Firepower is king

Chapter 796 Security Check

You must go through a security check before entering, and the door you go through is not the metal detector door, but the X-ray door.

Gao Guang was very curious as to why there was an X-ray security gate on this ship, one of the top security facilities. If this X-ray security gate was specially prepared for this meeting, then No. 5 would be too expensive, but if not It was specially prepared, but it has been available for a long time, so the hotel on this ship is amazing.

No one took off their clothes, and no one came up to search them, but when everyone walked through the security gate, their bones were really seen through.

Then there are not only X-ray security gates, but also odor sniffers. This is not the kind used at airports for explosion-proof testing. This is specially prepared for detecting some poisons. Basically, any toxic substances that you think of and unexpected are absolutely Most can be detected.

Gao Guang understood why Otto planned to swallow the poisonous capsule in his stomach for the first time.

I still haven’t seen the world and don’t know how top-notch security works. Just when Gao Guang thought this was enough to ensure safety, a man and a woman stood in front of him, and the woman was very gentle. , said very politely: "Sir, do you want a same-sex or opposite-sex search?"

The man is ordinary, but the woman is a beautiful woman.

But Gao Guang became angry, he frowned and said: "It's too much."

Before the executive finished speaking, Otto smiled and said, "I'll come first. I want the lady to search her body." After that, Otto and a beautiful woman entered the dressing room next to him.

But the moment he opened the door and walked in, Otto suddenly turned around, pointed at the highlight and said: "His leg is broken, please be more careful when checking."

Gao Guang looked to the side in confusion.

There are two security check channels. The other channel is where No. 1 is being inspected. He has entered the locker room very obediently. No. 5 looked at Gao Guang with some confusion: "Is No. 4 dissatisfied with my security measures?"

"Uh, no, yes, um, let me think about it, is this necessary?"

No. 5 laughed. The heir brought by No. 1 looked at him with disdain, but No. 3 smiled and said: "People like us must accept treatment far beyond that of a head of state, so just take it." Come on, you are a mad dog. If you have a pistol, we will all die, right?"

Gao Guang said in shock: "But...".

Number 3 continued: "You didn't bring a gun, but your teacher is the king of killers, so these are prepared for him, but for the sake of fairness, we have to accept the same treatment. That's the way it is, since we don't want to die. , then we must accept such cumbersome inspections, this is the greatest respect for the King of Killers."

I don’t know why No. 3 was willing to explain this, but Gao Guang didn’t have time to talk anymore. The man and woman in front of him made an invitation gesture again.

Gao Guang thought about it for a while. He felt that it was awkward to ask a woman to search her body, but asking a man to search her body might cause misunderstandings, so he

Finally, a beautiful woman pushed him into the locker room.

The dressing room is not big. There is a brand new wheelchair already placed inside. There is a clothes hanger next to the wheelchair, and a suit of pajamas-like clothes is hung on it. It looks very loose and comfortable. Unfortunately, it is white and has high gloss. Don't like white clothes.

Gao Guang said to the beautiful woman who was about to search him: "Uh, why don't you go out first and wait until I finish changing my clothes?"

The beauty shook her head firmly and said, "I have to check your clothes and your body, sir, please."

I really didn't expect it to be like this. I really didn't expect that Gao Guang not only began to doubt the meaning of doing this, but he also began to believe No. 3's words.

All these checks are not prepared for him. To guard against him is very simple, just make sure there is no gun on you.

But if you want to guard against Otto, then God knows what he needs to prevent him from bringing into the venue, and Gao Guang thought that Otto was about to turn himself into a gas bomb, and suddenly felt that for the sake of his own life, he really had to check more carefully. good.

So Gao Guang started to take off his clothes with peace of mind, but he was a little embarrassed, so he kept his head down the whole time and even blushed. Every piece of clothing Gao Guang took off was carefully inspected by the beautiful woman, very carefully. Gao Guang had a broken leg, so in the end he had to ask someone to help him. This process was extremely embarrassing and indescribable, so he could only ignore it. .

Gao Guang put on the loose clothes he had prepared in advance and got into a new wheelchair. Then he was pushed out of the locker room. When he came out, he found that everyone else had already changed clothes and were in the slightly more spacious waiting area. Standing.

Everyone was looking at the locker room where Otto entered, and Highlights could even hear Otto's voice.

"It's really unimaginable. The biggest gain for me this time is meeting you. You are so beautiful. I'm sorry, but this is a compliment to you. Oh, Alyssa, the cornea on your palms is a bit rough. You Is it right to exercise regularly? I don’t object to girls exercising, but you should take care of the skin on your palms. A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t have rough hands. I happen to know a very good moisturizer that can be effective. To soften your cuticles, just practice and leave the rest to me."

Otto's nice and magnetic voice sounded unhurriedly. Although it was not very clear, you could basically hear everything.

For some reason, Gao Guang felt ashamed.

But no matter it was No. 1, No. 3, or No. 5, the owner of this place, none of them felt impatient. They thought this kind of thing was a shame and a waste of time.

Why wasn't it checked when we boarded the ship? If it is really to guard against Otto, then Otto is boarding the ship

When I first saw No. 1 and No. 3, I could have taken action, so why wait until now to check?

"Why didn't you check it when you got on the ship? Why do you need to check it now?"

Both No. 1 and No. 3 looked at Gao Guang, but No. 5 said calmly: "Because he has no chance to do anything outside. If he touches my people, I will kill him, but next, we If we want to talk about something secretly in a confined space, at this time, we have to be prepared for the Shadowless One to kill us quietly. "

It turned out to be this reason, but it did make sense.

But it doesn't matter. Gao Guang spoke just to cover up Otto's voice, otherwise he would die of embarrassment if he waited here.

The highlight was examined for five minutes, and Otto was examined for about fifteen minutes.

Finally, the door to the locker room opened, and Otto walked out of the locker room with a relaxed look. He was wearing the same white pajamas as everyone else, but he could still maintain a handsome and handsome look.

I really can’t envy him that he can still be so handsome even when he is old. This is God’s special treatment. Otto said lazily: "I have kept everyone waiting for a long time. I hope you are not in a hurry."

The beautiful woman who examined Otto came out. She tried her best to keep a serious expression, but her face was very red, even reaching her ears.

The beauty nodded to No. 5 and whispered: "No problem."

No. 5 was also wearing loose pajamas. He finally said with a smile on his face: "Please."

Why do we have to wait for Otto to come out? Because further ahead is a door that looks very heavy. After the two attendants opened the door, No. 5 made an inviting gesture to No. 1.

Eight people filed in, and then Gao Guang saw a large round table with seven chairs placed next to it. It was obvious that the empty space without chairs was reserved for Gao Guang's wheelchair.

Everyone knew where they should sit, and now that no one was pushing Highlights, he turned his wheelchair to the empty space on the round table and fixed the wheelchair.

This ship is a hotel, but there is nothing on the round table. It is obvious that this is a serious negotiation and will not be discussed while eating. Eight people sat down, in pairs, in an orderly manner and with clear distinctions.

Number 5 was the first to speak. He sat on his chair and said with a serious face: "Since all three of you are parties, this roundtable meeting can only be chaired by me, so I will start."

No foreshadowing, just straight to the point.

Number 5 pointed at Gao Guang and said: "Number 4 was attacked by one of you, or both of you attacked him. This made Number 4 dissatisfied and threatened to expose our secrets. Therefore, in order to make Number 4 No. 1 feels safe, and I think I need a commitment from both of you, so please No. 1 first

let's start. "

No. 1 did not stand up. He said seriously: "I promise not to attack No. 4. If I break my promise, No. 5 can attack us as a witness."

No. 5 looked at No. 3, and No. 3 said slowly: "I admit that I had some conflicts with No. 4 before, so I took some defensive measures against No. 4, but I promise that from now on , all attacks against No. 4 have completely ceased, and I promise that I will never attack No. 4 in the future. Please ask No. 5 as a witness. If I break my promise, I will be willing to bear all the consequences. "

No. 5 nodded, looked at Gao Guang and said, "Are you satisfied?" Gao Guang was not satisfied, he was very dissatisfied.

Spreading his hands, Gao Guang looked at No. 3 and said, "Do you admit that you attacked me before?"

No. 5 shook his head and said: "No. 4, no matter what happened in the past, No. 3 is willing to say that it is his business, but what we look at is the future, the future!"

Gao Guang immediately said: "It's just two fluffy words. What kind of guarantee is this? They will attack me again in the future, and then No. 1 will push No. 3, and No. 3 will push No. 1. What's the point?"

Otto couldn't help coughing lightly. He interrupted the highlight and said sideways: "Well, since I asked No. 5 to serve as a witness, that means that if you are attacked from inside Edelweiss again, then don't care. Whether No. 1 or No. 3 did it, both of them will suffer revenge from No. 5. "

Gao Guang immediately said: "This is unreasonable! If No. 1 is going to win and No. 3 is going to lose, what should I do if No. 3 attacks me as a means of dying together?"

Gao Guang's doubts are reasonable, because he feels that the way Edelweiss is handled is simply wrong and meaningless.

But No. 1 was furious and said sternly: "What are you talking about! The differences between No. 3 and I are between us. How could we damage Edelweiss's reputation? Who do you think we are?" !”

What kind of person, who is definitely not a good person anyway, talk about the spirit of contract and the spirit of chivalry with them? Highlights are unacceptable for this.

But No. 5 said at this time: "If there is another attack on No. 4, it means the complete collapse of Edelweiss. Edelweiss will no longer exist. In that case, there will be no winner. And this is the battle between No. 1 and No. 5." Even No. 3 can’t accept it. Can you accept this explanation?”

Gao Guang frowned and thought for a moment. He looked at Otto, and after seeing Otto nodding, he finally said: "Okay, I accept this guarantee."

"Okay, No. 4 accepts your guarantee. The goal of this meeting has been achieved, and the round table meeting can end." After a few words, it ended like this.

Just when Gao Guang felt that this negotiation was a bit too fast, No. 5 continued: "The formal issue is over, but I would like to ask No. 1 and No. 3, are you willing to accept my mediation?"

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