Firepower is king

Chapter 637: Going first

There are some things that outsiders will never know unless the parties involved tell them.

Gao Guang was really curious about what happened next that night, but unfortunately, if nothing else happened, he would never know what happened between the trident and the butter knife in his life.

After returning from the exercise, Gao Guang rested normally, got up normally the next day, and trained normally.

Gao Guang felt that this matter had passed easily. If Mags didn't plan to have another drill with Butter Knife, then nothing would happen to him in the future.

But what happened last night was indeed a great inspiration to Gao Guang. Since the effect of the exercise on improving combat effectiveness is so obvious, after the exercise with Trident, Mags immediately discovered certain flaws in the phantom troops. After recognizing the gap with the Trident Force, the King's Defense should also conduct more exercises with the Phantom Force.

Even though the three rookies haven't come out yet, they have to be added to the three and then conduct an exercise with the King's Defense fully equipped.

So Gao Guang planned to let Riccardo and the others come out first. We will know if it works or not by testing.

But just as Gao Guang was about to leave, the landline phone in his room rang. Gao Guang heard the ringing sound outside the door and returned to the house as quickly as possible and grabbed the phone.

"Hello there."

"it's me."

It was General Lloyd's voice. Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "General, are you calling for something urgent?"

"It's not an emergency, it's a big deal. What did you do last night?"

"I, I, I participated in a drill, but how did you know?"

"How do I know, how do I know? Ha, ha!"

Lloyd's sneer made Gao Guang feel shuddering. Then, he heard Lloyd say quietly: "The Admiral called me last night and asked me where you were. I said you were recuperating in the hospital."


Gao Guang couldn't believe his ears, and then he said in shock: "What is he looking for me for?"

"I don't know what he wants from you but to have the Admiral call at six in the morning, I guess there must be something important. More importantly, he sounds angry."

Gao Guang said in a daze: "He knows me? Is the admiral your business friend?"

Lloyd did not answer Gao Guang's question. He just continued: "At eight o'clock this morning, there was news that I shouldn't know but someone intentionally informed me. During an exercise conducted early this morning, the butter knife A great victory over the Trident. The two special combat teams of the Trident attacked the Butter Knife with eight plastic shields and were completely wiped out during the exercise."

Gao Guang didn't know what to say, he didn't know anything about the eight-sided shield, the butter knife and the trident drill, so he was really confused now. ,

"The strongest special forces of the Navy and the strongest special forces of the United States have now become a laughing stock. If you lose, you lose, and you lose in an embarrassing way. Mad dog, don't say it has nothing to do with you!"

Gao Guang took a deep breath and said: "What does this have to do with me? General, you have to be reasonable. What does this have to do with me? I, I did help Phantom in an exercise last night, but after I finished He left, I don’t even know what happened.”

"How did Butter Knife know that Trident would use a shield, so they prepared two M2 heavy machine guns and two M82 Barrett anti-material rifles for the indoor combat exercise? Mad dog, do you dare to say that this has nothing to do with you?"

"It really has nothing to do with me!"

Lloyd sighed deeply and said: "The Army Commander began to trumpet this victory. Now the Navy is really going crazy. No, I was wrong. The Navy has gone crazy, and the Admiral Ask me directly if you participated in the exercise for Phantom, I don’t know what happened now, mad dog, but you’d better tell me clearly!”

"This phone call is being monitored. Is it okay to say that?"


"Okay, let me tell you, I played a game for Phantom last night, and we won, but the way we won was a little special. We used four shields...\

,"Gao Guang told exactly what happened, but he only talked about the drill, not what Mags did.

But the answer was ready to come out. After listening to Gao Guang's words, Lloyd understood what had happened almost immediately.

"I understand, you helped Phantom defeat Trident last night. Trident felt that it could not fail like this, but they did not seek revenge from Phantom, but instead sought out Butter Knife. However, Butter Knife knew the news in advance, and they set up a trap The trap is waiting for Trident to jump."

Lloyd felt quite dumbfounded. After finishing talking to himself, even he couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Gao Guang said impatiently: "General, can you tell me what happened next? Why did the trident use eight shields? What's going on?"

"People in the Army began to spread the news that the Army's special forces had achieved an overwhelming victory in their first confrontation exercise with the Navy, so the Army General was very proud and the Navy General was going crazy."

After finishing speaking, Lloyd sighed softly and said: "I didn't know why the admiral asked you at first, but after knowing this, I understand why. Mad dog, have you let the people from Trident recognize you?" Hurry?"

"No, absolutely not. They were just guessing. I was wearing a mask at the time."

Lloyd was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Don't admit it, and don't admit it even to your death that you helped Phantom fight this exercise, otherwise, you will gain the entire navy as your enemy. Knife,"

"Okay, I understand, General, will everything be okay? Nothing will happen, right?"

Lloyd sighed softly: "If it is confirmed that you helped the Phantom, then you should never think about using a Navy transport ship to deliver arms, and never appear on the Navy's waterway. In short, you will not admit it even if you are beaten to death!"

Gao Guang was beginning to regret it, but he wanted to know how he was recognized, so he quickly said: "I will never admit it, but is it useful not to admit it? How do people in the navy know about me?"

"Your features are so obvious, is it difficult to recognize?"

Holding two guns and shooting headshots with each gun, his characteristics are indeed obvious.

Gao Guang was very depressed, but he immediately said: "Wait a minute, there is a Lei in the Phantom Army who looks very similar to me. He is also very strong with a pistol."

"Push him out, let him carry... let Lei take the limelight. Welcome needs Lei to take the limelight. You need to get out of the phantom quickly."

"is that useful?"

"It's useless, but it's definitely better than admitting it to yourself. You don't want your delivery ship to be intercepted by the navy in the future, right?"

After finishing speaking, Lloyd said feebly: "I'm going to explain to the Navy that you taught a student named Lei, but I can't apologize to the Navy. That's it. I'll do the rest." I don’t know what to do anymore.”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Gao Guang whispered: "General, I hung up the phone, someone is here."

"Well, remember, you can't admit it even to death."

After worriedly warning Gao Guang again, Lloyd hung up the phone, and then Gao Guang hurriedly opened the door.

Outside the door is Lei.

Lei's face glowed red, he entered the room, closed the door, and immediately burst out laughing.

"Show you something and you'll die laughing."

Dragging Gao Guang's arm and leaving, Gao Guang said anxiously: "What's the matter? What do you want me to see?"

Lei didn't say anything. He dragged Gao Guang directly to Mags's office, and Mags was looking at the computer. After seeing Gao Guang, he waved his hand excitedly and said, "The Trident moves so fast. They did it at five in the morning." Do a drill with a butter knife, and then... you come and see."

The highlight turned to the front of the computer, and then I saw a row of people holding plastic boards rushing into a room. Then, nothing unusual was seen, but those holding the plastic boards stopped one by one and put down the plastic boards. , and then everyone was in a daze with a very confused look.

"The people from Trident found Butter Knife for a drill overnight, but what they didn't know was that I told Butter Knife all about the drill process last night."

Mags spread his hands and said with a constipated smile: "And Trident asked for an exercise, no, it was Trident's provocation to Butter Knife, it was the Navy's provocation to Army. I called Butter Knife after that, And this is what happened, the Tridents... They charged into a room full of heavy machine guns like idiots."

Gao Guang swallowed, and Magus said in surprise: "Are you not surprised at all?"

After laughing twice, Gao Guang said nervously: "Then what?"

"Then? That's it. The Butter Knife guy sent me this video this morning to let me appreciate Trident's expression as if he had seen a ghost. I really, I really wanted to die laughing. Also, Butter Knife They specifically expressed their gratitude to us, and then they very much recognized Butter Knife’s first place and Phantom’s second place, and promised to hold a drill with us at the right time, a normal drill.”

Maggs spread his arms, and then he continued to smile: "This morning, the commander of the Army implicitly expressed his gratitude to our Special Operations Command."

After offending one to death, the other naturally had to show some kindness. After all, this gift from Phantom made Butter Knife and the entire army feel proud.

Mags left the desk, walked up to Gao Guang, gave a strong hug, and laughed: "Speaking of thanks, I really don't know how to thank you. Tell me, I can do something for you." What?"

Gao Guang said sarcastically: "Can you let us go? I think we are almost done training and it's time to leave."

"Plastic plate shield, hahaha, Trident is learning from us, but they are not learning very well. Look at them, this is so funny."

Mags said nothing, and Lei changed the topic with a smile.

Gao Guang didn't look at the computer screen. He just smiled helplessly and said, "Yes, it's so funny. Colonel, we should go."

Magus blinked, and then he suddenly said: "Well, the Butter Knife is going to practice with us. We have to completely establish the impression that the Trident is inferior to the Phantom and the Butter Knife. Let's leave after this..."

It's Mags's business to offend the navy to death, not Gao Guang's responsibility. Can we still fight this? Should we go to sea again after this fight?

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "No, we have business and we have to deal with it."

"It's quick, it won't take two days."

"We have to leave today."

Magus spread his hands and said: "That won't work. It's impossible for you to leave today. Let's talk about something else. For example, how should I thank you? Tell me what you want first. Let's talk about it. Listen."

Gao Guang said with a bitter face: "Colonel, I don't need you to thank me anymore. We have to go. We'd better tell the truth. Colonel, you can..."

Mags suddenly lowered his head and walked away, leaving Gao Guang where he was, leaving Gao Guang extremely shocked and helpless.

Mags has mastered the essence of the first of the thirty-six strategies. He is the best in this move, and he is really masterful in using it.

Mags lowered his head and walked away. Gao Guang immediately reached out to pull him and started to chase him, but Lei suddenly hugged Gao Guang from the side and said anxiously: "Don't go, please look again. Watch this video to see how many tridents there are." funny."

Gao Guang stretched out his hand and said urgently: "Colonel, don't leave, come back, come back!"

Lei turned around and blocked the door. He looked at Gao Guang with a puzzled expression and said, "What are you afraid of? Why do you want to leave! After this battle, you can make whatever conditions you have."

Gao Guang was still a little confused now. He knew he wanted to leave, but just as he expressed his intention to leave, Mags left first without even talking to him.

This is like driving a donkey to a grindstone, and forcing an ox to have its head pressed without drinking water.

Gao Guangji looked at Lei angrily and said, "What am I afraid of? I'm afraid of being troubled by the navy! Guys, of course you are not afraid of the navy, but can I handle it? The admiral has already doubted me!" Knife.

"By the way, you are known to many high-level people."

After Lei finished speaking with a stunned look on his face, he suddenly rolled his eyes and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Don't be afraid, we will increase the pressure and make you satisfied. Just tell me what you want, and we can talk about anything." !”

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