Firepower is king

Chapter 670: The true destiny’s son!


It's cold, boring, but highly stressful. The most disgusting thing is not knowing when the target will appear. It may be in the next second, it may be an hour, tomorrow, or it may never appear within range.

This uncertainty makes people even more anxious.

This time it was an actual battle. Whether as an assistant shooter or as a main shooter, Gao Guang was sure that he was not suitable, very unsuitable.

The sun came out, but it didn't bring any warmth yet, but after a ray of red sunlight appeared in the eastern sky, Gao Guang felt that the beauty of this sunrise might make him feel better.

The fingers were already numb. Even though they were wearing thick gloves, the fingers were still numb from the cold and felt a little stiff.

Gao Guang turned his head to look at the rising sun. After appreciating the beautiful sunrise for two seconds, he put his eyes behind the high-power viewing scope again.

The sun came out, and the sunlight reached the top of the mountain, and then began to move slowly downward. The top of the Matterhorn was illuminated golden by the sunlight.

The sun finally shines on the wooden house, the dark corners become brighter, and the highlights can be observed directly with a telescope.

Still no one, still cold, still nervous and anxious, still not knowing when it will end.

"I said……"

Gao Guang didn't know what to say, so he used a very casual beginning to find a topic, but his mind seemed to be frozen. Gao Guang opened his mouth, and then he didn't know what to say.

"what do you want to say?"

After thinking about it, Gao Guang finally said angrily: "If I had a net worth of several billion dollars, I would never suffer this. How could anyone think that living in a mountain that is freezing to death with no water or electricity is a kind of enjoyment?" Well, is this enjoyment?”

The walkie-talkie picked up automatically. Gao Guang wanted to chat with Laura, but it was David who answered him.

"That means you're not rich enough. When you have a lot of money, but you can't do anything anymore, and you only have enjoyment for the rest of your life, then you will feel that living in a wooden house on the mountain is a kind of enjoyment. ”

Gao Guang said disdainfully: "Forget it, if I had a few billion, I would buy an island and fish every day."

Gao Guang's words caused a burst of laughter, and David smiled disdainfully: "I thought you had such lofty ideals about fishing. You can't say it out loud. With your little wish, you can't make a big fortune." ”

Laura suddenly said next to Gao Guang: "If I have a lot of money, I will go to Alaska to buy a big place, build a wooden house, and hunt."

David continued to smile and said: "One is fishing and the other is hunting. You two are a perfect match."

At this time, Riccardo suddenly said on the intercom: "Hey, show some respect to the boss."

Originally, everyone was chatting casually because it was too uncomfortable to wait, but Riccardo suddenly made such a statement, which made the atmosphere very awkward.

"If I had money...

The person talking was the expedition. He was in high spirits and full of longing. But before he could say what he would do with money, Gao Guang suddenly saw a person in the sight.

Someone pushed open the door of a wooden house. Wearing a red jacket, he left the wooden house and walked straight to the side near the cliff.

The talking stopped immediately, and then Yuanzheng said urgently: "Someone is coming out!"

Gao Guang was also watching, but he couldn't tell that it was Asamyev.

Then the second, third, four people came out of the same wooden house, and then they walked to the cliff together.

Four people, all wearing heavy coats and hats, stood in a row on the edge of the cliff and started peeing. The drone finally captured the faces of several people and compared them. Yuanzheng quickly said: "None of the four people are targets. ,complete."

The door of another wooden house opened, and a man wearing a black coat and a vest came out. He also walked to the edge of the cliff and started peeing in front of the highlight.

Laura's hand was always on the trigger, and the highlight was used to identify again, but she still couldn't tell whether the fifth person who appeared was Asamyev.

"It's not a goal, it's over!"

The fifth one still isn't.

But after waiting for a while, someone else came out of the cabin.

"Can't tell, but it's probably not the target. He had a gun on his back."

If he was carrying a gun, it should be a bodyguard, not Asamyev, but after the sixth man appeared, someone came out again, and he was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and a A red wire hat.

Wearing short sleeves to go out in a place like this, even if you just go out to pee, is too disrespectful of the temperature here.

But at this time, Yuanzheng suddenly said: "That's him, the target appears, the one wearing the red hat, it's over!"

As luck would have it, Asamyev actually showed up at 7:20 in the morning, after just waiting for a little more than three hours.

Laura put her finger on the trigger.

In the early morning breeze, if the target comes out to pee, he will stop in one place for at least ten seconds.

Asamyev cooperated, so he was dead.

"The distance is 1,588 meters, the wind speed is 4, the temperature is minus 14 degrees Celsius, the target is moving slowly..."

Laura's finger was on the trigger.

In low temperature environments, the barrel will shrink. Although it is a very small change, it will already affect the accuracy.

Therefore, when the first shot is fired with a cold bore, the deviation will be relatively large. When the bullet passes through and the barrel heats up, the accuracy of the second shot will be greatly improved.

But Laura didn't care about this. She could overcome all the disadvantages, accurately shoot the first shot, and hit the target.

"The target starts to turn. The target has to go to the edge of the cliff. Get ready. The target's stopping movement will be very obvious. Get ready to shoot."

Needless to say, Gao Guang, Lola knew everything, but Gao Guang had to fulfill his duties as an assistant shooter.

For a man, as long as there is a cliff in front of him, he will never pee standing on the flat ground. All men will do this, and it will definitely be like this, unless the wind is particularly strong and will blow the urine back.

So the location where Asamyev will stop can already be predicted, and he always stops before peeing and unbuttons his pants. The moment he stops and unbuttons his belt is the best time to shoot. .

Asamyev walked to the edge of the cliff. He stopped pulling down and began to untie his belt. Gao Guang was surprised and happy in his heart. He whispered: "Get ready, get ready..."

Laura remained silent. She aimed at the target's chest. When Gao Guang looked at the tablet and watched Asamyev move two steps and finally pee out, he whispered: "Fire."

At the moment when Gao Guang said to fire, Laura pulled the trigger.

There was a loud noise, and the bullet came out of the gun and flew towards Asamyev.

Bullets fly faster than sound, so you don't have to worry about being heard by the target when you fire, but the muzzle flash may be exposed, and the snowflakes or dust stirred up by the muzzle flash may also make the target discover in advance that someone is shooting at you. .

But Laura's shooting preparation completely avoided these possibilities. The snow around her was very solid and it was impossible to cause snowflakes to fly, and it was impossible for Assamev to see the muzzle flash in the bright morning.

The bullet made a ripple in the air, and the fluctuations in the air could be seen. Gao Guang put his eyes behind the telescope. He wanted to observe the bullet to find a spot and see if it hit the target.

There seemed to be no problem, the bullet needed to fly for about four seconds, but the highlight concluded that Asamyev would not be able to finish peeing within four seconds.

Then a black shadow appeared in Gao Guang's field of vision, and then, the small black shadow suddenly exploded, and the white and black objects that exploded blocked Asamyev's face. what happened?

Gao Guang couldn't believe it. He couldn't tell what happened immediately, but what could be seen was that Asamyev suddenly lowered his body, then ran back with his pants in his hands.

"That's an eagle!"

Yuanzheng shouted in a trembling voice, and then he said in extreme astonishment: "You hit an eagle, and a bird blocked the bullet. I, Ciao..."

Gao Guang was stunned and said in shock: "Failed, the bullet was blocked by a bird..."

Some were incoherent, some were at a loss, and all the worries and fears became reality at this moment. Asamyev, he was really the son of destiny.

Laura didn't say anything, and she didn't fire, because everyone within her sight began to move. They began to run towards the wooden house, and they all ran in an S-shape, running quickly and erratically to avoid bullets. .

When the bullet hits the eagle, there will be a sound and a plume of feathers will explode in the air.

Laura bit her lip, but Gao Guang dropped the telescope. He said on the intercom: "The sniper failed. Prepare to intercept the target and prepare for a strong attack. The helicopter will pick me up. It's over!"

There was a sigh from the intercom, and it was Otto's voice.

The king's defense is now intact. Although the failure of the sniper attack is extremely shocking, Assamev has not escaped yet. He cannot leave.

Everyone entered the wooden house, but no one was in a hurry to get out of the wooden house. After Asamyev was attacked, he was not in a panic, but no one came out to check the situation, which seemed a bit exaggerated.

Finally, two people ran out of the wooden house. They did not hold guns, but one of them had a drone in his hand. After placing the drone on the ground, he turned around half a circle and moved towards it erratically again. The cabin ran back.

It was too difficult to shoot, mainly because it was too far away. There was no point in shooting at such a target, but Laura's gun went off.

The bullet still needs to fly for four seconds. Four seconds. I don't know how far the two people can run.

But after the man who put down the drone ran towards the entrance of a wooden house, and the moment he was about to enter, he suddenly fell forward and fell to the ground, and the half-open door was covered in blood.

Lola fired in advance at a distance of nearly 1,600 meters and accurately hit an unprotected target.

After beating such a difficult person, a person who was standing still peeing was blocked by a flying bird, regardless of whether it was an eagle or a sparrow. In short, there was no justice in this matter.

Laura was very frustrated, but she still said calmly: "I can block the target's exit!"

Use more difficult shooting to deal with your inner unwillingness and frustration, but to be honest, no matter how many targets you kill, it won't help.

"It's okay, it's okay. You and I will go to the second group of positions. We'll attack hard and the target won't be able to escape."

After comforting Laura, Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "It's because he's so lucky. It has nothing to do with your shooting skills. Well, he's the son of destiny, the son of destiny..."


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