Firepower is king

Chapter 662 Breakfast

With some guilt, Gao Guang and the others returned to Delen's home.

The disassembly work has been completely completed and the reassembly work is continuing, but when Gao Guang and the others have been running on the road repeatedly for several hours, the assembly work is about to be completed.

And Heidi began to prepare breakfast for Otto.

Breakfast is American style, because Delen's family also makes American breakfast ingredients, so breakfast is bread slices, fried bacon, fried eggs, hot milk, and cereal.

Gao Guang doesn't like cereal, but he likes bacon. Guang Guang is very worried about not having his own portion.

So when Otto was lying on the sofa, Gao Guang took the initiative to approach Heidi, who was busy in the kitchen, and then he said with a smile: "Do you need help?"

Heidi glanced at Gao Guang coldly, and then she continued to unwrap the bacon expressionlessly.

Gao Guang whispered again: "Can I apologize?"

Heidi glanced at Gao Guang again, and then she said with a cold face: "Why do you apologize to me? You are not wrong."

He had a big bald head, and he didn't want to offend his master's wife. He didn't want to offend this woman who was called senior sister, but was actually a junior master's wife. But the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh, and it was very difficult for him to be caught in the middle.

How to solve it? Gao Guang subconsciously turned his head and looked around, and then he saw Fang Zhenwu and Riccardo.

Gao Guang winked at Fang Zhenwu.

Fang Zhenwu understood Gao Guang's eyes, but there was a former boss, one was the current boss, one was a life and death brother, and the other was his current backer.

But the most important thing is, how to make an angry woman stop being angry, Fang Zhenwu can't do it.

So Fang Zhenwu and Gao Guang looked at each other for three seconds, and after exchanging very complicated information, he finally chose to turn his head.

With great hatred in his heart, Gao Guang secretly scolded Fang Zhenwu for being unloyal, and then looked at Riccardo for help.

Then Gao Guang noticed that Riccardo's eyes were even more blank.

Wait, a gangster prince who has no woman in his heart and a god of nature?

Forget it, ignore Riccardo before you make the situation worse.

Ultimately, this is still a question of jealousy, and the root of the problem is Otto.

If Heidi can't be solved, can't he solve Otto?

Gao Guang left the kitchen. He returned to Otto and sat down. Then he looked into Otto's eyes and said seriously: "Teacher, please tell me how to make an angry woman stop being angry." "

Otto was surprised, and then he became energetic, so he sat up and stopped lying down. Then he looked into Gao Guang's eyes and said: "To see why she is angry, first of all, you have to judge whether she is real. Angry, if she is really angry, you have to determine why she is angry. Finally, if you confirm that she is really angry, and very angry, then there is only one solution. "

"what way?"

"Ignore her and let her calm down. The criterion is when she starts to quarrel with you, it means that she is no longer angry but intends to punish you."

Gao Guang was confused, and then he said in shock: "Are you so passive? Isn't there a way to take the initiative and solve the problem quickly?"

Otto smiled slightly and said: "Young man, you don't understand women, but I do, so I believe I am definitely right."

Gao Guang was at a loss, and then he looked at the kitchen absentmindedly. He was stunned for a while and said: "This is your way of solving the relationship between husband and wife, but this method is obviously not suitable for the woman I offended."

"It's all the same, never try to understand what a woman is thinking. Angry is just angry, it doesn't matter what your relationship is. This is the standard answer and a common solution. Of course, it depends on the specific person, but you asked me a question It’s a very broad question, and I’ll give you a broad answer.”

Gao Guang frowned and said, "You know who I'm talking about."

"But you didn't ask."

Otto spread his hands and said: "And the question you asked is too difficult, too difficult, and involves too many factors. I have been studying for many years and have not come up with a more suitable method. Of course, the best intentions

Neo-Confucianists are also unable to answer this question, which is much more difficult than Goldbach's conjecture. ""

Gao Guang decided to narrow the scope and ask precise questions, so he immediately said to Otto: "Then how can I make Heidi calm down? Teacher, you have to solve this problem, because you caused it, and I am helping you. If you No matter, then I don’t care about anything.”

Otto reached out and scratched his ears, and then he finally said: "Then... well... let me think about it... it's difficult!"

Finally, Otto thought about it, and he suddenly shouted to the kitchen: "Dear..."

After shouting, Otto suddenly said: "Oh no, I made a mistake and now I'm not a patient, so I can't call her over. You come with me."

Otto stood up and walked towards the kitchen, but Heidi was already coming over with a spatula.

"I smell the fragrance."

Otto walked over and patted Heidi's butt naturally. Then he took the spatula from Heidi's hand and said with a smile: "The bacon should be a little burnt, and the eggs should be boiled and runny." Yes, the milk needs to be skimmed. I know, I know. Just go and wait. Breakfast will be ready soon."

Wait, Otto is making breakfast for Heidi, not telling Heidi what he wants to eat.

Gao Guang suddenly understood.

Because Gao Guang found that although Heidi looked unhappy, the roots of her ears were starting to turn red.

"Okay, I don't need you to do it, go and rest."

Otto did not return the spatula to Heidi at all. He stood next to the frying pan, turned the bacon over skillfully, and said: "I will go to rest after breakfast, but you are just about to start busy, but The most important thing is that I haven’t made breakfast for you for a long time.”

Heidi's mood fluctuated greatly. She looked like she was about to cry. Then she whispered: "I would rather you never make breakfast for me. I would rather you keep making breakfast for other people, but I want you to live."

Otto shrugged and smiled: "Idiot, obviously I'm not going to die."

Heidi suddenly reached out and wiped her eyes, and then she said angrily: "I heard what you said, go away, don't try to make me happy in this way."

Gao Guang suddenly realized something, a profound enlightenment.

Then he walked away, saying not to make her happy in this way, but it could be seen with the naked eye, no, even a blind person could see that Heidi was really happy.

Women, huh.

But what’s next?

Gao Guang was very curious and he was still very nervous.

Then Gao Guang found that Otto changed the topic naturally.

"We have to kill Kaczynski today. You have to make a trip. There are no particularly reliable manpower in Warsaw."

Got it, I remember Gao Guang, first use a little bit of guarding, and then immediately use a big event, an imminent business to create a topic and divert attention.

High, really high. Although the form is superficial, the effect is extraordinary.

Heidi thought for a moment, looked at the highlight, and then said: "Kaczynski was promoted by his uncle. Although he also has some abilities, his abilities are obviously not worthy of his identity and status. Kaczynski There is nothing to fear in Poland, whether you are out or at home, it is too easy to kill him.”

Otto shoveled the bacon onto the plate, and then he put a few more slices in naturally. He was very serious and devoted when doing this, so he didn't speak.

When he started frying bacon again, Otto continued: "Mad Dog needs to establish his authority, so I want him to kill Kaczynski, but I can't leave him with obvious evidence of guilt. Also, Kaczynski is not a problem." , his uncle is."

Heidi breathed out and said: "Why doesn't he let his son help him with some shady business? His daughter is a doctor and his son is a lawyer. Although their surname is Kaczynski, Kaczynski is just his nephew. , is the useless son of his useless brother. "

Otto smiled and said: "Very good, you know how to do it, so who will execute it? Why don't you let the mad dog do it by himself, just go up and shoot him, and you can take over after Kaczynski is killed. How about it?" "

Heidi hates

He glanced at Gao Guang and said, "I don't want to go to Warsaw with him."

"Eat breakfast. After breakfast, you and Fang will leave first. I'll be on your side over there."

Otto smiled apologetically, picked up the plate, and said to Heidi: "I think I have to have a good sleep."

After finishing speaking, Otto said to Fang Zhenwu: "Fang, come and have breakfast."

Slices of bread and bacon, hot milk and cereal, eggs were still being cooked, and only Fang Zhenwu and Heidi wanted to have breakfast in advance.

But Fang Zhenwu didn't go, so Otto and Heidi had breakfast after all, and Gao Guang didn't bother them.

Ten minutes later, Heidi was about to leave first. She and Fang Zhenwu took the first step and went to Warsaw to make arrangements in advance.

Heidi looked very reluctant to leave, and as soon as Heidi went out, Otto immediately collapsed on the sofa again, and then he said to the highlight: "Do you understand?"

"I probably understand. It's just that you used my big event as a tool to calm Heidi down. It makes me feel... maybe it's a little too rash."

Otto waved his hand and said: "This is the most important lesson I teach you. Also, I hope you can understand how I laid it out. I mean, from the details and from all aspects of the situation, I created an irresistible scene.

Gao Guang said in astonishment: "Is this the layout you are talking about?"

"No, of course not. My plan is that when you first enter Poland, how much money you can make in Poland is secondary. The main thing is to become familiar with the Polish environment, clarify your contacts, and open up transportation lines. The location of Poland is very important, no matter Whether from west to east or from east to west, your supply of goods throughout Europe can be transited in Poland. This can be said to be decisive for your future arms business. As long as you can gain a foothold in Poland, then your business will be It will enter a new track, a track of rapid development.”

Gao Guang was very surprised. He said dubiously: "Did you really plan this for me in advance? It's impossible. Wait, why are you so nice to me? Is it because Assamev can't even handle you?" "

Otto was silent for a moment, then he smiled and said, "Eat first."

Otto refused to say anything, so Gao Guang had no choice but to cook. He and Patrick worked together, with Riccardo helping out.

The meal was ready, the car thieves left, and everything was cleaned before leaving. Otto also sat at the dining table and ate a little, but mainly because he felt that Delen was about to wake up, so he had to Sitting at the dining table creates a unified image and sets the mood.

Gao Guang was really hungry, and he had just finished eating the slices of bread when he finally heard the expected sound.

A whole night of hard work was just for this crisp sound.

The four people at the table all showed satisfied smiles, and then they heard Delen's fearful cry.

Don't say anything, so the four of them looked at each other and smiled, and then Otto moved his head back and forth, showing a satisfied expression.

It was worth the overnight trip.

The four of them were silent until Delen ran out of the bedroom and came to the living room, where he saw Gao Guang and the others sitting at the dining table.

There was something that Guang Guang had to say, so he deliberately slowed down, lowered his voice, and said to Delen: "The machine can be disassembled into parts and put back together, and it can continue to run after being put back together, but people are different. , if people are torn apart, they can only be sewn together, and there is no way to survive. "

Picking up a spoon and taking a sip of cereal to lighten the mood, Gao Guang continued: "Breakfast is very good, do you want to try it?"

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