Firepower is king

Chapter 885 Three Guns

Why Gao Guang is so confident is because his confidence is built with one shot after another, not target practice or training. It is the pile of souls who died under his gun.

Now we have to fight people with guns in a duel, at close range, so that's it. Why should Gao Guang be afraid? Why shouldn't he go? Gao Guang's car moved first. Francisco drove forward a few hundred meters and stopped. Then Gao Guang got out of the car and stood still on the side of the car. He watched Yuri's car drive over from a distance. , and stopped almost a hundred or so meters away.

Gao Guang's positioning was somewhat tricky. He stood on the left rear side of the car, where he would not be hit by enemy snipers, but he could clearly see what was going on on the road.

Yuri's car stopped, and Yuri got out of the car alone.

From a distance of a hundred meters, it was difficult to see the face, and it would have been difficult to tell if it was not Yuri Gaoguang who got off the car.

But Gao Guang believed that it was Yuri who came. He firmly believed that Yuri created this situation not simply to kill him. Mortals don’t have to understand the dialogue between strong men.

Gao Guang began to walk forward, and the people on the opposite side also began to slowly walk towards him. The two were walking towards each other on the middle road.

The highlight moved very smoothly, and his hand swung naturally, with no intention of putting his hand on the handle of the gun.

Now, in fact, there is no point in camouflage. Gao Guang plans to shoot Yuri directly after entering the shooting range and solve all the problems.

Although it was a duel, Gao Guang had no intention of saying one, two, and three and then shooting at the same time. Everyone was competing to see who had faster hands, whose gun was accurate, and who had a farther range.

At the same time, moving forward, Highlight's speed is slightly faster and Yuri's speed is slightly slower.

About to enter the absolute shooting range of thirty meters, at this time, Gao Guang wanted to draw his gun.

Just draw the gun and fight, and then lie down after the fight. Now both sides have people covering not too far behind. As long as the gun is fired, the rest must be a firefight, so this is not only a duel between Gao Guang and Yuri, this is Or the duel between the King's Defense and the Black Box Mercenary Group.

The King's Defense has fewer people, but the King's Defense has an expedition. The expedition has dozens of drones that can take off at any time. It is really more powerful than the firepower. Although Black Box has more people, it does not necessarily have an advantage.

Thirty meters later, the light didn't stop, but his hand naturally reached for the gun.

At this time, you can already see the person opposite. It's Yuri. Yes, you can shoot. But then Yuri finally spoke.

"Nice to meet you. Have you brought your badge?" Do you want to have a conversation?

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment, but continued to walk forward without stopping: "Of course I brought the badge, but it's not on me. But I can't give it to you before you kill the leaves."

When the distance between the two parties is long, the sound is loud, but as the distance shortens, the sound can become quieter. It's already within twenty meters. Highlights are not allowed within this distance.

Can miss.

There is no need to stop, just draw the gun, but at the moment when Gao Guang is about to draw the gun, Yuri suddenly says: "The old man has seen you, right?"

Gao Guang didn't stop, he continued to move forward, his eyes were not staring at Yuri's face, but looking at Yuri's shoulders. If you want to move your hands, your shoulders must move first.

Gao Guang said calmly: "Who is the old man you are talking about?" "No. 3."

Yuri was still walking steadily towards the highlight, and he said calmly: "If nothing else happens, I will never be able to get that badge from you, right?"

The two were walking and chatting, and now they were within five meters. This is the best distance. No matter how close it is, it will be inconvenient to take action.

But Gao Guang was still not in a hurry. Although his idea was to just shoot each other when they met, things really came to a head. If he didn't chat a few words, he would be sorry for the audience, and secondly, he would not be able to achieve the effect Gao Guang wanted.

What is the effect? ​​There is no need for psychological tactics or conspiracy. It is just a gun competition. It means being faster and more accurate than the opponent, and it means being able to kill the opponent.

So Yuri is not in a hurry, and Gao Guang is not in a hurry either.

Finally, the glare stopped, and now he and Yuri were face to face.

Keep a distance of two meters. Any closer is a range that is more conducive to unarmed combat. This is not what Gaoguang is good at, so a distance of two meters is good. The highlight looked calm, that's because he was staring at Yuri's shoulders.

"You're using psychological tactics on me."

Gao Guang spoke, but he answered the question incorrectly, because at this distance, there was no need to use psychological tactics to close the distance.

So Gao Guang didn't want to talk nonsense, he said calmly: "You are tempting me to get closer, and I don't mind getting closer to you, so I'm here."

Yuri nodded slightly, then opened his mouth to speak. "you."

The moment Yuri spoke, Gao Guang drew his gun because he noticed Yuri's shoulder moved, and coincidentally, he also wanted to draw his gun.

With a slight movement of his right hand, he pulled out the pistol from his waist. There was no time to raise or swing the gun. The moment the high-gloss pistol left the quick-draw holster, he just raised it slightly and fired at his waist.

Before shooting, Gao Guang turned his head, leaned back, and his entire upper body fell backwards as if broken. This was a posture that would never appear on a Westerner. This move was called Iron Banqiao.

Highlight uses martial arts moves to dodge Yuri's bullets. Fast, the fastest I've ever seen in my life.

Both for Gao Guang and Yuri.

The gunshot sounded, and Gao Guang felt a sting on his forehead, a slight burning sensation.

The highlight hit the bridge of Yuri's nose. He didn't aim because there was no need to aim. Yuri had his nose highlighted.

In the fatal triangle, everyone has the same choice.

Gao Guang tilted his head and leaned back, while Yuri fell straight backward with his head tilted, but he did not fall down because he was hit, but he deliberately fell to the side and back to avoid the fatal bullet.

Gao Guang pulled out his pistol with his left hand, but before his left hand fired, Yuri's gun fired first.

Yuri also pulled out his second gun, but his left hand pulled out the gun a little faster than Gao Guang's. He fired again, and the bullet still hit Gao Guang's nose.

Gao Guang fired the second shot, with his right hand, because the recoil of his gun was not small, but there was no mechanical sight, and the vertical upward pressure relief hole at the muzzle position could readjust faster, so Gao Guang's right hand gun was faster than Yuri's.

One shot, hitting Yuri's head while he was falling.

Within a distance of two meters, Gao Guang still had the ability to strike accurately in a flash when he pulled out his gun, fired at the same time, leaned back at the same time, and was shot at the same time. .??.

This is talent, which is the ability that surpasses ordinary people, and this is the reason why Gao Guang can become a gun god. But Gao Guang felt a pain in his nose.

Gao Guang's upper body was almost parallel to the ground, and his face was almost not hit by bullets. Yuri's bullet grazed his face, first piercing the nose wing, grazed Gao Guang's long eyelashes, and left a blood mark on his raised forehead, but it still grazed away.

Gao Guang's second bullet hit Yuri's side face.

Then Gao Guang fired the third shot, and his left pistol finally fired, and he shot at Yuri's heart.

Yuri didn't wear a bulletproof vest. He might have worn the same soft bulletproof vest as Gao Guang, but he definitely didn't wear a bulletproof vest with bulletproof plates.

Three shots beyond the limit, not beyond the limit of ordinary people, but three shots beyond Gao Guang's limit.

The enemy he had never seen in his life, Gao Guang was like shooting in the mirror, but he made different movements in the mirror. Yuri used the standard close combat cover action in the army to dodge Gao Guang's bullets, and fired back at the limit. No, Yuri's first shot was an active attack, and the second shot with his left hand was a standard action to dodge and fight back when attacked.

The third shot was the second shot fired by Yuri's right hand when he was about to fall, hitting Gao Guang's heart directly, because Gao Guang's face could no longer be seen from his angle.

He could have shot him in the legs, even ten times, but Yuri would not do that. Any position that could not kill instantly was not considered at all.

Gao Guang shot with his left hand, and the bullet penetrated Yuri's clothes and Yuri's soft bulletproof vest, but the bullet that was supposed to be shot directly at the heart plowed a blood groove upward along the ribs, penetrated the skin, and penetrated Yuri's clavicle.

Yuri's second shot with his right hand hit Gao Guang's side ribs, right in the heart, but his bullet was blocked by the bulletproof vest. Gao Guang felt a stinging pain, as if his chest had been punched, but it didn't matter, his mobility was not affected now.

Gao Guang fell heavily on his back. Tiebanqiao should have leaned back to avoid the opponent's oncoming shot and stood up immediately, but Gao Guang did not do so. He lay flat, then jumped up again with a carp flip.

The key is to prevent the enemy from mastering the rules.

Everything in front of him was shaking very quickly. In just one second, Gao Guang fired three shots. From leaning back to lying down, and then jumping up again, his eyes could not see anything at all, but it was okay. When he jumped up again, Yuri was still lying on the ground.

Yuri was at least 20 years older than Gao Guang.

Yuri had decades more experience than Gao Guang, but Gao Guang was 20 years younger than Yuri. The young are afraid of the strong, at least in terms of reaction speed, Yuri could not keep up with Gao Guang.

Carp flip, jump, Gao Guang swung down with both guns at the same time, and Yuri could only roll over on the ground to avoid Gao Guang's continuous attack, but in front of Gao Guang who regained the height advantage, and Yuri who could not shoot smoothly when he flipped over, was defeated.

But Gao Guang, who had just stood up, had not really stood firm yet. With the help of the carp-jumping action, his arms were naturally swinging down, and before he aimed at Yuri, his chest was hit like a sledgehammer, and this time, Gao Guang fell backwards again.

This shot was not fired by Yuri.

This shot was fired by the shooter using SKS, who was in the car 50 meters away.

Yuri, who was rolling on the ground, wanted to spin his legs and stand up, but as soon as he raised his upper body, a bullet flew and knocked him down heavily to the ground.

David fired, he and the SKS shooter fired almost at the same time. No one should say who is insidious, don't laugh at someone who is 50 steps away.

At this time, the fifth person on the battlefield opened fire, Lola fired, she was far away, but she was covering Gao Guang, so she shot the shooter using SKS.

With a loud bang, a big hole appeared in Yuri's car, but it was useless, the car was bulletproof.

Gao Guang's eyes went dark, he had difficulty breathing, and with the remaining sanity and physical strength, he rolled over to the low-lying area beside the roadbed. Yuri fired three shots, Gao Guang was hit by three shots, but none of them were fatal.

But at the same time, Gao Guang knew that he had fired three shots, but none of them killed Yuri. And now both of them were under the full firepower of the other side, so they had to save their lives first.

The duel between the two ended, and the outcome was unknown, but the duel between the two teams had just begun, and the result was unpredictable.

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