Firepower is king

Chapter 900: Autistic Patients

Gao Guang was convinced of Otto's ability, and he was very convinced.

But even though he was convinced, Gao Guang still looked down on Otto's ability and methods, which was mainly a problem of value orientation.

Watching Shuye leave the room with a smile, Otto sighed with relief, but when he saw Gao Guang on the bed, his face immediately became stern again.

He subconsciously showed his disdain, unable to hide his mentality at that moment.

The master and apprentice were speechless. After a long time, Otto finally said: "No. 3 was arrested, and Edelweiss is facing an unprecedented crisis."

"I know, I asked the CIA to arrest him. No. 3 wants to complete the separation with Edelweiss to ensure the continuation of Edelweiss."

Otto spread his hands and said: "You don't need to say it, I know, No. 3 has told me in advance, and No. 5, he apologized for Yuri's affairs and decided to bear all the consequences himself, so you are the only heir of Edelweiss."

Gao Guang stopped talking.

Otto sighed and said, "Although I have said it many times, I have to say it again now. If I had known that you would get Edelweiss because of a meaningless number four, I would have carefully chosen my successor." Gao Guang turned his head away with some disdain and said, "I really hope you were more cautious at the beginning, so as not to cause me too much trouble." Otto said unhappily, "Okay, what are your plans?" "I don't have any plans. First of all, I don't want to take over Edelweiss, but if I have to take over Edelweiss, then I have to do two things first. The first is to change the name of Edelweiss, and the second is to re-establish the rules." Gao Guang said a few words casually, and then when he observed Otto's expression, he found that although Otto looked indignant, he didn't say anything. Gao Guang couldn't help but said, "Don't you have any objections? Actually, if you want to get Edelweiss, I have no objection, and I can help you."

Otto said unhappily, "Forget it, I have never been involved in Edelweiss's intelligence business, and No. 3 didn't give me the core of his intelligence business. Even if I want to take it over, can I take it over?"

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said, "Business core? What do you mean?"

"You can't just say a few words and get control of Edelweiss. If you want to control a secret organization like Edelweiss, the most important thing is people. You have to know who are the core of Edelweiss's business. Okay, now tell me what No. 3 gave you."

Looking at Gao Guang's stunned face, Otto frowned and said, "Since No. 3 has decided that you will take over Edelweiss, then he will always I have to give you the real power. Don't tell me it's just a badge. I don't believe it."


"The problem is that No. 3 just gave me a badge."

Gao Guang suddenly felt a headache. He said helplessly: "Then how can I control and reorganize Edelweiss? Did No. 3 give me Edelweiss just by saying a few words? This is not an apple, not a mobile phone. It's mine when he puts it in my hand."

Gao Guang couldn't stand it anymore. He finally burst out with his dissatisfaction and said: "You guys only talk and do things just talk. There is never any actual action. You like to make a simple thing complicated, as if this can show your control, but in my opinion, this is simply..."

It was not Otto who interrupted Gao Guang, but his mobile phone.

The phone suddenly rang. Gao Guang stopped talking nonsense. He picked up the phone and took a look. He found that it was a completely unfamiliar number. With some confusion, Gao Guang answered the phone, and then he tried his best to suppress his anger and said in a calm tone: "Who is that?"

"Excuse me, is this Mad Dog? I have a package for you here, which needs to be handed over to you. The package is from No. 3."

The person on the phone sounded very strange, and Gao Guang felt very awkward, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

After thinking carefully, Gao Guang found that it was the tone.

The caller spoke without intonation, let alone intonation, and there was no basic ups and downs at all, just like a computer converting a meaningless text into voice and reading it out.

First identify the abnormality of the hearing, and then Gao Guang pondered the meaning of these words.

No. 3 was not just talking nonsense, he really prepared something to give to Gao Guang, but there was a little time difference.

Gao Guang remained silent, and the caller kept waiting, without asking, nor hanging up the phone, just waiting there.

Finally, Gao Guang whispered, "Where are you?"

"I'm standing at the tip of the green guide arrow at the entrance of Zone B of the VIP Rehabilitation Area of ​​Cedars-Senna Medical Center."

The tone was flat, like an electronic sound. Gao Guang thought for a while, and then he realized that the person who called was outside. Gao Guang looked at Otto, and Otto made an inquiring gesture.

Exhaling, Gao Guang said to Otto, "The things that No. 3 gave me have been delivered, and the person who delivered them is outside." Otto thought for a while and said, "This is what No. 3 should do. I knew he wouldn't just talk."

Gao Guang said to the phone, "Okay, I'll have someone pick you up, wait a minute."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang said to Otto, "Go pick it up, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better."

Otto didn't want to run errands, but Gao Guang was right. For this kind of thing, the fewer people involved, the better, so Otto turned and walked towards the door of the ward.

The door opened, and Gao Guang heard Ye Ye say in surprise: "Are you finished talking so soon?" "Well, it's not finished yet. I have to pick someone up. Please wait."

Ye Ye has been guarding outside, and I don't know how anxious he is.

After waiting for three minutes, Otto led a middle-aged man in his forties into the ward. Then Otto closed the door gently, while the middle-aged man in his forties had an expressionless face. After looking at the highlighter up and down, he raised his hand and looked at his watch.

He looked at his watch, put down his hand, and looked at Otto who had brought him in. The middle-aged man suddenly said: "Are you a mad dog?"

Here it comes, here it comes again, the way of speaking without any twists and turns, it sounds like an electronic sound. I thought it was the effect of a voice changer. I really heard that such words can come out of a person's mouth. It's amazing. It’s quite an insightful thing.

"Yes, I'm a mad dog."

He was carrying a very ordinary black briefcase in his hand, and was wearing an ordinary, somewhat wrinkled suit. His hair was brown, looked a little sparse, and looked very oily.

He is neither tall nor short, about 1.75 meters tall, with a normal figure and a pale face with no expression.

"My name is Krautz Bach. I am entrusted by No. 3 to send these things to you." Krautz, this name sounds like a German.

The way he spoke was very uncomfortable, and the expression on his face did not change at all. At best, he looked paralyzed, and at worst, he looked like a dead person who could talk.

After saying the necessary words, Krauts opened his briefcase. He walked towards Gao Guang and placed several items in the bag one by one on Gao Guang's bedside.

A new-looking notebook, a mobile phone, and a pen, just these three things.

After putting all the things away, Krauts closed the briefcase. He took a step back, stood still, and said without any hesitation: "The things have been delivered. The contents in the notebook are written based on my memory." , there is a message from No. 3 on the phone, and the pen is the tool I use to write.”

Gao Guang looked at Krauts blankly. "if you need."

Krauts suddenly stopped speaking. He raised his wrist and glanced, then continued without any hesitation: "I can

I will write more content for you, but please make your decision after reading No. 3’s message. "

Gao Guang looked at Otto, Otto looked at Krauts, and suddenly said: "Who are you? Why did No. 3 ask you to deliver these things, and how did you know he was here!"

Krautz had no expression, no voice, no movement. He was still standing in front of Gao Guang's hospital bed like a dead man. Seeing Krautz's lack of response, Otto frowned, and then he made a "asking" gesture towards the highlight.

He always answers every question asked by Gao Guang, but treats others like a dead person.

Gao Guang just felt weird, but he also had to ask the same question, so he immediately said: "Who are you and what is your relationship with No. 3?"

Krauts said calmly: "I am a natural person, born in Germany, with German and Austrian nationality. The relationship between me and No. 3 is difficult to define, but No. 3 said that I am his notepad, so, No. 3 and I should It’s a relationship of having and being owned.”

What is the relationship between owning and being owned?

Gao Guang really can't understand it now, and he can't look through the dictionary. The most important thing now is to ask the next question.

It's just that Gao Guang should have asked Krautz why he knew he was hospitalized here, but when the words came to his lips, he said in a strange way: "Uh, why are you talking like this?"

Krauts was silent for a while. He seemed to be analyzing how to answer the question of highlight. After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand and looked at his watch, and then said: "The way I speak is because I have Asperger's disease." Grid syndrome is part of my comprehensive autism. I have intellectual deficiencies and problems with the way I communicate with the outside world. This is the reason for the obvious abnormalities in my speech. "

Both Gao Guang and Otto had such expressions.

Otto made a gesture again, indicating to Gao Guang to ask what should be asked.

So Gao Guang said: "How do you know I'm in this hospital? Who told you, it's up to you to judge." Krautz said without hesitation: "What No. 3 said, I don't have the ability to make logical deductions."

"Then how did No. 3 know that I'm in this hospital?"

"He didn't say, I don't know. On the 3rd, he said that you would be hospitalized in the VIP area of ​​Cedar Sena Hospital. Just ask me to contact you at three o'clock this afternoon. I just got off the plane and had no clear destination, so I Took a taxi, arrived at Cedars-Sina Medical Center, waited outside for an hour and twenty-two minutes, and called you on time at three o'clock.”

At this time, Otto waved his hand and said: "No. 3 knows a lot about you. It is normal for him to make this level of judgment. Okay, now let's see what legacy No. 3 gives you."

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