Firepower is king

Chapter 866 About Betrayal

Gao Guang said in a hurry, and Tom was also in a hurry. He said in a hurry: "Why do you do it? Shete, are you safe so fast?" "It's safe for now. Go ask first, hurry!"

Tom hung up the phone and the car started to drive in the direction of Holy Trinity College. One of the two people in the car drove, and the other sat quietly and looked around, but there was no sound coming out.

Gao Guang returned the phone to the person sitting in the passenger seat and said solemnly: "There is a gun and magazine in the glove box. Take it out and put it on."

After taking the mobile phone and opening the glove box, he found four Glock 19s and a pile of full magazines inside. The man in the passenger seat took out two guns and gave them to the driver, and then took out another gun. The box was placed in the water cup holder between the two of them.

"What are your names?" "My name is Rhett, sir." "My name is Blue, sir."

The one taking the photo is named Red, which sounds like the English word red, while the one driving the car is named Blue, which sounds like the color blue. Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "Color?"

"Yes, sir."

The attitude of both of them was very respectful. They called each other "sir". It could be "sir" or "sir". Anyway, it was the best title for Gao Guang now.

Gao Guang nodded. At this time, the phone rang. He answered the call and heard Tom say: "Pavel has identified the photo. He said it was one of his bodyguards. Pavel asked to speak to you. Do you want to say it?" "


Tom probably wasn't with Pavel, so he hung up the phone. Less than a minute later, the phone rang again, and it was Pavel who spoke.

Pavel's voice trembled.

"Hello, I. Which photo, please?"

Pavel was stumbling when he spoke. Gao Guang couldn't wait for him to ask questions, so he took the initiative: "The person in the photo is your subordinate, right? Tell me his name, and what is your subordinate's name?"

"Samuel Grali, he is my subordinate and my brother. If he tries to do anything, please tell him what I said and he will give up. He will not cause you any trouble. "

Pavel is very worried about his brother.

Gao Guang began to get angry in his heart, but he didn't want to say anything to Pavel, but continued: "How many people does he have, how many resources can he mobilize, and to what extent he can do it if he tries to rescue you? Do you know Black box mercenary group? Tell me clearly."

"Samuel is responsible for my safety and the safety of my family. He has about a hundred people under his command, but he only has about a dozen people with him. Well, he doesn't have much money. I just pay him a salary. But he was never allowed to have access to financial power, so he couldn’t do anything to save me.”

"The Black Box Mercenary Group, focusing on the Black Box."

"Black Box, I have dealt with them, sold arms, and asked them to do things. Samuel followed me and came into contact with Black Box. What happened to Black Box? Samuel asked Black Box to save me? It's unlikely. "

Considering the scale of Pavel's business, it is extremely normal for him to have contact with the black box mercenary group.

But what Pavel was thinking about now was that Samuel was saving him, but he never thought about whether it was just his wife that he wanted to save. Gao Guang almost said it, but when he was about to leave his words, he swallowed them back.

Just saying this is too cruel to Pavel. Although Gao Guang and Pavel actually have no special relationship, but for some reason, Gao Guang

Guang was somewhat speechless.

I have seen how the CIA tortured Pavel. Pavel, who has gone through so many hardships without opening his mouth, is a tough guy. Just treat it as the respect you deserve for a tough guy.

Gao Guang said lightly: "Okay, I understand. If I need to ask anything, I'll come back to you. That's it for now. I'll call Samuel. If he really won't cause trouble to me, I'll I'll let him go."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang felt a little depressed, so he let out a heavy breath. "Farke!"

He cursed for no reason, and after a moment of silence, Gao Guang said bitterly again: "Fake! Bichi!"

Pavel was so kind to his wife, and his wife cuckolded him.

Otto was so carefree, and all his women were devoted to him.

Is it possible that only scumbags in this world can get true love, and those who give sincerely will not end well?

Gao Guang's inner world began to become a little chaotic. He had to admit that Ye Ye's speculations had become reality time and time again, but the love he had always believed in and longed for collapsed into a puddle of shit in front of his eyes, which was still thin.

Red and blue, no, Red and Blue are well trained, and they will never make any sound without highlighting.

Gao Guang wanted to chat with others, so he said to Red, "Are you all Scott's subordinates?" "Yes, sir."

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "Don't call me Sir, call me Mad Dog, or you can call me Master Gou like your captain." "Okay, Master Gou."

He still maintains respect for Gao Guang, but Rhett will answer all questions, but will not take the initiative to talk to Gao Guang.

It was a bit boring. Gao Guang couldn't help but want to call Laura and say something casually. He also wanted to call Otto, scold his scumbag teacher in a few weird words, and then ask him for advice. How to get important words out of Algina's mouth.

When it comes to women, you don't have to ask Ye Ye for Gao Guang. Otto is the best candidate. After all, there are specialties in the art. Otto is a master of emotions, and Ye Ye can't compare with him.

But at this moment, the phone rang, it was Ye Ye. Gao Guang answered the call and heard Ye Ye say lightly: "I found the black box, which completely blocked the four entrances to the bank. They appeared almost at the same time, ten Two people got into four cars and left in the same direction. I will follow them, but I won’t get too close, but I can find their footing.”

"You...did it beautifully."

"Don't waste time, hurry up and ask Algina. Oh, Shet, so close!" "What's wrong?"

"They stopped at a hotel near the bank, less than a kilometer away in a straight line. Yes, I am now very sure that the black box is here. They will not change their residence in a short time. This location is really great. , the bank can be monitored throughout the day.”

The voice of the leaves became lighter, and he smiled and said: "Wait for me to join you in the past. Now we have the initiative, which is very good."

There is nothing to say, just wait to meet up and interrogate Algina, and then you can determine what to do.

Gao Guang was hesitating whether to take the initiative to attack the black box, because at the moment

Until now, it seemed that he had no need to fight with Black Box, but thinking about his grudges with Black Box, he felt that it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to kill Black Box, especially if he could kill someone with a borrowed knife and eliminate Black Box, a potential enemy, without risking the king's defense. , is indeed a good choice.

After finding a parking space near the gate of Holy Trinity College and waiting for less than twenty minutes, Gao Guang saw Ye Ye's car. Ye Ye stopped the car. He didn't get out of the car, but lowered the window glass to let Gao Guang go talk to him.

Gao Guang got out of the car and walked to Ye Ye's car. He stood next to the car window and said, "What to do?" "Do you know who Alkina's adulterer is?"

"It should be called Shemuel. Pavel's men are also brothers. They are responsible for protecting the safety of Pavel and his family. The people we arrested are Semuel's men. These are confirmed by Pavel."

The leaf slapped on the steering wheel and said: "Ha, it is indeed like this. Let me tell you, I guess it is like this. Pavel, who is busy with his career, ignores his wife's feelings and lets others take advantage of it. Alkina Take it to my car and ask, and I won't meet the CIA people to save you the trouble."

Gao Guang nodded, walked to the car where Algina was sitting, went over to open the door, and said to Algina: "Get down, the others are waiting for me in the car."

When Alkina got out of the car, Gao Guang grabbed one of her arms and whispered: "Follow me."

Alkina's face was now full of worry. She didn't say a word, but she kept looking around, looking very nervous. "Don't look around. Just look at the road under your feet. Don't move."

Gao Guang had no choice but to warn Algina, and then he pulled Algina to Ye Ye's car. After opening the door and letting Algina get in, he immediately followed Algina and sat in the back seat.

Ye Ye sat in the driver's seat. He did not look back, but said lightly: "Algina?" "Yes, I am."

Ye Ye continued to say calmly: "What is your relationship with Samuel."

"He, he is my husband's bodyguard. He is responsible for protecting my husband and sometimes me and the children."

Algina's face was very normal, but when she looked at Algina's side face, she felt that Algina was hiding something.

Ye Ye said calmly: "Samuel didn't save your husband, but he wanted to rescue you at all costs. It seems that he loves you very much." Alkina's face turned pale, and the color disappeared in an instant.

Without speaking or moving, Alkina fell into the sluggish period after being exposed.

Ye Ye continued: "But you are wrong. Do you think Samuel loves you? No, he doesn't want to save you at all. What he wants is the money in your account. Pavel gave it to you, and you can use it. Samuel said that the reason why he wanted to rescue you was because he would never get the money if you died. "

Algina trembled and said tremblingly: "No! Impossible!"

Ye Ye shook his head, sighed, and said disdainfully: "Samuel was arrested by us because of hunger. He has already admitted it. What else is impossible!"

Alkina suddenly lost control, and she screamed: "He is not such a person, he doesn't care about the money!" Ye Yeqing closed the window because Alkina's scream was too loud.

Algina's attitude has been explained

Everything, but this is just a small test of leaves, but it worked out as soon as it was tried.

Gao Guang felt that he could no longer believe in love.

Gao Guang sighed softly and whispered: "Shut up! Don't shout!"

Alkina did not dare to shout anymore, but she was still excited and said in a very nervous tone: "You want to lie to me, you are lying to me, yes, you must be lying to me!"

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Pavel is so good to you, why do you treat him like this, why do you betray him? He. He loves you so much!"

Ye Ye raised his voice and said: "Shut up!"

Alkina was a little hysterical. She said sharply: "I am like a prisoner at home. I worry about him all day long. He can only see me twice or three times a year. He can only stay at home for less than three days each time." I have to go out again one day, this kind of life."

Alkina stopped breathing heavily, waved her hands, and said angrily: "I've had enough! What I need is love, care and companionship, understanding, yes. What I want is not money, no Those jewels!”

Gao Guang still said in confusion: "But now you have got all these!" Alkina was stunned, but she immediately said: "It's too late, it's too late!" It seems that Pavel is wearing a cuckold. It’s not a year or two.

Gao Guang sighed again, and then he said in confusion: "But your husband went out to work hard, to make money, and to betray his boss. Isn't it for your family? He couldn't bear to eat, he couldn't bear to wear, and he couldn't bear to live with a net worth of hundreds of millions. Smoking a good cigarette, isn’t it all for your family?”

Algina whispered: "But I don't want these, I just want a simple life and simple love! He betrayed his boss not for me and the children, he did it for himself."

Gao Guang was completely confused, but Ye Ye sighed: "Shut up, don't ruin my rhythm."

After finishing speaking, Ye Ye clapped his hands on the steering wheel, and said helplessly: "Betrayal, let's learn from it. Pavel betrayed Alon, Samuel betrayed Pavel, what does this mean? This is very Normally, this is the fate that betrayers deserve.”

Gao Guang whispered: "Retribution, we call this retribution, but Pavel did not seduce Zog's wife, forget it, you say it, I won't say it anymore."

Alkina heard the conversation between Ye Ye and Gao Guang. Her face was full of seriousness and she said very seriously: "No, this is not betrayal!"

Even Ye Ye couldn't help but turn around. He looked at Algina in surprise and said, "If this is not betrayal, then what is betrayal?"

Alkina opened her mouth. After hesitating for a moment, she said very seriously: "Samuel and I are in true love. No, I still love Pavel very much. I love him and the children. I just, just "

"Just what?"

"I just accumulated too much disappointment and couldn't see the future or hope at all, so that's why.

Alkina couldn't speak any more. She exhaled and said, "But I didn't betray anyone. No, this is not betrayal!"

Gao Guang didn't know what to say, but Ye Ye said with a faint smile: "Yes, this is not betrayal, okay, let's talk about Samuel, do you want him to live or die? If you want If you want him to survive, you have to do what I say, okay? "

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