Firepower is king

Chapter 871 The highlight

This guy Ye Ye has definitely suffered some kind of emotional injury, 100%, absolutely true.

Gao Guang didn't bother to care about the mess between Alkina and Pavel, and just wanted to kill Samuel, the adulterer, with one shot. But Ye Ye wants to uphold justice, and he is indeed acting like he is upholding justice now.

It was simply incomprehensible. Unless the leaves touched the scenery and made him sad, how could he have the intention to take Samuel to see Algina. Cleaning up the mess was super troublesome, and Gao Guang would feel embarrassed when he thought about what it would be like to meet Samuel and Alkina. Gao Guang wanted to stop it, but he finally chose to give up looking at the leaves.

It was Samuel who was stupid. He didn't know who Ye Ye was. Anyway, Gao Guang would rather be beaten to death on the spot than fall into Ye Ye's hands and be manipulated at his will.

In any case, it seems that there is no need to worry about Black Box taking action now. The unknown is the scariest thing. Now that he knows what Yuri wants, Gao Guang can rest assured.

This would allow the Color Four to take Alkina to stay in a hotel instead of wandering around in the car all the time.

But the Color Four did not stay in the hotel. They activated a CIA safe house in Dublin, because Gao Guang had no way of explaining why Black Box would not take action for the time being.

These are all trivial matters. Anyway, the safe house is good and convenient to use.

Ye Ye had personal contact with CIA people for the first time because he wanted to take Samuel to see Alkina.

Knocked on the door, which was opened by Rhett. When he looked at the leaves behind him and Samuel being choked by the leaves, he widened his eyes in extreme shock and said, "So fast?"

Gao Guang entered the door, and Ye Ye pushed Samuel into the house.

First, I looked around at the structure, layout and furnishings of the safe house. This is a single-family villa that can be considered a luxury house in Dublin. It is in the most prosperous location, quiet and quiet, with a prime location, and the interior decoration and furniture All very luxurious.

Ye Ye grabbed Samuel's neck and turned around in the room, and then he suddenly said: "You have really sufficient funds." Two of the Color Four were in the living room. They looked at each other, but were speechless.

There was something wrong with bringing a KGB into a safe house that was supposed to be kept strictly confidential.

Gao Guang said to Ye Ye: "Okay, now that we are here, what do you want to do." "Where is that woman?"

Red pointed to a closed door and said, "Inside." Leaf pushed Samuel and said, "Go in."


Gao Guang stopped in front of Ye Ye and whispered: "What do you want to do? Don't affect our plan. If Black Box doesn't take action,

, we will take Alkina directly tomorrow to finish the matter. "

Ye Ye shook his head and said: "You think it's simple. Things are much more complicated than you think, but I guarantee that Alkina will cooperate. I promise."

Gao Guang gave way suspiciously, and Rhett stepped forward, knocked on the door, and then opened the door directly.

Algina was sitting in a daze on a bed. There were two people, one was sitting on a chair playing with a pistol boredly, and the other was standing behind the door staring at Algina. Even when the door was opened, he did not look back.

Alkina stood up. She looked at Samuel with a look of disbelief on her face and exclaimed, "Oh, God!"

"God didn't come, I came."

Alkina wanted to pounce on Samuel, but was held back by the person who was always staring at him. Samuel also tried to get closer to Alkina, but was held back by the leaves.

Ye Ye said proudly: "I said I would catch him, and now I have brought him."

After finishing speaking, Ye Ye looked at Samuel and said seriously: "Samuel, do you love the woman in front of you?" Samuel swallowed and said: "Love!"

Ye Ye looked at Algina and said, "Algina, do you love this man?" "Yuan, I love him! I will always love him!"

"very good!"

Ye Ye finally let go of Samuel. He was much shorter than Samuel and kept grabbing Samuel's neck. Not to mention his funny actions, he was quite tiring.

Gao Guang was confused. He thought Ye Ye was going to direct a scene where lovers finally get married.

But after Ye Ye let go of Samuel, he suddenly pulled out a knife, a very short knife, and then he said excitedly: "Now comes my favorite part, don't you two love each other deeply? , now it’s time to test you, there is a knife here, you can only survive one, come on, who wants to live? "

Samuel shook his head in astonishment, and Algina said blankly: "You bastard!"

Ye Ye still smiled brightly and said: "One of you must die, and I have to watch you do it. Is no one willing to take this opportunity? Then you."

Ye Ye put his left hand on Samuel's shoulder, put the knife on his face with his right hand, and said seriously: "I hate this woman, so I will give you a chance to kill her, and I will let you go if you kill her." You, I promise.”

Samuel shook his head and said, "No.


Samuel screamed because the leaves sliced ​​his neck.

Blood gushed out, but the leaf did not directly cut off Samuel's artery, he just made a cut. Algina screamed: "No!"

Samuel panicked, he was afraid, and he also struggled and said: "Don't kill me!" The leaves stopped, and he whispered: "Then you go kill her, and I will give you the knife."

Ye Ye put the knife in front of Samuel, and Samuel grabbed the short knife in a daze. He looked at Algina and said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry."

The selfishness of human nature was clearly revealed at this moment, and Gao Guang suddenly felt that this scene was so cruel. But Ye Ye smiled very happily, and he whispered: "Go, kill her, kill her!"

Samuel could have slashed his knife at the leaves around him, but he didn't. He suddenly rushed towards Algina.

Samuel is also a bodyguard. He is not the kind of pretty boy who is courageous and incompetent. In fact, he is very capable of fighting. It's just that he is weak when he encounters non-human beings like leaves.

But to kill Alkina, it would be no difficulty for Samuel.

The people responsible for protecting Algina didn't move. Since Gao Guang acquiesced to Ye Ye's behavior, they didn't care about anything.

Alkina saw that Samuel was really going to kill her, and she instinctively raised her hand, but Samuel's knife still went straight to her throat. In desperation, Alkina tried to block it with her hands. Take this knife.

The blade was about to pass through Alkina's neck, and Ye Ye finally kicked her from behind. He kicked Shemuel in the crook of his leg, and then suddenly strangled Shemuel's neck with his left arm.

When Samuel was dragged backwards and lost his balance, his arms began to swing wildly. The blade passed through Algina's raised hand, but it was impossible to cut Algina's throat anymore.

Grabbing Samuel's right hand and strangling Samuel's neck with his left hand, Ye Ye smiled excitedly and slowly said to Alkina: "This is the man you love? Huh? This is the man you love. He loves you? Haha, what do you think now? "

Alkina didn't say a word, she just looked at Samuel in a daze.

Ye Ye suddenly let go of Samuel's neck, and then he continued to say excitedly: "Okay, I just want to make this woman feel despair, feel the pain and then despair. Now you can kill her."

Samuel was controlled and released, with a look of shock on his face, but after hearing Ye Ye's words, he looked at Alkina again and whispered: "I'm sorry, I, I can't die."

I can't die, so I have to ask you to die.

Samuel raised the knife again, closed his eyes, but stabbed towards Algina again. Leaf kicked Samuel over again.

It's abnormal. The leaves are really abnormal.

He couldn't stand the highlights anymore, so he finally said this time: "That's enough, that's enough!"

Hearing Gao Guang's cry, Ye Ye finally strangled Samuel's neck from behind again, snatched his knife away with his backhand, and smiled at Alkina: "Pavel suffered a lot for you, but you My lover can’t stand the test at all.”

Algina shook.

Killing people and punishing the heart is still repeated.

Gao Guang said from the side: "That's enough, stop doing this."

Ye Ye exhaled and said solemnly: "It's so boring, but the adulterer must die!"

Without giving Samuel a chance to speak, Ye Ye suddenly pulled hard with both hands. After Samuel's face twisted to the side in a strange posture, he let go of his hand, and Samuel's body fell down.

Algina looked like she was in a daze. She said nothing, but her face was frighteningly white. "Love, haha, do you think this deserves to be called love? Bah!"

With a vicious spit, Ye Ye smiled at Algina and said, "Be heartbroken, regret it, and spend the rest of your life in regret and pain."

Gao Guang suddenly pushed Ye Ye and said, "That's enough, that's enough, let's go quickly."

Ye Ye spread his hands and said with a cheerful smile: "Let's go. I'm very satisfied with today's highlight. Everything is as expected, hahaha."

Red and Blue looked at the corpses on the ground and shook their heads. This was just a perversion. The key was that they had to wipe their butts.

Ye Ye seemed extremely happy, but Gao Guang couldn't bear it and said: "Brother, this is a little inappropriate. You have completely destroyed Algina, how can she cooperate with us?"

Ye Ye immediately said: "She deserves this!"

This leaf is definitely psychologically traumatized and he is definitely a pervert.

Gao Guang had nothing more to say, and he whispered: "Okay, okay, you go, uh, you can't leave, you haven't explained to me what happened with the black box."

Ye Ye's face darkened again.

Gao Guang said: "This is not the right place to talk about this. Let's go and have a drink. I'll treat you."

Ye Ye exhaled and said, "Okay, have a drink. I really need a drink now."

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