Firepower is king

Chapter 794: A small company

The phone was hung up. When Gao Guang and Otto looked at each other, he found that Otto's eyes were a little blurry.

It's not that I'm surprised or sad, it's just that kind of confusion caused by being unable to accept that my three views have been impacted. Where am I, what am I doing, who am I? Probably Otto is in this state now.

Gao Guang felt that this matter was really super simple. If we couldn't reach an agreement, we wouldn't talk about it. Just lift the table and no one would play. But Otto was not like that. His mission determined that he could only maintain the garbage organization Edelweiss. , so he couldn't jump out like a highlight, smash the box that restricted himself, and discover a brand new world.

"Now the 1st and 3rd will definitely meet us. The question is the meeting place. Now I also have a certain say and can make certain requirements on the meeting place. What's wrong with you?"

After all, he was a person who had a heart transplant. Gao Guang looked at Otto in a daze, fearing that he might not be able to bear the stimulation.

Otto shook his head, took a deep breath, and then whispered: "Choose a place where you can exert influence and avoid meeting in Europe. I predict that they will still choose the United States. After all, they were going to be there last time. Meet in America.”

Gao Guang frowned and said, "That's not what I'm paying attention to right now. Didn't you hear it just now? Number 1 said that Number 3 was going to start a world war. Hey, world war. Do you think Number 3 has this ability?"

"No, is a world war so easy to provoke? Edelweiss does not have this influence yet, but...well, we are indeed more sensitive to the world situation and can predict some major events earlier. Also, No. 1 He said that No. 3 was going to start a world war, and No. 3 also said that No. 1 was going to destroy the world.”

Otto obviously didn't believe in the idea of ​​a world war, and although Gao Guang found it strange, he also felt that the idea of ​​a world war was unreliable.

Gao Guang wants to hear what No. 3 has to say, because if they can really meet, news from No. 3 should come soon. Sure enough, a few minutes later, the phone rang again.

"No. 1 and I have agreed on a meeting place. It's in St. Petersburg. Do you have enough time for twenty-four hours?" Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "Where is it?"

"St. Petersburg, Russia, where can we meet? Given the current tense situation, we agreed that St. Petersburg is the only safe place."

Gao Guang looked at Otto, he meant that what you said about meeting in the United States was unreliable.

Otto also had a face full of surprise. He spread his hands to indicate that he didn't know why they wanted to meet in St. Petersburg.

Gao Guang exhaled and said: "It's too far away, can't we find a place closer, such as meeting in the United States?"

Good. "

"No, I don't think it's safe. Given your friendship and close relationship with the military, I don't think it's safe to meet on American soil. Although we can take precautions and arrange retaliation in advance, I still hope that we can Peaceful

thing. "

Gao Guang's eyes were a little straight, but he couldn't relax at the moment, and he still said: "But I don't feel safe in St. Petersburg. I have never been to Russia. Also, my leg is broken, and I don't want to fly that far."

"You can go to Africa to fight and come back. There is no reason why you can't fly directly to St. Petersburg now. As for safety, St. Petersburg is currently the only place we can mutually accept. Since you are also a related party in the Edelweiss civil war, we think it is better It would be nice to have Abbot No. 5 meet and serve as a witness.”

"Number Five?" "Yes, Number Five."

Number 13 is engaged in intelligence, Number 24 is engaged in assassinations, and Number 5 is from the Action Team and is responsible for force. Since the predecessor of Edelweiss is basically derived from the Stasi, Number 5 is also easy to understand in Russia.

But is Number Five finally showing up?

Gao Guang began to struggle, and he looked at Otto. After a brief moment of shock, Otto nodded heavily, but then shook his head quickly.

"Please wait a moment, I need to discuss it with the teacher."

Gao Guang hung up the phone, and then he said urgently: "What do you mean by nodding and shaking your head!" "I can go, but I have no chance to make a move."

Otto had a solemn look on his face. He sighed and said helplessly: "I don't know what the development of No. 5 is now, but it should be operating independently like me. If No. 5 also participates, it will be It really guarantees safety.”

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Aren't you afraid that No. 5 and No. 3 are on the same team? Well, if No. 1 also agrees, it means that No. 1 also thinks it is safe to meet under the auspices of No. 5."

No. 1 and No. 3 are incompatible with each other. If they agree together, safety should be guaranteed. However, there is Assamev in front of him and the Black Box Mercenary Group in the back. They are all from Russia. Gao Guang is afraid that he will not be able to return after going to Russia. Come.

It's so complicated, and now that No. 5 is involved, the situation is getting more complicated.

After hesitating for a moment, Gao Guang finally said: "Otherwise, it is still missing. I'm worried that it will be more dangerous to go to Russia. Our goal is to kill No. 1 and No. 3 at the same time, but if we meet on the chassis of No. 5,

If we meet, we definitely won’t have a chance to make a move, so what’s the point of meeting. "

Otto said solemnly: "I can guarantee your safety now. At least, they will not continue to attack Mike, and they will not use Mike as an entry point to burn you."

Well, this reason is strong enough.

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and dialed the number again.

Waiting for the call to be connected, Gao Guang said without hesitation: "I agree in principle to meet in St. Petersburg, but I want to know the specific identity of No. 5, what he is doing now, and how do you confirm that it is safe to go to St. Petersburg? Are you sure No. 5 won’t take the opportunity to kill us all?”

No. 3 said without hesitation: "No. 5 can't interfere with Edelweiss's affairs, because his identity is semi-public, his base is in Russia, and he has established a private military company with Russia's back. If he gets another Edelweiss, he will lose his current status because he is too strong, and the Russians will be the first to destroy him. "

"Private Force Corporation? What company?" "Wanag."

"Uh, never heard of it."

He unexpectedly met a colleague, but Gao Guang had never heard of this name. He looked at Otto and said, "Have you heard of this company?"

Otto shook his head and said: "I've never heard of it, it's a small company."

Number 3 said on the phone: "The company is not small. There were more than 2,000 people when it was founded. Number 5 is self-contained and they are very powerful."

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said, "What's the name of No. 5?" "Yergeni Prigg."

Gao Guang looked at Otto, who nodded, and then whispered: "It's this person." He was not famous, he had opened a company that was not small, and he was considered a peer.

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said: "I still have doubts about safety, let me think about it, and I will make a decision after asking for No. 1's opinion."

"Okay, but if we want to meet, I insist on meeting in St. Petersburg. If we change places, we don't have to meet. Also, it's best to be faster. Within twenty-four hours, it's enough for you to make a decision and fly to St. Petersburg." ”

Number Three hung up the phone.

No matter how long your high-gloss hand is, it can't reach Russia. If the meeting place is St. Petersburg, then it is unrealistic to shoot down other people's planes in the sky.

Gao Guang sighed and said helplessly to Otto: "You made a mistake in your judgment. I won't see you in the United States."

"That's because you were involved. Without you, they would have been in the U.S.

If you don't participate in the meeting, they will agree. "

Otto was telling the truth. He said with regret: "The best opportunity has been missed. If we take action before they realize that you will be involved, then there will be no current problems."

"They won't see me if I don't participate."

Solving the current problem first, Gao Guang said angrily: "It takes a long time to fly again. How to get there? Can I borrow a private jet?" Heidi said solemnly: "Don't you know you can charter a plane? And I think it's more convenient to transfer in Europe." "It's very convenient." Also, it doesn't feel good to borrow Miss Sarah's private jet and take Heidi to fly with her.

Gao Guang waved his hand listlessly and said: "Then you prepare the plane. I think there is no possibility of taking action, so there is no need to arrange to take people there."

Otto shook his head, then he sighed helplessly and said: "Now that No. 5 is involved, maybe we can kill No. 5 together. In fact, there is no chance to do it in St. Petersburg."

Gao Guang hurriedly said: "Stop it. It's better not to say anything. First of all, let me state that I will never accompany you and drag others to death together. The option of dying together has never been considered."

Otto looked at Heidi. Heidi wanted to say something, but Gao Guang said directly: "Don't look at her. It's useless to look at anyone. It's impossible to die together. It's useless to arrange for anyone. I don't agree. I definitely don't." agree!"

Otto nodded, but he seemed to be still deep in thought.

Don't say yes to this old guy. In fact, he wants to die with others. His methods are strange and weird. Gao Guang feels that it is difficult to guard against him even if he wants to.

How to avoid it.

Gao Guang was also thinking deeply, and then he felt that if Otto wanted to do things, one person was not enough. He couldn't do without Heidi's help. In this case, he could just ask Heidi not to go.

Before Otto could speak, Gao Guang said first: "I can't trust you. I'm afraid you'll drag me with you to death. So, let Heidi stay here and let my people watch her to make sure she won't follow her." Just go to St. Petersburg. If Heidi also goes to St. Petersburg, then I will stay away from you, lest you drag me to death, that’s it.”

Otto looked stunned and said: "This won't work, I""

"If it doesn't work, forget it. The plan is cancelled. Teacher, you should understand that I have the initiative now. It's me, it's me, do you understand?"

Everyone else wants to maintain this stall, but only Gao Guang is willing to lift the table and smash the stall. This is the key. Otto finally gave in. He nodded and said: "Okay, Heidi won't go, it's just you and me."

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