Firepower is king

Chapter 782: Developed

Powerful force is the basis for Gao Guang to turn enemies into friends.

To be able to turn an enemy into a friend, he must first capture the enemy, and then it is time to test his methods.

Wealth is not created out of thin air, it is just transferred, so who are the victims in this magical farce? The Egyptian People’s Front, only the Egyptian People’s Front.

Back at the airport, Gao Guang was the first to look.

"We recovered the lost cannons and captured twelve additional cannons. What do you think is the appropriate price for the Tiren Formation?"

Gao Guang felt that Leon would happily quote a sky-high price, and then he would feel embarrassed and lower the price.

But an accident happened. After careful consideration, Leon said with a pained face: "Ten million, at most 20 million! No more.

Gao Guang couldn't believe his ears. He said in shock: "Are you kidding? Is this still you? When did you become so kind?"

"Boss, we have to adhere to principles. We are arms dealers, not mercenaries."

Leon pointed at the two mercenaries in the distance and whispered: "How much can they sell for these cannons? At most 20 million, because they are mercenaries and cannot take away such a large amount of loot." Sell ​​it at a high price, so they will sell it at will according to the price of the loot. "

Pointing at himself, Leon said seriously: "As for us, we are not mercenaries, we are arms dealers. If you sell this shipment to others, you can sell it for any amount of money, but if you sell it to Titus People's Front, then this is not a normal arms deal, and you can't sell it at a normal price."

"Why is it abnormal?"

"Tirenzhen has provided a lot of help. You don't care whether the help is big or small, but at least Tirenzhen has helped. Unless it is agreed upon in advance, it would be a bad rule for someone to help and still pay the normal price unless it is agreed upon in advance. .

"Let's follow the rules. If you follow them, it's useful. If you don't, it's meaningless. But if Gao Guang wants to be bigger and stronger, he still has to follow the rules.

After consulting Leon for his opinion, Gao Guang called Jilawotu.

Things are almost over here, there has to be someone to take the goods, otherwise who would be doing all this hard work.

Jilawotu is a nice person, and he has given Gao Guang the cash flow he desperately needs. Let’s put it this way, if the 200 million U.S. dollars were not raised, Gao Guang would be in serious trouble.

Although you are a business partner, you do not need to be grateful to your partner, but you must at least repay the favor. After all, the act of prepaying for goods in advance represents absolute trust, so Gao Guang also wants customers to be rewarded. "I snatched back the lost cannons, and I also have an additional artillery battalion with twelve AH-2s. You can find a way to receive them. Now there are all twenty-two cannons and corresponding ammunition. It is best to send more "Some people are coming."

This phone call from Li Guang was extremely exciting.

Either he wants money and opens his mouth to ask for 100 million to 200 million, or he gives a big gift and opens his mouth to fire more than 20 cannons.

Jilawotu was stunned for a while, and then he said in extreme astonishment: "What do you mean?"

"That's what I mean. I got back the ten cannons I lost, and I also grabbed twelve more AH-2s. Time is tight, so you'd better take them as soon as possible."

Jilawotu stumbled and said: "This...\\n.\\nHow do you calculate this money?" The Tiren Formation paid an advance payment of 200 million U.S. dollars, but that was money invested by the Tiren Formation in the future. It can be regarded as a right to When the situation is unfavorable in the future, you can still buy insurance as a fallback option.

But ten cannons cost 150 million, and then they were robbed. When they were robbed, they only had the cannons. Now these cannons are back, with thousands of rounds of shells.

AH-2 and M777 are both 155 caliber. M777 originally shoots NATO bullets, and AH-2 can also shoot NATO bullets, so this artillery battalion also carries thousands of rounds of artillery shells.

If we calculate the details carefully, this money cannot be calculated.

Even Leon, who is ruthless and cold-hearted, feels that he cannot charge a high price because he is holding a human formation until he wilts his wool. The goods sent from thousands of miles away have the same price, and the spoils obtained on the battlefield must be Another price.

According to Leon's theory, as an arms dealer, if you deliver the goods to the buyer, you must charge according to the maximum value of the goods. However, arms dealers do not fight. If they occasionally fight and seize something, they must follow the rules of mercenaries. , dispose of the loot according to the price of the loot.

Gao Guang agrees with Leon's theory, that is, he should always abide by his identity as an arms dealer and don't confuse himself with a mercenary, otherwise he won't be able to do future business.

Arms dealers cannot rely on seizing trophies on the battlefield and reselling them. They can collect from others, but they cannot do it themselves. This is not a rule, but it is a line of survival.

Reputation, mainly reputation. Arms dealers can be tough, but they can't like to steal things. Arms dealers must be businessmen. If they behave like robbers, it's over.

So this time Gaoguang didn't ask for the price as before. He rarely changed the quotation method.

"You can take whatever amount you think is appropriate. I can't sell these cannons back to the Egyptians.

Gao Guang's words made Jilawotu silent for a while, and then he whispered: "Then 30 million?"

The price quoted by Jilawotu is actually not low, because according to the normal price on the market, these cannons may not sell for less than 30 million.

However, one of the people who were promoted to the formation was seeking to be highlighted, and the other was that they urgently needed this batch of people.

One of the cannons was taken from the Egyptian formation. It can weaken the enemy and strengthen itself at the same time. Therefore, the price cannot be based on the normal market price. Gila decided to try to repay a price with no choice. It's a fair price.

But this time the highlight was beyond Jilawotu’s expectations.

He said happily: "This batch of cannons cannot be sold at the normal price. And for the sake of our friendship, I will not charge you for this batch of cannons and give them away for free. This is to thank you for supporting me."

Take the initiative to lower prices? Free gift?

Jilawotu had always regarded Gao Guang as a capable and reputable female businessman, but this time Gao Guang took the initiative to give it away for free, which made him feel a little incompetent.

Gao Guang continued: "Send someone to receive it as soon as possible. Be sure to be quick. We will evacuate as soon as the plane here is repaired. Or you can tell me a location and I will have someone send the cannon to you. But you have to cooperate with the show."

Jilawotu wanted to follow Gao Guang's train of thought, so he said in a daze: "What?

At this moment, Yuanzheng whispered to Gao Guang: "Boss, the enemy's armored forces have begun to retreat."

Gao Guang looked at the reconnaissance results sent. The image showed that the team that was going to attack the airport was withdrawing.

It's normal to think that it was originally an offensive operation with artillery support, but now that the artillery position has been occupied, it is normal for a single armored infantry regiment to give up its offensive plan.

Perhaps this was due to the Asililac whom he had just met.

Gao Guang nodded and continued to smile on the phone: "You don't need to arrange manpower to receive the cannon. The ground troops responsible for joining us to seize the airport can receive it."

Jilawotu was silent for a moment, sighed, and said sincerely: "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You've helped me a lot, and I should give you something in return. That's it for now. I'll contact you if anything happens."

The phone call was made, and people were notified. There were a few people from the artillery unit watching. If someone from the Egyptian formation wanted to come to the rescue, they would come and put on a show, but no one was willing to come, or if they couldn't make it in time, forget it.

The stage is set, no one wants to come on stage, no wonder the highlight.

Then, just when Gao Guang had almost settled the matter, War Hammer came over with his head downcast and an unhappy look on his face.

"The enemy has retreated and will not attack."

When Gao Guang got the news, he would naturally notify War Hammer. Looking at War Hammer, he seemed to be depressed because the enemy had retreated.

"Yes, the enemy has retreated. Isn't that a good thing?"

Warhammer shook his head and whispered: "Then we can't collect the 600,000 yuan. It's a pity. I thought

Because there will be some extra money. 「

Gao Guang was stunned, and then he said with a smile: "No, no, how can we not give this money? We are finalizing this contract.

At that time, the enemy did not retreat, so I will pay the money.

Shaking his head, sighing, Warhammer said helplessly: "If you hit someone, you'll get paid. If you don't hit, you won't get paid. This is our rule.

Just kidding, a mere 600,000 yuan can buy a reputation for keeping promises. How could Gao Guang get this money back?

So Gao Guang changed his expression and said very seriously: "Warhammer, since we have agreed to the price of 600,000, we cannot break the promise at will. The enemy did not attack, but the enemy launched an attack with artillery fire. Could it be that Do you want to increase the price temporarily?

Warhammer wanted to say yes, but he was embarrassed to say it, because the artillery had been dealt with, so let's not mention it again if it was impossible.

Originally, mercenaries faced different enemies and had different firepower intensity, so the charges must not be the same. Although Hellfire and the others wanted low prices, they always understood the principle of following the market.

It's just that when it comes to doing business, Warhammer is indeed far behind. He can't keep up with Gao Guang's thinking and speaking skills.

Looking at Warhammer without saying anything, Gao Guang said seriously: "So you have to accept this money. This is what you deserve."

Warhammer didn't have to push out the money he got, he just felt that he shouldn't take the money if he didn't work, but if Gao Guang had to be given, then he would naturally take it.

Warhammer went back happily, but as he watched Warhammer leave, the lord who came over looked thoughtful, staring at Warhammer's back, not knowing what he was planning.

Gao Guang said calmly: "These are my buddies' people. Don't try to trick them."

Gao Guang wanted to cultivate feelings first and make some preparations for the future. Hellfire was a member of the War Group, so Gao Guang himself couldn't do anything, so how could he take advantage of the lord.

The lord felt a little regretful, because such a low-priced team that had not learned bad habits and had not become cunning, anyone who saw it would have to think about getting it under his command.

Withdrawing his gaze, the lord whispered to Gao Guang: "Now one plane has been repaired, and the repair progress of the other plane is also very fast. It seems that no enemy will attack now, so now it's time for you to settle the bill. Man, pay it forward."

Thanks for the mention.

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Okay, pay now." The lord had a lot of ideas and complicated feelings. He looked at the hangar and the planes, and thought about how many planes Gao Guang had obtained. After wondering what the plane would be like next, he couldn't help but said: "Man, you have made a fortune this time. You are an arms dealer with your own fleet. You are awesome."

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