Firepower is king

Chapter 803 Soaring into the Sky

One person gets the idea that chickens and dogs ascend to the sky, and when Lloyd goes up, the highlight must take off with him.

The key is that Lloyd has become the commander of European Command. Highlights are not just about taking off. From now on, he can fly sideways or upside down in Europe as he wants. No one dares to block his way.

Gao Guang was not taken away by Lloyd, but his investment paid off, so what he reflected in him was not that chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, but that rare goods could be lived in, which was the best return for burning a cold stove.

Who would have thought that retired Lloyd could return to the army. The key is that he could return to the core of power of the US military. Let alone Gao Guang, he would not have thought of it. Even if he killed Lloyd, he would not have thought of it.

We can only talk about time, luck and destiny.

How powerful the commander of the European Command is, this needs to be discussed carefully. .??.

First, the European Command commands the U.S. military throughout Europe, responsible for all of Europe, most of Africa, the Navy's Sixth Fleet, the Air Force's Third Air Force, and the European Union's Rapid Reaction Force. It is nominally responsible for coordinating NATO, but in fact The top is to command the entire NATO, and the power is boundless.

In the U.S. Joint Command, the Commander of the European Command has the rank of general, because the U.S. military’s military rank system stipulates that positions and military ranks are linked. One carrot and one pit. If there is no corresponding position, you cannot be promoted to general. Instead, you must To be promoted to general, a general must retire.

Lloyd was a lieutenant general when he retired. After he returns to active duty, he will definitely be promoted to general as long as he serves as European Command.

As long as he becomes a general, Lloyd will be the fulcrum that moves the earth. If he achieves a breakthrough alone, he can lead many, many others to break through together.

In the future, Gao Guang will not only be able to fly, but he will also be able to swim sideways and along. When he feels good, he will be dragged by the entire European fleet and the entire Mediterranean ship to swim backwards.

What’s the explanation?

Because the Sixth Fleet is under the command of the European Command, and the Sixth Fleet is based in Naples, Italy, and is responsible for most of the Atlantic Ocean, the entire Mediterranean Sea, the entire Black Sea, the entire Arctic Ocean, and most of the Indian Ocean.

High-gloss goods mainly go through the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, all under the jurisdiction of European Command, and in all these sea areas, no one can afford to offend the Sixth Fleet.

Originally, Europe had been very peaceful, and when I became the commander of the European Command, I didn’t have much room for display. There wasn’t much to do.

But things are different now. According to the news that Gao Guang has received from various channels, something is about to happen in Europe, and the armies of the entire EU countries must actually obey the orders of the Americans. Once a war really breaks out, The armies of these European countries are directly under the NATO command system, that is, under the command of the U.S. European Command. This power is somewhat scary.

Gao Guang doesn't do anything. He doesn't have to take the initiative to find business. Business has to come to him. Competitor?

Don't make trouble, anyone in Europe who still competes with high-gloss products is too slow to die.

Then I want to start some arms sales in Europe. The entire European Union is Gaoguang's logistics line, and the military factories in Europe are Gaoguang's suppliers. As long as Gaoguang is not free of charge, those military manufacturers will have to give heavy discounts.

The only pity is that Europe is not a dumping destination for arms, but as long as the high-gloss goods can be sold and suitable buyers can be found, then he no longer has to worry about the supply of goods, and he definitely does not have to worry about transportation lines.

As I said before, high-gloss

The cargo plane can fly wherever it wants. The Third Air Force will protect it. The high-gloss ship can fly as it pleases. The entire Sixth Fleet can only escort it. Anyone who dares to inspect is seeking death. Anyone who dares to intercept his cargo , then you are not seeking death, but you must die and die again.

Gao Guang felt that his whole body was a little lighter, and Jane was equally happy. Her joy did not need to be a little less than Gao Guang's. The steadfast alliance has reached the sky in one step, and the entire shooting club has followed the chickens and dogs to the sky. How can Jane be unhappy? The Phantom Army will be convenient in the future. With Lloyd's strong support, the Phantom Army must rise.

Hank's transfer from Afghanistan to Europe was just one sentence, really one sentence, without saying a single word more. Hank's military rank must be promoted and his position must be good.

Jane had close contact with the military in the Department of Homeland Security, and had strong support from the Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Command. Let's put it this way, there was hope for her to move up the ranks.

There is also the Joint Special Operations Command.

Another important member of the shooting club, Special Operations Command Commander Raymond Thomas, also has hope for promotion.

The entire shooting club is concentrating resources to support Lloyd. The most direct way to support it is that no one will share the dividends, and they will work together to invest all the money on Lloyd, and then cheer for Lloyd like Raymond in the army. Jane was a matchmaker for Lloyd at the Department of Homeland Security, and everyone worked together to achieve Lloyd's breakthrough.

Moreover, Lloyd's breakthrough was quite fast, and the opportunity for promotion came quite early.

Jane hugged Gao Guang very excitedly. This was indeed a happy event that they were both excited about.

But after watching Jane and Gao Guang's excited celebration, Sara suddenly said: "Congratulations, this is indeed good news, but little Otto, be careful."

Sara did not hug Gao Guang, but instead said to Gao Guang with a serious face: "I want to remind you that your investment has been successful, but you have to figure out your own position. Do you understand what I mean?"

Gao Guang didn't understand what Sara meant, but seeing Sara's serious look, she naturally had to use her brain. There are too many historical cases, and there is no need to have a think tank. Gao Guang has enough cases for reference just by thinking about them.

The so-called great kindness is hard to repay, so if after Lloyd takes over, Gao Guang still thinks of himself as Lloyd's benefactor, or is confused about his position as Lloyd's sponsor, then what will happen in the future? Hard to say.

It's rare for someone to remind him when he is proud of himself. This is the benefit of the mistress being well-informed.

Gao Guang's ecstasy subsided slightly, and he said seriously: "I understand what you mean, I will be careful, and from today on, I will get along with him in a different way."

Jane's feelings for Sara were definitely not good, but in response to Jane's reminder, she couldn't help but nodded after thinking deeply for a moment.

It seems that the position of the entire shooting club will have to be adjusted in the future. Needless to say, Lloyd must be the core, and the entire shooting club will revolve around Lloyd.

If you want to maximize profits, Lloyd is the only choice.

This good news must be conveyed to everyone in the shooting club as soon as possible. If you want to do something, you should seize the time to operate. For example, Hank, he can apply to go to Europe the moment Lloyd's appointment is announced. Adjusted, no need to waste another second.

Gao Guang couldn't help but said with a smile: "Then, let's start telling others the good news."

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