Firepower is king

Chapter 780: Turning defeat into victory

When it’s time to fight, be fiercer than others, and when it’s time to do business, be more patient than others.

Advances and retreats are well-founded, so Gao Guang is better at fighting than arms dealers, and is better at doing business than mercenaries. What he pays attention to is misplaced competition.

Now this situation is a typical example. Fight first, push the opponent to a desperate situation, and then let the opponent survive. According to common sense, this is unpalatable to both parties, but when things are done here, everyone is happy.

This is called means


The chief of staff arrived at the radio station with a complicated mood and picked up the intercom

But when the call started, the chief of staff realized that he seemed to have nothing to say.

how to explain? Let’s talk about the Seventh Independence, which was upgraded based on the Seventh Artillery Regiment.

The artillery brigade was wiped out in the first battle?

Or was it that he was captured in the first battle without firing a single shot?

How could Gao Guang, with such a high emotional intelligence, put the chief of staff in such a situation, so he whispered from the side: "Just say that you encountered an air attack during the march and urgently seek help from your superiors."

The chief of staff looked at Gao Guang in confusion and confusion.

Gao Guang nodded and said seriously: "You help me, I'll help you. I can't block your future promotion path. Just be a little more careful with your words and turn a big defeat into a tragic victory."

Being a father and a mother, a director and an actor, there is nothing I can do about the highlights, so those who can do more work.

The chief of staff was stunned for a while, and then he finally said: "What do you mean?" "Just say that we encountered a large-scale air attack and requested support. Immediately, immediately. If you don't know how to say it, you don't have to say it. We have discussed it with you." Say it again.

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said on the intercom: "Come on, let that stupid bird fly up and fire a few shots from the machine gun. Everyone, please cooperate. Everyone, please cooperate."

The helicopter that stayed on the ground flew up again, and the noise became louder again. Gao Guang pointed at the radio station, indicating to the chief of staff that it was time to start.

The chief of staff started calling blankly, but the radio connection was still open.

"Sir, we encountered...\\n.\\nAerial surprise attacks by helicopters, many, many.\\n.\\nRequesting support, requesting support!"

The chief of staff put down the intercom, and then listened to the urgent voice on the other end: "What's going on? What happened?"

Gao Guang nodded encouragingly, and when the chief of staff was holding the intercom again to speak, Gao Guang whispered from the side: "Alarm clock, fire, shoot the machine gun this way, be sure, don't hit anyone." Patrick Shots were fired, and the loud noise of helicopters and gunfire was carried over the radio to the other side.

The chief of staff pressed the intercom but didn't know what to say. Gao Guang was a little anxious. He waved his hands to signal the chief of staff to speak.

The chief of staff swallowed. He was suddenly possessed by the actor. With a little choking, he said hastily and helplessly: "We were attacked! Air attack! Sir, we only have one security company! Save us, save us. Save us.\\n"

Moratu felt embarrassed. He turned away and lowered his head. With a thumbs up in his mouth, he said to the chief of staff: "Very good, that's very well said. The pressure is on the superiors. It was their orders that led to the attack on you, and they are responsible for it."

Turning his head and looking around, Gao Guang saw Moratu with his back turned to him, so he raised his voice and said loudly: "Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel

School, come here. 「

Moratu walked over expressionlessly, Gao Guang pointed at the chair and said, "Sit down, everyone, we are not enemies now, we are grasshoppers on the same line..."

While talking about grasshoppers, the chief of staff pulled Maza and sat across from Gao Guang.

Urgent calls rang out on the radio, but no one paid attention. Gao Guang pointed at the radio and said, "Don't worry about them. This situation is naturally very chaotic. Uh, let me think about it. Do you have any good ideas to end this fiasco?" The encounter turned into a tragic victory with half of the family's fortune saved. Is there any way? "

Seeing that several people were silent, Gao Guang said helplessly: "You have to use your subjective initiative. You have to take the initiative to think of a solution. I tell you, what I am doing now is for me."

? I'm doing this for your own good. I'm not familiar with your situation, so it's up to you to find a way. 「

Moratu's mind was very confused. He felt that the current situation was not quite right, but he also felt that everything Gao Guang said made sense. The key point was that based on the facts he saw in front of him, Gao Guang was indeed doing it for their own good.

This is very strange and weird.

Gao Guang suddenly said: "What do you call Mr. Lieutenant Colonel?" "Moratu.\\n."

"Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Moratu, there is a saying that bullies the superiors without concealing the truth. In your team,

Are there any that are unreliable? 「

Moratu shook his head and whispered: "It's reliable, they don't have a chance to contact the top."

I have to use highlights to move things along, because it’s not a problem to keep putting off.

Gao Guang said in a low voice: "If you want to see if this works, just tell the lieutenant colonel to lead the security company to launch a fierce counterattack and lead the first unit to evacuate. However, the first unit that has already prepared for combat cannot evacuate. Just tell the superiors like this and see if they agree. No."

Moratu and the Chief of Staff looked at each other. Gao Guang whispered: "You start to retreat with half of the people and equipment, and I let you go. Is that interesting enough?"

Moratu was puzzled. He began to doubt life because he didn't know what kind of situation this was.

"Will you let me go?"

"Why don't you agree? You may not understand, so let me explain. Negotiation requires skills, and doing business also requires a profit concession. You lead people to retreat, and I lead people to pursue. During the pursuit, I and your After establishing contact with your superiors and getting their commitment, they agreed to let the remnant of you go. Do you understand what I mean?

Gao Guang made a push-out gesture with both hands and said: "Just put the responsibility on the top. I can't say it clearly, but all decisions are made by them, and they are also the ones who negotiate and compromise. In this way, you can keep half of the cannons, then It becomes a merit, this battle becomes a victory, and it is a big victory. Instead of being blamed, you will be rewarded, because a victory is needed from top to bottom, you understand. "

None of the officers spoke. They just looked at me and I looked at you.

Chief Director Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "This battle needs heroes, this...\\nWhat is your position?"

The battalion commander who liked to speak in tongues whispered: "I am the battalion commander.

"How many cannons do you have?"

"Twelve AH-2 self-propelled guns."

"Then it's your cannon. I won't harm you. You led the guards and fought fiercely with me. You also detonated the ammunition truck in an attempt to stop me. In the end, you were seriously injured and captured. I'll wait for you to replace you. It's a tragedy. How about a hero? "

Several people looked at each other again, not knowing what to say.

Gao Guang said: "Time is tight, you guys have been shouting on the radio, let's just settle it. Lieutenant Colonel Moratu, just go back and say that the headquarters was attacked and you were resisting fiercely. Well, everyone was firing fiercely. a little."

At this point, whether you are willing or not, you have to press the high-gloss baton and start.

The battalion commander said cautiously: "Then I...\\n.\\nGo and command the soldiers who defend the company?"

Gao Guang whispered: "Everyone, this matter is over. Everyone involved must be upgraded to a higher level. All soldiers must benefit. Everyone has a share. Don't leave anyone behind."

Gunshots rang out fiercely, and dozens of rifles began to shoot into the air. At this time, Moratu finally arrived in front of the radio station. He picked up the microphone and said in a sad, angry and helpless tone: "I am Moratu, we have met Air strike, the security company is currently fighting fiercely, but our deployed part cannot be evacuated, sir, I...\\n.\\nI.\\n."

He couldn't say the words he had thought of. After all, he was inexperienced on the spot. Gao Guang pushed the chief of staff. The chief of staff woke up from a dream and shouted: "Sir, leave quickly!" Moratu let go of the intercom, and then I heard someone shouting on the radio: "Evacuate quickly! Evacuate quickly! Don't be impulsive. It's good to retain any strength you can. Moratu, you must be safe!"

Gao Guang wanted to laugh when he heard this, but the chief of staff said with a stunned look on his face: "To put it this way, it seems like a fierce battle, but...\\n.\\nBut there was no battle. A battle in which no one died, who would believe it?


"Who said no one died?"

Gao Guang said slowly: "If you report a few death lists, will anyone come to check the bodies? That's fine, let them check with me. Why are you worried about such a simple thing?"

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Look, the situation is different now. The boss asked you to withdraw and retain your strength. As for me, I will keep half of the cannons. I will seize this radio station later. Talk to your superiors. If they agree to my request, it will be over. If they don’t agree, then I will have to fly to annihilate you all, so I think they will agree. "

Gao Guang drew a circle and said: "You also have to share the credit with the people above. This is a big circle. Everyone who enters the circle has merit and benefits, so naturally there will be no problems. "

It doesn't seem to be true, but I don't know how to refute it.

Moratu hesitated for a moment and said: "Then we...\\n.\\nWe...\\n."

"You guys go."

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Take the cannon away, but leave the shells. You can come back later. Everyone, it's not that I don't believe you, but now I have to be on guard. What if your boss asks you to hit me again?" "

Can you leave? that's all? Moratu couldn't believe it.

Gao Guang pointed at the battalion commander,

He said: "You stay, you and your troops stay, and I will give you a reward. After this battle is over, you, the battalion commander, should become the regiment commander."

The distribution of credit among Chi Guoguo has already begun, but who can say anything or express opposition?

Moratu did not leave the chief of staff, but whispered: "The number of helicopters...\\nShould we fix it, so as not to say it is wrong?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "You say sixteen, Lieutenant Colonel, you say twelve helicopters, all loaded with special forces and mercenaries. Needless to say, they are very consistent. The situation is so chaotic. Who knows how many there are?" Helicopter.

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang thought for a moment and continued: "Let me tell you one more thing. I have flown away all the planes in the airport, so the Air Force's losses are much greater than yours. In comparison, you guys Losing half the result is victory.

Moratu's face was full of pain, and Gao Guang couldn't demand others to be happy, but he still comforted him: "You are fighting the Tiren Formation, not me. We are not enemies, so this is a chance encounter. , the meeting is fate, I will give you a reward, and you will give me some cannons. If we meet again, we will be friends, and maybe we will cooperate again. This is the truth. "

After looking at his watch, Gao Guang said, "Okay, don't waste any time. I'll take care of the rest. Just take the people away."

Gao Guang is really not afraid of Moratu bringing people back to kill him.

It is also helpless. If Gao Guang has dozens of people, even dozens of drivers, he will not keep only half of these cannons if he can transport them away. But with only more than twenty people, he still has to defend the airport and control it. In an entire artillery brigade, he was able to leave half of the artillery behind, which is already an example of a white wolf with empty hands.

There are a total of forty-eight cannons, and twenty-six cannons are left. That’s good, that’s good. Don’t be too greedy.

Moratu really began to gather his men and retreat.

The battalion commander stayed, he was not very worried, he was just curious about how Gao Guang would give him a credit.

Gao Guang had already changed into his local accent and said to the battalion commander very kindly: "Are you afraid of the pain?"

"Not afraid.\\n."

It would be weird if he wasn't afraid, but you can't say you're afraid of pain at this time.

Gao Guang said very enthusiastically: "I will negotiate with you later. You cooperate for a while, and then I will shoot you twice. Don't be afraid. My shooting skills are super accurate. You have some injuries on your body, otherwise what?" It shows that you resisted fiercely. It only hurts. I have a doctor here. You will definitely not die. You will be alive and kicking in a few days at most. How about it? "

The corners of the battalion commander's mouth twitched. It was obvious that he didn't want to be shot.

Gao Guang continued: "Think for yourself, one shot to level up, you are now

Captain, if you take one shot, you will become a major. If you take two shots, you will become a lieutenant colonel. You are the only one who has the opportunity to be promoted to two levels. Don't you think about it? Now you are the battalion commander. If you take one shot, you will become the deputy commander. If you take two shots, you will become the regiment commander. Are you not tempted? 「

The battalion commander whispered: "Where?"

"Of course there is no dangerous place. I will ask my military doctor to find a place later. It is the kind of place that is definitely not dangerous."

The battalion commander breathed out, gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Zhan!"

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