Firepower is king

Chapter 906: Name Abandoned

The reason why Edelweiss is called Edelweiss has many deep meanings in it.

The dark web is just a window for Edelweiss’s external business. To operate the dark web, you need to have a public window to the outside world. In order to hide it from others, the name of this window is Edelweiss Alpine Ski Club, or Edelweiss for short.

Edelweiss is the national flower of Switzerland and Austria, but Germany's best mountain troops during World War II also used edelweiss as their symbol.

The founders of Edelweiss are basically Germans, and Edelweiss symbolizes courage in Germany. A group of homeless German agents used Edelweiss as the symbol and name of their organization, and the meaning is unexplained. Self-explanation.

Also, Edelweiss can grow at high altitudes, so it is indeed normal to use Edelweiss as the name and logo of an alpine ski club.

Now that Gao Guang wants to replace this name, he really needs to put some thought into it.

"The name Edelweiss is so good, why should it be changed? What should the new name be?"

Otto didn't want to change his name, but he also knew that he couldn't do it without changing his name. After a moment of melancholy, he finally said dejectedly: "I can't think of any good names."

Otto is also not good at naming names, so just calling the killer organization he founded by a vulgar name like the Shadowless Ones shows how good he is.

Gaoguang looked at the leaves.

Ye Ye, he can become the strongest thug of the KGB. Anyone who dares to say that he has no brains is stupid.

But Ye Ye really didn't look like he knew how to name names, so Gao Guang didn't expect Ye Ye to give him any good advice. However, the saying goes that people should not be judged by their appearance. If you think he can't do it, he just can.

"Choosing a name is not easy. First, determine the scope of use of the name. People who engage in intelligence must be global, so a name that can be used around the world is a must. I don't think a consulting company will

Wrong, like the famous McKinsey, Bain, and Accenture, these are all famous consulting companies. "

Ye Ye was talking eloquently, and he said very relaxedly: "Determine the nature of the company, and then the business scope. A company that provides strategic consulting, management consulting, financial and legal consulting. If it wants to be based in the United States, it will be called North Hollywood Consulting. If the company wants to be based in Europe, then it can be called a European name. It’s so simple.”

Otto hesitated for a moment and said: "The consulting company is too closely related to the intelligence industry."

"It seems that if there is no strong connection, it will not be suspected. A ski club with business all over the world is even more suspicious."

What Ye Ye said makes sense.

Gao Guang took a breath and said, "Just call it" "Just what?"

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said seriously: "Beidou!"

Otto and Ye Ye had no reaction. Gao Guang added, "The Big Dipper has always pointed the way. It should be a good name for a consulting company."

It’s called Beidou in Chinese, but it’s not called Beidou in English. In English, the constellation corresponding to Beidou is the Almighty Constellation, and there are many names corresponding to the Big Dipper. However, Gao Guang chose the transliteration of Beidou, so Otto and Ye Ye couldn’t understand it. .

Seeing no reaction from the two of them, Gao Guang could only say: "In English, it's plough."

Otto understood this time, he curled his lips, and Ye Ye said without hesitation: "It was preempted." "Then Venus

"It's been registered."



"Don't think about it, they've all been registered."

Gao Guang thought of something, and Ye Ye retorted, so Gao Guang soon got annoyed. He waved his hand and said, "You say it. Say it." "How do I know what your organization should be called? I will never be stupid enough to give it to you." Name the organization?”

Not only is Ye Ye not stupid, he is also very smart.

Otto spread his hands. He wanted to refute, but in the end he chose to shut up.

Gao Guang also felt that Ye Ye's words made sense, so he hesitated for a moment and said, "In that case, it's better to call it Fluttering Light."

The two were puzzled again, and Gao Guang explained: "The star that forms the end of the handle of the Big Dipper is called Lucky Light in the Chinese system, and it is also called Pojun Star. It is called Alkaid in the English system. Regardless of the season, the Big Dipper changes with the seasons. Changing the position, the fluctuating light always faces the North Star."

"Alkaid Consulting Company?"

Ye Ye muttered to himself and said: "Many people don't know the meaning of this word. Don't you know that you shouldn't use words that many people don't understand when naming? But... wait, since it is an intelligence organization, then use A word that not everyone understands is not bad, so let’s call it this.” .??.


Gao Guang picked up his phone, checked it, and then said in great frustration: "This name cannot be used." "Why?"

"Because the Shaking Light Star is also the star of destroying the army, and breaking the army is unlucky. Although it has the meaning of breaking and then standing up, from an astrological point of view, this star represents a very bad meaning. It has the meaning of a death squad, and a person who goes deep alone. Meaning, in short, unlucky!”

Gao Guang sighed and said: "Forget it, forget it."

For Otto

He patted his forehead with his hand and said, "Think slowly, I'm leaving first." Gao Guang immediately said, "Don't leave, help me give him a name before I leave."

Ye Ye said angrily: "It's just a name. Otherwise, I'll call you whatever your last name is." "Gao, uh, that's not the right word. Otherwise, I'll just call you Schmidt Consulting Company."

Gao Guang's answer showed that he was starting to give up on himself, and he planned to use the most vulgar way to name him. Otto was stunned for a moment and said: "This is okay."

Ye Ye said helplessly: "Are you two crazy? The boss of King's Defense is registered as Otto Schmidt. Now you set up a Schmidt consulting company?"

Otto sighed and said, "I just said it casually."

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "In addition to consulting companies, there are charities, environmental organizations, and animal protection organizations that can operate around the world without drawing any suspicion."

Ye Ye immediately shook his head and said: "This kind of organization will be secretly investigated before entering any country. Don't even think about it."

Gao Guang gave up, he gave up completely, because he thought too much and his head hurt, and his nose, ears, and the wound on his forehead started to hurt.

Ye Ye suddenly said: "How about calling it Purebred Dog Fans Association? Bulldog Club? Teddy Fans Association. This kind of name is really the most convenient and safest disguise. The most important thing is, boss, you call me Mad Dog." ”

When he saw Gao Guang clenching his fists suddenly, and when he saw Otto glaring over fiercely, Ye Ye decided to keep his mouth shut. "Well, I'm just a suggestion, you don't have to listen."

Gao Guang took a long breath, then waved his hand and said: "Wright, Schmidt Consulting, it's settled! I would rather people think of me than be famous."

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