Firepower is king

Chapter 784 Interception

In fact, Mike has already entered the NFL league, but he still can't believe it and doesn't dare to relax before he actually gets the contract.

Since signing up for the draft, Mike has been able to participate in the FNL selection camp and show off his skills in front of many teams. However, according to the agreement with the former Oakland Raiders and now the Las Vegas Raiders, Mike will not be with anyone. His current level is shown in front of him.

In fact, it was a secret operation. The Raiders trained Mike during this period, and Mike guaranteed to join the Raiders.

Since there was an intermediary involved in this matter, the Raiders were not worried that Mike would change his mind and go to some selection camp midway to show off in front of other teams. But the problem was that Mike was getting better and better. Absolutely After being drafted in the first round of the lottery, the Raiders were a little concerned.

What are they worried about? Worrying about Mike having private contact with other teams, worrying about Mike being unwilling to be selected in the third or fourth round. In short, when Mike really showed great strength, the Raiders began to value him and worry about him.

That's why the highlight comes.

This year's draft is held online. If you just want to accompany Mike through this important moment in his life and be a witness for Mike to realize his dream, then you only need to stay in Los Angeles and there is no need to come to Las Vegas.

But the Raiders were worried about something going wrong with Mike, and he was a little too impatient in training, so Gao Guang was invited.

Gao Guang is also happy to come and see his old brother and reassure Mike.

Since this year's draft is held online, there will naturally be no draft scene. This is good, as it saves Mike the embarrassment of being invited.

So Mike followed Highlights to Los Angeles.

Originally I wanted to have a surprise, but now there is no surprise, only a grand party.

The draft lasted for three days, and the highlight was the second day of the draft, because the first round of the draft was held on the first day, and the second and third rounds were held on the second day. The Raiders had informed Mike very clearly, He will be drafted in the third round.

The first round can be used to strengthen the team. Since Mike has already been selected and his team is not optimistic about Mike at all, it is impossible for Mike to be selected, so the precious first-round pick will be given to others.

A second-round pick could have been Mike, but the Raiders traded their second-round pick, so they were left with a third-round pick.

So Mike will be taken in the third round.

If nothing else, today is just a formality, but this formality is still extremely important. Regardless of the pick, if you can enter the NFL, you will realize Mike's life ideal.

Mike looked relaxed, chatting around with a bottle of beer

, the case said that in Gao Guang’s home, there were plenty of famous and good wines, but Mike only took a bottle of beer and didn’t take a sip after opening it. He just looked good while chatting with others.

Everyone is very happy. We are brothers and comrades fighting side by side. Regardless of whether we watch the game or not, today is a big day. "Mike!"

John shouted loudly from his wheelchair. He raised the wine bottle to Mike and said happily: "It's begun, it's begun!" The draft began. John was particularly excited. He raised his wine glass vigorously from his wheelchair. He shouted to Mike: "Here's to your dream!"

Mike's face twitched, and then he finally put the beer bottle to his mouth and took a sip.

John was extremely excited and said: "When Mad Dog and I saw you snatching the bag and running away on the street, I knew you could do it."

Gao Guang coughed twice and said, "What are you talking about? You drank too much so early." John smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry, sorry."

Mike waved his hand and said: "What are you talking about? Why apologize? If it hadn't been for that zero-dollar purchase that year, I wouldn't have met you."

Mike was also very talkative, but Gao Guang said with a stern face: "Okay, don't talk about it anymore. Never mention this matter in the future. Never mention it to anyone. Mike, some things can be tolerated in the United States. Create a prodigal son." There’s no problem with the character you look back on. The story of working your way from the bottom to the NFL is also very inspiring. However, there are some parts of your experience that absolutely cannot be discovered. You will be a public figure and a star in the future, so you have to be more careful. ”

Mike looked at Walton.

Mr. and Mrs. Wharton were also invited to the party. They were neighbors with Gao Guang, but now Wharton said with a smile: "Yes, be careful. Although your criminal record is gone, being mentioned will eventually be detrimental to you." ”

John knew he had made a mistake. He smiled bitterly and suddenly said: "Look at my tracked wheelchair, it's so exciting."

Gao Guang thought it was a good thing, so he naturally recommended it to John. John can use prosthetics, but he can also use a bulletproof wheelchair. Who cares about bulletproof wheelchairs now, everyone is waiting for the moment Mike is selected.

Anyway, you will be selected in the third round, and the entire second round will last for two hours, which means it is still early, and everyone still has to wait.

There are no visitors from the Raiders today, but the Raiders have sent caps and jerseys. Although not many people pay attention to the second and third rounds, there is still a sense of ceremony.

Although Mike's own strength was the main reason for sending Mike to the NFL, this matter is still Gao Guang's proud work.

The highlight is Mike's talent. Without him, no matter how strong Mike is, he will never be able to enter the NFL.

So Gao Guang was really happy. Although the doctor asked him not to drink as much as possible after the fracture, he still raised his glass again and loudly said: "To Mike, to the ideal!"

Just partying and drinking, nothing more.

The high-profile toast was echoed by everyone, and everyone raised their glasses, but Mike shouted loudly: "Here's to the boss, done!" Mike looked up and drank from a small bottle of beer, looking very bold.

Laura also held a glass of wine, sat on the sofa, and watched the draft on the big TV in the living room.

It seems a bit uncoordinated with the general environment. People who come up from the wasteland are a little afraid of society, and Laura is no exception. However, she doesn't want to disturb others, and others won't disturb her. It's good for everyone to enjoy themselves.

Just when Mike seemed to be drinking generously, Laura took half a glass of strong liquor and drank it all in one gulp. Then when Mike continued to hold the bottle, Laura, who had been watching the TV, suddenly widened her eyes.

"The New York Giants, with the 37th overall pick, selected free agent Mike Ball."

The host was a bit incredulous when he read out the name, so there was a rare pause.

No one noticed what was said on the TV, but Laura heard it, so she said with some confusion: "Oh, hi, interrupt, is that you, Mike Ball?"

Mike didn't hear, and Laura was helpless. She could only stand up and said loudly: "Hi!"

A shout attracted everyone's attention, and Laura asked again: "Is Mike's full name Mike Ball?" Gao Guang said in confusion: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Lola pointed to the TV and said seriously: "He was selected, the thirty-seventh pick in the second round, the New York Giants." "Impossible, this can't be special!"

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, but after Mike watched the TV with a stunned look on his face, he immediately said: "I, I, I was intercepted?"

Something happened, and something big happened. Mike didn't wait until the third round to be drafted. He was picked early in the second round.

But the problem is that Gao Guang had a secret deal with the Raiders. He had an intermediary, the intermediary was the Victoria Club, and the introducer was Sala.

If Mike joins another team, it will be hard to say.

The highlight technician said in astonishment: "You tried out with the New York Giants?"


Mike was even more confused than Gao Guang. He said with a blank look on his face: "No! I have never been in contact with the New York Giants. I, I haven't participated in any selection camp. They don't know me. Why would they choose me?"

Gao Guang absolutely believes in Mike. If this is not Mike's fault, then the Raiders themselves leaked the secret. There is no other possibility.

At this moment, Mike's cell phone suddenly rang.

The noisy party instantly fell silent because being selected early, although it could be said to be a good thing, was really not a good thing for Mike and Gao Guang.

The phone rang, it was the Raiders, calling Mike. Mike answered the phone and said in a trembling voice: "Coach" "Mike! What's going on!"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

Of course, Mike had to vigorously defend himself. He said anxiously: "I have never been in contact with the New York Giants. I have never left the team. You should know that I have no intention of joining other teams."

The Raiders went crazy from manager to head coach. The talent they valued and cultivated was cut off, and they could have used their first-round pick to get Mike directly.

Obviously, if the New York Giants are not too full and have nothing to do and are willing to waste a second-round pick, then they have got the information.

Mike has indeed been on the team, so the coach trembled: "Someone leaked, damn, someone leaked that Mike can now be regarded as an NFL player, as long as he reports to New York.

But Mike really wanted to join the Raiders, so he asked anxiously: "What should I do? I don't want to go to New York. Why was I selected by New York? They haven't even seen me. What should I do? Coach, what should I do?"

"Trade! What has happened cannot be changed. We will apply for a trade immediately. As long as you are really willing to come to the Raiders, we will definitely bring you. We will immediately study the trade plan and trade you from the New York Giants."

The coach's phone was taken away by the manager, and Mike's phone was in Gao Guang's hands.

The Raiders decided to use a trade to get Mike back, but the Raiders had to pay a price. After dealing with garbage organizations like Edelweiss too much, when it came to the word intelligence, Gao Guang felt that things might not be that simple. .

If the Raiders themselves leaked the news, there's not much to say.

The key is the location. The Victoria Club is in New York, and the Giants are also in New York. It is this connection that makes Gao Guang feel that the problem is with the Victoria Club, and if it is really the Victoria Club If there is a leak, then the price the Raiders may pay is a bit too high, and they may not be able to afford it.

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