Firepower is king

Chapter 641: First meeting

Start right away, no need to wait.

Gao Guang was a little excited and said: "Butter Knife must land and they must capture me alive. The exercise has already begun. Wait for them..."

With a slight hiss, Gao Guang turned his head miserably, only to find that a puff of red smoke was coming out of Patrick's head. Then, before he could figure out what was going on, he saw that red smoke was also coming out of David's body.

The attack started so soon? And where are the enemies?

Gao Guang looked at Yuan Zheng, who said in confusion: "No one, no one!"

This time it was not an attack by an armed helicopter. Someone definitely shot and killed Patrick and David. But just when Gao Guang was extremely confused, smoke began to come out of Francisco, who was lying on the ground.

What kind of environment, what kind of war.

The pine forest is not very dense, and the branches and leaves are not particularly lush, but it always has an impact on shooting, but how does Butter Knife fight?

Yuan Zheng controlled the drone to rotate and roll a circle, and then he said urgently, "There are two helicopters in the sky, four, six in the sky."

Gao Guang can't prohibit Butter Knife from using helicopters just because he doesn't have a helicopter, because Butter Knife originally used helicopters to enter the battlefield, which is the most common way for him to enter.

David stood up, brushing off the pine needles and residual snow on his body, and said helplessly but calmly: "What do you think of fighting with Butter Knife in the field? We have a chance indoors, what's the point of fighting in this kind of field battle? Not calling an F15 is already a privilege for us."

We still have to capture him alive, so there must be a chance.

Yuanzheng said loudly: "Helicopter landing"

The headset suddenly stopped sounding, that was because Yuanzheng was shot and quit the exercise. His exercise confrontation system automatically disabled his walkie-talkie, but he was close, so Gao Guang could certainly hear what Yuanzheng said.

"Someone came out, they are here to clean up the battlefield."

The distance was very close, about 400 meters, but the fuselage of the helicopter blocked Gao Guang and his team's shooting range.

Exercise, this is an exercise, lest someone forget and say that this landing method is unreasonable.

Gao Guang and his team knew it was an exercise, and proposed conditions that were beneficial to them, so Butter Knife certainly didn't mind being lazy.

The helicopter took off again, but after the helicopter took off, the few people who completed the landing also hid behind rocks and obstacles, so Gao Guang and his team still couldn't hit anyone.

At this time, smoke began to come out of Ricardo's body, Dimitris' body, and even Carlos and Lin Nianzu, who were further back, were smoking.

The Butter Knife landed, but their people in the sky did not stop attacking. The helicopter turned around and found a shooting opportunity to shoot below, so Gao Guang's people were still shot one after another. There was no way. This was a dimensionality reduction attack. It was normal for a small group to fight against the state machine. It was abnormal if it didn't happen.

It seemed that only Lola was not shot. Gao Guang looked at it for several times. Although he knew the approximate location of Lola, he didn't see it.

Looking carefully again, he found that Lola buried herself with pine branches, shrubs and some fallen leaves, leaving a gun muzzle outside.

Maybe the Butter Knife's people didn't find Lola, but after finding Lola and firing, the laser of the exercise could not penetrate the obstacles on Lola's body, so Lola survived until now.

As for Gao Guang, he was a target that had to be taken alive, so of course he would not die.

But this exercise has become meaningless now.

Finally, the enemy who had just landed and immediately hid appeared. The six of them appeared from behind the cover at the same time, and then Gao Guang opened fire. He was sure that he had hit an enemy, and he did see green smoke coming out of an enemy's head.

Killed one? Great.

But before Gao Guang could be happy, he found that the person smoking did not seem to be the enemy he was aiming at.

Then, green smoke came out of the second person's head.

The enemy was fighting back, but immediately hid again.

Gao Guang felt that his combat vest was vibrating, but he looked up and did not see smoke coming out of his head.

This means that he was hit, but he was not judged to be killed.

Green smoke came out of the third person's head, but the remaining three people hid behind the cover at the same time, and then Gao Guang heard the sound in the headset.

"The director team determined that Mad Dog was injured and unable to move. Butter Knife found and fired a rocket at Lola. The director team determined that Lola was killed. Over."

Lola should be considered cheating because her cover blocked the laser, which made it impossible for her to be killed, but Butter Knife did not protest. They just followed the rules of the exercise and fired a rocket at Lola and hit her, which led to Lola being killed.

No matter what, three people were killed, which is not bad.

Gao Guang can't move, so he won't move, just treat it as a test of his shooting skills.

Lie on the ground, raise the gun Aiming, Gao Guang finally fired a confident shot when the enemy who had just hidden appeared again.

It was nearly 400 meters away, and it was impossible to hit the head at this distance. He could only hit the chest, but Gao Guang was surprised to find that smoke began to appear above the head of the target he aimed at.

If this was a real combat bullet, it would definitely not be able to penetrate the bulletproof vest, but this was still an exercise, so Gao Guang finally achieved results.

Not bad, very good.

Just when Gao Guang was excited, he heard a sound behind him.

Francisco shouted without any exercise spirit: "Be careful behind you, above your head, it's not over yet."

Gao Guang turned around in shock, only to see a helicopter hovering over the woods behind him. The strong wind shook the trees, and a rope was hanging down. Four people were descending in succession. Before he could turn around and shoot, the bottom of the rope was just falling. The man who landed dropped the rope clamp in his hand, pointed at Gao Guang and said, "You are captured."

Gao Guang fired subconsciously and without the spirit of practice, but when he fired, there was no smoke coming from the person who was speaking, because this guy seemed to know what would happen, so he removed the laser receiver, and he could shoot no matter what. The useless kind.

"You were shot in both arms and cannot fire. Now you are losing a lot of blood and will die in ten minutes. But you are already under our control and we are treating you."

His face was covered with camouflage paint, he wore a green fleece hat on his head, and he held a rifle in his right hand. He looked at the high-gloss facial expression and finished speaking without any emotion in his tone. The person pointed at the high light and said: "Take him to the helicopter and evacuate."

Gao Guang took a breath and said: "Okay, we lost, the exercise is over, what are you doing?"

The director team didn't say the exercise was over, so the exercise wasn't over. One of the three people who had just got off the helicopter was on guard with a gun, and the other grabbed the gun in Gao Guang's hand, threw it to the side, and then shared one with his companion next to him. He reached into Gao Guang's armpit, picked up Gao Guang and dragged it away.

David scratched his head and said helplessly: "Why did you ask to be captured alive? Even though this is a drill, you still have to be captured alive."

Francisco shouted loudly: "What are you doing! You have already admitted defeat and you are still taking people away?"

The helicopter overhead made a loud noise, but the helicopter still retracted its landing rope, flew forward for a while, and then landed on the ground.

When the helicopter landed, Gao Guang was dragged to the side of the helicopter with his head facing backward.

With perfect grasp of distance and speed, Gao Guang glared with his feet and said loudly: "Okay, okay, I'll do it myself."

It was too late to say anything. Two people lifted Gao Guang's upper body, and one person lifted his legs. Gao Guang was thrown directly into the cabin of a Black Hawk helicopter.

With a bang, Gaoguang hit his head, and then he saw four people getting on the helicopter one after another, and then the helicopter took off again, flying directly towards Phantom's base, which is the director's department.

If you say you want to capture him alive, you must capture him alive, even if you admit defeat, if you don't bring the highlight back alive, the Butter Knife exercise will not be over, nor will it be considered a win.

The man in the fleece hat seemed to be the boss, he said to a person

: "He was shot in both arms and in his right leg. He lost a lot of blood and died nine minutes later."

A person who seemed to be a medical soldier took out a bag of plasma. Of course he would not actually give Gao Guang a blood transfusion, but he said to the leader: "There is no information on his blood type. A blood test is needed. I will perform emergency hemostasis."

The three of them really tied the straps on Gao Guang's arms and one leg. Of course, it wasn't very tight, just for the purpose.

It seemed that he would not be beaten or verbally attacked. As a captive, Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and finally said: "I am a prisoner and I am not unconscious, right? Then I have type B blood, so there is no need for a blood test." 」

No one paid attention to Gao Guang. The medical staff took blood and tested his blood type, and then gave Gao Guang a few injections.

Gao Guang didn't speak for a while, and then he said again: "Then what should I say? I want to say, Hi, hello."

One soldier finally couldn't help but kicked the highlighter with his foot, and then he said sternly: "Shut up, according to our custom, you have no chance to speak now."

The leader waved his hand, then he sat on the simple seat beside him, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Mad dog?"

"Hello, hello. I didn't expect you to know my name. I'm very happy. What is my name?"

Gao Guang was full of enthusiasm and showed no reluctance or distress after failure. He even extended his hand, wanting to shake hands or something.

But the man who led the team with the butter knife did not reach out. His face could not be seen in outline, but his eyes looked very oppressive. Then he said slowly: "You are good at shooting and your pistol impresses me. Frankly speaking, in After meeting you, I realized what the upper limit of a weapon like a pistol is. In addition, the tactics you developed are very unique and effective in certain circumstances."

Gao Guang withdrew his right hand and said with a proud look on his face: "Thank you, thank you very much, thank you for your recognition of me."

"Come with me to our base." 「

Gao Guang paused for a moment and said, "Can I refuse?"

The man holding the gun next to him immediately raised the butt of the gun in a gesture. This seemed not to scare Gao Guang, but his subconscious reaction.

But the man in the fleece hat immediately reached out his hand, stopped his move and continued: "If you refuse, forget it, you missed this opportunity."

Gao Guang just laughed and said nothing.

The man in the fleece hat turned his head to one side and said, "The mission was successfully completed, over."

That was the end of the first conversation with the Butter Knife. No one spoke anymore in the cabin, except for the noise of the helicopter.

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