Firepower is king

Chapter 909: Impolite

Gao Guang has been dealing with Edelweiss recently, so it is inevitable that he has to deal with people who are professional in intelligence.

Then it was planned to let Riccardo gain a foothold in Italy and start work in Italy. So naturally, Gaoguang had to straighten out Edelweiss’ previous cooperative relationship in Italy.

Now Gao Guang has information about all the subordinates and collaborators of No. 3. He does not have as good a mind as Klotz, so he selects people based on what is recorded in his notebook.

There is a partner of Edelweiss in Italy, but this person is an important partner of No. 1. During the Edelweiss internal strife stage, this person is the target of No. 3 to attack or win over, and now No. 3 has just finished fighting with No. 1 During the civil war, before Edelweiss had time to carefully clean up its internal and external relations, it had to highlight a mess that had yet to be cleaned up.

So before leaving, Gao Guang called people in Italy and implicitly expressed his identity as the new boss of Edelweiss. He also very kindly proposed to meet with collaborators in Italy to discuss the future. Cooperation.

This Italian friend is called Giuseppe Barioni, who is the director of the Counterespionage Intelligence Center of the Italian Security Intelligence Service. His status is not particularly high in the entire Italian intelligence agency, but his position is particularly important.

If you want to gain a foothold in Italy, you must either make Giuseppe one of your own, or you can only ask him to move his position. Then, today, the problem arises.

Gao Guang didn't say who he was, nor did he say that Riccardo was going to Italy to take charge of the work of Edelweiss. He didn't even set a meeting time with Giuseppe, the Italian friend and foe who had not yet been identified, but who was at best a business friend. However, When he quietly arrived in Rome on a private plane, he was immediately followed.

The characters haven't even been written yet, and it hasn't been determined yet whether he's an enemy or a friend. Naturally, Gao Guang can't tell the leaves that Giuseppe is the target you want to eliminate, so just take action.

But now, if he is really being followed, and it is someone from the Security Intelligence Agency as Ye Ye said, it can only mean that Giuseppe is much stronger than Gao Guang imagined.

Did someone inside leak the secret?

Gao Guang felt that it was unlikely that one of his people had leaked the secret, because Otto was the only person involved in the matter who knew the whole story. Gao Guang did not believe that Otto would leak the secret.

If someone hadn't leaked the secret, then Giuseppe had already mastered Gao Guang's identity and locked Gao Guang's itinerary. As soon as Gao Guang arrived in Italy, he immediately held a welcome ceremony for him.

This is a bit scary, and very scary.

When it comes to intelligence, Gao Guang is a layman after all. Dealing with these professional spies always makes him feel difficult to adapt.

If you just stick to your hands, just like a leaf, then Gao Guang can also become a good player, but you have to start with intelligence collection.

When it comes to intelligence research and judgment, the highlights are really too amateurish and can't keep up with the rhythm at all.

Looking outside, there seemed to be nothing unusual about the car. Gao Guang was impressed by the efficiency of the Italian Security Intelligence Agency and couldn't help but said to Ye Ye: "How do you know that we are being followed? How do you know that the other party is from the Security Intelligence Agency?"

Ye Ye waved his hands and said, "It's not appropriate to discuss these things now."

After all, we were in the car, and the driver didn’t know who he was, and the topics he was talking about were already a bit excessive.

Ye Ye was not very nervous. Although he didn't know what was going on, he seemed to be sure that these people who were following him would not take action. In this case, Gao Guang suppressed his curiosity and just waited. Maybe everything will come to light when the car arrives.

But he couldn't be quiet for long. When Otto also noticed that there was something unusual about the situation outside, he called Gao Guang directly.

"We're being followed."

Otto wasn't too nervous either. He said something calmly on the phone and then said: "Don't worry about the drivers. They are all carefully selected. They definitely don't understand English."

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I think it's Giuseppe's welcome ceremony. Then, I definitely didn't leak any secrets here."

Otto immediately said: "I definitely did not leak the secret, and our plane and our itinerary were all decided on the spur of the moment. We didn't even have any plans in advance, so there was no possibility of leaking. Then there is only one possibility, Giuseppe Pei knows more than we think."

"what to do."

Since it is not your area of ​​expertise, you might as well leave the decision-making power to others.

Otto thought for a moment and said: "Following is because the other party doesn't know where we are going. Now that he has followed us, he should have determined where we live. If nothing else, by the time we get to the hotel , Giuseppe should be waiting for us at the hotel.”

"What if there's a team of gunmen waiting for us?"

"Impossible. In that case, no one will follow us. The current level of tracking is just to say hello, which means that I have found you. It is not like this."

Like Gao Guang's judgment, Otto also thought that this was just a greeting, so there was no need to be nervous now, he would know the answer soon.

But just when Gao Guang was about to end the call, Otto suddenly said: "Now you can contact your friends who are engaged in intelligence in the United States. It will be helpful."

Otto didn't say CIA, because even if you don't understand English, you know what it means when you hear this word. Friends of the United States who are engaged in intelligence can only be Tom.

Tom knew about the need to integrate edelweiss into the highlight, and the highlight approach and goals were recognized and strongly supported by the shooting club.

In other words, if Gao Guang asks Tom for help, then Tom will definitely help. However, there is one thing that Gao Guang doesn't quite understand. Even if Tom becomes prosperous in the CIA and has more and more say, he can still have influence over Italy. What impact.

But as Otto reminded me, I have to give it a try.

After hanging up Otto's call, Gao Guang called Tom. After Tom got through, he whispered: "I'm in Rome, and I want to get a partner in Italy, but I'm being followed. It should be someone from the Security Intelligence Service.”

"Oh, the Security Intelligence Service? That's easy to talk about. I can help you talk."

After finishing speaking calmly and confidently, Tom continued: "The Italian Security Intelligence Service was established under the guidance of the CIA. The nickname of the Security Intelligence Service is the CIA Office in Italy. You know what I mean."

No wonder Otto asked him to call Tom. Is the CIA so arrogant in Italy?

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said: "I know, then I'll call you if necessary. It's best not to let too many people know about this matter, so if it's not absolutely necessary, don't bother your colleagues." ”

What Gaoguang means is that it’s best if Tom himself can speak. If Tom can’t speak in Italy, then try not to trouble his colleagues in Europe. After all, if more people know about this kind of thing, it means more leaks. It's possible, after all, it's Edelweiss's business, so it's better to be careful.

Tom chuckled and said, "You don't have to trouble others. I can talk to them directly. It depends on what you need. I don't think it's a big problem." The matter has been solved 90% before it even started. There is no sense of challenge at all. It's boring. Very boring.

Life is getting more and more boring. Being a mercenary is like this, you don’t have to fight the war yourself. Being an arms dealer is like that, you don’t have to sell the arms yourself. Now it’s better. Being an intelligence agent is still the same. You don’t have to do anything by yourself. Nothing has been done yet. It ends as soon as it begins.

A life that can be seen at a glance is boring and boring.

Gao Guang couldn't help but sigh, and Laura asked with concern: "What's wrong?" Ye Ye also turned his head slightly and said, "Is there any trouble?"

Gao Guang sighed and said: "It's nothing. The problem has been solved. We don't have to do anything. Alas. This kind of life is very boring and not exciting at all."

Laura didn't say anything. After the leaves endured again and again,

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and whispered: "It's okay if you like to show off, but don't show off so shamelessly, you can easily be beaten to death!"

Ye Ye thought Gao Guang was showing off, but he didn't understand the word, so he just said show off.

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "You don't understand, I'm not showing off. The process of some things is more important than the result, and now I feel that I have lost the fun of enjoying the struggle process. It's so boring, forget it, you don't understand, you don't got it."

Ye Ye didn't want to say anything else, so the car was quiet for the rest of the journey.

We finally arrived at the hotel. There was nothing to say. It was definitely one of the best hotels in Rome. When Gao Guang and his convoy stopped at the porch of the hotel lobby, the two Fiat cars at the front and rear of the convoy left separately, as if they were really having a fight. Just greet them and escort them to the hotel.

The doorman opened the car door, Francisco got out of the car, put his hand on the door frame of the car, and protected Riccardo from getting out of the car.

Gao Guang also got out of the car, but Ye Ye didn't stand beside him like a bodyguard. He just helped Gao Guang get the wheelchair from the trunk. Then Gao Guang and Laura stood at the door of the hotel with their arms crossed.

And Heidi also stood at the door of the hotel holding Otto's arm.

At this time, a middle-aged man, about forty years old, with a half-bald head walked out of the hotel. He looked at the imposing Riccardo, at Gao Guang who was sitting in a wheelchair, and then at the gentle Otto. , then he walked towards Gao Guang without hesitation, stood in front of Gao Guang, waited for Gao Guang to sit completely in the wheelchair, and then stretched out his hand towards Gao Guang.

"Hello, number four."

With just this title and this style, Gao Guang knew that there was no need to say anything. Giuseppe really knew much more than he expected.

But Giuseppe's way of greeting him was too forceful. It didn't look like making friends or collaborators, but a real show of force.

Gao Guang stretched out his hand indifferently, and after shaking hands, he said calmly: "Hello, Mr. Barioni."

Unexpectedly, never expected that the person shaking hands with Gao Guang smiled and said, "Sorry, Mr. Barioni is waiting for you inside." The person in front of him was not Giuseppe Barioni.

So ungrateful!

Gao Guang's face remained calm, but the fire in his heart suddenly started. He was very angry now, very, very, very angry.

But Gao Guang didn't look angry. He just smiled and said, "Sorry, what is your name?"

As if he didn't expect Gao Guang's reaction to be so indifferent, the person waiting to greet him at the door said in a very enthusiastic tone: "You don't need to know my name, please, Mr. Barrioni is waiting for you."

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