Firepower is king

Chapter 801 Attitude

No. 5 owns a restaurant himself, and he opens high-end restaurants, but the place where he wants to treat Otto to dinner is in a very unknown small restaurant.

The point is that Otto thinks it's very good, the highlight also feels good, and even Lola thinks it's very good. There were four people sitting at a dining table, and it looked like they were just having a casual meal.

"I want to kill two people. They pose a threat to me. I can do it myself, but the energy cost is too high. So when we meet today, I plan to ask you to help me do it."

Number Five said it very naturally.

Otto's response was also very natural. He said easily: "Who is it?"

"One is from the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the other is a young man with no identity. They have caused some trouble for me. I have to kill them, but I hope that their deaths will not be linked to me, so it is not just a matter of lack of evidence. , but to create a complete chain of evidence pointing to others.”

Otto said calmly: "Who are you pointing at?" "It doesn't matter, as long as it's not me."

"Where's the time?"

"The sooner the better, but it must be safe and trouble-free. I believe in your ability, so I won't set a time."

Otto smiled and said: "Okay, give me detailed information, but I want to explain that now I ask for a very high price, starting at 50 million US dollars, with no upper limit."

"No problem, I will send you the detailed information later. The price is not an issue. I am happy to cooperate."

Otto didn't drink, so there was no need to clink glasses. The two just looked at each other and smiled, and then ate separately.

After putting a small piece of potato into his mouth with a fork, No. 5 looked at Gao Guang and smiled: "How should I call you, Mad Dog, Gao, Otto, Little Otto? Or like the Polish people call you Dog Lord ?”

No. 5 knew Gao Guang well enough. Gao Guang thought about it and finally said helplessly: "Call me Mad Dog." "No, Mad Dog has a bad meaning in Russian. I'll just call you Master Dog." "

No. 5 smiled and said: "I think there are many opportunities for us to cooperate."

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Of course there are many cooperation opportunities. I sell arms and you are engaged in the private military industry. We have too many cooperation projects."

No. 5 nodded and said with a smile: "I have no shortage of weapons for the time being, but Master Gou has a good relationship with the War Group?" "Very good, what?"

No. 5 smiled and said: "Can you tell me something? Please tell Danny from the War Group that he selects good players from retired Russian soldiers every year. This is nothing, but the price he gives is too high, which disrupts the market." ”

Gao Guang was a little dazed. He thought that what No. 5 said would be a good thing, but what No. 5 said was not a good thing.

Number 5 continued to smile and said: "For those good guys, my salary of five thousand dollars a month was enough, but Danny pushed the price to twelve thousand dollars. This led to

As for those really outstanding retired soldiers who have been snatched away by him, I can contact him directly, but I think it might be better to ask you to tell him. "

This is a warning, a threat, not for the highlight, but for War and Danny.

No. 5 was silent for a moment and said: "Please tell the War Group that they will either lower the salary for recruiting soldiers or not enter Russia to recruit. If he still recruits people in Russia at prices that disrupt the market, I will just You can kill him, okay?"


Gao Guang wasn't excited, nor did he look angry, but he rejected No. 5 very directly.

In the underground world, modesty will only be regarded as weakness, and polite words will be regarded as concessions. In fact, this is not only true in the underground world, but also in dealing with people in the entire West.

Gao Guang doesn't like Danny, he even keeps guarding against Danny, but you have to have a conscience.

Mr. Smith has been a great help to Gao Guang to get to this point. Danny, who has always made Gao Guang uneasy, has also been a great help to Gao Guang.

There are talented people, and then there are horses. If Gao Guang is Mike's talented person, then Smith is Gao Guang's talented person. But the person who really helps Gao Guang in his growth path, or in other words, is Danny.

Now No. 5 threatens War Group and Danny, and wants Gao Guang to tell them. How is this possible? Even if Gao Guang just passes a message, it won't work.

Agreeing to pass on the message but not expressing a position in time is actually an attitude, a default attitude that will not help the war and remains neutral by default.

In this matter, Gao Guang must have an attitude, that is, he must stand on the side of the war.

Gao Guang didn't mean to fall out, he just looked into No. 5's eyes and said, "I can't help you because I am an ally of the War Group and Danny is my friend. If you touch him, you are declaring war on me. So unfortunately, I can't help you with the message. You'd better contact Danny personally. If he doesn't want to go to war with you and chooses to give in, that's his business, but if he refuses to give in, then it's my business. I just have to go to war."

Gao Guang's meaning is very clear. If you want to go to war with Zhan Huo Group, that is your business. You said it yourself, if Zhan Huo avoids war, nothing will happen. If Zhan Huo Group accepts the war, then Gao Guang will be on the side of Zhan Huo Group.

There will be no ambiguity. It depends on how No. 5 chooses whether he is a friend or an enemy.

Maybe he didn't expect Gao Guang's attitude to be so straightforward. No. 5 shrugged and said with a smile, "I didn't know you had this kind of relationship with Zhanhuo. Well, I'll contact Zhanhuo Group personally."

To put it bluntly, No. 5 is still knocking the mountain and Zhenhu, because after what he said today, Gao Guang has to inform Zhan no matter what.

On the other side of the fire.

It was an attitude, but the goal had been achieved. Based on No. 5's understanding of Gao Guang, it was impossible for him not to know Gao Guang's position, so he quietly used Gao Guang to warn the War Group.

Gao Guang made a comment in his mind. No. 5 has a deep mind and dealing with him will be very tiring. But to be one of the five Edelweiss giants, no one has to be a simple character.

Talking about the War Group will not be pleasant, but after expressing their attitudes to each other, it will not affect the relationship between Gao Guang and No. 5. It’s not surprising. When something breaks down, he immediately throws up the table and yells at each other. That’s the way of small gangsters. Gao Guang is now considered a big boss, and No. 5 is the giant behind the scenes. For their identities and energy, each other is important to them. It is normal for there to be both confrontation and cooperation.

Some trivial matters are not worth falling out with, let alone starting a war immediately. Moreover, even if Gao Guang has to go to war with No. 5 for the sake of the War Group, it will not prevent them from cooperating in other aspects.

If you have become a big shot, or want to be a big shot, if you don’t have this awareness, then don’t mess around.

Gao Guang's reaction perfectly reflected the style of cooperation accompanied by confrontation. He directly rejected No. 5's request and unceremoniously stated that he would side with Zhanhuo Group, but he said without hesitation: "Speaking of human resources, I also need to recruit good people, but the commission from the War Group is too high. Can I recruit some people from you? "

No. 5 smiled slightly and said cheerfully: "Of course, of course! It's impossible for me to recruit all the retired soldiers in Russia into Wanag. If you need it, of course I can recommend it to you or even personally select some people. ”

From a business perspective, if No. 5 is more convenient and cheaper, Gao Guang certainly wouldn't mind recruiting some people from Wanag.

This is called attitude. Show your position to No. 5, but immediately release some goodwill to No. 5. This is skill and wisdom. No one teaches highlighting, he just gets it by mixing it up.

Having said that, it’s time to move on to the next topic. It’s a rare meeting for everyone, and there should be a lot of things on the 5th that we want to take this opportunity to do together.

So No. 5 suddenly said: "I think that Serov is a threat. I wonder what you think?"

Serov is the heir to No. 3. With Laura here, No. 5 did not mention No. 3 and directly mentioned Serov's name. Otto said calmly: "It's a threat, and it may have serious consequences, but I said I won't interfere."

No. 5 looked at Gao Guang, who hesitated for a moment and said, "What do you mean?"

Gao Guang also regarded Serov as a threat, but it was just a potential threat, not very direct, so he did not rush to express his position, but asked No. 5 about his attitude.

"If possible, it would be best to kill him, but this will lead to serious

consequences, so I can only observe and remain vigilant. "

Number 5 is an old cunning guy. He refused to finish his words. Then he looked at Otto and said: "I can only ask you to take action in this matter, but if you are not willing to intervene, forget it. I will stay on the sidelines."

I briefly tested Otto and Gao Guang, but if I don’t say anything, it’s just a private chat between a few people. In the final analysis, today’s meal is all about attitude. The back and forth is just to find out the attitude and then stop immediately. Hands, never develop the topic in depth.

Otto suddenly said: "What do you think of the other side?" On the other side, there is No. 1 and his heir.

Unlike No. 3, No. 1's heir is his son. This is normal, but in the underground world, in a secret organization like Edelweiss, handing over your position and power to your own child is actually very risky.

The choice of No. 1 is not only his own business, but also involves Gao Guang and No. 5.

No. 5 smiled and said: "I think if the other side wins, it shows his strength, so I don't have any opinion." Otto nodded and said: "Okay, let's wait and see, the result hasn't come out yet Please don’t interfere before now.”

No. 5 thought for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Is this a warning or an advice?" "A warning."

No. 5 breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Okay, I will never interfere."

The attitude of No. 5 is that he feels that heir No. 3 is a threat and heir No. 1 is not a threat, so he intentionally intervenes secretly. But this threat is not because heir No. 3 poses a threat to Edelweiss, but because he may bring it to him. Interests are at stake.

It’s a complicated twist. Number 5 didn’t want to get involved with Edelweiss, but he wanted to eliminate the threat of Serov before Number 3 completely mastered Edelweiss. So he was very conflicted and wanted to test whether Otto and Gao Guang were willing to join forces with him. , just to deal with Serov, rather than getting involved in the internal fight between No. 1 and No. 3.

To put it simply, No. 5 felt that No. 3’s successor was not chosen well, but Otto did not care about this, so after No. 5’s test, Otto warned No. 5 with a clear attitude.

Attitude, attitude is still attitude, I'm annoyed to death. I was very unhappy with this meal. Now Gao Guang understands why No. 5 doesn't eat in his high-end restaurant. Because eating in such an environment where they are testing each other, how can they be in the mood to eat? , any delicious food is a waste.

Finally, after getting all the desired attitudes, No. 5 wiped his mouth with a napkin and said with a smile: "I won't disturb the three of you for your meal. Next time you come to Russia, please let me host you."

It must be admitted that Number 5 has a very deep mind and a lot of twists and turns, but at least he is absolutely direct and concise when doing things, and it does not take long to test the whole process.

You can't have a good meal until No. 5 leaves, so Otto didn't have any intention of staying. He just said softly: "Okay, goodbye."

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