Firepower is king

Chapter 849 No

This round-the-clock payment is a bit painful.

The amount is too large, and many remittances have to be made, and it is an international transfer, so naturally it cannot be too fast, but this is the speed at which Gaoguang collects money.

After selling the securities, the CIA will receive the money directly, which means that Pavel's first fund has been successfully received, and Gao Guang can retire successfully.

But even if he used his credibility to guarantee the CIA, Gao Guang would have to persist for two more days if he wanted Pavel to spit out the remaining money smoothly.

The time here has been delayed for a long time, and things in Armenia have been delayed. The military situation is raging, and this war will not wait for anyone.

"Brother, I have to go. Next, you can slowly talk to Pavel. If it doesn't work, I'll come back in two days. Otherwise, what if the war in Armenia is over? I will lose all my arms."

Gao Guang's request was not too much, but Tom shook his head and whispered: "Don't leave, you can't leave yet, we won't worry if you leave, there is something I have to tell you now."

Pointing to the sky, Tom whispered: "That guy wants to see you, do you want to go see him?" Gao Guang pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, "Who is that?"

"Are you pretending to be stupid with me? Of course he is the new director. He is a big shot, an absolute big shot. After knowing your contribution to this matter, he is very interested in you, even..."

Lowering his voice, Tom said mysteriously: "You can enter the CIA, and the starting position is not low. How about it? Are you interested in joining the CIA?"

"Join the CIA as your subordinate?" "That's fine if you're willing."

Gao Guang said angrily: "Forget it, I won't join the CIA."

Tom's face became serious, and he continued in a low voice: "If you don't join the CIA, then you'd better not meet the director. I think... you know."

Of course I understand highlights.

At first, the Pentagon wanted Gao Guang to be the white glove to replace Morris. Gao Guang worked hard to get rid of it. Now, the CIA boss has also considered taking him under his wing. But to put it bluntly, they still want him to be the white glove. Well.

Gao Guang said in a low voice: "I understand, it's definitely better to disappear. The question is how to reject it, can it be rejected?" "I can reject it, just ask the director to do you a favor."

Tom seemed very wise. He said calmly: "You have contributed a lot to this matter, so you can't have no benefits. Now the higher-ups know that you convinced Pavel, and they also know that you even gave Pavel the 10 million." , so naturally someone needs to help you solve your problems in Armenia.

one time. "

Gao Guang looked at Tom with interest and said, "Oh?"

Tom whispered: "Before you go back to Armenia, someone will help you with the things there, and this will be your reward." After speaking calmly, Tom took out a document with several signatures. The list was highlighted and he said: "You are the middleman, so go and give this protection certificate to Pavel. It has the signatures of the director and the deputy director. Pavel does not have to worry about being harmed by anyone on American soil."

Gao Guang took the inconspicuous-looking document, glanced at it twice, and said, "Top secret level?"

"Congress has no right to inquire. Unless the president suddenly develops a strong interest and wants to find out his information from about 8,000 files to check, otherwise, Pavel's identity will always be a secret. This is the treatment of those who A treatment that only important spies who defect can receive.”

Tom shook his head and said with a smile: "The lower the level, the more people who have permission to view it. The higher the level, the easier it is to do many things, so just go to the top secret level and you will be protected for life. He treats us well and everyone feels at ease.”

Gao Guang whistled softly and said, "This is much easier to handle."

Tom continued: "Tell him that you can lock him and his wife together and remove all the activity restriction equipment. If you ask me to improve his treatment, let him be grateful to you."

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "I don't think he will ever be grateful to me. Pavel is a smart man and very decisive, but he will never confuse enemies with friends. After all, I am also his enemy and cannot be his friend." ”

Tom smiled and said: "Who asked you to be his friend? What I mean is that since you have become a middleman, you must treat this middleman well."

Gao Guang reached out and flicked the document and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll be the middleman."

This is a villa, and of course there must be a room for Gao Guang. Gao Guang picked up the documents, left his room and went straight to Pavel's room. He knocked on the door first, and then pushed the door open and entered.

Pavel no longer needs to be restrained on the bed, but his hands are handcuffed and his feet are electronically shackled. When he saw Gao Guang pushing in the door, he raised his head and looked at it with slightly hopeful eyes. highlight.

Raising the document in his hand, Gao Guang walked to Pavel and handed the document directly over. He said with a serious face: "Top-secret protected witness, you will be protected in accordance with the security measures after the defection of important spies."

Protection, except for a few order signatories at the highest level of the CIA, only the president has the right to know your identity information and residential address. "

Knowing how this so-called protected witness got the top secret status, Gao Guang thought it was no big deal, but it was different for Pavel.

Obviously, Pavel didn't understand the inner way, so he was still a little shocked.

After reading the entire document carefully, Pavel raised his head and said with a surprised look on his face: "Lifelong protection?" "Lifetime protection."

"Can I bring my kids to live with me?"

"Of course, they will get a new identity and name, and you and your wife will have a new identity. If you can live with peace of mind and no longer want to continue to engage in the same occupation as before, which kind of killing and killing work, you can I live a very peaceful life, well, I think this kind of life is quite good.”

Pavel opened his mouth wide. He let out a long sigh, and then said to Gao Guang: "The boss is not that easy to be a boss. No matter how much money I have, I can't buy a peaceful life. And it's the opposite. The more money you have, the more money you have." The more I do, the more scared I will be until that day comes.”

Gao Guang didn't have any emotion, he just said calmly: "How much money do you have?"

"I don't know. I really don't know. It's about more than 10 billion."

Pavel became interested. Although he didn't know whether the final result would be as good as expected, it was good to have a brief moment of joy.

Pavel raised his head, lost in memories, and said: "I took over. I took away Aaron's wealth, and then I made three to five million US dollars every day. Every day, on the first day. , I'm scared, you know, I'm really scared.

Gao Guang didn't say anything. Pavel said with emotion: "I was thinking how rich I would be if I kept making money at this rate. Nothing would happen if I made so much money. Later, it didn't take too long. I I started to feel numb. I felt that making three million a day or making thirty million a day was just a number. I couldn’t see the cash, and all the accounts were handled by the accountant. I only knew how many more dollars I made every day. Millions, sometimes hundreds of millions a day, so what’s the point of these numbers?”

Gao Guang was not here to hear Pavel miss his life, so he did not continue chatting with Pavel on this topic, but said very relaxedly: "I'll have your handcuffs removed. Well, your wife can come over too." I’ll accompany you. As long as you don’t leave this door, no one will disturb you.”

First, torture was turned into imprisonment, and then imprisonment was turned into house arrest. The treatment was gradually improved. For Pavel, this was quite important.

Pavel breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Is that okay?" "Okay."

Gao Guang stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, and then said to the person guarding him: "Unlock his handcuffs, and invite his wife over."

The guard immediately went in and opened Pavel's handcuffs. Almost at the same time, a man escorted Alkina, who looked extremely haggard, into Pavel's room.

There are three people in the room now.

Alkina quickly hugged Pavel. Pavel kept kissing Alkina's forehead and kept saying something quickly in Russian. The two hugged each other and sobbed softly at first, but when Pavel and his wife separated, and After showing Alkina the document she had been holding in her hand, Alkina seemed quite happy.

Then the two of them looked at the highlight.

After living in the UK for so long, Alkina must be able to speak English. She looked at Gao Guang, hesitated for a long time, and finally said to Gao Guang: "Thank you."

Gao Guang just nodded without saying anything more. He waved his hand and said, "You two must have a lot to talk about. I won't disturb you anymore."

Pavel immediately said: "Give me a pack of cigarettes and a cigarette to smoke."

Gao Guang took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. He walked over and gave Pavel one. After lighting it for Pavel, he immediately put away the lighter and said, "I can't give you the lighter. I'll wait until you finish smoking." Go away again, or you'll have to let others watch you smoke."

Pavel nodded, and he smoked quickly. When the cigarette burned on the filter and started to smell like burned plastic, he said to the highlight: "Give me another one."

Gao Guang gave him a second cigarette. When Pavel lit the cigarette with the Gao Guang lighter, he suddenly said: "Let's end it quickly. Let me leave quickly."

"Yes, this is good for everyone."

Pavel looked at Gao Guang and said seriously: "I'll treat you to a drink then. Drink good wine." Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said: "Forget it about drinking, there may be no chance."

Pavel nodded, and then he suddenly said: "The money is given to them, so those arms, the people I sell arms to, and those channels are just abandoned like this?"

Gao Guang shook his head and whispered: "I don't know, but I don't want it, because I don't want to be like you."

I don’t know if Pavel wants to lure Gao Guang, but it doesn’t matter, Gao Guang will not take over anything that belongs to Pavel. Gao Guang doesn't want the power, relationships, channels, and the manpower that once belonged to Pavel that he can't control now, and he doesn't want it for free.

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