Firepower is king

Chapter 897 Who is this?

it's all over.

Yuri ran away, and his men faked a shot, saying they were going to Azerbaijan, but actually went to Kabul. Gao Guang knew very well, because the planes that sent Yuri were all used by him.

If it weren't for Gao Guang's face, Yuri and his gang wouldn't be able to get out of Kabul's airport.

It was impossible for Gao Guang to watch the black box detonate those bombs in Moscow, so he was not helping Yuri, but helping Ye Ye and Russia, otherwise he would not have let his mortal enemy escape like this.

Yuri tried an extreme escape, but the price was too heavy.

As for No. 3, he must now complete the cut with Yuri, so he chose to cut himself with Edelweiss.

No. 3 has been arrested in Berlin. It wasn't Tom who caught him because he didn't have enough time, but the credit must have come from the people Tom selected after careful selection.

The arrest of No. 3 caused an earthquake in the German intelligence community, because No. 3's status was really high and the role he played was really important.

Yuri ruined No. 3's dream. No. 3 backhandedly sent himself to prison, completely eliminating the possibility of Yuri acting as a walleye and completely blocking all Yuri's escape routes. This was social death in the true sense. From now on From now on, Yuri will end up being a terrorist.

Highlights are different.

When Gao Guang returned to Los Angeles, he was treated like a hero and enjoyed the rewards due to the victor of the duel.

Although he also underwent a major operation, Gao Guang's spleen was perfectly sutured, so now Gao Guang's only worry is whether there will be a permanent gap in his nose.

This nose is missing a piece, so ugly!

But Gao Guang's worries were unnecessary. When he was admitted to the very familiar Cedar Senna Hospital, he enjoyed the best luxury ward at a high price.

There is no doubt about the strength of Cedar Seine Hospital, but this hospital can perform heart transplant surgeries, but it is not the best in plastic surgeries.

It's not bad, it's just not the best, but this difference doesn't make any difference, so plastic surgery doctors have to be hired from outside.

Gao Guang doesn't need to worry about these things at all, his dear wife will take care of everything.

In fact, Gao Guang just asked Sara. He mainly thought that as a woman, and a very rich woman, Sara should know something about skin care and plastic surgery, but he didn't expect Sara's ability to act. How strong is it?

When Gao Guang's plane landed in Los Angeles, Sara's private plane landed at about the same time, and by the time Gao Guang was admitted to the hospital, Sara had arrived at about the same time.

The plastic surgeon came with Sara. I don’t know if he is the best plastic surgeon in the United States, but he must be the most expensive plastic surgeon in the United States.

"Oh, my poor little Otto."

When Sara saw the two wounds on Gao Guang's face, she felt so sad that she was about to shed tears. She quickly walked to the hospital bed, stared at Gao Guang's nose, and then said with a sad face: "How could that be? this

He was shot in one place, the forehead. The forehead was fine, but the shot in the nose was too ugly.

After speaking, Sara looked at the doctor who entered the ward with him, and adopted a gentle, humble and polite tone, but unquestionable.

"Dr. Maieri, please take a look and make the best medical plan."

When the doctor came forward, he looked at it casually and then said: "It's very simple. Take a piece of skin from the forehead to reconstruct the nose, and cut a piece of cartilage from the ear for support. This is the best, in terms of appearance and effect. Said it was the best.”

"Is my nose saved? That's great." Gao Guang was very happy and said to Sara: "Thank you, Miss Sara."

Sara immediately made a heartbroken expression, shook her head and said: "My poor little Otto..."

Turning her head, Sara said to the plastic surgeon: "Are you sure this plan is the best? The medical plan given by this hospital is also the same, but..."

Sara looked at the highlight and said: "Can this really ensure that there will be no marks on his face? The effect I want is that his face will be as if he has not been injured at all, and there should be no traces. But Cedarsena’s doctor said there was no guarantee.”

Gao Guang was a little dazed. He didn't expect that his nose would receive such treatment, but the doctor who was questioned by Sara said: "My value lies in these hands and my rich experience. This is just a minor surgery. I can guarantee that no one will be able to tell that this gentleman has had surgery on his nose.”

Sarah was obviously relieved, she nodded and said: "It's right to ask you to come, then please prepare for the operation."

The aura of rich people is different. Sarah's ability to act as if no one is around can't be learned by ordinary people. Although she is polite, she still condescendingly uses a commanding tone to ask the doctor to prepare for the operation. After that, she finally puts her eyes on other people's hands.

Sara went over and hugged Laura. Laura seemed a little helpless at this moment. As Gao Guang's girlfriend, she needed care from her elders.

"It's okay, don't be afraid. There won't be any scars on his nose. The doctor said it's okay, so it must be okay."

Regarding Sarah's comfort, Laura was stunned for a moment, and finally whispered: "But his spleen is ruptured, which is dangerous. As for the wound on the nose, it's nothing, right?"

Sara was also stunned for a moment. She looked at Gao Guang lying on the hospital bed and said in a daze: "Ruptured spleen? Well, that's not a problem. You can't die, right?"

An injury that is definitely not fatal is not a problem, certainly not as important as a nose that will cause disfigurement.

Laura hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Yes, he won't die."

Carlos, who was also in the ward, felt a little sad.

He spent a lot of effort to save his spleen with great difficulty, but in the eyes of a rich woman, it was not as important as a plastic surgeon who could repair the boss's nose.

Sarah came to Gao Guang's hospital bed again, and she said very gently: "Don't worry, rest peacefully, you will get better soon."

Wen Yan comforted Gao Guang a few words, and Sara and the plastic surgeon left. She wanted to urge the doctor to perform surgery on Gao Guang's nose as soon as possible, and this required the cooperation of Cedars-Sena Hospital, so she had to get the hospital done now.

After Sara left, Ye Ye, who had temporarily followed and protected Gao Guang, finally couldn't bear it any longer. He lowered his voice and said to Riccardo on the side: "Who is this... lady?"

Riccardo thought for a while and said: "According to the common understanding, she is the boss's wife, but in my personal opinion, she is the boss's godmother." .??.

Ye Ye nodded, and then he suddenly said: "Very rich?"

"Well, it's not convenient to disclose it. You'd better ask the boss about this."

Ye Ye nodded, and before he could ask any more questions, the door of the ward was lightly knocked again, and then, another woman walked in hurriedly.

Wearing a doctor's white coat, he is obviously not the doctor responsible for treating highlights.

"Are you okay? I heard you were admitted to this hospital and seriously injured."

With the same concern on his face, but not as intimate, Ye Ye touched Riccardo with his elbow. Riccardo also spread his hands and whispered: "I don't know him."

"This is Dr. Lawrence, the boss's... um... er... mistress."

Riccardo was not familiar with him, but Francisco knew him, but he didn’t know how to accurately describe the relationship between the two, so he could only say vaguely: "The relationship between her and her boss is very unique. Mainly He is the boss’s teacher… he is quite powerful.”

Ye Ye frowned. As an agent, he thought that so many people knew that Gao Guang was hospitalized in a short period of time, and it was not a good thing to find his ward accurately, which meant that Gao Guang's location was not a secret at all.

And she’s the master’s wife again. What does this master’s wife mean?

At this moment, Ye Ye heard Gao Guang say very politely: "I'm fine, don't worry. Teacher, does he know I'm here?"

"He will arrive soon, but he asked me to check on your condition first. As long as everything is fine, your condition is very stable. I just went to check on your injury. The doctor said that your spleen suturing operation was very successful. ….

The conversation was still reaching his ears. At this time, Ye Ye's phone rang.

Quickly answering the phone and walking to the suite of the luxurious ward, Ye Ye whispered: "Hey, how are you?"

"Four people related to the black box have been arrested, and all sixteen chemical bombs have been recovered. They did not lie. It was indeed possible at any time.

A bomb that can be detonated. Now that the purge has begun, I don’t know if I will survive, but………….

Ye Ye was silent, and the person he was talking to was silent for a while, and finally said: "I will not contact you in the future, Ye Ye, I wish you good luck."

"Good luck to you too......"

The crisis in Moscow has been completely resolved, but the crisis in the KGB has just begun, and it is an unprecedented crisis. The entire top management of the KGB is expected to undergo a major change. I don’t know where the KGB will go from here.

I feel a little regretful and a little disappointed, but I finally got through this crisis. I just don’t know how I will appear in front of my KGB colleagues in the future.

Ye Ye put away the phone, then he opened the door and saw Riccardo sending the female doctor away.

Mad Dog’s teacher is very good, I don’t know who he is.

While Ye Ye was puzzled, the ward door knocked again, and a middle-aged woman who looked very capable and wore a professional suit appeared at the door of the ward.

The two women met at the door of Gaoguang's ward, and the atmosphere seemed a bit weird.

The two nodded to each other without speaking, looking familiar but disgusted with each other, and then the woman quickly walked into Gao Guang's ward.

"Hello, Master, why are you here?"

Ye Ye suddenly opened her eyes wide, why is she still the master's wife?

This time it was Jane.

Jane nodded and whispered: "I got the news about Otto, so I came to confirm some things with you. You go out first. I have something to talk to him alone."

Master? Talk alone.

Ye Ye's heart was in turmoil all his life. If he read it correctly, this other master wife was extraordinary. Why was she also Gao Guang's master wife?

Gao Guang's ward is a set of suites, which contains a ward, a reception room, a bodyguard room, and rooms where family members and relatives live, so the few people guarding Gao Guang don't have to stand in the corridor when they come out.

Several people had gathered in the living room for the time being, and at this time, Ye Ye finally couldn't help but said: "Mad dog... boss... how many master wives do you have?"

No one answered. After a while, Francisco still said: "This is a secret. I guess the boss himself doesn't know."

Ye Ye nodded, then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, then who is the boss's teacher?"

Riccardo scratched his neck a few times, and then he said awkwardly: "You'd better ask the boss about this. It's not that we don't want to say it, but... it's hard to say."

Ye Ye hasn't figured out what identity he should have with Gao Guang, nor has he thought about how to plan his future life, but for now, Ye Ye just wants to clear up some doubts.

Who is Gao Guang’s teacher?

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