Firepower is king

Chapter 773: Sense of Crisis

It’s normal for a precision shooter to look for his gun first thing when he wakes up.

But there is no time to look for a gun now.

"Okay, okay, let's help you find a gun. Don't get excited. Just take a rest."

Gao Guang was very anxious. Although he understood David's mentality, he really couldn't find a gun now, so it was a pity.

Gao Guang turned around and went out. He looked at the night sky. He didn't see anything, but he clearly heard the loud noise made by the helicopter.

I didn't expect that this would be the first time I saw a helicopter attacking at treetop level.

A huge black shadow suddenly appeared in Gao Guang's eyes. There was no light, but under the influence of night vision goggles, although Mi 8's huge body looked clumsy, it was still full of intimidating oppression.

Someone began to use lights to guide the landing point of the helicopter, but the bright light did not stop. He waved his hand towards Lei and said, "Go and capture the prisoners."

Francisco and Riccardo were panting to catch up, especially Francisco. He was heavily armored and it was really difficult for him to catch up with the electric wheelchair.

"Francisco, you stay and take people to the helicopter to pick up Laura."

After hurriedly giving Francisco instructions to prevent him from running around, Gao Guang took Riccardo and Lei Zai to find the three people surrounded by knights.

The men of the Knight Mercenary Group did surround the three people who tried to escape, but strangely, they did not go directly to arrest them.

"What's going on? Why didn't you do anything?"

Gao Guang was a little surprised, but the lord said solemnly: "It's not easy to catch."


He never expected that the lord would say such a thing. Gao Guang was extremely surprised and said: "You can't catch me even if you lie down and can't move?"

The lord whispered: "It's hard to catch anyone alive. If you want to die, I will give it to you right away. In addition, three of us stepped forward and three of us were shot. If it weren't for the dog-proof suits, they would have died."

After saying that, the lord waved his hand and said to the three of them: "Come here."

Three men in heavy armor came over. The lord pointed his hand and said, "See for yourself."

All three people were shot in their helmets. One was hit on the lower edge of the helmet, and two were hit on the upper edge of the transparent bulletproof panel. Basically, they were shot at the center of the eyebrow.

The kind of bulletproof mask that doesn't stick to the face, the kind with a transparent face shield, the night vision device is not easy to use after wearing it, but the bulletproof ability is excellent.

Looking at the traces left by the bullets, they are not 5.56. Looking at the impact craters, they should be left by medium-caliber rifles.

Looking at the distance, it's at least more than a hundred meters.

From a distance of more than a hundred meters, three shots were aimed at the eyebrows, and they all hit. However, due to the small-scale industry involution caused by the high light, the Knight Mercenary Group equipped their assault group with several humanoid tanks. Otherwise, the three people who went up would have to die.

Experts can tell at a glance that one of the three people who fell to the ground is a master, or a super master.

After a moment of silence, Gao Guang finally said: "Kill that sharpshooter and leave two alive. Expedition, report the target situation."

"Three people, all with injured legs, are crawling. They have found cover. One is on the phone, one has a gun aimed at you, and the other has done nothing."

Gao Guang immediately said: "Is there any way to kill the one with the spear?"

Yuan Zheng said without hesitation: "I'll do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang a few seconds later, and then Yuanzheng immediately said: "Kill him, he's not moving."

Gao Guang said nothing, while Lord and Lei were also silent.

Because there is something wrong with this matter. Judging from the straightforwardness shown in the expedition, it is a bit scary.

A marksman who hit three times with three shots found cover and aimed his gun, but Yuanzheng was blown up when he said it was going to happen?

Gao Guang is a marksman, as are Lord and Lei. There are many people in this world who can be called marksmen.

There are many, but the value of the marksman is helpless in the face of the expedition drones.

It turns out that drones can only do some reconnaissance, but just reconnaissance has put drones in an extremely important position. In addition to indoor warfare, they have great tactical value in any other battlefield.

Now, the expedition has used drones to do everything from reconnaissance to enemy annihilation, and he is still a thousand meters away.

So what is the value of a marksman? What is the value of a group of ordinary infantry? After being silent for too long, Yuanzheng said again: "The target is no longer moving and I am attacking with a circumferential explosion. He has definitely lost his combat effectiveness."

Gao Guang took a breath, waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and catch the alive ones."

The lord hesitated for a moment. The enemies with rifles were gone and the main threat had been eliminated, so he whispered: "I'll go!"

"I am coming too."

Gao Guang was accompanied by two mercenary captains, plus Riccardo, followed by seven or eight people, heading towards the enemy together.

Why did Lord and Lei follow him impatiently? It was because they wanted to see the killing effect of the drone.

"do not move!"

"Don't move!"

The two shouted in unison. There were two people lying on their sides under the farmland ridge, one was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and the other was wearing outdoor clothes and looked to be in his thirties.

But the first thing Ray and the lord went to see was the sharpshooter.

The M14 in his hand had fallen to the side. He was wearing a jacket, and the night vision goggles on his head had fallen to the side. He held a *** pistol in his left hand. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and he was panting because his lungs were shot. Most of the gas he breathed escaped, and a large number of blood bubbles accumulated in his chest.

All three people were shot in the thighs, and both legs were shot, but in the second attack of the drone, only the gunman was shot.

It was still a precise strike, and whoever he said would be hit would be hit.

Although Yuanzheng was his own man, Gao Guang broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the appearance of the three people, and his heart couldn't help but feel cold.

Yuanzheng's drone is the natural enemy of snipers, no, it is the natural enemy of all infantry. Bao "What... ghost... thing..."

The shot gunman lost his night vision goggles, and his face was full of confusion and confusion. He could hardly move, but he still tried his best to ask his questions.

But no one answered him.

"What... ghost..."

No one answered, and the gunman stopped asking questions because he was dead.

At this time, Gao Guang found that the rifle next to the dead gunman looked familiar. He took a closer look and found that it was David's rifle.

It was so easy to get it back, it was too dramatic.

Gao Guang pointed at the gun and said to Ricardo: "Take our gun."

At this time, the young man lying on the ground said: "Mad dog..."

Gao Guang looked over and saw that the younger man was holding a satellite phone in his hand. He said calmly: "I didn't kill your people, you can't kill me. If you kill me, it means starting a war, it means a complete fall-out. We should have a bottom line. You can't kill me. I have already called you. You can't kill me."

The other party called out his name directly, which was expected, and Gao Guang also knew the other party's name, because Zog had sold him all the details of the man in front of him.

Indeed, the other party gave Lloyd face and did not kill Leon and the others.

Gao Guang sat in a wheelchair, looking down at his opponent, and finally said: "Tell me, give me a reasonable explanation, I can let you go if I am satisfied."

"Satisfactory explanation, ha, ha ha... Do you want to ask me why I didn't kill your people? Because the higher-ups didn't allow me to do so, they were worried that the retired but re-emerged general would turn against me, do you want to ask me why I couldn't kill you?"

There was a mocking look on his face, but Gao Guang's opponent should be mocking himself.

"Because I have no resources, I can only use the Egyptians to set up this ambush. I need to take a commercial flight to come here. I don't even have my own gun. If I had your resources, do you think you would still be alive?"

After taking a long breath, the person who spoke said very calmly: "I said don't shoot, but he didn't listen. In fact, we just need to wait quietly to be captured by you. You will treat our wounds and leave us here."

Gao Guang said lightly: "Why do you think so?"

"Because we are just pawns. You have a boss above you, and I have a boss above me. They want to fight for benefits and fight. We are used as consumables. If the boss doesn't intend to turn against him, you certainly can't kill me."

After saying this in a mocking tone, the person lying under the ridge laughed and said: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Gerard. We will meet often in the future. You won this time, maybe next time, but I can guarantee that I will definitely let you go if I win next time."

The short conversation actually revealed a lot of information, and Gao Guang basically had the answers he wanted.

Leon and his men didn't die, and it was indeed Lloyd's warning that worked, but Gerard still wanted to use Leon and his men as bait, because killing Leon and his men would only lead to revenge, but if Gao Guang was killed, then even if Lloyd was dissatisfied, there would be no point in revenge, and he would have to continue to cooperate with them.

Because Lloyd was originally in the same group with them, but now he has the strength to start a new one.

Then, why did Gerard and his men collapse after being beaten, because he had no resources and no team of his own, and the soldiers relying on the Egyptian formation were obviously unable to stop Gao Guang.

There were only three people in total, and it was his limit to achieve this with the help of the Egyptian formation. When he really needed to rely on his strength to fight a game, Gerard's hands were not strong enough.

So why did Gerard think that Gao Guang didn't dare to attack him? Maybe he felt that Gao Guang was the same as him, and they were all roles that obeyed others' orders.

Gao Guang was full of emotion. If he didn't want to kill Morris even if he died, and would rather lose everything than become someone else's white glove, then he was really the same as Gerard now.

Gao Guang sighed slightly and said, "Well, where are our equipment? You didn't kill my people, but you stripped them of their clothes and took their equipment."

"The Egyptians took it away, and we asked for three night vision goggles and a gun. It's nothing, right? You just need to take it back."

Gerald said seriously, "Can your doctor stop the bleeding for me? I feel very cold, and I'm losing blood too fast."

Gao Guang looked at the older man next to him, raised his chin, and said, "Who is he?"

"My companion."

Gao Guang thought for a moment, and said to the fifty-year-old man who had never said a word, "You... Navy?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and still didn't speak.

Gerald raised his voice a little and said, "He is from the Navy, both of them are. I say, you don't really want to see me bleed to death, do you?"

Gao Guang was very puzzled and he said helplessly: "I'm doing my business, you're doing your business, why do you keep trying to kill me?"

"Because competition has formed. If you take away the business from above in Poland, of course they will try to teach you a lesson, and this is a good opportunity. I just didn't expect that. I really didn't expect that luck would be on your side. , Actually, if I get the same resources as you, and if the higher-ups support you like Lloyd, then I won’t lose. I just need a team with fighting ability. Twenty people are enough, or give me money. , give me enough money, and I can win.”

Gerrard doesn’t think he

He just felt that he had failed in the competition with his friends because he did not receive enough support.

Gao Guang pointed to the sky and said, "Do you have a drone?"

"Yes, there are Predator drones, but I can't accept the results of the survey directly. They will call me to inform me of what happened. But you are different. You have many drones in the sky for continuous reconnaissance, right?" Well, Gerald doesn't even have round-the-clock aerial reconnaissance, so he really doesn't have many resources on hand.

Gao Guang began to feel relieved, because Gerald's strength really couldn't compare with him, but having said that, relying on the few resources at hand to design this trap, Gerald did give him a lot of help.

Highlights create a lot of trouble.

"You can't kill me. We left your people behind, but you killed us. You know what this means, so don't waste your time. You won't be able to explain it to me if I die."

Gerrard urged Gaoguang again. He was confident, not brainless.

What can I say? There is nothing to say.

Gao Guang was thinking about what questions he still had, but after thinking about it, he felt that there was nothing to ask.

Gao Guang didn't want to do it himself, he looked at Riccardo, and Riccardo pointed his machine gun at Gerald. Gerald looked shocked and said anxiously: "Hey, wait, wait! You are not serious. Right? Just wait, someone will call you soon. You can’t kill me. At least wait for General Lloyd’s call, he won’t let you kill me.”

Gao Guang said softly: "Your idea is right, but you got one thing wrong, that is... General Lloyd is not my master, he is just my partner, do you understand?"

Gao Guang spoke politely. He didn't say that Lloyd relied on him to turn around. There were too many people around him, so he had to speak politely.

But the word partner still has a strong impact on Gerrard.

Gerald was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he said in shock: "Why? How is that possible! You...why do you?"

Gao Guang didn't answer this time, he just waved his hand gently, and Riccardo immediately fired. A blood hole appeared on Gerald's forehead, and then his expression froze on his face.


The middle-aged man who was lying next to him without saying a word cursed lightly. Then he sighed and said, "Can you tell me what weapon you used to attack us? Why was only the leg hit by fragments? ?”

Gao Guang didn't plan to answer, because... he didn't know either.

When Yuan Zheng was tinkering with his new toy, he didn't report everything to Gao Guang. In fact, Yuan Zheng could play with it however he wanted. Gao Guang had almost no idea what tricks he ended up playing with.

And Gao Guang knew it and would not say it. This was a military secret and a commercial secret. Why should the lords around him know it?

Seeing that no one answered his question, the middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, and then he closed his eyes.

There is nothing to ask. The knights are all listening. If it is really the person from the Trident, the knights will be in trouble if they hear it.

Gao Guang waved his hand gently, and Riccardo shot again, killing the last living person.

After killing these three people, what if the Pentagon wants to fall out? There is no direct competition yet, and they have begun to secretly attack them again and again. Indulging them will only cause more trouble, since falling out will happen sooner or later. thing, then this disaster must not be left behind.

Highlights can't kill anyone in the Pentagon, but he can cut off every hand the Pentagon reaches for him. The most important thing is that there is no reason to only enjoy the benefits without paying the price. Even if Lloyd will have some trouble and pressure, it is what he should bear.

The most important thing is that Gao Guang will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't kill Gerald. Now that we are all right, our thoughts are clear, it is time to fight for the fruits of victory. Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Take our things and retreat."

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