Firepower is king

Chapter 775 Technical Details

When they returned to the helicopter and handed David's rifle to him, David began to fall asleep within five seconds of taking the gun.

Americans do not regard being captured as a shame, and it is even an experience they can show off. Of course, this has a premise, that is, it is really impossible to resist after a strong fight. Surrendering in fear of battle and being defeated in a strong fight are two different things. Therefore, Leon and the others did not have much psychological burden. After all, they were faced with the siege of tanks and armored vehicles, and they did not have any anti-tank weapons. If they insisted on fighting, they would just end up earning a pension.

Being able to make a fortune at the airport is a skill and an unexpected surprise, but if you are willing to spend tens of millions of dollars and lead people to rush into the headquarters of the Egyptian People's Liberation Army and snatch people back, Leon and the others have to do this. Grateful for the highlights.

It stands to reason that rescuing people is their duty, but there are few people in this world who can abide by their duties, and there are a few bosses who are willing to spend a lot of money to save people, let alone lead people in person and charge in wheelchairs to rescue people. Many things that we take for granted are not so natural to do, so in the eyes of everyone who saves people, Gao Guang has to give him a thumbs up and say well done.

From the partners of Lloyd, Tom, and Hank, to the employees of King's Defense such as Patrick, David, and Riccardo, to Otto, the cheap teacher, and many teachers and wives, Gao Guang's character of valuing profit over justice , they must take a high look.

Many things are not about listening to what others say, but seeing how things are done.

Gao Guangke never said how much he valued love and justice, nor how great he was, but the things he did made people feel reassured and at ease.

Even people who have been severely slaughtered in business think that Gao Guang is a good person, just like a lord. He and Gao Guang have a grudge, but now their business is still booming. Why, because Gao Guang's business is fair.

"How much does our drone cost?" "Two hundred and forty thousand."


"In dollars, of course."

Gao Guang was a little sluggish for a while because a drone cost 240,000 US dollars and exploded like that. He couldn't bear the cost. After swallowing, Gao Guang said cautiously: "Can the cost be reduced?"

"Of course it will go down. I estimate that if a thousand sets of key components can be purchased at one time, the cost can be as high as 20,000 US dollars. The main thing is the balancer that adjusts the flight attitude. The balancer is not expensive, but it is small enough. The one installed on the drone is expensive, very expensive, one costs 82,000.”

Gao Guang stammered: "Why is it so expensive?"

Yuan Zheng lowered his voice and said: "I bought them from a laboratory at MIT. I bought five of them. I spent a total of 400,000 US dollars. I also spent 10,000 US dollars on treating guests to dinner to win over those otakus. Otherwise, do you think How did I get it? This is a Pentagon military cooperation project, which is confidential. "

Gao Guang suddenly understood and said: "You still have this way, how much does it cost to purchase on a large scale?"

"The production cost is a few hundred yuan at most, and a large-scale purchase of several thousand yuan? But I think with your relationship with the Pentagon, do you still need to spend money to buy it? That's the truth, what else does it cost for a Pentagon project.

Gao Guang was very pleased that Yuan Zheng now understood the principle of shedding wool, but after thinking about it, he hesitated and said: "The cost of throwing away the balancer is still high. What other parts are more expensive?"

The expedition was invigorated, and he smiled and said: "To put it bluntly, it is worthless. No matter how expensive it is, this ring explosive is the most expensive one. As you all know, the traversing machine is small in size and fast in speed. It is necessary to maximize the power in the smallest size. We must find a way to improve the effectiveness of the warhead. I thought about it for a long time and tried for a long time. I found that most of the power of explosives such as grenades is actually wasted. To achieve precise strikes, it is better to use discrete continuous rod warheads of air-to-air missiles. Achieve circular throwing of explosive fragments.”

The discrete continuous rod warhead, this layer of window paper can really be broken with just one poke.

The so-called discrete rod warhead is a circle of steel nails connected end to end, much like the rows of nails in an air nail gun. It is most used on air-to-air missiles and low-altitude missiles because it can be used in a small volume. Achieve maximum power with as little charge as possible.

Why don't ordinary artillery shells use this kind of warhead? Because the size limit is not large, there is no need.

Just think about it, but Gao Guang said in a low voice: "This thing is not that difficult, isn't it expensive to do?"

"It's not that difficult? Are you kidding? This thing is not big, and the technical difficulty is not small. I asked a friend to make it from the laboratory. The RDX charge is such a miniature discrete rod bomb, plus an electronic fuze, and an electronic The level will explode at the set height..."

Yuanzheng made a flying demonstration with his hands. He said happily: "In order to increase the speed, the drone flies forward at an angle. When it needs to explode, the drone has to adjust its attitude. This requires a micro electronic level. , and then when the angle is adjusted to the appropriate angle, the electronic fuze detonates, and the fragments fly out in all directions. At a distance of five meters, the fragments are scattered with a gap of six centimeters, which can ensure an absolute killing effect. At a distance of seven meters, the gap is nine centimeters. , at eight meters, the gap expands to fifteen centimeters, but the absolute hit effect on the torso can still be guaranteed.”

The drone explodes, and the blast fragments spread out in all directions. The closer you are to the center of the explosion, the denser the fragments are, and the farther away they are, the sparser they are. This reason is simple.

Gao Guang wanted to ask a question, but Yuanzheng smiled and said: "I know what you want to ask. After knowing the killing range, I want to know whether the power is correct. Let's put it this way. Today, the two bombed were anti-personnel warheads and unprotected personnel. Therefore, the fragment is very small, a thin steel wire with a diameter of two millimeters and a length of 1.2 centimeters, but this fragment is rotated horizontally and flies

It came out like a blade, leaving a bloody hole in the leg. It was definitely powerful enough. "

Gao Guang opened his mouth and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Then..."

"The warhead used to hit a car is a shaped hollow charge warhead. You must know this. It is the type of armor-piercing projectile. This is a failed product. It can be used to hit civilian vehicles, but it cannot be used to hit military vehicles. The charge is still too small. And mention


The red copper piece for the metal jet is also too small, and generally speaking, it is not powerful enough. "

Gao Guang nodded and said, "So this is the bulk of the cost?"

"Yes, in addition to the flight control system, there are also cameras and other things. The leveler and warhead are the bulk of the cost. I made five warheads and it cost me 600,000."

Spreading his hands, Yuan Zheng said confidently: "What you asked me to study, I couldn't do it myself, so I had to ask someone to do it. And this kind of thing is contraband, no one dares to make it, so I just It allows people to do it secretly, so the cost is more of a risk cost. For mass production, two hundred U.S. dollars per unit is enough. "

Gao Guang was very pleased and said: "That means that if a drone is mass-produced, it will cost up to 20,000?"

"You need to be able to reduce the cost of the drone to a consumable level, um, two thousand dollars?"

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said: "The cost can be two thousand, then I sell one for one hundred thousand dollars, which is fifty times the profit." No one on the plane said anything. After a while, Leon suddenly said: "Boss, your idea is wrong."

Gao Guang looked at Leon, who said excitedly: "When you Chinese people do business, you like to add a little profit to the cost before selling. This habit is actually very annoying. You don't see Europeans and Americans doing business like this. , we don’t look at cost, we look at whether there are similar products on the market. If there is no competition, we will sell them according to the user’s tolerance limit during the monopoly period. Even if you sell one million, as long as you can sell it, it will be fine. Wait until you have it. After competition, it’s not too late to sell at a lower price.”

Gao Guang is indeed accustomed to selling things at a price added to the cost, but Leon is right. Since it is a sole business, you don't care how much it costs.

Gao Guang thought for a long time, and then he said to Yuanzheng: "From now on, you will pay 10% for every drone we sell, permanently, no matter how much it sells for or how long it takes." Yuanzheng is the inventor and the manufacturer. the user, or the user.

We must respect intellectual property rights and the interests of inventors. This financial path is made through expeditions, and a permanent 10% commission should be almost enough.

Yuanzheng readily accepted, and then he smiled and said: "There are two types of anti-personnel warheads. One is the discrete thin-rod warhead I just mentioned, and the other is the thick rod. This thick rod is more difficult because our opponent There are always heavy-duty bulletproof vests. Thin rods can’t penetrate them, but thick rods can’t penetrate them either. I have to find a suitable way.”


Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Actually, it's enough. You know the Butterfly Mine? It's a landmine specially designed to explode legs. It can't kill people, but it can maim people. During combat, it's enough to seriously injure one enemy. The enemy also has to provide manpower to take care of the wounded. ”

Leon couldn't help but said: "Don't tell the knights about this later. Just say that the cost is very high. From now on, we will give them a friendly price of two hundred thousand dollars each. This kind of product requires high-end users, and knights are high-end users." , they can afford it.”

Gao Guang thought about it for a while, nodded heavily, and then said to Yuanzheng: "Do you think Archer Arsenal can build this kind of warhead?" Yuanzheng thought for a while and said: "Maybe, it's not very good. It’s difficult because it requires high processing accuracy.”

That’s ok, the cost of this drone can be significantly reduced.

Gao Guang couldn't wait to call Lloyd, not for anything else but to ask if he could purchase some miniaturized spirit levels. But when the helicopter landed, before Gao Guang could call him, Lloyd called him first.

"The crew and maintenance personnel sent to you have already taken off with the parts. Is there any problem at your airport?" Lloyd didn't mention Gerald's matter, and he didn't mention it either.

"The airport is fine. We still have it in our hands. General, we just killed three people over there." Lloyd didn't mention it, Gao Guang said it himself.

Lloyd said without thinking: "No need to pay attention. Since they started the trouble first, we can't just let it go. I've already told them that someone must be punished." Gao Guang didn't say much, but Lloyd Ed did a good job because he didn't push the issue to the fore.

If Lloyd told the other side that he could let Gerrard go, but it was too late to tell Gao Guang, then he put the pressure on Gao Guang, but if Lloyd took the responsibility himself and directly fought back , that is, he is under pressure.

Very well, in this matter, Lloyd passed the test. He is a responsible partner and worthy of trust.

Gao Guang smiled and whispered: "General, we need to purchase some miniature electronic levels. Please pay attention to them. We will discuss them in detail later."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang got off the helicopter and eagerly said to Warhammer who came to pick him up: "How are you, are you okay? Has the enemy attacked the airport?"

Zhan Hammer looked serious, and he said to Gao Guang: "I just want to talk about this issue. I just received a report from the ground forces that were supposed to cooperate with us that an armored force is coming towards us. It's an armored.


No way, an armored force, this can't be resisted.

Gao Guang took a deep breath, and then he said to Zhan Hammer: "Can't defend?" Zhan Hammer shook his head, and then he said calmly: "It costs more money."

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