Firepower is king

Chapter 809 The final peace

In autumn, Gao Guang will miss his hometown.

The weather in Los Angeles is great, but it lacks some of the flavor of autumn, the familiar temperatures of high light, and the leaves that are starting to turn yellow.

Although the climate in Los Angeles is indeed pleasant, it is a bit monotonous. In the golden autumn of September, there is no feeling of autumn at all.

Gao Guang, who was quite homesick, was a little bored. He thought for a long time about what else he could do, but now the King's Defense seemed to be the same with him and without him. If he wanted to find something serious to do, he really couldn't find it.

If a boss has to run around all day, then being a boss would be boring. But the problem is that the boss has nothing to do, so it’s time to give the employees something to do.

Gao Guang thought hard for a long time and finally thought of something to be done but had never done. Then he grabbed the phone and called Patrick.

"What are you doing?" "I didn't do anything."

"What are you going to do today?"

Patrick was silent for a moment, and then he finally tried to choose a more rigorous statement.

"I have nothing to do. It's 10 o'clock in the morning. I plan to have lunch at 12:30, play on my mobile phone after lunch, start working out at 2 o'clock, take a shower after finishing the exercise at 3 o'clock, and take a shower and rest for an hour at 3:10. Then I change my clothes and go for a walk, go home at about six o'clock, prepare dinner, and after dinner I might go to a bar for a drink, or maybe go to a movie, and go to bed on time at eleven o'clock in the evening."

Gao Guang knew he had asked the wrong question, but when he heard Patrick reciting today's schedule, he still listened patiently.

When you ask a German about today's schedule and he starts to answer seriously, it is best to listen carefully to the end. This is the most basic courtesy for a German.

Finally, after listening to Patrick's minute-by-minute arrangements, Gao Guang said very directly: "Very good, your life is very healthy, but there is a problem. As the chief machine gunner of the King's Defense, you have not decided yet. Don’t you think there’s something wrong with firing your own machine gun?”

Patrick was silent for a long time, and then he finally sighed: "I'm sorry, I'm not ready for a new relationship yet." Gao Guang was stunned for a while, and then he finally said: "Man, you are changing a machine gun, not a wife."

"It's easy to change your wife. You just need to divorce and then get married. It's a little troublesome for me because I'm not married yet, so I need to get married first, then divorce, and then get married to someone else. This way I can complete what you said. The most complicated way to change your wife is only three steps, right? "

"Yes. But it's just a change of gun. Just a change of gun. Don't act like it's as important as marriage."

"But changing the gun is different, especially changing to a soul mate gun. I need to consider too many things, such as the machine gun.

Performance, maintenance conditions, ammunition penetration, and power considerations, such as caliber size and armor-piercing ability. Excluding performance considerations, I also need to determine the compatibility with a new gun. The level of tacit understanding requires too much, so changing guns is much more difficult than getting married. "

Gao Guang said helplessly: "Okay, what gun do you prefer?"

"Well, I've tried every gun on the market today, but I'm sorry, but I can no longer find the feeling I had with Phil."


"My gun is called Phil."

The light was opened and the master was recognized. In the end, was Patrick stunned?

Gao Guang sighed, and then he said helplessly: "But we have something to do soon. As the chief machine gunner of the King's Defense, don't you think it's time to solve the problem of using guns as soon as possible?"

"Soon, how fast?"

"That's right. We may be dispatched at any time, and a battle may occur at any time. Man, at least you should have a general idea."

Patrick hesitated for a long time, but finally said: "I'm sorry, I don't have a new gun that I like at all right now." From what he meant, Patrick was either choosing a gun or a soul mate.

Gao Guang was speechless. He thought for a moment and finally said: "Mike is going to make his debut on September 11th, and after watching his first game, we are going to Georgia. I I hope you can choose your new gun before September 11th, so that we can have time to hold the consecration ceremony.”

Patrick was like a young man being urged to get married. He said urgently: "Boss, I don't need a consecration ceremony to have a lot of guns to use. Just like we are not married, we are not lacking in women."

"This is different!"

Patrick's confidence and feeling are different when using a fired gun. He has a deep understanding of this, so Patrick can indeed use any gun he wants, but the problem is that the level of performance is different.

He could only urge the marriage. Gao Guang said seriously: "As a machine gunner, as the chief machine gunner of the King's Defense, how can you not have your own main gun? That's it, you need a blind date, you need more I have been exposed to some guns. Starting today, you go to the shooting range and start shooting for me until you find the new gun you like. Then I will host the opening ceremony for you. There is still one week left. This is the order. "

Gao Guang hung up the phone, not giving Patrick time to refute or bargain.

Looking at Laura, highlight

He said angrily: "It's so outrageous. It's been half a year and Patrick can't even choose a new gun."

Laura put down her phone. She thought for a long time and finally said: "I understand his feelings. A gun that has been with you for many years cannot be easily replaced. This is not something that can be replaced at will."

Patrick was the first person to accept the concept of consecration, and he was also the one who most recognized the concept of consecration and recognition of the Lord. But now the consequences are beginning to show, that is, he has fallen too deep.

It’s just a gun, but it turns out I can’t change it, and I’m speechless.

But Gao Guang was no longer bored now, and he began to think about how to get Patrick to get a new gun quickly and start developing a relationship, but at this time, his phone rang.

This matter either didn't come, or it came together. As soon as Gao Guang found something to occupy his mind, Zog got the long-awaited call.

"Master Dog, you should be prepared. According to reliable information, all of Pavel's goods are stored in an arsenal about 24 kilometers southeast of Tbilisi. A considerable amount of high-value arms are concentrated there."

Zog's voice was filled with a hint of expectation. He was giving Gao Guang news bit by bit, and today, for the first time, he told where Pavel's goods were stored.

Gao Guang was both angry and funny. He whispered: "Please, Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia, and although Georgia is a small country, it also has its own army. You asked me to rob another country in Tbilisi." An arms dealer’s goods? Do you regard the Georgian army as a decoration?”

It has been almost two months since we last met. Anyway, so far, Azerbaijan and Armenia have not started fighting, and according to Gao Guang’s key observations, these two countries have no signs of war at all. .??.

Regarding Gao Guang's dissatisfaction, Zog whispered: "I can help you get rid of Georgia. As long as you can kill Pavel, then you can successfully receive everything from him."

Zog's abacus is very loud, but he has the advantage of stating everything clearly.

He released news bit by bit, showing Gao Guang his energy and what he could do for Gao Guang bit by bit, so even though he knew clearly that he would be a gunman for Zog, Gao Guang just couldn't refuse.

Kill Pavel, the traitor, for Zog, and get the cash that he urgently needs but is short of now. Zog basically doesn’t have to do anything, but he can get everything he wants.

There was no way, Zog also knew the importance of a win-win situation. No matter what Gao Guang did, he would get the majority of the benefits, which made him reluctant to refuse.

What preparations are there? There is nothing to prepare. Everyone who should say hello has been notified and let them know that there is such a thing. Then the only people who need to be used are shadows and knights.

, there is no shortage of high-end combat power.

Even if Azerbaijan and Armenia start fighting tomorrow, the highlight will immediately draw people to Georgia.

So now the key point is to figure out Pavel's location, and Zog seems to be unable to provide this information, so where can we find this information? The internal fighting in this garbage organization Edelweiss is also silent, and I still don't know where it is. What are the results of No. 3 and No. 3?

Stable or reliable intelligence sources are the CIA and the KGB.

It was time to put the connections he had established in Baghdad to use. Gao Guang felt that he was more concerned about Pavel's intelligence than the CIA or the KGB. After all, Pavel's main business was Russian weapons.

First ask the KGB. If there is no information from the KGB, then ask the CIA to help search for Pavel's information. If the CIA cannot do it, then ask the Department of Homeland Security to see if there is any information about Pavel.

In special operations, intelligence is king. Zog cannot be relied upon to provide all necessary intelligence. Gao Guang feels that it is safer to rely on himself.

After paying attention, Gao Guang finally picked up the phone, and before dialing the number, he muttered to himself: "Two powerful countries are waiting for you, Pavel, just be content."

He dialed the reserved number and when the call was connected, Gao Guang whispered: "Hello, I'm Mad Dog." "Hello, what can I do?"

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "I would like to ask, do you know Pavel Brayanski?" After hearing Gao Guang's question, the person who answered the phone suddenly asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Well, I just need information."

"I know what you want to do. In this way, we also want to kill him. If we provide you with information, what benefits can you give?"

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said: "You can participate, and how about getting 10%?" "50%, no matter what you want to do, we will take care of all the manpower and operations."

Are all Russians so fierce? They didn't even understand anything and started to quote directly.

Gao Guang hesitated for a while, and then he felt that the 50% ratio was too high and he could not accept it, so he decided to change the trading model.

"Fifty million, fixed price."

They asked for a high price and paid it back on the spot. The other party wanted 50%, so Gao Guang quoted a price of 5%.

When Gao Guang was bargaining, he liked to chop at his ankles, but he didn't expect that the amount of 50 million might be too tempting, so the other party finally said without hesitation: "Deal!"

Whatever the case, it’s a deal. After Gao Guang was once again shocked by the efficiency and roughness of the Russians, he finally said: “Okay, deal! No regrets!”

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