Firepower is king

Chapter 674: Excitement


Furious, apart from the word furious, there is no word that can more accurately summarize the attitude of the pilot.

Fear, the feeling of highlight is very simple, only fear.

If you want to catch up with the target and bite the target, of course you have to kill the target, but killing the target does not mean that you will die together.

Highlight's screams resounded through the cabin, resounded through the sky, and reached everyone's ears through the intercom.

But no one laughed at the highlight, because being dragged into another helicopter by a crazy pilot was a sure death.

David panicked and said anxiously: "What's going on? Let your pilot..."

Laura said in horror: "No!"

No one saw the whole process more clearly and intuitively than Laura. When he saw the helicopter Gao Guang was riding rushing straight over, as if they would crash into each other and die together, she felt sincerely panicked.

Otto was just surprised, because he spent a lot of money to buy two pilots to do things for him, but he didn't expect the pilots to die for his commission, and they died together. What did the pilots think?

Although he was a little reluctant, Otto still said on the intercom: "Don't be impulsive, calm down, don't hit..."

The call frequency of the walkie-talkie was occupied, and David and Laura's calls conflicted. Fortunately, the communication with the helicopter was in a separate frequency band, so Otto's words could be heard by the pilot.

Gao Guang also heard it. At this moment, he was even surprised that Otto would speak out to stop the pilot's brain-twitching behavior, but it seemed that nothing he said was of any use.

Asamyev's helicopter descended to a very low altitude, almost flying close to the ground, because they saw David and they had two missile launchers, but they only fired three missiles now, and one was being loaded. There were at least two more missiles.

There are only two helicopters left on Assamyev's side.

One of the missile launchers was broken, but the enemy didn't know that. In order to avoid being hit by anti-aircraft missiles, the helicopter flew at an ultra-low altitude and tried to get as close to the ground as possible, because this could greatly reduce the hit rate of anti-aircraft missiles.

So this is what it is now, Asamyev is on the run, the pilot of Gaoguang is crazy and wants to hit him, suppressing David and others to prevent David and his helicopter from launching missiles, and the helicopter remains in place, while Otto's helicopter is in Drop down to pick up Patrick.

Gao Guang was desperate, because the pilot had no intention of slowing down or turning. A helicopter flying at ultra-low altitude must be slower, and a helicopter diving down at high altitude must be faster. Therefore, it was over, and he would die with everyone inexplicably.

But Asamyev's pilot saved Gao Guang's life.

When the two helicopters were about to collide, they made an extremely thrilling but effective maneuver and suddenly turned, causing the high-gloss helicopter to fly past almost brushing its rotors.

The helicopter's maneuvering range could not be too large, but Gao Guang once again felt the overload limit that the helicopter could withstand. It was still a painful feeling, at least much stronger than the feeling of a roller coaster.

"Haha, they are scared!"

The pilot raised the bottle and took another sip. Then he turned around, raised the bottle, and shouted at the highlight: "What are you shouting about? Like a woman, take a sip. You need this."

"You fucking fly a plane with one hand?" Gao Guang wanted to scold him, but considering that one-handed flying is also a plane that other people fly, it's better not to scold him. What if the pilot goes berserk again?

So Gao Guang reached out to catch the wine bottle handed by the pilot, and then he immediately said: "It's amazing. You can fly a plane with one hand, and you can fly it so well."

The pilot was not complacent. He said regretfully: "What does this mean? The opponent's skills are also good, and he managed to avoid it. I originally planned to hit his rotor with the belly of the plane. Our plane will be seriously injured at most, and their plane will definitely crash." , but actually escaped..."

Gao Guang didn't want to drink, but now, he couldn't help but raise his head and take a sip.

You have to take a sip, otherwise you won't be able to suppress your anger or fear.

My hands are shaking and my legs are shaking, mainly because the cabin door is always open and the cold wind blows.

It was freezing. It wasn't because I was scared, absolutely not.

The pilot turned again and pursued the low-flying target.

At this time, the enemy's suppressed helicopter finally turned, descended, and began to chase Asamyev.

Otto's helicopter descended to the bottom of the valley, where he would land and pick up Patrick, and of course Lin Nianzu, before catching up and letting Patrick fight a dogfight with his machine gun.

They are all civilian helicopters, and the enemy's firepower is very weak. The addition of a machine gun is enough to change the situation.

It takes thirty seconds for the Mistral to regenerate under ideal conditions. In actual combat, it cannot be so fast, but it can be reloaded in less than a minute. 「

Riccardo completed loading, but when he was about to lift the missile launcher again, Dimitris said urgently: "Don't fight, the enemy and our positions overlap, be careful of accidental injury."

The two enemy helicopters and the high-gloss helicopter are basically lined up in a straight line, and the missiles fired have a high probability of hitting the enemy aircraft at the rear. But the problem is, if it misses, it will be the high-gloss helicopter that blocks Asamyev's gun.

Thinking about the power of Assamev's Destiny Child, Dimitris was also scared and did not dare to take risks.

Since there is a machine gun, let's let the machine gun do its job.

Asamyev's plane crossed the ridge, and the high light followed.

The second enemy plane followed Gao Guang and wanted to fight, but it had no attack position and no means of attack.

Otto's helicopter took off, picked up Patrick and Lin Nianzu, and then followed.

The four helicopters formed a long formation, chasing each other and flying over.

Gao Guang took a sip of wine and felt it wasn't enough, so he took another sip. The alcohol immediately made him a little heady, but the scared soul seemed to have returned.

After regaining consciousness, his mind became clear. Gao Guang immediately said: "David! Take your people to check and search the wooden house to prevent the target from staying inside. Over."

"Copy that, done."

The walkie-talkie was not very powerful when the distance was quickly zoomed out, so the reply was already noisy, but fortunately, David received it and replied.

Gao Guang calmed down, and then he said to the pilot: "Man, your skills are really good, really great, but can you stop using the Barents scalpel? I can't bear it."

"This is not a Barents scalpel. We are not a fighter jet. This is called a head-on kill. It is only used by helicopters. Don't you know? Don't you know that it's normal and no one has seen it before? Hahahaha..."

This pilot is really speechless.

Gao Guang didn't want to tease the pilot anymore. He was afraid that he would get killed again. Although the name sounded powerful, when he used it, he had to be mentally prepared to die together, and he was obviously not prepared for this.

"Man, just catch him and let me kill him with a gun, okay?"

"I doubt you can do it with a pistol, but I have no other choice, because I can't catch up." The pilot's tone was very regretful, but in the end he could only say helplessly: "Follow me until the end." You hit him when he's parallel, and the rest is up to you."

All four helicopters increased their speed to the limit, which is the limit of low-altitude flight.

There are ski resorts along the mountains on both sides of the Matterhorn, and they are famous ski resorts. When the helicopter flies along the mountain range, people skiing in the early morning see a strange scene.

A helicopter flew over at a very low altitude, almost grazing the cable car. The strong downward pressure and wind caused the cable car below to sway unsteadily.

Then another helicopter flew by quickly.

Then another, and another.

This spectacle is rare to see, but the few people who were lucky enough to witness it were all frightened, and then they began to think about a question, that is, whether they should call the police.

The answer is no need to call the police.

There were shots and explosions early in the morning. Although there were no people nearby and there were several piles of burning helicopter wreckage on the ground, such a big movement could not attract the attention of the local area. This shows that Switzerland and Italy The air defense system is terrible


Asamyev's helicopter never increased in altitude, which puzzled Gao Guang for a while, but he soon figured out that this was to prevent being detected by radar.

Prevent being discovered and locked by Swiss air defense radar, or discovered by Italian radar.

If a few helicopters do this, sooner or later they will be dispatched with fighter jets to intercept them.

Asamyev can't slow down or land, so Gao Guang can only follow, and Gao Guang follows, and the two helicopters behind can also only follow. Now is the speed of the game. Even if Gao Guang and they have the advantage in firepower, the pursuit Anything less is in vain.

The helicopter Assamyev was riding was an A139, with a maximum speed of 310 kilometers per hour and a maximum cruising speed of 290 kilometers.

The high-gloss Dolphin helicopter has a maximum speed of 296 kilometers and a maximum cruising speed of 285 kilometers.

Therefore, the speed of the high-gloss helicopter is theoretically slower. Even though the difference is only a slight difference, the distance will become farther and farther. However, because Asamyev's helicopter has more people on board and a larger load, the speed is basically the same. , the highlights are not pulled out.

But there is good news for Gaoguang, that is, although the A139 is slightly faster, its maximum range is only 568 kilometers, while the maximum range of the Dolphin helicopter is 897 kilometers, which means that it can catch up sooner or later.

Escape, chase, chase, chase, this is the situation of the four helicopters, and maintaining this situation, after flying for more than 20 minutes and not knowing how far away, the helicopter's public frequency band suddenly sounded. call.

"This is the Swiss Air Force, registration numbers are SA1605, IT2206, SA9075, IT3317. Four of your planes are flying dangerously in Swiss airspace. I order your four helicopters to land according to my guidance, otherwise you will be shot down. Repeat..."

An FA18 Hornet, no, two of them, passed over the right side of the high light.

The pilot turned off the public radio station, and then he said loudly to the bright light: "Don't worry, they don't dare. We were flying on the border between Italy and Switzerland, and they opened fire on the Italian side. This is …

Before the pilot finished speaking, Gao Guang silently pointed to the left and said, "That's Italy on the left, right? Do you think that's an Italian plane?"

Turning to the left, he saw a Tornado fighter jet flying past, revealing the missiles underneath the belly of the aircraft.

The pilot was silent for a moment, and then he said again: "Don't be afraid, the Italians don't dare to fight. They will hit Switzerland if they open fire. Well, unless they activate NATO's emergency air defense agreement, but how is that possible? It's not that fast. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, Switzerland is a neutral country and they cannot activate NATO’s joint air defense system.”

Gao Guang sighed and said: "Switzerland is a member of the NATO-Third Country Partnership for Peace Program, so they can do it."

The pilot still said nonchalantly: "They won't dare to fight at this time tomorrow. We will have already run out of fuel by then, so don't be afraid. It's just to scare us. Don't go to densely populated areas and don't leave the border. There will be absolutely no one." If you dare to open fire, you must be right to listen to me.

Although I don't understand why the pilot is so determined, Gao Guang certainly has no reason to give up.

Lifting the bottle and taking a sip, Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "Italy on the left, Switzerland on the right, accompanied by fighter jets from the two countries. Let's not talk about anything else. This is really exciting!" \u003e\u003e\u003c

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