Firepower is king

Chapter 912 Signature Means

Gao Guang is happy to be a hands-off boss, so of course Otto and Leaf can only be responsible for implementation.

Otto is actually used to being a hands-off boss. He would leave anything to Heidi, but now it is not possible. Heidi can't stand the way Otto and Leaf are together.

An old scumbag and a potential scumbag, the two of them together are particularly unpleasant, so Heidi also wants to be a hands-off boss.

Otto and Leaf are both people with extremely high reputations in their respective fields, and they are also top leaders in the industry. Dealing with Giuseppe can only be regarded as a piece of cake.

But Gao Guang wants both, which is a little troublesome. Only Otto and Leaf are left in the room.

Otto said slowly: "How do you think this matter should be handled?"

This is an exchange between masters, and it can also be regarded as a test of one master to another master. The leaf said without hesitation: "Deterrence, shock."

"But we cannot be exposed to the public. If things go too far, we should be exposed."

The leaf shook his head and said: "Whether to be exposed does not depend on the perfection of the action. Even if you do it perfectly, what's the point of leaving no evidence? In this kind of thing, it is enough to just doubt, and the Security Intelligence Agency thinks who did it and whether it will regard Edelweiss as an enemy has nothing to do with how Giuseppe was killed."

Otto laughed and said: "You see it very clearly. Then, assassination is meaningless. Can Giuseppe be killed in a public execution?"


The leaf waved his hand and said: "But you still need to pay attention to the method. Let the insiders know at a glance that this is a punitive method, but let outsiders, especially those ordinary people, think that this is just a normal death."

"Well, how to do it specifically?"

Otto asked the leaf, but the leaf did not answer.

Leaf looked at Otto seriously and said, "I am not familiar with Edelweiss's style, nor do I know how Edelweiss handled this kind of thing before, so you should decide how to do it."

Otto was testing Leaf, and Leaf was asking Otto back.

Otto smiled and said, "Before, I was basically responsible for Edelweiss's internal cleaning and attacking external enemies, and I did it alone."

Leaf felt a little respectful, he nodded, and said, "The name of the Shadowless is indeed deterrent."

Otto continued lightly, "But Edelweiss was very weak at that time, and what I did was to try not to attract anyone's attention and let the target die in a seemingly normal way, so there are many ways to assassinate, such as poisoning, car accidents, falling from a high altitude, drowning, in short, the target died abnormally, but there is no trace of murder, this is my Pursuit is also my usual method. "

Leaf nodded and said: "As a killer, it should be like this."

"When Edelweiss becomes stronger and has a certain strength, I don't have to be responsible for these things. No. 1 and No. 3 have their own force teams. For example, No. 3 has handed over all the hands-on work to Yuri."

Otto finished speaking, and then he said calmly: "But this also brings a problem, that is, Edelweiss has never had a fixed style, nor any iconic techniques, just like the KGB does not have to use a cast iron in many cases. Why does the KGB like to use ricin to eliminate targets? "

Ye Shu said lightly: "We just want everyone to know that it was the KGB who did it."

"Yes, so ricin has become the KGB's signature method for eliminating traitors. Although the outside world does not know, people in the industry know it at a glance."

After speaking, Otto spread his hands and said: "So do you think it is necessary for Edelweiss to use a signature method now? Obviously, with the decline of Edelweiss's strength due to internal strife, it will inevitably lead to a decline in control. Giuseppe's things are bound to be It will happen." The leaf smiled and said, "Signature means?" Otto said seriously, "Yes, the so-called signature means can't be leaving a line of words or a flower on the body. It's too easy to be imitated and too unskilled. Then, it must be known to the industry at a glance that it was done by us, and it can't be easily discovered by ordinary people. Not everyone can do it. Do you have a way?" Otto is one of the founders of Edelweiss, but now Edelweiss has reached the 2.0 era. The helmsman has become the highlight, and the person in charge has become the leaf. Otto is indeed testing the leaf, and there is no need to hide this, but with the strength of the leaf, he will not regard Otto's proposal as a problem. "Signature means are difficult to imitate and have distinct characteristics. The leaf just thought for a while and quickly said, "I got it." "Please speak." The leaf said confidently, "I can paralyze the target's limbs first, then hang the target up and let him die of suffocation." Otto didn't expect what this operation was. He was stunned for a while and said, "What? "I am very knowledgeable about human skeletons. I can break the target's neck, or make the target paralyzed but not dead. I believe that few people in the world can master this technique." Leaf was very confident, and Otto nodded immediately: "Of course, yes, I know many people can break a person's neck, but I can't make a person paralyzed but not dead, and I don't know anyone who can do it. There are not many people in the world who can do it."

Ye Ye said confidently: "So when I was in charge of Operation Edelweiss, this was Edelweiss's signature method. Paralysis was the technique, and hanging up was the shock."

Otto scratched his face and said: "Why does it have to be hung? Well, isn't it a bit cliché?" Ye Ye thought for a while and said: "It is a bit cliché, but don't you think it's very intimidating? "But lifting people up requires terrain, and sometimes it's inconvenient to operate." "Well..."

Ye Ye thought for a moment and said: "There is this problem, but in most cases it is easy to find a place to hang people up. If it doesn't work, we can bring our own hanger, so I don't think it is a big problem."

Otto smiled and said: "From now on, you will be the person in charge of Edelweiss' operations. Of course, you will decide on this iconic method."

After finishing speaking, Otto spread his hands and said helplessly: "As for my student, he just hasn't learned my skills at all. He doesn't know how to assassinate. He shoots everyone in the head. It's completely There is no technical content at all.”

Ye Ye said: "I'm just curious, why doesn't he seem to be interested in women?" "Yes! This is what makes me most dissatisfied."

Otto looked at the leaves with admiration and said, "You are different. You have pursuits."

Ye Ye admitted that his methods were not good, but Otto's compliment was just right, so he said very happily: "Yes, I admit that there are many shortcomings in my techniques, but at least I have pursuits, and I have a good vision. Alas, my vision is too high. That’s why I’m still alone now.”

Otto immediately said: "The situation is about to change. You will become the person in charge of Edelweiss' operations and the chief agent. Your name will soon be famous throughout the underground world. Your name has already resounded throughout the entire underground world."

Press, however, your status is different, and the KGB people will have to reexamine your existence. "

Ye Ye smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes, after leaving the KGB, I feel that I am indeed much freer, and of course there will be more opportunities."

Otto will not use inducement to make the leaves work harder, because it is not necessary.

Otto said to the leaves naturally: "Using Giuseppe as your starting point as the leader of Operation Edelweiss is a good goal. You decide how to act, and I will cooperate with you."


Ye Ye wanted to correct Otto's speech disorder. He said seriously: "It's not Edelweiss, it's Wright, Schmidt Consulting." Otto said with a sentimental look on his face: "Uh, sorry, I'm used to it."

Ye Ye nodded and said: "Understood, this is normal. The KGB has been gone for a long time, but now people are not used to calling it KGB. Well, do you think I should do it at Giuseppe's home or when he is at work?" , if you want to pursue the greatest sensation, going to his office to kill him is the best choice, but doing so is a bit too much, it tramples on the dignity of the Security Intelligence Agency, and it is indeed very difficult. "

Otto spread his hands and said, "You decide, whatever you plan to do, I will cooperate with you."

Ye Ye laughed and said: "As a person with pursuits, of course I hope to use the most sensational way to debut." "I said, whatever you plan to do, I will cooperate with you."

Ye Ye was really surprised, and then he frowned and said, "Do we need to discuss it with your students?" Otto spread his hands and said calmly: "He left the matter to us."

Ye Ye couldn't help but whistled, and then he said in admiration: "Awesome! One more thing, does Riccardo have to be involved in this matter? Mad Dog wants Riccardo to gain a foothold in Italy, then We have to help Riccardo establish his majesty and talent

Otto smiled and said: "This is what you should do. You have considered it very carefully."

Ye Ye nodded, and then he said seriously: "Then let's let Riccardo be responsible for negotiating with Giuseppe. You will be responsible for scouting the terrain, route, and determining the timing of action. I will be responsible for the implementation. The sooner the better. Okay, let’s get this done as soon as possible.”

Otto said without hesitation: "Okay, let's finish things as soon as possible, and leave the finishing touches to Mad Dog. Well, he must be able to handle it. He is quite good at handling these things."

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