Firepower is king

Chapter 705: Giving up halfway

Everyone wants a nickname that sounds good, is powerful, or is scary to hear. No one likes insulting nicknames or nicknames that refer to physical defects.

But the problem is that nicknames are given by others, and when people give nicknames to others, there is absolutely no good words. To put it mildly, it is ridicule, and to put it more seriously, it is humiliation. In short, it will not get better.

If you want a good nickname, you basically have to come up with it yourself and forget about relying on others to give it to you. Therefore, it is a bit too naive to want to give them all temporary nicknames and then use them in battle immediately.

"I want to call myself Falcon. I fly drones. I have eyes like an eagle and speed like an eagle. I can't think of a better nickname, so I call it Falcon."

The expedition seems very positive and serious, but when it comes to naming things, highlighting can always cause bad things for others.

"You still want to call him Falcon, what about Kira? Do you think he should be called Silly Bird or Golden Eagle? It's up to you." "Silly Bird, he looks stupid."

"And he was always drunk."

"He also likes to hit people with his helicopter. Such people are of course stupid."

The topic of highlights resonated extremely quickly. Kira was not present, and his nickname was quickly determined. It was Foolish Bird, and the golden eagle didn't recognize it.

And Kira has changed from a golden eagle to a stupid bird, so how can the expedition be called a falcon smoothly?

The most important thing is, Gao Guang calls Mad Dog, can he make other people's nicknames sound nice and powerful? If you can't get it, destroy it. I don't have it, and you don't have it either.

So Gao Guang said to Yuan Zheng: "If you call me a falcon, I think it's okay to call you a little bird. You are a silly bird and a little bird. Your treatment is very high."

At this moment, Laura, who had never had any sense of existence, suddenly said: "I am a hunter. During my first mission in the Alps, the prey I shot with the first shot was an eagle, so I am called the Falconer."

Yuan Zheng was dumbfounded and said in astonishment: "My name is Falcon, and your name is Falconer?"

Falcon is a species and a separate word, but falconer is different, with different roots and different meanings. In other words, Laura’s nickname for herself can be called the person who kills the eagle.


Yuan Zheng was stunned, and Gao Guang comforted Laura very considerately and said: "Don't be like this, let him let go of the past. You are just unlucky and the bullet was blocked by an eagle. There is no need to keep thinking about it."

Laura shook her head stubbornly.

David said calmly: "I think my name is Sickle." "My werewolf is also pretty good."

Gao Guang said angrily: "That's enough! What time is it now? We have to start taking action. You are still here thinking about nicknames. Did you give me the nickname by yourself? My crazy dog's nickname was given to me by Frank." Yes, what did I say?”

Waving his hand bitterly, Gao Guang said angrily: "Let's do this for now, let's talk about it later."

Lei looked on and just wanted to smile, but when he thought that his name had become Reggae, and it was Fake Reggae, the smile quickly disappeared from Lei's face.

Preparing for battle is very tedious, so let’s think about how to fight.

The collective naming of King's Defense quickly turned into a farce, half-finished and unfinished. Everything went well except for the nickname.

Gear up until dark, waiting for the action to begin as soon as the launch time comes.

Gao Guang rode in a bulletproof car with Tom, Riccardo and Francisco in the car. Riccardo drives, Francisco protects the highlight, and Tom just watches.

"Boss, what do you think is appropriate for me to be called? Is the nickname Military Advisor appropriate? Or Executive Officer? If it's a thug, well, am I a thug now?"

Riccardo regarded his position as a nickname. For the Mafia, the counselor was the highest-status person besides the godfather, so Riccardo hoped that high-ranking officials would agree to call him the counselor.

But Gao Guang doesn't want to discuss this issue now.

"Okay, let's go back and talk about the nickname later. Why are we talking about this now?"

The car radio rang, Lei

He said calmly on the radio: "This is Reggae. The air assault team has boarded and is on standby in the combat area. Over."

Every time he mentioned his nickname, he had to stumble, but Gao Guang also understood that when he was forced to use the nickname Mad Dog, he had to pause when it was time to announce his nickname.

"Roger, done."

The ground and the sky moved hand in hand, and the people in the shadow half boarded the plane. The highlight was watching from the car. When the helicopter took off again, the convoy on the ground also began to move.

Shang Sanji's home is still a bit far away, and it takes twenty minutes to drive there. .??.

But it only lasted twenty minutes, and Gao Guang planned to strike first and then slowly talk to Sanji about it. Therefore, in twenty minutes, he would have to participate in the battle again.

I was a little nervous, and not very excited. The main reason was that my high-gloss leg was broken. The feeling of being alive and participating in the battle in person was different from being pushed in a wheelchair.

Lei, the commander-in-chief of the operation, suddenly issued an order.

"Stop advancing, all combatants disembark, clear the airspace, everyone, temporarily turn off radio equipment, communicate with light signals, repeat, turn off all electronic communication equipment, completed."

Gao Guang silently turned off his walkie-talkie, while Riccardo reached out and turned off the car radio.

Tom also turned off the walkie-talkie, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Conduct electronic jamming before special operations. This habit and equipment are not found in just any army. The helper you found is good."

Gao Guang laughed twice.

The Phantom Army sends people to gain experience and earn extra money at the same time. How can you talk about this kind of thing casually? Even if Tom is an ally, he can't say it.

Highlights: They watched the person in the shadow move a mini version of the radar from the car. It was like an air defense radar, but it didn't rotate, and it didn't look very heavy. The shadow brought this thing from the United States to Poland. Then it was brought to Baghdad from Poland. It must be very useful.

IR light

Start flashing, which is a means of emergency communication after the radio is disabled. Ray uses the flashing light signal to tell others what they have found and what to do next.

"One enemy plane, oh, there are really drones in the sky!"

The electronic warfare was invisible and intangible, and the sound and light effects were zero. The person in the shadow played with a small radar for a moment, and then in less than a minute, he started to put the radar away.

The lights flickered, and the high light turned the intercom back on, and then he heard Lei whisper: "We found a drone at an altitude of 1,100 meters, civilian band. We used jamming methods to shoot it down and blocked the civilian band. Frequency, as expected, the enemy’s drone has been unable to take off.”

This is technology suppression. Drones are very common now, but consumer-grade civilian drones are so cheap, but military reconnaissance drones are extremely expensive. This is the difference.

The people in the shadows released four drones, all of which were quite large.

The larger the drone is, the larger the reconnaissance equipment it carries will be, so it can see further, cover a larger area, and see more clearly. First suppress the enemy's drone reconnaissance, and then release your own drone for aerial surveillance to achieve a unilateral God's perspective.

With all-round suppression, the black box mercenary group may be really strong, but how can they fight in this situation? Obviously, they can't fight.

In just three or two minutes, the Shadow Mercenary Group completed preparations for the battle, and the drone had already focused on monitoring several points that the enemy must control. At this time, Lei said calmly: "No. 1 If there is any movement at the point, find the enemy and prepare to attack.”

There is no need to discuss it with the highlighter, and there is no need to discuss it.

The Phantoms are a force that is good at beheading operations, but now, what they want to carry out is not a fast-in, fast-out, hit-and-run beheading operation, but a hunt for a strong team, striving to annihilate all the enemies.

Therefore, this battle method is different. Lei Bu is not in a hurry to attack with all his troops. He wants to use his advantage to end the battle in a way that the enemy cannot resist at all.

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