Firepower is king

Chapter 765: Not bad yet

How much is a C-130 worth? I don’t know this highlight.

I know the purchase price of the US military. According to the previous purchase price, one unit is about 40 to 50 million US dollars.

But Gao Guang didn't know the price on the black market, because it was impossible to sell the plane on the black market, so it was hard to say how much the plane could be sold for. Ten million was his, and one hundred million was still him.

The C-130 is the most versatile and best-performing tactical transport aircraft in the world today. Not to mention that it is no longer advanced after decades of existence. What a transport aircraft needs is reliability, maturity, ease of maintenance and low failure rate.

This aircraft is only sold to national customers. It is impossible for private individuals to buy it because it is a military transport aircraft and is completely different from a passenger aircraft.

Suppose there are two 0-130s, plus three An-12s, and four Mi-8s.

How can you make so much money from fighting? Have the Knight Mercenary Group ever made so much money after fighting all their lives?

Now two pies have been beaten down from the sky. Note that they were beaten down, not dropped by themselves, so can this pie be let go? Of course, even if it kills him, it cannot be let go.

If he wasn't in a hurry to save people, Gao Guang really wanted to stay at the airport and not leave. If he wanted to leave, he could just get on the plane and leave.

Two ground crew technicians were brought over, two middle-aged men who looked panicked. They were wearing airport ground crew uniforms and were brought in front of Gao Guang.

Gao Guang said kindly: "Don't be afraid, I just want to ask you, what's going on with these two planes?"

He pointed at the huge aircraft behind him and said in a very gentle tone: "Why are these two aircraft parked in the hangar? Is there something wrong? I want to see the maintenance log of the aircraft. Do you have this?"

"These two planes were parked after flying over because they should undergo a thorough inspection and maintenance, but none of us understand this kind of aircraft, and the airport in Addis Ababa couldn't park them, so they Put it here."

The technician finished stammering, and the answer was as expected. Gao Guang nodded and said: "Very good, can the 0-130 here still fly?"

"No, I can't"

After another technician finished speaking stumblingly, he quickly said: "Both planes have some problems. It is very dangerous when they fly over. According to the technical requirements, they cannot take off again. There is a maintenance log. The engineer invited from abroad said, Both transport aircraft require replacement of critical components."

Gao Guang was overjoyed because he couldn't take off according to the requirements and just couldn't take off were two different things.

"In other words, forced takeoff can still be used, right?"

"No, because there are more or less problems with both aircraft. There is a problem with the oil system on the right side of aircraft No. 305, and the entire oil system must be replaced. Aircraft No. 306 has a flight control system failure. During the last maintenance, it was imported from abroad. The hired engineer removed the flight control system, but we did not have suitable spare parts to replace it.”

r\u003eAt this time, Lei whispered in Gao Guang's ear: "Disassemble the parts, two to one."

It is a realistic method to dismantle the usable parts of the two planes and put them together to ensure that at least one plane can fly. However, it does not feel very good to only have one plane when there are two.

Adults don't make choices, they want everything.

"Um, um, give me the flight and maintenance logs."

Ships have logbooks, and large aircraft also have flight logs. Detailed records must be kept for every maintenance and repair, and they must be kept with the aircraft.

As long as you can get the maintenance log, you will basically know what is wrong with the aircraft, whether it can fly, or whether it can quickly restore its flight capabilities.

People arrived first, and they were still looking for the maintenance log, but soon the person in charge of the airport was brought to Gao Guang with two thick texts.

Gao Guang couldn't wait to open it, and then found that it was completely incomprehensible to his ability.

I don’t even know those words, and there are all kinds of technical terms. English is like this. I don’t know the meaning of the words I don’t know. It’s really like a mountain separated by another line.

Gao Guang glanced at it twice, and then he handed the diary to Riccardo next to him as if nothing had happened.

Riccardo opened it in confusion and closed it with a frustrated look on his face, and then held the diary in his hands.

Professional matters must be left to professional people. Gao Guang said to the captives: "You can't repair these two planes, right?"

The ground crew spread his hands and whispered: "If it can be repaired, it won't be left in the hangar to rust."

Ethiopia is short of accessories and technicians, but this highlighter is not difficult to find.

"Okay, let's go out for a while."

Gao Guang and Riccardo left the hangar. He paused for a moment outside, and then whispered: "If you want to take him away, you must do whatever you can to take him away."

Gao Guang took out the satellite phone. After thinking about it, he turned on Lloyd.

"General, I have seized two C130s here. I want to take these two aircraft away, but both aircraft have malfunctions and need to be repaired before they can fly. So I need pilots and maintenance technicians. Can you help me solve it? ?”


"Yes, Hercules."

Lloyd's breathing was a little heavy. He thought for a moment and said, "It will definitely cost money, but the money is worth spending. Let me think about it, the nearest place is Djibouti..."

The bright light did not disturb Lloyd. Soon, Lloyd said seriously: "Just find someone from Djibouti to repair the plane and fly it back.

Don't put off this kind of thing, it would be too slow to find people from other places. "

There is no doubt about Lloyd's experience and ability.

Lloyd said quietly: "If Djibouti refuses to help and just follows that side, then when I become the commander-in-chief in Europe, Djibouti will not be able to live well from top to bottom! At least, I have to ask them to remain neutral for me. !”

At this point, Lloyd suddenly asked: "Is there a maintenance log?"

"Yes, I've got it."

"Very good, I'll contact someone right away. If you show them the last maintenance record in the maintenance log, they'll know where the problem is and whether it's possible to repair it quickly. If it's possible, we'll have someone come over with accessories and technicians."

"And the pilot."

"Of course there are pilots, two flight crews, and two battlefield emergency repair and support teams. Bring spare parts. If not, let them dismantle parts from other aircraft and fly our aircraft back first."

Gao Guang did the job well because he knew that the log needed to be maintained, but Lloyd thought more carefully about the follow-up. After all, he was a theater commander. He was able to command and manage logistics at once, treating it as battle damage that needed urgent repairs. To deal with it, there will be a very mature solution.

And Djibouti really has the ability to emergency repair battle-damaged aircraft. Because Djibouti is an important base for the US military to radiate to Africa and the Middle East, it must have this support capability.

"Okay, but the speed must be fast. I have to go to the rescue immediately. I don't have much time to stay here."

Lloyd said seriously: "Give me an hour. Within an hour, I will definitely get the Djibouti side moving. Don't forget to send the maintenance log. Be quick. This is crucial."


Gao Guang hung up the phone, and then he immediately called Warhammer again.

Warhammer looked like he was doing nothing.

Logically speaking, Hellfire's mission is to capture the airport. The subsequent rescue operation is none of their business, and it is not their obligation to defend the airport.

Hellfire completed its main mission by taking down the airport, and then they defended the airport. When Gao Guang and the others returned to the airport after completing the rescue mission, they could go home with the money.

But now that the airport has been captured, but the agreed ground troops have not shown up, Hellfire can only rely on Hellfire to hold the airport alone. According to the rules, Hellfire can refuse to execute.

Therefore, Gao Guang needs to discuss it with Warhammer. If they can't reach an agreement, then even the retreating rear group will be gone, let alone trying to take away the two C-130s, and even the rescue operation will not be able to be carried out.

"Warhammer, there's something I need to talk to you about."

Gao Guang was already prepared for bleeding, and in this case, he was stabbed by Hellfire.

is normal

, when meeting a female businessman like Danny, it would be abnormal not to be ripped off.

Warhammer made a listening gesture, nodded and said, "You tell me."

"I need you to defend this airport until we get back."

"No problem, of course, this is our duty."

Warhammer's answer surprised Gao Guang, because Warhammer's answer was so heartwarming.

After being stunned for a while, Gao Guang couldn't help but said, "Don't you have any other requirements?"

"Request? Uh, the request is that you hurry up?"

Warhammer also felt very confused because he didn't know what Gao Guang wanted to express.

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "Well, the promised ground troops haven't arrived yet, and we need you to defend the airport alone, so you don't have any other requirements?"

Warhammer said with an indifferent expression: "I don't want any reinforcements. Let's forget it. They will only cause trouble if they come. I would rather defend myself. Frankly speaking, I just don't trust and look down on these old black men who don't know how to fight at all."

This is racial discrimination.

Gao Guang breathed a big sigh of relief and nodded: "Very good, very good. We're leaving now. Please be sure to guard our... airport, it's up to you."

"I will try my best. We will definitely not withdraw until you return."

Gao Guang wanted to guard our plane, but he changed his mind anyway, and Warhammer's answer moved him greatly.

This warhammer doesn't have Danny's bad habits, it doesn't take advantage of others, it doesn't make any excessive demands, and it doesn't even know how to take advantage of it.

A good man, unlike one of Danny's soldiers, Gao Guang stretched out his hand, and then when he shook hands with the war hammer, he couldn't help but said: "Brother, you are new here, I mean, you are new to the war. Right?"

Warhammer nodded and said: "It's not a new addition. It's been half a year, but this is the first time to perform this kind of mission."

"Oh, who do you work for, Dawson?"

"Yes, I work for Dawson."

"So do you know Danny?"

Warhammer thought for a moment and said, "I don't know you. He seems to be our general manager?"

Great, it's not Danny's person, it's Dawson's person, and he's a newcomer who hasn't had time to learn bad things. Gao Guang's heart was completely relieved, and then he said to the war hammer: "Okay, let's do it now. Let’s go to the airport. I know you can rely on me! Brother, I trust you!”

Warhammer was a little uncomfortable with Gao Guang's sudden enthusiasm and friendliness. He was stunned for a while and said: "Okay, uh, I promise that before you come back, the airport will never be lost. Well, this is my promise."

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