Firepower is king

Chapter 643 New Direction

It's time to leave.

The training at the Phantom Base has ended. It lasted four and a half months. I spent the New Year at the base. It’s just that the training was too intense, or it lacked the New Year’s atmosphere. So much so that if I didn’t look at the calendar, I wouldn’t know it’s already 2020. .

It's time to leave, and it's time for Mags to fulfill his promise.

"I served as the commander of the Armed Reconnaissance Cavalry Battalion in the 505th Military Intelligence Brigade of the Fifth Army of the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany for nine months. During my stay in Germany, I met many people."

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said: "Cavalry Palace?"

"It just keeps a name, just like the Rangers. Isn't it hard to understand?"

"Uh, no, I'm just expressing my feelings. Please continue talking."

Magers thought for a moment, and then he whispered: "The U.S. troops in Europe are the strongest among the overseas troops stationed there. Needless to say, the Fifth Army is stationed in Germany. Forget it, I won't go into these backgrounds. After introducing it, you should understand. "

"Actually, I don't quite understand..."

"If you don't understand, just look it up yourself, so I won't belabor the word count here. Listen, the equipment of the troops stationed in Europe is basically the most advanced, and if there is obsolete equipment, it will basically not be shipped back to the United States, but will be kept on site. deal with?"

The key is to deal with it on the spot. Gao Guangji said excitedly: "How to deal with it on the spot?"

"Sell second-hand, or directly assist U.S. allies, but those army equipment are actually not very popular with European allies. The Germans have their own equipment system, and the equipment eliminated and replaced by the Fifth Army will not be valued by the Germans. , so these equipment are basically sent to several places."

After hesitating for a moment, Mags whispered: "What I'm talking about is a military secret. Although most people know it, it still feels a bit..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Isn't this still water? Where did all the second-hand equipment go?"

"Poland, Bulgaria, and those Eastern European countries have digested it before. They need to replace all the Soviet-style equipment in their arsenals with American-style equipment. This will take a long time. Therefore, Eastern Europe is the receiving area for old American weapons and the export area for Soviet-style weapons. .

After finishing speaking, Maggs moved his hands back and forth in the air several times, and then he whispered: "But this is a communication at the national level, but when it is implemented on specific matters, there is a lot of room for maneuver. "

"How exactly does it work?"

"I don't know and I can't know. If I knew, I would be part of this gang."

Gao Guang opened his eyes wide and said, "You just know a rough idea, but you have no way?"

"It's not that I have no connections. A colleague I met before was originally the battalion commander of the 406th Combat Support Battalion. Now he is the chief of staff of the 103rd Support Command. His rank of colonel is all artillery, tanks, armored vehicles, and engineering vehicles. , they all have to pass through his hands.”

Gao Guang said in a trembling voice: "This, this is great! A professional counterpart, this is the person we need!"

Mags breathed a sigh of relief, and then he whispered: "They are different from the guys in the Pentagon, do you understand me? The guys in the Pentagon deal directly with the military-industrial complex, but my friend can only do business from I’ve put some thought into the eliminated equipment, so the quantity is not large, but it’s stable.”

"That's okay, it's pretty good!"

Magus breathed out, looked around in a guilty manner, then he put a piece of paper on the table and whispered: "This is his phone number."

Gao first put the piece of paper away, but Mags immediately said: "Just take a look and remember it."

Gao Guang memorized the phone number, read it several times, and then handed the piece of paper back to Mags.

Mags put the piece of paper away, and then he continued to whisper: "You said you were the friend I introduced, and you want to sell some goods from him."

Gao Guang nodded repeatedly. He felt that Mags had already made arrangements. If he signed up, there should be no problem.

But Magers continued: "He will definitely not agree, or tell you that he doesn't understand what you are talking about. At this time, you

Just say either give me what I want or you're going to be court-martialed so he at least has to talk to you. 「

Gao Guang was surprised, extremely surprised.

He thought that Mags had prepared everything, but obviously not. Mags just knew that someone was doing this kind of shady business, and he probably had some leverage, so he asked Gao Guang to threaten the other party. .

This is different. Gao Guang's business reputation is very good, and his business habits rarely rely on intimidation and intimidation to do business. This business cannot last long.

I feel great hatred in my heart.

Gao Guang stared at Mags blankly for a while, and finally said: "You, you are, you are resisting me!"

Mags's expression was a little unnatural. He lowered his head slightly and said: "If you want to find the source of goods, I will help you find the source of goods. No matter what, I'm sure you can get what you want. This guy will definitely get it." Ask me for a clear answer. I only need to reveal a few things and he will obey. Don't worry, you can definitely do it."

So this matter was not done through an introduction from an acquaintance and done for the sake of a friend's face. It was done directly and then found a way to turn an enemy into a friend.

Okay, no matter whether they are friends or enemies, as long as they have connections, Magus can be considered true to his word.

Gao Guang curled his lips and said, "Okay, I'll call him. What's this guy's name?"

"Dren Swift, colonel, he has a good chance of being promoted to major general this year. If he is promoted to major general, he will not stay in the original army, so you have to hurry up."

Gao Guang nodded, and then he said helplessly: "Okay, let's go."

Mags stood up from behind the desk, walked out, shook hands with Gao Guang, and said with a serious face: "I will let Lei contact you."


"Take care and good luck."

Gao Guang thought for a while, and then he whispered: "What do you think about letting that Derren Swift join our shooting club? Is it acceptable?"

Mags thought for a moment, then he nodded: "Of course, of course I can accept it."

"That's good. Goodbye, Colonel."

"Goodbye, come back when you have time, waiting for your good news."

Gao Guang let go of his hand and left Mags' office. There were already many people waiting for him outside.

All the members of the King's Defense are here, but Lei is nowhere to be seen. This is normal. He probably won't have time to see him off now. He has to hurry up and select the members of the Shadow Mercenary Group.

It cannot be said that he has no feelings for this training base, but Gao Guang wants to leave as soon as possible, so he has no sentimental feelings at all now, only the sense of accomplishment after successfully poaching the corner of the American Empire.

Waving his hand, Gao Guang said energetically: "Let's go!"

Laura subconsciously said, "Where to go?"

Gao Guang thought for a while, then he smiled and said: "We have business to do, let's go to Europe and Germany!"

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