Firepower is king

Chapter 758 Walking on one leg

It’s hard to heal even if you’re injured, it’s hard.

Although he was impatient, his mind was still calm.

The next thing to do is very simple, that is, as long as the person is alive, save the person first. If Leon and the others are dead, then it goes without saying and only revenge will be left.

But revenge is difficult.

The opponent is someone from the Pentagon. Gao Guang is not very clear about who they are. Lloyd must know, but the question is, is Lloyd willing to help Gao Guang kill his colleagues?

Even if Lloyd really goes all out to take revenge on his internal competitors, does Gao Guang have the strength to take action?

It's okay to beat up a white glove like Morris, or bully a trusting white glove like Zog, but if you directly attack several generals in the Pentagon, then Gao Guang will really be impatient to live.

It depends on the owner when beating a dog, let alone hitting the owner directly.

The CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, and the military, among Gao Guang's current allies and helpers, who will dare to really help him when the time comes? It's important to be self-aware. Gao Guang knows that if he doesn't want to die, it's best not to drag others to death. They are originally mixed together for profit, so don't expect others to be willing to live and die together, so it's best not to say anything and do it. It was so ugly that no one could get off the stage.

At this time, you can see the benefits of the underground world.

If Gao Guang raised a group of people who only listened to his orders and couldn't live without him, even if they dared and were willing to poke a hole in the sky, then the situation would be different.

You still have to walk on two legs, and Gao Guang is obviously not so convenient now with one leg.

Gao Guang had a broken leg, and when it came to career planning, he was obviously walking on one leg.

He places too much emphasis on the power on the surface, lacks management in the underground world, and lacks his own hard power.

Just like now, if you rely on the bright side forces that can be bought with money, then Gaoguang will have no means of counterattack against the Pentagon.

But if there is a group of killers who are desperate for their lives...

Gao Guang couldn't help but look at Otto, but Otto breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously to Gao Guang: "Now you know the benefits of being a killer?"

"Well, teacher, how do you think I should handle this matter?"

Otto doesn't understand idioms, but facing this complex situation, he definitely has extremely rich experience and extremely rich methods.

Otto whispered: "Rescue the people first, and then Danxi will consider revenge, but since Ding Wuyong Daqinana has started to attack you, it will be troublesome."

The beginning, not the end. "

"How to rescue people? Since this incident was initiated by the Pentagon, wouldn't it be inappropriate for me to use the power of the US military to rescue people?" Of course Gao Guang wanted to put pressure first, and it would be best to make the Egyptians obediently control them. If the people are released, if the Egyptian formation refuses to let them go, or refuses them completely, then we have to consider forced rescue or rescue by force.

When it came to rescue by force, Gao Guang's first thought was the Shadow Mercenary Group, but to oppose the Pentagon and use the phantom troops under the control of the Pentagon, wouldn't this be causing trouble for the phantom?

"Your opponents are certain people in the Pentagon, not the entire Pentagon. If you kill one of them, it is a challenge to the dignity of the Pentagon. You are the enemy of the Pentagon. General Lloyd cannot protect you, even he himself will I'll be done with you, but if you just save people, then this is only competition within the limits of the rules." The person speaking was Jane. Although she was not from the Pentagon, she was very familiar with this kind of competition and was good at it.

Jane lowered her voice and said: "Since this is a competition within the rules, you have to show your strength even more. This is not your matter alone. This is the matter of our entire shooting club. These are two interests. There is a conflict of interest between the groups, so as long as you don’t cross the bottom line, you can do whatever you want.”

The window paper showed through in just a few seconds. Gao Guang nodded and said, "I understand, so what's the bottom line?"

"You can fight any way you want in private, but you can never directly attack the other party's public officials."

Gao Guang understands, this is the difference between editing and not editing


After a long sigh, Gao Guang said helplessly: "Then how can I make them stop completely?"

If the problem cannot be fundamentally solved, such as directly eliminating competitors, then it will only last a long time. To put it bluntly, it is money, and in this case, Gao Guang feels that this competition will never end.

Understand that competition and war are different. Now Gao Guang feels that this is more like a competition between two companies. No matter what, the law must be obeyed.

Gao Guang was a little confused again, and it was Jian who pierced the window paper.

"It's very simple. Just take down the other party's people. As long as you lose your position, what's the difference between death and death for those big shots?"

Gao Guang's eyes suddenly widened, and then he said in shock: "Yes.

Ah, so simple..."

Jane said calmly: "We have an advantage over the other party in this regard. The Department of Homeland Security and the CIA are far more convenient than the Pentagon alone."

Otto smiled and said: "In fact, we can kill our opponents under the premise that it seems completely normal, so that no one can find any problems. The fastest and most fundamental solution to the problem. This is the value of our existence."

Walking on two legs, if you want to walk on two legs, take the two routes represented by Jane and Otto. Gao Guang obviously prefers Otto's side.

This was the first time that Gao Guang identified with his teacher instead of his junior wife.

Lloyd's call came.

Gao Guang couldn't wait to answer the phone, and then he immediately said: "How is it?"

"They denied having anything to do with it. Even though I made it clear, they still denied it."

Gao Guang said helplessly: "Do we need evidence for this kind of thing?"

"There is no need to provide evidence, but if the other party denies it, we have no way to do it, so I issued a warning to them. I said that if something happens to our people in Ethiopia and someone dies, then we will definitely take revenge. I think they should have some scruples, at least they don't dare to let the Egyptians kill Leon and the others directly."

Gao Guang can now only find one target for revenge, Zog.

And Zog didn't want to be a puppet, so he just reached an agreement with Gao Guang and secretly cooperated to a certain extent.

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Do you think the Ai Renzhen side will just let people go?"

"It's hard to say, it's really hard to say. This matter cannot be pinned on the other party's compromise. For safety reasons, we have to prepare early to save people. Also, we have to show our strength, so the Phantom side must get involved, just Let the shadows be, no matter what, the shadows must be involved."

Lloyd said the same thing as Jane.

Then things will be simple. Gao Guang whispered: "The Shadow Mercenary Group has the ability to launch globally. As long as they are willing to participate, they and I will rush to Djibouti as quickly as possible. No, I will go to Ethiopia, which is more convenient. Some."

"Okay, we also need to keep an eye on the Polish side. If something happens to our people, then kill all the people over there in Poland." Lloyd also expressed his anger clearly.

Lloyd used to be with that group, but now, he has given up the possibility of riding two boats.

Totally on the high-gloss side.

Although Lloyd can just say that when the time comes, the money must be paid out and things must be done in a high-profile manner, but now is not the time for Lloyd to exert his efforts. This kind of thing is not something he should directly intervene in, so It's good that Lloyd has this attitude.

It can be regarded as the first time that the shooting club has been forced to work together to deal with a challenge. In the past, they took the initiative to cooperate to seek money, but this time they were forced to accept the challenge. Who is one of their own and who only wants to gain benefits? In front of this opponent, It will be displayed.

Gao Guang hung up the phone, but before calling Lei, Gao Guang thought about it and called Zog.

Just ask, Zog, who acts as a white glove, and his boss behind the scenes are not of the same mind, so there should be an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The call got through, but no one answered. Gao Guang was a little disappointed, but the call came back quickly. Although this was a trivial matter,

But it can also be seen that Zog's situation is indeed not that free.

"Hello Mr. Dog, please tell me if you have anything to do. It's not very convenient for me."

Gao Guang didn't mince words, he whispered: "You have intervened in Ethiopia, haven't you? My people were ambushed. What did you do? What is your role in it?"

Zog was also very neat. He said without hesitation: "I don't have much say, and I certainly can't take charge of things in Ethiopia. My role in this matter is to get your ship carrying goods out of the port." Time will tell them, but this is not a secret at all. It is just a call made by me. Anyone can make this call. Also, I am just doing it on a routine basis. I didn't expect them to attack your ship."

"It's not the ship, it's my people who were captured by the Ethiopian people. I believe what you say. Your situation is not enough to attack me in Ethiopia. But the problem now is that I only have you as the target of revenge, and I must Go back for revenge, now I don’t know how to solve it, why don’t you tell me.”

Zog was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "After Morris died, they were unwilling to find a white glove to take charge of the overall situation, so they planned to use several people to work in different areas, with whom they fully trusted and were easy to control. I don’t know who the person in charge of the African side is, but I can help you check it. You mess with him, don’t mess with me.”

There was progress, and contacting Zog turned out to be useful. Gao Guang was very satisfied with Zog's answer and solution. Since Zog didn't want to die, he had to find a scapegoat.

And Gao Guang also saves himself the trouble of finding information, which is good. This is a good start for another cooperation with Zog.

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