Firepower is king

Chapter 806 Take action

Some expected things did not happen, or if they did happen, no one would know about it.

Gao Guang has not had an easy time during this period, because he has to be prepared for any unexpected situations all day long, making preparations and making concessions.

It can be considered a strategic contraction.

Lloyd didn't get the position he wanted, but it didn't mean he got nothing. His position is still crucial, so the side won't press too hard, but what should come will definitely come.

Gao Guang silently put down the phone. He watched Laura finish the remaining three bullets in the magazine, empty the gun chamber, and take off the earmuffs before he opened his mouth and said: "We have to go back."

I don’t know what other lovers do in their daily activities, but Gao Guang and Laura’s way of leisure is to go shooting at the shooting range. However, they just came today and were interrupted by a phone call.

Laura didn't look too disappointed. After a brief daze, she began to clear away a row of guns on the table.

Gao Guang walked aside and dialed Lloyd's number on his mobile phone. When the call was finally connected, he whispered: "General, something happened over there in Poland. La Manchet was arrested late at night. I think it was There’s action over there.”

As Gaoguang's main partner in Poland, Lamanchet's arrest was by no means that simple. It should have been someone who took action there.

After Fokker secured his position as commander in Europe, briefly became familiar with the situation in Europe, and endured it long enough, they finally took action.

The breakthrough point selected there is very interesting. They did not directly look for Gao Guang, nor did they directly attack Gao Guang's business, but directly captured Gao Guang's trader in Poland.

Logically speaking, La Manchet's status in Poland is not low, but in this competition, his status is indeed the lowest, so even if La Manchet is captured, it will still be considered as a threat to the mountain. style of deterrence, rather than an all-out war against the highlights.

The goals, intensity, and selected goals all show that they don't want to complete the matter, but this is just the beginning. How the situation develops and to what extent it will develop depends on how Gaoguang responds.

More than two months have passed, and it's already August. They have just started taking action, and they are patient enough. Lloyd was not angry, let alone surprised. He just whispered: "What department arrested you?"

"In a joint multi-agency operation, La Manchet's home was surrounded by a special force from the Polish military, but the police entered the home to arrest people. There was a lot of movement, but only La Manchet was arrested."

It is rare for the military and police to mobilize together, but it represents the common will of both the military and the police.

Lloyd was not that surprised, he whispered

: "Then you go to Poland and deal with it in the way we agreed. According to usual practice, the other party has to leave at least three days for us to deal with it."

"I'll arrange a flight right away."

Lloyd whispered: "No, do you want to take a private plane or take a military plane?" Or take a military plane? It's different now.

All military aircraft in Europe are under the control of Fokker. As far as the current relationship is concerned, Gao Guang and Na Fang are still in a state of unresolved fighting. He took a military aircraft to Poland, and the possibility of being killed directly was unlikely, but he was in Poland. After landing at the airport, there is still a possibility of being arrested immediately. In Poland, there is a high possibility of being kicked out of the airport and severely humiliated.

However, Lloyd will naturally not let Gao Guang fly to Poland at the risk of being humiliated, because for Gao Guang, whether he can take a military plane to Poland is not only a matter of face, but also a weather vane, showing whether Gao Guang has been completely lost in the military. gained the right to speak.

You can retreat, but you can't be completely defeated, and you can't be defeated thousands of miles away.

So Lloyd has been preparing for this day for a long time and has been prepared for it.

"Today we will have a military observation team go to Poland to inspect the training status of European troops and evaluate whether closer military cooperation with Poland is needed. You go with them and will be received by the Polish Ministry of Defense after arriving in Poland. "

Lloyd had to respond very toughly. He was Gao Guang's backstage, so he had to give Gao Guang maximum support, because if Gao Guang lost face, he would also lose his face.

It seems that Lloyd has adapted well to his new position. The fact that he can make such an arrangement shows that his words are very effective.

Gao Guang was only worried. He whispered: "Will it be too late? How long will it take to form this observation team and meet you and other members of the observation team?"

Lloyd smiled, and then he said without hesitation: "You can form this observation team. It is authorized by the White House Special Military Advisory Group. You can just find any officer. Well, I will assign you an entourage. For convenience Just look for it from the Air Force. Just one officer pilot is enough. If there are more people, the entire flight crew should be members of the observation team. "

Lloyd was definitely hiding it until today to give Gao Guang a surprise, because when he discussed countermeasures in private several times before to prevent the attack there, he never said that he could do this.

In other words, there is only Gao Guang in this so-called military observation group. If it weren’t for the fact that he represents Bai

If there is not a single active-duty soldier in the palace's observation group, there is no need to look for this pilot.

Using a flight crew who flew the plane as the observation team, the smell of this convenience can make people intoxicated. Gao Guang couldn't help but chuckle twice and said, "Okay, then I'll rush to Edward Air Force Base immediately."

"Then I'll contact Edwards Air Force Base and ask them to assign a crew with good performance to Poland to enjoy VIP treatment. That's it. After you arrive at the air force base, everything will be ready."

Gao Guang couldn't help but asked: "Do you need any formal documents?"

"I'll prepare it for you if you need it. Don't worry about it. I'm just doing this shit all day long!" In the end, he couldn't help but complain, and Lloyd hung up the phone.

Gao Guang sighed and said to Laura: "Let's go home."

Laura had silently hung a gun case and two long gun bags on her shoulders, and carried a bag containing more than a dozen pistols in her hands. Her smaller body had to bear a weight of at least forty kilograms, which made her The whole person is almost covered.

"Why did you take it all on yourself? Give it to me." "No, just open the door."

Laura was quite stubborn sometimes. She walked to the car with a little difficulty. Gao Guang opened the trunk of the car with remote control, rushed forward and took the bag from Laura's hand, and put all the guns in the trunk. He said hello to the owner of this outdoor shooting range, and then got in the car and left.

"What do you think of this shooting range?"

Los Angeles is very big. Except for the small core urban area, most of the places are in the urban-rural fringe. Therefore, it is not easy to find a suitable shooting range in the Los Angeles area.

The shooting range that Gaoguang and the others were looking for was one of the very few in the Los Angeles area that could conduct long-distance shooting. It could provide a precise shooting range of one thousand meters. It was also an extremely rare and precious shooting range in the entire Los Angeles area.

Gao Guang wanted to find an activity venue for the shooting club, so he wanted to buy the shooting range and build some buildings. Shooting twice a week in the past few weeks was both a pastime and an inspection.

Laura shook her head and whispered: "The venue is too flat, and there are too many restrictions on long-distance shooting. If you only need an event venue, there is no need for such a large shooting range. An indoor shooting range is enough. If you want a long-distance shooting range, shooting range, then this range is not suitable.”

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Isn't it much easier for you to practice after buying this shooting range?" Laura was stunned for a moment and said: "Is this the gift you want to give me?"

r\u003e "Uh. Does it count? It doesn't count."

Laura shrugged and said, "Then it's better to find an indoor shooting range in the city to buy it. You don't have to travel so far every time."

Gao Guang smiled, and then he felt that this kind of earthy sentiment was actually quite boring, so he drove the car with one hand and called Riccardo at the same time.

"Get ready. Let's go to Poland. Just call Francisco. The others can just inform them. There is no need to let them go." Gao Guang planned to take only Francisco and Riccardo to Poland, because this trip is too complicated. It's not about starting a fight, just having two helpers is enough. The fewer people he takes with him, the more confident Gao Guang appears. The more people he takes with him, the more he seems to be afraid of that side.

Riccardo was a little nervous and said: "Boss, what happened?"

"There's been a move over there, and La Manchet has been captured. Let's go get him out and talk about it, so there won't be too many people."

After a brief explanation, Gao Guang hung up the phone, and then he heard Laura say firmly from the side: "I want to go too, is that okay?"

"Well, that's okay."

In fact, Gao Guang didn't want to take Laura with him, but he didn't know how to refuse, so after agreeing to Laura's request, he felt that it was actually a bit troublesome.

Although public and private matters must be kept separate, the relationship with Laura still affects Gao Guang's decisions when doing things. Looking at Gao Guang's face, Laura thought for a moment and suddenly said: "You actually don't want me to go, do you?"

"Well, you don't have to go. It's okay if you want to."

Laura said lightly: "I'm just worried about you, but if you don't want me to go, I won't go."

Why bring a sniper to negotiate? This is not a place where a sniper can be of any use.

It's very troublesome. Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "You and others should be prepared. If force is needed, you can set off together." This excuse was reasonable. Laura nodded and said: "Okay, we are ready to set off at any time."

The car was driving very fast, and Gao Guang began to concentrate on driving. Only in this way would the atmosphere in the car not become awkward. At this time, Laura suddenly said: "Is Patrick still looking for his gun?"

I don’t know what Laura wants to ask, but it is definitely not the partner gun that Patrick has been unable to decide.

But Gao Guang still said: "Yeah, Patrick can't decide on his new gun yet, but the situation has become tense, and he has to be ready to go back to battle. Maybe this will allow him to make a decision quickly."

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