Firepower is king

Chapter 855: Don’t be brainless

Has Weir really given up and doesn't want to be rescued, secretly or openly?

Gao Guang verified his idea, but overturned Ye Ye's view. However, Ye Ye had one good thing, that is, he would never engage in any dispute of temper for the so-called face.

Gao Guang decided to give up using his brain, because when he was with Ye Ye, his brain could be thrown away.

It's a very strange feeling that problems that should be solved very secretly and with great care are all violently destroyed by the most direct means in Ye Ye.

It's a great feeling, but it's also dangerous because this simple, straightforward way of doing things can be addictive. "It's hard to make one billion, it's too hard to make"

Ye Ye muttered and dialed the phone. After waiting for the call to be connected, he whispered: "Is there any news from the British? No? Okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ye said to Gao Guang: "The simplest method won't work. We use Pavel as bait and let the British come out on their own initiative. Once we find them, we will kill them directly. Even if we don't kill them, we can let them know that we are The operation will not succeed, so let’s deal with the British first.”

Gao Guang nodded, but then he said: "Okay, but how to spread the news?" "Uh, um, let me think about it." .??.

Ye Ye pondered for a long time, and then he suddenly said: "In this way, let's change Pavel's words. Now that we know his encryption method, we can modify the content of his words. This will not only protect all of Pavel's men, but If we clean it up, we can also draw out the people from the Military Intelligence Bureau.”

"No, this is not good."

Gao Guang rejected Ye Ye's proposal and brought Pavel's younger brother in who originally wanted to stay out of the matter, and then killed him, which was against his promise.

Ye Ye didn't insist much. He just waved his hand and said, "You go find Pavel and help keep an eye on him. I'll check to see if Pavel is being targeted by others. Let's do this for now."

Gao Guang said in surprise: "You want to act alone?"

"Yeah, what's the problem? Do I have to take you with me when I go to dig out the British rats hiding in the dark? What can you do?"

Ye Ye stood up and said calmly: "I'll call you when we start. The two of us are enough." "Let me start with you?"

"What else?"

Gao Guang actually felt flattered, so he spread his hands and said: "You are a solitary person. I thought you still planned to be alone, okay, let's do it together."

"Your marksmanship is good, you are qualified to join me." After saying that, Ye Ye waved his hand and said, "Wait for my news." Ye Ye stood up and made a gesture

He gestured to ask Gao Guang to leave, but after Gao Guang also stood up, he suddenly said to Gao Guang: "One more thing, did you bring your own gun this time?"

He would definitely bring the pair of high-gloss bald guns, so he nodded to the leaves and said, "I've brought them." "Very good, I'll contact you then."

This is a hotel near the airport. Gao Guang met Ye Ye directly after getting off the plane, but now, Pavel should have been escorted away. After all, Gao Guang and Ye Ye spent a lot of time chatting here.

The two left Ye Ye's room together, but as soon as they walked out of the door, Ye Ye suddenly said: "Oh, I forgot something." Ye Ye turned around and walked back, but after he entered the door, he winked at Gao Guang and said He shook his head.

Gao Guang immediately turned around and said, "What did you lose?"

Entering the door, closing the door, the two of them pressed against the walls on both sides of the door in perfect agreement.

Gao Guang made a gesture of inquiry, but Ye Ye stretched out two fingers and scratched his neck twice, and then stretched out two fingers, pointing first to his eyes, then to his ears, and then He made a zipper motion on his mouth.

What's the meaning?

The leaves left the wall, and he walked into the room, took out an ordinary-looking fanny pack, opened it, and took out a silencer from inside.

Gao Guang looked a little stunned. He was about to shoot, but under what circumstances would he need to shoot?

Ye Ye didn't say anything. He lifted up his clothes, pulled out a Glock 17 from his waist, and then screwed a silencer on the pistol.

Gao Guang involuntarily reached his hands to his waist and pulled out his two guns.

Looking at the high-gloss guns, Ye Ye looked at them curiously, then he shrugged, put his right hand behind his back, walked to the door again, and suddenly said: "Fortunately, I found it, otherwise I would have..."

Halfway through the words, Ye Ye suddenly twisted the door handle, then he opened the door, held the gun in his right hand, jumped out into the corridor, and then kicked the door of a room diagonally opposite.

There was a loud bang, and the door was kicked open by Ye Ye. The moment the door opened, Ye Ye suddenly stepped forward and used his left shoulder to hold the rebounding door. He raised his gun with his right hand and pointed it at the room. gun.

We haven't even left the hotel yet, and the fight has started?

Gao Guang quickly checked left and right, and then he quickly followed the room where Ye Ye broke into.


There were two bodies on the ground. One was behind the door, holding an MP7 submachine gun in his hand. The other was lying face down on the desk in the hotel room. There was something like a laptop on the desk. The corpse also had a pair of headphones on its head.

Being watched and also listened to.

Ye Ye looked at the bathroom and confirmed that no one was in the bathroom. He shook his head, exhaled, stepped forward and pulled out the laptop from under the corpse's head, and whispered: "Let's go."

"What's going on?" "You're being followed."

"How did you find out? How much of our conversation was listened to? How come we were followed? Why not?" Ye Ye whispered: "Stop talking, you have too many questions."

Ye Ye held the computer in one hand and slightly covered the gun in his right hand, so that when he hurried into the elevator, even if he met someone, no one would notice the gun in his hand.

But the computer was still bleeding.

Gao Guang put away a gun, covered the gun in his right hand with his clothes, and hurriedly followed Ye Ye into the elevator.

After entering the elevator and waiting for the elevator door to close, Ye Ye whispered: "They came with you. Obviously you are the focus. They sneaked directly into the room opposite me, but I didn't notice it. The other party's method was good. I judged that there were still people outside. There is someone waiting, find him and kill him."

"Then what?"

"After that, let's deal with the few people in front of us."

Ye Ye glanced at Gao Guang and said, "Your whereabouts must be under control. I'm curious. Is the action of escorting Pavel here confidential?"

"Of course it's confidential!"

"The confidentiality work is not very good."

When the elevator reached the first floor, the elevator door opened. The moment the elevator door opened, Ye Ye suddenly rushed out. However, after finding that there was no one in the elevator, he immediately covered the pistol with his computer again, and then held a black gun in his left hand. Laptop, with the gun hidden behind the computer in his right hand, he quickly walked towards the hotel door.

Gao Guang could only use his clothes to cover his pistol and keep up quickly.

So far, no one seems to have noticed that a gunfight just took place in the hotel room on the seventh floor, and two people were killed.

Ye Ye walked out of the hotel lobby through the revolving door, then he glanced left and right, and then suddenly pulled out his gun and fired two shots into the sky.

The doorman who greeted guests and the two pairs of guests who happened to be in front of the hotel were frightened.

Some of them were so frightened that they ran away, but others stood there stupidly, while Ye Ye just observed it for a moment, then raised a pistol with a silencer and fired at a car. He fired three shots in a row.

A silver car started to drive, but just after leaving the parking space, it lost control and hit the front of a car in the opposite parking space. Ye Ye quickly ran over, looked inside, and then raised his gun from the side window. Another shot was fired at the driver.

There was a bullet hole in the glass. Ye Ye, who was holding a gun in his right hand, circled his arm, pointed his elbow at the glass window and smashed it. Then, Ye Ye opened the car door from the inside, and then pulled out the dead driver. .


Waiting for Gao Guang to sit in the back seat, Ye Ye drove into the car that had just started and crashed to a stop. He fell backward first, and then the car made a sharp sound of tires scraping the ground and sped forward.

"Three people, two approached us to spy on us and eavesdropped on our conversation, and one person answered us at the door."

He threw the computer on the passenger seat, then held the steering wheel with his left hand and grabbed the gun with his right hand. His head shook back and forth and he glanced around. Ye Ye continued: "There shouldn't be anyone else nearby, but this allows us to keep the military situation It also becomes more difficult to find people in the bureau.”

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Our conversation was eavesdropped, but has it been spread?"

Ye Ye had already driven the car onto the road, and he still said calmly: "It should have spread, but there is nothing we can do, we can't stop it."

After saying that, Ye Ye put down his pistol, picked up the computer, threw it back, and said, "Let's see how long they recorded."

Gao Guang opened the computer, wiped away the uncomfortable blood with his hand, quickly clicked on an audio recording that was being recorded, glanced at Chang Chang, and immediately said: Five minutes and thirty-two seconds. "

Ye Ye didn't answer immediately. He made an estimate in his mind, then took a long breath and said: "Very good, starting from inferring Pavel's encryption method, very good, very good!"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said, "What happened? How did they get in, and how did you find out?"

"I booked six nearby rooms, and someone entered the room that no one should enter. They didn't notice the mark I made, but they were able to enter the room opposite me and eavesdrop on me. They are capable and brave! "

After Ye Ye finished speaking nonchalantly, he said angrily: "You actually took action before me! How disgusting."

Gao Guang gave up thinking. He felt that when he was with the leaves, he should not think about things with his brain, throw away his brain and just follow the leaves.

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