Firepower is king

Chapter 755 Pocket

the next day.

The data was sent back, transmitted through a dedicated military data link line. The Qatar Air Force Base sent it to the CIA's Middle East Division, which sent it to the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security sent it to Jane, who in turn sent it to Gao Guang.

If you go through more hands, there will be one more person to share the money with, but Gao Guang believes in one sentence, that is, happiness alone is not as good as happiness among everyone.

After all, money is not something that shines brightly, so there is nothing wrong with finding a safe and trouble-free way for your relatives and friends to get money.

It was when this data was uploaded from Gaoguang Hand to the Tiren Formation that it encountered some problems. The transmission speed was too slow, excruciatingly slow.

Jane was so anxious that she even wanted to open a dedicated line for Gao Guang, but the problem was that Ethiopia's network was not very good, let alone the rear group's deployment in Mekele.

But Gao Guang is not in a hurry. He has already started transmitting the investigation results as agreed. If the Tiren Formation cannot receive them, it has nothing to do with him.

What is sent is a high-definition lossless color image. The data is large. The drone shoots the picture for one minute, and the highlights are transmitted here for at least ten minutes.

Slowly let people watch over there, there is nothing else you can do.

Finally, the Tirenzhen team couldn't accept this transmission speed, so they called Leon, who was still bumpy on the road. Leon gave feedback to Gao Guang, and then Gao Guang could propose a new deal.

It's probably similar to the routine of buying a car cheaply and maintaining it expensively.

"Boss, customers have complained. They said the transmission speed is too full, and the images sent are basically landscape photos, which are useless. You can't even see individuals. What kind of investigation is this?"

"Tell the TPLF that what we are sending is reconnaissance footage from drones. We have been filming it since we entered Ethiopia. If we want the transmission speed to be faster, they have to fix their own network. We can't blame us."

"It's not our fault. It's impossible for the Tiren Formation to lay optical cables now. They just want to know if there is a method for fast transmission."

Gao Guang looked at Jane. Since the share of the intelligence research and judgment business was given to the CIA, the share of selling equipment terminals had to be given to his wife.

Jane thought for a while and said: "Give them a receiver without satellite relay signal, the kind that uses satellite signal transmission. It cannot be connected to our military communication network, but it can be connected to the signal terminal assigned to the Allied Forces, but you Responsible for recovery.”

"You mean the Allies?"

Jane said calmly: "NATO."

"no problem?"

Jane smiled and said: "There are at least hundreds of users with the same terminal. If you lose one, you can't find out who it belongs to. What's more, we have to take it back. What's the problem?"

It feels like picking up wool

It's cool.

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Our investigation business is not just done once. This money has to be paid to recruit people. How about five million?"

"Okay, after all, it has to be taken back."

Gao Guang said to the phone that was not hung up: "Give the Tiren Formation a signal receiver. Just tell them that it costs five million, and then tell them whether you want purified intelligence. These services require additional payment. Because we don’t have the professional processing capabilities in this area, we quote a price of 10 million, but we can guarantee to provide them with the best service in the world, that’s it.”

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang took a long breath and said, "Doing business with Africans is really tiring."

Jane asked curiously: "Why don't you contact the Tiren Zhen personally, but you must ask Leon to tell you? Why?"

Gao Guang hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "I am thin-skinned, and I am really embarrassed to catch a sheep and kill it."

Jane was speechless, and Gao Guang heard someone behind him say: "Are you embarrassed? Are you thin-skinned? This is really the funniest joke in the world."

Otto came out in a wheelchair. He seemed a little depressed, but this still did not prevent him from wanting to talk about something.

5 Gao Guang just didn't bother to talk to Otto, otherwise he would piss Otto off to death.

Otto slowly came to Jane, and then he whispered: "Your business is very happy. Now I will add five million more, and now I will add five million more. It is considered an increase for an arms dealer like you." The human formation is unlucky.”

Gao Guang said unceremoniously: "Just say that besides me, there is that arms dealer who can provide such things as the human formation. If you say it, you are right."

Otto was speechless, and then he began to feel a little annoyed, because he felt powerless.

Seeing that Otto had nothing to say, Gao Guang said proudly: "Since no one else can provide it, I will provide information that can determine the situation of the battle, and I will only charge 30 million. Is that much? Is it much? You tell me what I want." "Is it much?"

Otto suddenly turned his head to look at Jane and said in a deep voice: "What's for breakfast?"

Jane took a breath and said very calmly: "We have eaten, you go to the kitchen to see what is available."

Jane was still angry. She didn't want to look good on Otto. The reason was because Otto called Heidi for more than an hour last night.

Otto wheeled his wheelchair into the kitchen unhappily.

Leon called at the right time

Then he said happily: "The Tirenzhen agreed. They don't want any signal receiving equipment, and the money can be paid, but they ask to receive the frontline investigation results as soon as possible."

"No, no, we have to follow principles. How can we collect their money for nothing? We must have equipment and terminals. They don't need us to use them. The information will be given soon. Just wait."

After happily hanging up Leon's phone call, Gao Guang happily called Tom and said, "Don't send junk files, just send the purified version to me. The TIP will pay for it."

"Received, I'll send it right away."

If you want to make more money, you have to increase the difficulty artificially. It's all routine, and it's worthless.

Tom can send the annotated pictures to Gao Guang. This is the purified intelligence, just like gold purified from ore. Although it's the same thing, the volume and weight are much smaller.

Gao Guang started to look at the pictures, and then he sent them to the TIP while looking at them.

In fact, the CIA's professional field is not in military intelligence, but it's not too simple for them to find an intelligence analyst who retired from the army. With a casual swipe, this professional intelligence will be in Gao Guang's hands.

At this moment, Gao Guang is one of the few people in the world who has the most thorough understanding of the Ethiopian war. He knows where the TIP has fought and knows the *** of the Ethiopian TIP.

But Gao Guang suddenly felt something was wrong, because he found that the picture Tom gave had clearly marked a three-sided encirclement situation map.

Let's put it this way, with Gao Guang's reading ability, he could see that there was a problem, which means that the problem was already very serious.

If Gao Guang was not mistaken, then the Tiren formation should have entered the pocket formation of the Egyptian formation, with a large army intercepting in front and a large army on both sides, waiting for an encirclement to cut off the stretched battle line of the Tiren formation and swallow up the salient.

The most terrible thing was that Gao Guang found a convoy in the picture.

Gao Guang felt uneasy, he picked up the phone, and wanted to call Tom first, but after thinking about it, he called Leon first.

"Leon, how many vehicles are there in your convoy?"

"Ten trucks, two off-road vehicles, and four pickup trucks from the Ti Ren Zhen to help escort. What's wrong, boss?"

Gao Guang swallowed his saliva and said, "Stop the car, turn around, and run back, quickly!"

Leon didn't ask Gao Guang why. He shouted directly, "Stop the car, turn around, and retreat. As fast as possible, quickly, quickly!"

Leon must have said it on the intercom. After he finished speaking, he said anxiously, "Boss, what happened?"

"You are going to be surrounded. Retreat quickly. Notify the Ti Ren Zhen that their vanguard has entered the encirclement. Quickly, you can say that you are luring the enemy deep into the territory and cutting them off in the middle. The Ti Ren Zhen will understand. Quickly, quickly retreat!"

Leon hung up the phone. He needed to use the phone to tell the Ti Ren Zhen the result.

This time, Gao Guang really didn't want to keep it a secret. He really didn't know that the situation had deteriorated to this extent. If Tom hadn't sent the purified and annotated pictures, he wouldn't have seen the results of the drone's reconnaissance.

It can be said that the American intelligence personnel in the Middle East know the two warring parties in Ethiopia better than they do themselves.

Otto wanted to say something, but he was too embarrassed to gloat at this time.

And Jane's face changed. She just glanced at it and immediately said, "Not good, the retreat will be cut off."

Even non-professionals can see that both warring parties are fighting along the road leading to Addis Ababa. The situation is really simple. The drone photos have marked the direction of the artillery positions, which means that the artillery of the Egyptian camp has been prepared for the war and is waiting to start.

Gao Guang called Tom, and then he asked anxiously: "When did you receive the photos?"

"Two hours ago, what happened?"

"Have you seen it?"

Tom was a little surprised, and he said puzzledly: "No, why did I look at the Ethiopian intelligence, it's useless."

"Who should focus on the situation around the convoy? They were allowed to enter the artillery coverage area? Can you tell?" Gao Guang said with a sad face: "Our convoy was surrounded, my convoy delivering arms was surrounded, quickly, contact Hank, let the drone focus on our convoy, quickly contact Hank, you don't have to worry about me, you go to Hank!"

Our own people are our convoy, and if they are not our own people, they are your convoy, but it's meaningless to say these things at this time. The point is that Gao Guang's convoy was surrounded.

It's okay if the entire convoy is captured, even if the goods are not wanted, the terrible thing is that a burst of artillery fire will directly blow everything on the road to pieces, and there will be no chance to surrender.

Jian said to Gao Guang: "Don't look for drones. Let your people abandon the car and flee immediately. First, make sure they are not bombarded. You can take your time to determine the location, but make sure the people are safe first."

After a while of chaos, Gao Guang couldn't even make a phone call, so he shouted: "Someone, make a call, quick!"

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