Firepower is king

Chapter 650: Professionals and Non-Professionals

Ricardo looked very excited, but his knife was still on the man's neck, so his excitement had a somewhat evil feeling.

After Gao Guang said that his laughter was perverted, Ricardo stopped laughing, but his left hand touched the prisoner's thigh, and he stretched out two fingers to press on the prisoner's thigh.

Gao Guang began to feel particularly uncomfortable.

This shouldn't happen. Ricardo is Italian, not British. He shouldn't do this.

But fortunately, after pressing a few times, under the prisoner's surprised and horrified gaze, Ricardo suddenly stabbed the knife in his hand.

With a scream, the prisoner instinctively wanted to pull out the knife stuck in his leg, but Ricardo raised his hand and elbowed him directly on the prisoner's nose.

The prisoner began to be confused. There was a knife stuck in his leg, and it hurt, but he wanted to struggle, and when he wanted to pull out the knife, his nose was hit again, so he instinctively covered his nose again.

"Ah!" The captive screamed loudly, but Gao Guang felt relieved. Fortunately, Ricardo was just looking for a suitable place to cut, not interested in the thigh of a burly man. This is very important, very important. "Tell me, who are you! Why are you following us!" The burly man just covered his nose and screamed in pain. The key is that he didn't understand what Ricardo was saying, but Patrick, who was driving, immediately shouted: "Who are you, why are you following us! Tell me!" "I, I, I am" The captive didn't know how to explain, but he definitely didn't mean to die and not say anything. After thinking for a moment, he finally said: "The boss asked us to teach a lesson, so I came! We are... We are... My boss is..." After talking for a long time, he couldn't make sense, and the translator who acted as a translator said: "I'm a bitch, but I'm a bitch, so I'm a bitch. ... Patrick was so angry that he wanted to turn around and punch him while driving, but he could only angrily say: "Don't you know what you do?"

"I follow the boss, and the boss works for Mr. Kaczynski."

Patrick did not translate the prisoner's words, he just continued to ask: "Who is Kaczynski!"

"Mr. Kaczynski is... He is..."

The prisoner fell into confusion again, and he might not be able to say what this Kaczynski did. After hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "Mr. Kaczynski does everything. He is an arms dealer. Yes, he is an arms dealer."

"Where is Kaczynski?"

Patrick asked again. At this time, Gao Guang couldn't help but be dissatisfied and said: "Dude, your translation is too unprofessional. You have to translate the words for us instead of just asking yourself."

Patrick said embarrassedly: "Sorry, this guy and his boss were sent by a man named Kaczynski."

"That's it? You talked for a long time, and Xu only said this?"

Gao Guang was a professional translator, so he was very dissatisfied with Patrick's performance, and Ricardo couldn't help but say: "I ask, you help me translate my questions, he answers, you give me Can I translate his answer?\u0026”

Patrick shrugged and said: “Okay, okay, you ask.”

Gao Guang said to the prisoner in a stern voice: “Tell me what Kaczynski said.”

Patrick translated it, and the prisoner said helplessly: “I don’t know. Kaczynski told my boss to bring people here today to obey the orders of an American. It seems that there is some trouble. Let us arrest people and take them away to solve this trouble. That’s it. I really don’t know anything else. I can’t see Mr. Kaczynski.”

After getting the answer, it was very clear what was going on.

Gao Guang found that he had made a misjudgment, that is, he overestimated Deren’s professionalism, as well as his level and vision in the arms business.

It’s a battle of wits with the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex to get rid of their control, but with Morris, the white glove of the Pentagon, it’s a real fight, so Gao Guang subconsciously thinks that since Deren is in the arms business, he should at least respect the strength of an arms dealer.

But if Deren's partner is not of a high enough level, and Deren has not contacted other arms dealers, will he think that everyone is at the same level as Kaczynski?"

So Deren found his own partner. He might not dare to kill Gao Guang directly, because that would lead to Mags sending him in. However, if he could catch Gao Guang and scare him so that Gao Guang dared not trouble him again, would it be a permanent solution?

To take a step back, even if it is not a permanent solution, would it be better to catch Gao Guang and talk to him than to be threatened by Gao Guang as it is now?

This possibility is very high, but There is another possibility that cannot be ignored, that is, Deren gave in, but his partner was unwilling to suffer losses, so he ignored Deren's opinion and did the thing directly.

Both possibilities are very high, and Gao Guang cannot be sure what happened, but it doesn't matter, just find Deren and ask him.

Now it is Deren who is looking for trouble, Gao Guang is not going to be polite, and there are two ways to go, one is to let Deren face the reality and give in, and the other is to directly kill Deren's partner and make Deren have no choice but to change.

Gao Guang was thinking, but Ricardo continued: "What is Kaczynski's full name."

"Bigniew Kaczynski."

"Is he Russian?"

"No, he is Polish."

Although the three-party conversation required translation, the conversation still went on very quickly. Riccardo quickly said: "Then where is Kaczynski? Tell me!"

"I don't know where Mr. Kaczynski is. He may be in Germany, Poland, or..."

The prisoner kept talking, and this time Patrick faithfully translated every word, but Riccardo finally became impatient and turned the knife fiercely.

The prisoner yelled and lowered his head suddenly. He wanted to pull out the knife with both hands but didn't dare, so he could only put his hands on both sides of his thighs and said miserably, "Stop, don't move again, I don't know! The knife!"

Riccardo said fiercely: "Tell me where he is, not where he might be, tell me!"

"I don't know, my boss knows!"

"Then who is your boss!"

"I can't say! Nothing will happen to me if I betray Mr. Kaczynski, but if I betray the boss, I will...ah! I will die! Ahhh..."

The prisoner screamed because Riccardo was twisting the knife again, but this time he twisted the knife again, but the prisoner refused to say anything.

Finally, Riccardo pulled out the knife. He grabbed the prisoner's left hand, put the prisoner's hand on the wound, pressed hard, and then said in a deep voice: "If you don't tell me, you will die now." !”

"If you don't say it, you will die now...I can't imitate your tone!"

Patrick, the translator, was not happy anymore. Gao Guang said helplessly: "You are a translator, not a dubbing voice. There is no need to imitate the tone. Can you do it?"

Riccardo put the knife on the prisoner's neck, then suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "Ha!"

The one holding the knife was with his right hand, but Riccardo suddenly threw his left hand, and in conjunction with his shouting, the prisoner really thought that he was about to be wiped from the neck, so he subconsciously dodged to the side, but the person sitting on his right was a highlighter, so the prisoner Hit the highlight hard.


Gao Guang received a blow on the head. After scolding him angrily, he couldn't help but said: "You two, you don't know how to translate, and you don't know how to interrogate. What are you doing!"

Leon finally couldn't help it. He hesitated and said: "Bignev Kaczynski, I seem to have heard of this guy. This guy, this guy seems to sell arms, but he is not a professional arms dealer. But if I If I remember correctly, he seems to be an underground giant in Poland.”

Gao Guang looked at Leon and said helplessly: "I've heard that you don't tell me..."

At this time, the prisoner began to cry and talk.

"My boss's name is Balek. He lives in Heidelberg. I'll take you to his home!"

He thought he was going to die after being wiped off his neck. Although he now knew it was a false alarm, the prisoner still suffered a psychological breakdown. He would die if he betrayed the boss. As long as he didn't die immediately, it would be fine.

In fact, there is no need to ask the prisoner anymore. As long as he knows who Delen's partner is, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle.

"Shut him up, Leon."

Riccardo put his index finger in front of his mouth and made a silent gesture, but Leon whispered: "I heard that Bigniew has close relations with the Polish military. He controls many entertainment venues in Poland. But he often produces some arms. I have heard of it, but I don’t know much about him, and I have never done business with him. However, I know that this man is very powerful in Poland, and his tentacles seem to have extended to Germany. "

"Are you sure he's not an arms dealer, but a gangster?"

Leon thought for a while and said: "Not sure, I said, I don't know this person well enough."

It's also unreliable, but it doesn't matter. As long as you know the name, all the problems are actually solved.

Gao Guang said to Riccardo: "He is useless..."

Riccardo's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was about to move the knife in his right hand forward, but at this moment Gao Guang's words were all finished.

"Let it go."

The knife pierced the prisoner's skin, barely cutting off the prisoner's blood vessels, so Riccardo whispered: "Boss, actually you can just say let him go instead of saying he is useless first."

Gao Guang said in extreme shock: "Are you crazy? This is Germany. If we kill him here, what will we do next? He is just an errand boy. Why are you killing him!"

The poor prisoner was so frightened that he peed. His tears and sweat ran down his face. His body was trembling, but he didn't know whether to cry or beg for mercy.

Riccardo shrugged and said, "Letting him go won't reveal anything. Kaczynski already knows everything he should know. I just think it's a waste."

Gao Guang frowned and said: "Waste? What does waste mean? Tell me, are you a little bloodthirsty now? Do you just want to kill him?"

Riccardo shook his head, and then he said very sincerely: "No, I just lack the opportunity to practice, so I really want to try more of the methods the instructor taught me on him. Unfortunately, this guy is too cowardly and won't give it to him at all. My chance to perform.”

Patrick suddenly said: "Although this guy speaks German, he is definitely not German. Such a weak guy must be Polish, he must be!"

Suddenly switching to German, Patrick said very annoyed: "Are you Polish? Tell me!"

"I am German, I am German!"

The prisoner's answer disappointed Patrick, but the prisoner immediately said: "My parents are Polish, but I am a second-generation immigrant. I was born in Germany..."

Patrick sighed with satisfaction, then he patted the steering wheel and said: "Okay, this guy is not a German, I knew he was a Pole, it turned out to be true." The car was small, and there was a smell of blood and urine. Gao Guang had a headache. He opened the window a crack, and then hurriedly said: "Stop the car and get him out." Leon couldn't help but said: "Boss, do you want to go to war with Kaczynski?" Gao Guang said depressedly: "Go to war, go to war, bah, what to go to war? Is Kaczynski worthy of going to war with me? Get him! Kill him! Let him know what a professional war person is."

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