident actually arranged for a helicopter to rappel directly through the window, hang the person in the air and beat him, and he didn't come down from the roof, but started beating him directly on the helicopter.

This move is amazing, this move is really amazing. The troops who dare to play like this, let alone actual combat, will have casualties even during practice. The number of deaths may not be high, but the number of injuries due to training is definitely high. Scary.

is this necessary? Is it necessary to hang people on a helicopter, swing them up, and open fire after breaking the windows? It's not the third brother, why do you use this acrobatic attack method?

Of course, the third brother can't do such a powerful trick, but the trident's fighting method is indeed a bit too juggling.

Gao Guang only had a moment to think, but the situation took a sharp turn. The Trident was hanging two people in the air. One was shot dead, but the other fired directly from the window, and shot the team member in front of Gao Guang into smoke.

They were all good at shooting, and they were all too good. It was impossible for the two sides to shoot dozens of bullets and not decide the winner.

The Trident people were also shot one by one in the air, but the Phantom troops also shot one by one when they shot the people hanging in the air. They just switched, there was no other possibility.

The Trident's attack came from the sky and directly stopped the Phantom in place for a short moment, but in such a short moment, the enemy who attacked from the main gate arrived.

The smoke was too thick for the laser to penetrate, but the smoke would be thin to a certain extent.

To be honest, the Trident is really strong. In just three seconds of the first encounter, the Phantom troops were already visible, and the Trident's winning rate increased greatly.

But this was an exercise, and the Phantom troops had cheats.

Gao Guang faced the smoke. He saw someone rushing out. When he could vaguely see a human figure, he opened fire when he saw the smoke being disturbed by the airflow driven by the rushing person and gushing forward.

Just one shot, nothing else.

The exercise setting was that everyone wore bulletproof vests, and the same laser receiving point at the torso was hit three times in a row to be considered a kill, but he only had one shot in the head, and one shot could kill.

So now it was a sharpshooter's headshot against each other. The teammates who were killed and left the exercise just now were all shot in the head, and the two opponents on the helicopter were also shot in the head.

But Gao Guang was the most professional in headshots, and he would not shoot anywhere else now.

One by one, three of them stopped in front of Gao Guang, blocking Gao Guang's shooting range, and then Gao Guang could only give way, because the human body would hinder the laser, and the opponent who was shot would not really fall down, so he could only move himself to find the shooting range.

Turning sideways, Gao Guang fired a shot next to an opponent's head, and Gao Guang killed the opponent who rushed to him less than two meters away.

A four-person team has been solved.

There were footsteps from upstairs. The opponent landed from the roof. They had entered the room. There were at least six people. They were coming down from upstairs.

Two were hanging outside, but there might be more.

Eight people came in from the main door. Four died, which means there were still four.

In such a small space and with so few people, the Trident actually had to launch a three-dimensional attack and surrounded the people to fight. Moreover, there was really no dead angle. It really achieved a pincer attack from the front and back.

It's amazing. You don't know until you try it. You'll be shocked when you hit it. The Trident is better than the Phantom. You really can't deny it.

The Phantom has been blocked in a small space. If this is a real battle, he can't stop the continuous grenades thrown at him, but this is an exercise. Gao Guang's existence is unsolvable. ,

As long as there is no smoke, Gao Guang raised both hands. He moved sideways like a crab, and his teammates filled both sides. They shrank their heads one by one, fearing that it would affect his shooting range.

A man came down the stairs, Lei fired two shots, and then he died, but his two shots also killed the opponent. This was a real exchange. If it was an actual battle, both of them would be shot at the same time, and it would depend on who had better protection.

I have never met an opponent of this level before. Gao Guang did not have a chance to fire for the time being, but he was not in a hurry, because he knew that the enemy must attack at the same time.

Sure enough, Lei replaced one, and two people rushed out of the smoke at the same time. Gao Guang estimated the distance, and then he finally fired, and two shots showed that two people were standing there again.

It would be a hindrance if the person was hit but did not fall. Gao Guang turned his attention to the left. Two people came down the stairs, one was killed by his teammate, and Gao Guang shot the remaining one with one shot.

There was an empty space in front of Gao Guang, and the person who was shot had to stand, but someone immediately replaced the empty space, so Gao Guang still had people around him, and he was still surrounded in the middle.


This was someone from the Trident who couldn't help but curse. Although it was an exercise, it was still very annoying to fight like this.

Fortunately, he only cursed. If he said anything else, he would be judged as a violation.

And this person cursed to cover his comrades' attack. Gao Guang found that the people of Trident were not good birds. Some people cursed to cover the sound of throwing grenades.

The grenade was thrown from the upper floor. Gao Guang's teammate on the left rushed up without hesitation, because kicking it away would also be considered an explosion. Only by rushing up could the damage of the grenade be blocked.

After waiting for a while, two more rushed out of the smoke. Gao Guang shot two shots. The two killed by him also knocked out his last cover, but it didn't matter. None of the eight people who came in from the main gate were left. The two-way attack of Trident has now been completely knocked out.

Gao Guang pointed his two guns at the stairs, and then he whispered: "Back off, back off."

Gao Guang took the initiative to retreat into the smoke. When he retreated, the opponents on both sides who were shot and could not move, their bodies tightly pressed against the wall, and then stared at Gao Guang with angry eyes and slowly retreated from in front of them.

The smoke affects both sides, but now the smoke has become Gao Guang's protection. If he retreats to a place with thicker smoke, Trident can only wait for the smoke to dissipate before attacking.

Trident launched another attack, and three people ran down the stairs, two in front and one behind. One of Gao Guang's last protectors was immediately shot and smoked. Although Gao Guang only hit one, all three of the opponents fell.

Gao Guang couldn't help but whistle. There was no one left. All sixteen members of Trident were wiped out. The whole battle lasted less than a minute. The result of the exchange between the two sides was that Phantom won.

Sure enough, a voice rang out from Gaoguang's headphones, and an unfamiliar voice said without emotion: "The first round is over, Phantom wins."

"Fake! What is this?"

Some losers couldn't help but cursed and questioned, but a calm voice immediately said: "Shut up."

Don't complain if you lose. The conditions are equal. If you are not convinced, see you in the next round.

The speaker of the Trident was right in front of Gao Guang. He took a step forward, then stared at Gao Guang, and said in a deep voice: "I remember you, and I will kill you first next time!"

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