Firepower is king

Chapter 653: Exchange and complementation

Gao Guang didn't really believe that Otto would teach him the real thing.

The most important thing for Otto was to get rid of Sarah first, but Gao Guang felt a little uncomfortable as he watched Sarah's car gradually go away.

"Okay, you can go now. I'll find you after I finish my important business."

Otto was also very good at this trick of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. He couldn't wait to order her to leave even though he could still see Sarah's taillights.

But how could Gao Guang be driven away so easily? He also knew how to cross the river and demolish the bridge, but he just didn't use it. Even if he didn't use it, he would definitely be able to prevent others from using this trick.

"No, I'll follow you. I have to take care of you."

The polite words were said, and it depended on whether Otto was sensible, but the result proved that Otto was sensible now.

Gao Guang raised his hand and shook it a few times. Three cars started at the same time and drove towards Gao Guang from different directions.

"Teacher, no matter where you are going, please get in the car."

Patrick parked the car in front of Gao Guang. Lola looked at the master and apprentice who always felt something was wrong. After a moment of hesitation, she opened the passenger door, but before she could get in, Otto rushed in.

Then only Gao Guang and Lola sat in the back seat. After closing the door, Otto told Patrick a place in German.

According to Otto's instructions, Patrick drove the car. When Otto asked him to stop the car, Gao Guang realized that it was a flower shop.

Otto was well prepared. He ordered a large bunch of flowers, went into the store to get them, and then instructed Patrick to drive again. This time the destination was the InterContinental Hotel.

After making a phone call, Otto got out of the car holding the flowers and stood by the car waiting. Then about fifteen minutes later, Heidi appeared in front of Otto in a beautiful dress, dressed brightly and glamorously.

No matter what Otto did, Gao Guang would never leave even a step, so he watched Otto and Heidi hug each other, and then Otto presented the flowers and said calmly: "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time, but of course we have to spend Valentine's Day together." Heidi took the flowers, kissed Otto affectionately, and then left without saying much, holding Otto's arm. Gao Guang had no choice but to follow. He hesitated for a moment, and finally followed Otto two or three meters away. Otto and Heidi ordered food, and Gao Guang also ordered food, and he was at the next table to Otto. From what happened today, Gao Guang learned one thing, that is, the saying that estrangement does not separate relatives is too correct. What is the relationship between Gao Guang and Heidi? How dare he think that Heidi would help him instead of Otto? Really, he must be crazy to tip Heidi off and try to count on Heidi to help him watch Otto. What is he thinking? It was an agonizing meal. Otto and Heidi were very affectionate. After eating for more than an hour, the two finally stood up and walked back to the entrance of the InterContinental Hotel with their arms around each other.

Gao Guang began to despair. If Otto and Heidi wanted to go back to the room, he couldn't follow them.

After hesitating for a long time, Gao Guang finally got angry. He called Ricardo and Francisco and said, "You two escort my teacher into the hotel and wait at his door."

Gao Guang was so determined that Otto finally looked at Gao Guang seriously. He hesitated for a moment and finally sighed and said, "Come with me. Don't let them wait at the door."

Come now, are you afraid of Otto? Gao Guang said to Francisco and Ricardo, "Then come with me."

The three followed Otto and Heidi upstairs silently.

Heidi booked a suite. She didn't swipe the door card but knocked on the door. The door opened and a familiar figure appeared in front of Gao Guang.

It turned out to be Fang Zhenwu who opened the door.

Fang Zhenwu looked at Gao Guang in surprise, but he still didn't say anything and made way for him to enter.

Heidi and Otto went in first. When Gao Guang entered, Fang Zhenwu was surprised and whispered: "You are also involved in this matter?"

"What what?"

Fang Zhenwu shook his head and whispered: "Come in and talk."

Gao Guang and the other three entered the house. After entering, Gao Guang pointed at Ricardo and said: "Francisco's younger brother, now a member of the King's Defense."

Fang Zhenwu smiled at Ricardo, stretched out his hand, and said: "Finally you are here. I have heard about you for a long time."

There was another person in the room. Gao Guang didn't recognize this person at all. She looked like a normal middle-aged woman, but Gao Guang knew that the person who was with Heidi was abnormal no matter how normal he looked. He was definitely a killer.

Otto sat down on the sofa, leaned back very comfortably, sighed to the sky, and said: "I never thought that I could still see you alive."

After saying this with great emotion, Otto clapped his hands and said: "Okay, let's sort out the plan quickly, Heidi, you go first."

Heidi said lightly: "The target is in the Alps, skiing, there is a separate mountain villa, no one is allowed to approach. There are three layers of guard lines in total. We tried twice and couldn't get in at all. Blade

There are four killers in the room, Otto, Heidi, Fang Zhenwu, and an unknown middle-aged woman.

There are three others who I don't know what they are, Gao Guang, Francisco, and Ricardo.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that they are definitely not talking about the same thing.

Gao Guang couldn't help but say: "What are you talking about? If it's inconvenient, we can leave. "

Otto stretched out a finger and smiled: "No, you can't leave. This matter requires your participation. I said, you help me, I will help you. To show sincerity, I have already started your matter." Get ready."

After finishing speaking, Otto made a gesture, and the middle-aged woman immediately handed over a folder, opened it, turned it over, and then handed it over

Otto took the folder, glanced at it twice, handed it to Gao Guang, and said, "Take a look."

The executive took the folder, and the first thing he saw was a photo of a middle-aged man with a determined face, waving a high

Gao Guang said blankly: "What do you mean?"

"Assamev is a Russian. He was once a Russian oil oligarch. He now lives in the UK. He was once a KGB man. He is very tough. He has a group of desperadoes who have followed him for many years. It has been two and a half years since we received the order to assassinate him. It’s not finished yet.”

After exhaling, Otto shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter whether this mission makes money or not, but his existence is a humiliation to the Shadowless Man. Killing him is my primary goal after re-entering the mountain."

Gao Guang didn't look down at the information, he just closed the folder.

Otto continued: "You really don't have to rush to read his information, because today we have to resolve your matter first, the information."

The middle-aged woman took out a folder again, opened it, turned it over, and handed it to Otto.

Otto did not hand Gao Guang, he looked at the folder and said: "Kaczynski, a Polish national, mainly lives in Warsaw and Berlin. He has many properties in London, but it is difficult to determine the location within a certain period of time... This won't work, keep checking. I want to know where he is tonight."

The middle-aged woman nodded without saying a word, got up and went to another room.

Otto looked at Gao Guang, and then he said seriously: "Now I have a question for you. How does it feel to lead the strong King's Defense, but there is no chance to show its strength in Europe? Is it very uncomfortable?"

There is no place to use the energy. This is indeed what Gao Guang feels now, so Gao Guang nodded and said: "Yes."

Otto smiled, and then he continued: "My side needs people with strong attack capabilities, so how about exchanging targets?"

Gao Guang was surprised, he frowned and said: "Exchange?"

"Yes, you help me, and I'll help you. To show my sincerity, I'll go first."

Gao Guang looked at Otto, then at Heidi, and then he sighed: "You two really... put on a good show."

Gao Guang didn't say whether he agreed or not, but Otto had already started. He said seriously: "Your matter is divided into two parts. You can't kill that US military colonel, because if you kill him, you will have no supply of goods, so you can only deter and increase the supply of goods." Threatening, as for Kaczynski, you must kill him and not keep him, because if Kaczynski is alive, you will never be able to do business smoothly. "

Turning the page of the information, Otto continued: "What I give you is not just to kill Kaczynski, but to give you Poland's arms supply. Based on this alone, we already have the foundation for our exchange of goals. What do you think?" What about?"

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Polish sources? Are you serious?"

"I haven't mentioned the transportation line from Poland to Western Ukraine. At present, the value of this mature and safe transportation line is not very great, but in the future, you will find a stable supply of goods. The mature transportation line is How important."

After speaking calmly, Otto smiled and said: "You are not familiar with Europe, but I am far more familiar with Europe than you think. The choice I give you is to get everything done first, and then kill me after you feel that the reward is indeed rich enough. The goal."

Sincere enough, as long as Otto is not paired with a high-profile guy, his behavior will be mature and normal.

Gao Guang said in a deep voice: "I want to know what exactly you need me to do."

"Go to the Alps and kill my target by force. I need the best sniper, which you have. I need the best machine gunner, which you have. I also need a very good drone pilot. You still have it, and you may need it. The best assaulter, you are,) and you may need someone with strong unarmed assassination ability, Fang is such a person, I must admit, you have everything I need."

"How to enter and how to exit?"

Otto smiled and said: "We are responsible for entering and ensuring safe withdrawal. I have this ability in Europe, but I certainly cannot be responsible for the safety of the battle process."

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said suddenly: "Okay, exchange targets, but you must first deal with my affairs, and I think the reward is big enough, then I will do your task!"

Otto nodded and said: "Okay, look at the information and make a plan. You must deal with Delen and Kaczynski at the same time. Mad dog, with your current strength, you need someone to help you open a door, and I am this person. Step by step, I’ll teach you how to lay it out.”

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