Firepower is king

Chapter 659 Mr. Mad Dog

After having breakfast at Deren's house, Gao Guang didn't want to show off or establish his authority, but they were really hungry.

They traveled all night and went back and forth between Frankfurt and Heidelberg several times. Although they drove, it was still extremely tiring. In addition, in order to get everything done before Deren got up and rush to pretend to be tough in front of Deren, Gao Guang and his team almost risked Otto's life.

What happened specifically still has to start from last night.

Professional matters are left to professionals. The car thief and the technical director dismantled the car, Heidi and Fang stayed to keep an eye on the car theft gang, and Gao Guang only needed to call Ricardo and Patrick.

When they arrived at Frankfurt International Airport, La Manchet's private plane just landed.

The first contact with La Manchet was very interesting. Gao Guang thought that since both parties were interested in cooperating, Otto should know what La Manchet looked like, or La Manchet knew who to contact.

But the facts are different from the ideal.

Otto stayed in the car. As an old man who had a heart transplant, it was right for him to try his best to avoid too much activity. It was hard enough to travel by car continuously, and it was not appropriate for him to come to see La Manchet in person.

So Gao Guang and Ricardo waited for La Manchet in the VIP channel, but he waited for ten minutes at the exit, but did not see anyone who fit the image of a big boss, nor did he see the team that a big boss should have.

There was a fat man coming out of the VIP channel, but Gao Guang really couldn't believe that it was La Manchet, and it was even unlikely that he was La Manchet's subordinate.

He had a big belly and was very fat, but he was wearing sneakers on his feet, sweatpants on his legs, a fat pullover on his body, and a very fat long windbreaker on the outside.

With such a fat man and this look, Gao Guang would never believe that he was a big boss who came to negotiate.

So Gao Guang let the fat man go and didn't say hello. The fat man looked at Gao Guang and Ricardo. He might think that the two of them didn't look like the people he was looking for, so he didn't stop. Instead, he looked around at the exit and suddenly walked towards a woman standing not far away.

Ricardo said with a puzzled look: "This fat man is La Manchet? No way?"

Gao Guang was a little confused by the question and said: "Why do you say that?"

Ricardo pointed at the fat man who had passed by and said: "The sweatpants he wore looked simple, but they were very expensive, at least more than four thousand dollars. His shoes were also expensive, worth one thousand two hundred dollars. There was no brand mark on his windbreaker. I don't know the brand, but I think it's still very expensive."

Gao Guang is not without observant eyes and habits. He just didn't pay attention to the fat man, but he was indeed a little surprised by Ricardo's words.

"No way, so careless about his image?"

Ricardo couldn't help but said: "Boss, you have read La Manchet's information, you should know what he looks like."

Gao Guang was about to cry, he whispered: "I didn't read La Manchet's information at all to save time... no, actually to pretend to be confident."

Ricardo stared at Gao Guang, he seemed speechless.

Gao Guang sighed and whispered: "Go ask."

Ricardo's current self-position is still a thug, but the situation forced him to do the work of a military advisor in advance.

Ricardo walked towards the fat man, but the fat man had turned around and came here again.

Gao Guang was still prepared for the negotiation with Deren today, so he wore a formal suit, and Ricardo, as a law student, future lawyer, and real military advisor, he also wore a suit whenever necessary.

But Gao Guang and Ricardo were too young. The young fat man just glanced at their faces and then looked away eagerly.

"Mr. La Manchet."

Ricardo was quite familiar with this kind of meeting, so when he approached the fat man, he did not go directly to him, but whispered La Manchet's name not far away.

If the fat man was not La Manchet, there would be no problem. If the fat man was La Manchet, it would be like Ricardo was keeping a secret. In short, it should be fine to just call him like that.

Sure enough, the fat man looked at Ricardo in surprise, but Ricardo turned around and said in a low voice: "Please follow me."

The fat man followed Ricardo.

When Ricardo arrived in front of Gao Guang, he whispered: "It's this fat man. I suggest... it's better to pretend to be mysterious."

Why pretend to be mysterious? Because it doesn't seem so embarrassing, and it can make Gao Guang and Ricardo seem not so unprofessional.

The fat man walked up to Gao Guang, Gao Guang said calmly, "Hello."

The fat man hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice, "Hello, may I ask..."

"Mr. La Manchet..." Gao Guang was testing him, and when he found that the fat man's face was serious and he was concentrating on listening to what he was going to say next, Gao Guang was sure that the fat man was La Manchet, so he continued to be calm, and seemed to have just slowed down his speech a lot, saying, "Very cautious."

It was a tone of affirmation and appreciation, Gao Guang was still a little experienced in pretending to be cool. "

The fat man breathed out, wiped the sweat from his face, and said: "That's right, please... the Shadowless One..."

No one wanted to tell the whole story. Gao Guang just tilted his head and said, "Follow me."

Gao Guang walked in front, and Fatty immediately followed. They walked directly to the parking lot and came to the car that was always running so that it would not be too cold inside.

Riccardo stepped forward and opened the car door, but the lights in the car did not come on as the door was opened.

There was a streetlight shining outside the car. Although the light was not very bright, you could still see the expression on his face clearly, but Otto was completely hidden in the darkness.

Otto waited a moment before speaking, and then he said three sentences.

"I am the Shadowless One."

"I decided to kill Kaczynski."

"You two will discuss the specific cooperation matters and let me know the results after the negotiation is completed."

Otto's voice sounded a little erratic, without any sense of majesty, and the three sentences did not match each other, but La Manchet, who had been in contact with Heidi, should know the amount of information contained in these three sentences.

So La Manchet looked at Riccardo, but he soon discovered that Riccardo, who opened the door and closed the car door, and then stood solemnly beside Gao Guang, was not the negotiating partner, so he looked at Gao Guang again.

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Let's talk somewhere else."

La Manchet was sweating all the time, even though it was quite cold in Frankfurt in February.

Wiping the sweat from his head, Lamanchet suddenly said: "Sorry, I was running when I got the news. The matter was urgent, so I rushed here without changing my clothes."

"It doesn't matter. We feel your sincerity. Please, let's go to the coffee shop and chat."

There is a coffee shop not far away, the kind that is open 24 hours a day.

There was almost no one in the coffee shop in the early morning. Gao Guang and La Manchet sat down face to face, and Gao Guang immediately said to La Manchet: "Would you like something to drink?"

If La Manchet was really a big boss, he would never enter such a cheap chain coffee shop, but since Gao Guang chose this place to talk, he must have a cup of coffee.

Turning to look at the menu, La Manchet said, "I'll just have a glass of apple juice tonight."

Gao Guang said to Riccardo: "I want an apple juice for Mr. La Manchet, and I want a latte."

La Manchet always spoke English and spoke it very well, which was a surprise to Gao Guang. He was also worried about the need for a translator.

Now, just tell me what you have to say.

Gao Guang didn't have many polite gestures. He said directly to La Manchet: "My name is Otto Schmidt, nicknamed Mad Dog. I am the president of King's Defense Group. I am mainly engaged in private military and arms business."

La Manchet seemed a little surprised. He was stunned for a moment and said: 'Private force, arms, the king's defense? Uh, I'm sorry, what is your relationship with...that lady?"

Gao Guang shrugged and said: "You don't have to worry about this. The current situation is that due to some business needs, I have some business conflicts with Kaczynski. Although there has not been a direct confrontation, the confrontation is obvious. It is inevitable, so I want to kill Kaczynski, and this will give us a basis for cooperation. Mr. La Manchet, do you have any ideas?"

La Manchet was very anxious. He whispered: "Can you tell me

On what business do I, Kaczynski, and you conflict?"

"Arms, I took a fancy to a batch of arms, so I contacted a US military colonel, but Kaczynski tried to get me out, which made me very unhappy, so I planned to kill Kaczynski and officially enter Poland. arms market."

It is undeniable that the highlights are exaggerated, but the point is that he can indeed achieve the most important part, which is to kill Kaczynski.

Now that the tasks have been exchanged, killing Kaczynski is what the Shadowless Man must do, so Gao Guang's confidence is very strong. After he finished speaking the key points, he immediately said to La Manchet: "Now what I need to solve The thing is two parts, I don’t need any help to kill Kaczynski, but to enter the Polish arms market, I need a partner.”

Without further ado, Gao Guang stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to La Manchet.

It's time for Ramanchet to take a stand and show his chips.

La Manchet said without hesitation: "As long as Kaczynski is killed, everything else will be easy to deal with. I am familiar with the arms business. I can do anything Kaczynski can do. Mr. Schmidt..."

In the past, Gao Guang was willing to be called Mr. Schmidt instead of Mad Dog. Now, Gao Guang likes to be called Mad Dog instead of Mr. Schmidt.

So Gao Guang smiled and said, "Just call me Mad Dog."

"So...Mr. Mad Dog."

Mr. Mad Dog, why do these two words go together so awkwardly? La Manchet twisted uncomfortably, and then he said expectantly: "How can I cooperate with you?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "How we cooperate depends on your strength. On a large scale, it depends on whether you can monopolize the black market of arms in Poland with me. On a small scale, I have a batch of cannons. Can you help me transport them? Of course. , all this happened after Kaczynski’s death.”

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