Firepower is king

Chapter 873 Top Secret

No special explanation is needed, just these names are enough to make Gao Guang break into a cold sweat.

No one should be trying to recreate the Soviet Union now, but the legacy left by the Soviet Union is still there. Whether it is tangible or intangible, people will inherit these legacies.

Russia has inherited most of the tangible heritage, but there are always a few people who have to inherit the intangible heritage, such as spiritual things.

Then, some inexplicable organizations appeared.

Edelweiss and the Shadowless, strictly speaking, belong to this kind of inexplicable organization. However, as time goes by, the pursuit of spirituality has long since disappeared, leaving only interests. But the problem is that these have evolved into interest organizations. There are still a few people who maintain their faith.

And this kind of fanatical believers are the most troublesome.

"Now I know why Black Box took such a big detour to find you, why he had to create a seemingly normal situation to meet you when things could be settled by just calling and communicating privately, just because he must not be exposed to anyone. An attempt to obtain a token was discovered.”

Ye Ye followed Gao Guang out of the bar, and then he began to analyze Gao Guang impatiently. Gao Guang thinks it makes sense.

Yuri is the heir to number three.

No. 3 is a West German, but he works for East Germany. Spiritually, he yearns for the Soviet Union. At work, he is the mole of the Stasi in East Germany, and indirectly he is also a mole working for the KGB.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the reunification of the two Germanys, No. 1, an East German, gave up his red ideals early and regarded his work as just a job.

Number Three is a fanatical believer, but he knows that the Soviet Union cannot come back, so he begins to fight for Germany to truly become a sovereign country, but the route he wants goes against the trend.

Then No. 3 is Mole, and no one in his life has called him Davari, that is, comrade, to his face.

And Gao Guang was the first person in the world to call No. 3 gay. Then No. 3 may have hit the wrong nerve and gave Gao Guang a very important thing.

This thing is useless to Gao Guang, but it is useful to Yuri, but Yuri must not let No. 3 know that he is seeking this thing, so he designed an opportunity to meet Gao Guang secretly, hoping to get the Lenin in the simplest way Badge.

Yuri doesn't have Gao Guang's contact information. He can't contact Gao Guang through No. 3, nor can he contact Gao Guang through No. 5. It's more likely that he can't be known by No. 3 to contact Gao Guang in private, so now this kind of abduction Isn’t it the simplest way to come and meet highlights?

That's probably what happened, but what's the use of that Lenin badge?

First of all, the real No. 4, Otto, did not know the use of the Lenin badge.

, he also thought it was just a souvenir, which could be sold in St. Petersburg. Even though the Lenin badge No. 3 was produced decades ago, it was just an ordinary badge.

Gao Guang took the badge and took an X-ray to confirm that there was no interlayer inside and there was no possibility of installing high-tech gadgets.

No matter how you look at it, it is just an ordinary badge. How can it become a token? How can it be qualified to become a token? You have to ask Ye Ye about this, maybe Ye Ye will understand.

Gao Guang whispered: "The token Yuri wants is a Lenin badge. It's a very ordinary kind. I was worried that there was a bug in it. I checked it specifically, but it was just a solid metal badge. Leaves. What do you think of this kind of thing? , can it be used as a token? Material? Or some small but recognizable feature? "


Ye Ye was very excited. He whispered: "The Soviet Union has produced many special medals of this kind, such as the Lenin Medal made of pure gold and the Red Star Medal. If it is a small batch produced in a certain year, but it has a certain meaning. The badge is enough to be used as a token."

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "Well, I didn't check the material. It shouldn't be pure gold. It doesn't feel very heavy, but it's not very light either. Many people have seen that badge, including old people who have experienced the Soviet era. , nothing special.”

Ye Ye said excitedly: "What does it look like?"

"It's round. Well, there is a golden bust of Lenin in the middle. The background is bright red, and the surrounding circle is royal blue, which seems to be an enamel base."

"Wait, blue? A ring of royal blue around it?"


"Purely round? No ears of rice or red flags, or any other decorations. No cccp, no words or patterns?"

"No, it's just ordinary."

Ye Ye suddenly said: "That's not ordinary! Lenin badges don't have a red background with blue edges! Do you know what the royal blue represents?" "What?"

"KGB, the KGB uniform is royal blue. Does your badge have a number on it?"

"No! It's special if it has a number, but the problem is that it doesn't have a number, no letters, and no characteristics." Ye Ye pouted. He looked like he was about to cry, but also like he was smiling.

"There is no number, no text, it is the most common Lenin badge with only blue enamel on the outer circle. Well, okay, let me tell you, there is nothing like this.

Lenin badges, only a very special batch of Lenin badges like this were produced in 1955. The KGB files are preserved, but no one knows who these badges were given to. "

Taking a breath, Ye Ye continued: "Take your badge to test it. If it is gold, it is this batch of badges. There is no number or text, but a total of 99 badges were produced. They were specially made by the KGB and were only issued to those The only characteristics of people who have made great contributions to intelligence work are basketball hoops, red bottoms, and gold heads.”

Gao Guang nodded and said: "That's true, but..." "But what?"

Gao Guang was wondering why Otto couldn't see it, but he soon figured it out. The reason was very simple, because Otto was still young at the time, and he was from the Stasi, not the KGB at all, so he didn't know this. The origin of the badge is also quite normal.

Gao Guang said to the leaves: "Nothing, uh, what does this badge mean?"

"I said, it represents people who have made great contributions to the Soviet intelligence industry, such as spies at the level of the Cambridge Five, such as spies at the level of Sorge. They have made great contributions to the Soviet Union, but they are limited by their status. and the need for extreme secrecy, the KGB can’t give them public awards, and the Soviet Union can’t issue something like the Medal of Lenin.”

The Lenin badge can be worn by anyone, it is just a commemorative medal, and the Lenin Order is one of the highest honors of the Soviet Union, so the difference between a badge and a medal is huge.

Ye Ye swallowed his saliva and continued: "The KGB wanted to express its commendation to these people without being too obvious. These people cannot be known when they are alive, and their relationship with the Soviet Union cannot be disclosed after they die. Therefore, they chose to use a subtle method. A circle of sapphire blue as a silent but supreme courtesy to these people, do you understand?”

Gao Guang had already figured it out. He smiled bitterly and said, "So, these badges are not ordinary at all."

"Yes, this is the Order of Lenin for spies. It appears in the form of a commemorative badge without a number. However, these badges are only made once and will never be reproduced to ensure the supreme glory of this unique type of medal."

"No, that person I know said that he was probably very young when he got that badge, so he shouldn't be qualified to receive such an important badge."

Ye Ye said helplessly: "Are you stupid? Will he tell you that this is the supreme honor for Soviet spies?" "Well, that's right."

Ye Ye continued: "The things given to spies must of course be ordinary in appearance, because getting an ordinary Lenin badge was completely normal in that era. As a spy, I bought a badge just to use it during the mission. Fine,

It's better than finding a Lenin medal at home, right? "

A Lenin medal was found from a spy's house, which really doesn't mean anything. But if a Lenin medal was found, then there's nothing to say. Even being shot ten times is not enough.

Probably, maybe, this should be the truth.

Gao Guang nodded and said, "So this badge is qualified as a token?"

"Absolutely qualified. Think about it, if there are only a handful of people with this kind of badge, and most of them are dead, and then it is classified as top secret in the KGB files, outsiders will never know that this kind of badge exists. Others want to imitate it, no, no one else knows how to imitate this kind of badge, so why can’t it be used as a token of identity?”

Ye Ye finished speaking, and then he said with excitement: "As for the names of the organizations I just mentioned, they may not want to rebuild the Soviet Union now, but what if they have any secret resources in their hands, those left over from the Soviet Union, Amazing wealth, or something that could change the world, like the electromagnetic bomb that was detonated in Baghdad.”

Right! That's right.

Gao Guang said with a surprised look: "Does it also include nuclear bombs?"

Ye Ye clapped his hands and whispered: "Of course! The Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine lost hundreds of nuclear warheads, Russia lost thousands of nuclear warheads, and! At least the nuclear suitcases that the KGB secretly stored around the world were lost. Dozens of uh.”

Ye Ye spoke smoothly and directly told a secret that was not a secret. To be precise, it should be a scandal.

Gao Guang looked at the leaves blankly, and the leaves scratched their heads and said: "Suppose, suppose someone kept a batch of suitcase nuclear bombs stored behind enemy lines. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, they disappeared. They hid them, and took many of them with them. There are many secret weapons, including but not limited to nuclear bombs and electromagnetic bombs. What do you think of this hypothesis? Is it possible that the person you know is a member of such an organization?"

What is possible, simply!

Number Three is a member of Edelweiss, but he doesn’t have to be just a member of Edelweiss. There are so many organizations, and he doesn’t have to be a member of only one.

The most terrible thing is that No. 3 has already used an electromagnetic bomb. It's not possible that he has already used it! Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and suddenly said: "How do you know? How do you know what the badge looks like?"

Ye Ye smiled, and then he whispered: "I saw it from the top secret file that has not yet been declassified. Don't forget, I am the KGB, but no one knows that I have seen that file. I can only tell you, this The badge is still top secret, top secret!”

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