Firepower is king

Chapter 791 Because of strength

Gao Guang thought for a long time, and then he felt that there was a problem with Otto's plan.

Perhaps it is really possible to kill Edelweiss's No. 1 and No. 3 at the same time, and even have a chance to kill No. 5 as well. But here comes the problem. Otto can have Gao Guang, a traitor, as the nominal heir, then No. 1 and No. 3 will Can't have an heir?

There is also No. 5. What if No. 5 also has an heir?

"We have killed all No. 1, 3, and 5, and the heirs will continue to fight in their place. They also treat me, the murderer, as their number one enemy. What's the point of killing them?"

Gao Guang asked Otto, and Otto nodded: "Your worries are indeed justified, so we are going to kill No. 1 and No. 3 together with their heirs."

Gao Guang couldn't help but laugh and said: "Do you think it's possible? Go negotiate with the enemy and bring your heir with you. Why, the top leaders of Edelweiss are all idiots, are they afraid that their faction will not die?"

Otto smiled and said: "It's not that they are stupid, but that they have no choice. When I bring you to negotiate, why don't they bring their own heirs?" .??.

Gao Guang spread his hands and said, "I don't think they have to be threatened by you."

Otto said confidently: "This is a zero-sum game. For No. 1 and No. 3, they can only have one winner survive, because intelligence is different from any other business, and before Edelweiss They are integrated, that is to say, No. 1 knows the successor of No. 3, and No. 3 knows the successor of No. 1. Based on this, they cannot change people. "

It also makes sense. As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is not yourself, but your enemy. Gao Guang nodded and said: "This is correct."

Otto continued: "In order to increase the possibility of successful negotiations, we require No. 1 and No. 3 to bring their heirs. We also have two people on our side. In this case, they may appear at the same time."

Gao Guang frowned and said: "Okay, even if we succeed and kill No. 1, No. 3 and their heirs at the same time, how can you guarantee that the other two factions will not continue to fight?"

"You don't understand this business, you don't understand intelligence."

Otto smiled and said: "At any time, intelligence organizations like Edelweiss try to have a single line of contact, because Edelweiss is an intelligence organization in the underground world. It operates the dark web, not CIA or Mossad, and as long as it is invisible, Light, then it’s better to keep it mysterious.”

Gao Guang suddenly realized, he nodded and said: "Yes, the scary thing about Edelweiss is that they hide in the dark, and the reason why they can hide in the dark is because they must reduce the possibility of exposure."

"So after killing the leaders, the rest won't matter. For those who work below, they will carry out any orders from above. They may not even know that the person they killed was in the same organization as them. , and when the person who gave them the order suddenly disappears, then the successor issues a new order, and they will naturally execute it. "

Gao Guang stretched out his hand and said seriously: "

There is another question. We have killed all our opponents, but how can we receive Edelweiss? Who knows me, and who can I give orders to? "

Otto said calmly: "This is the importance of No. 4. The operating mechanism and communication mechanism of Edelweiss are all based on the Stasi model during the Cold War, and the Stasi was imitated by the KGB. In other words, the identity of No. 4 is the fourth person in charge of the espionage network set up by the empire. After the previous three persons in charge are all dead, it is natural that you, No. 4, will take charge. "

Gao Guang really didn't understand how the KGB or Stasi intelligence network operated. He was just a common man, at most a military fan, how could he know such top secrets among top secrets.

Otto said with a sad face: "If there was no internal strife, Edelweiss would never have had your turn to intervene, let alone take over, unless No. 1 and No. 3 died in an accident at the same time, and a successor had not been chosen in time."

At this point, Otto suddenly said: "Actually, we were not called heirs, we were called successors. However, no one cares about their responsibilities anymore. Instead, they regard their responsibilities as assets, so the successors become heirs." , everyone is the same, just like I let Heidi inherit the Shadowless One."

"And I just inherited your troubles. What's worse is that you are not dead yet." Gao Guang couldn't help but stab Otto again because he was feeling aggrieved.

But this time Otto said extremely coldly: "Idiot! As long as you succeed, you will naturally inherit the Edelweiss. Do you know what this means? It means you will become the king of the underground. Again, if I had I know there will be internal strife in Edelweiss, hell, even if I gave the identity of No. 4 to a stray dog, I wouldn’t give it to you!”

Gao Guang said angrily: "You keep saying that I am No. 4. I am No. 4, so give me the treatment and privileges that No. 4 deserves! What are the benefits! What are the benefits of No. 4!"

Otto was at a loss for words. He hesitated for a moment and suddenly said: "Actually, No. 4 now has no power or strength. He can only contact No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5. I said that Edelweiss is a single-line contact. Yes, but that’s all.”

Gao Guang said angrily: "The hell can I just call them? What kind of bullshit benefit is this!" "In fact, I can actually ask them to do things directly, but well, this benefit is void now."

Otto was also aggrieved. Gao Guang felt wronged, and he felt even more wronged. Who could have predicted that Edelweiss would be in strife. Edelweiss's succession system is not like the heir to the throne of a certain country. The succession to the throne also depends on blood.

It is more like the succession system after the US president has an accident. If the US president has an accident, the vice president will take over as the interim president, followed by the president of the Senate, and then the speaker of the House of Representatives as the interim president until the end of the term and re-election. A new president comes out.

Gao Guang's identity is equivalent to being regarded as a House of Representatives in name only.

Speaker, logically speaking, it would never be his turn to take the position.

But if No. 1 and No. 3 are killed, and the successor they chose is also killed, it will be equivalent to No. 4 directly becoming No. 1, and there is no need to choose again.

This is called fate, destiny.

Gao Guang glanced at Otto and found that Otto was as disgusted as eating a fly. He suddenly felt a lot happier, so he said happily: "The last question, I am No. 4 in name only, and you are No. 4." It’s true but not real. If I work hard and you take away the fruits of victory, wouldn’t it be a huge loss for me?”

Otto said helplessly: "The day your identity is confirmed, I won't be able to take it back. Damn it, here we go again, none of us take this No. 4 seriously, but who told you Why did he rise so quickly?”

Gao Guang spread his hands and said, "Are you starting to blame me again?"

Otto said angrily: "How can a weak No. 4 be the same as a powerful No. 4? You are just a little mercenary and a sharpshooter. So what if you are No. 4? But what are you now? Power, what is your identity? Don’t you know how powerful you are and how much of a threat you are to others? "

That's right. When Gao Guang first got this identity from Otto, he was really nothing. At best, he was just the leader of a group of mercenaries. He might be capable, but he had no power at all.

But it's different now. Not much time has passed, but times have changed. With Gao Guang's current connections and financial resources, he wants to join forces with Otto. Compared with a garbage organization like Edelweiss, it's hard to say who is afraid of whom.

So I’m a boss too?

Gao Guang, who had never been confident enough, thought about it for a moment and suddenly said: "Well, that's right, I can be considered a boss now."

Otto said angrily: "Choose a location and a method that can kill them without us accompanying them to death. As you say, blow them all up into the sky. I'll see how they can defend themselves against this!"

This is the scope of Gao Guang's influence. Let alone Otto, he definitely can't do this, and neither Number 1 nor Number 3 can do it. After all, those who engage in intelligence are not the same thing as the military. .

Where to choose the place, what kind of plane to use, what kind of bomb to drop?

Gao Guang thought hard for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "I had a general idea at the time. It doesn't have to be a plane to drop bombs. Well, this request is a bit too much."

Otto cockily tilted his head and said, "I don't care. Since my method doesn't work, you have to be responsible for coming up with a feasible plan. This is your promise."

Scratching head, headache.

Gao Guang thought hard for a long time, and suddenly had an idea, and said: "Yes, we don't have to call people together and then blow them up. It is also very risky for us. Why can't we let them in the air and use fighter jets to shoot them down?"

Otto was stunned and said: "Hit him down?"

"Yeah, if you blow up the plane directly, you won't be able to survive."

"We can guarantee that they will die, but we don't know where they are, where the plane will take off from, or how to fight!"

Gao Guang smiled slightly and said: "It's easy to handle. I don't know where they take off from, just know where they will land. Choose a remote airport, set a strict time, and when the plane comes, just take a flight!"

Otto said angrily: "It's completely unfeasible. How do you know they will really come? If not all of them come, how do you know whether it is the target plane?"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "I'm proposing a plan. If you think it doesn't work, then you can change it to something more realistic. Besides, if a fixed plane doesn't work, then just fly a helicopter. Let's make an appointment on a mountain with beautiful scenery. When we meet, the three parties will send their men to clear the area in advance to confirm that there is no danger, and then let the boss enter the area for negotiation, okay? "

Otto sighed and said: "No, do you think the people in Edelweiss don't even understand anti-aircraft missiles? Someone brought anti-aircraft missiles to ambush in advance. How to check this, and how much area should be checked? It is simply unrealistic."

Gao Guang said seriously: "In the desert, the desert can be seen very, very far. There is no way to arrange an ambush in advance on the ground. Then we don't decide the specific location in advance, so we let No. 1 choose the specific coordinates, and No. 3 chooses the specific time. This way , let No. 1 choose the longitude line temporarily, and No. 3 choose the latitude line. The intersection of the longitude and latitude lines is the meeting point, so that no one from the three parties has the chance to ambush. "

Otto thought for a while, and then he said in surprise: "Your method is not bad."

Gao Guang sneered: "They must not have thought that I would dare to use fighter jets to fight them down in the United States! Just say that there can only be two passengers on each plane, and then their respective guards will stay far away."

Otto suddenly said impatiently: "That's enough, this is impossible." "Why?"

"Who doesn't know the name of your mad dog melee gunner? Do you think they are willing to meet? Even if your real weapon is a fighter jet, they have to be careful about your pistol."

Also, you can't bring bodyguards, and you have to go to the highlight. Wouldn't that highlight be a god-like existence?

Gao Guang was helpless and said: "Then think about it again and find a plan acceptable to everyone to deceive them. As long as they can appear in the same airspace at the same time, then they will never leave alive."

Otto stopped arguing with Gao Guang. He thought for a while and suddenly said: "Otherwise, negotiate in the air. Let's fly a helicopter and talk in the air."

Gao Guang whispered: "Don't forget how I killed Asamyev. Also, there is a super gunner in the black box opposite who has a farther range than me. If you ask me, it will be shot down in the air anyway, so let them bring a lot of bodyguards." alright."

Otto frowned and said: "You are talking about combat. This is not my style. How can I get them to agree to get on the helicopter? Think about it, let me think about it again and solve these details. Maybe this plan is really feasible."

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