Firepower is king

Chapter 914 You are not wearing a tie

Giuseppe didn't know his identity, so he was arrogant.

There are two results of arrogance. One is to completely look down on the highlight and completely ignore any request from the highlight. The other is to have extreme confidence and be willing to show one's strength.

But Giuseppe wanted to continue to cooperate with Edelweiss, so he was willing to show his strength.

Riccardo was very nervous. Although Gaoguang authorized him to do whatever he wanted, this was the first time he had participated in an operation as a leader.

"Hello, Mr. Barioni, I am the assistant of No. 4. Can I talk to you about specific matters about cooperation."

Giuseppe answered Riccardo's call, but he didn't care about Riccardo's request: "Let No. 4 tell me in person."

Riccardo immediately sped up his speech and said seriously: "Sir! I want to go to your office to talk. I want to enter the Security Intelligence Agency and go to your office for an interview. We need to know you. You are in the Security Intelligence Agency. control!"

What Riccardo meant was that he wanted to visit Giuseppe at the Security Intelligence Bureau, and going to this place was very dangerous, so No. 4 couldn't go in person, so he could only send his representative there, but to negotiate with the Security Intelligence Bureau, Just want Giuseppe to show his strength.

Giuseppe understood the meaning behind these words, so he thought Gao Guang's caution was appropriate, but he looked down upon Gao Guang's timidity.

During the first meeting, Gao Guang showed his caution and cowardice, and Giuseppe had no doubt about it.

After thinking about it for a while, without much hesitation, Giuseppe said cheerfully: "Okay, I'll wait for you in the office. You can come over at any time, that's it, before I get off work."

Riccardo quickly said: "What should I do?"

Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up. Riccardo was stunned for a moment, and then he said to Heidi and Ye Ye, "The phone has been hung up."

Heidi said solemnly: "How is it? Has he agreed?"

"Agreed, but he didn't say how to meet or how to get in. He just said that he could go there at any time."

Ye Ye waved his hand and said: "Don't you understand? It means that he has complete control over the Security Intelligence Bureau. You can go at any time without notifying you in advance. Someone will naturally bring you to him."

Heidi nodded and said, "My confidence is really strong."

Ye Ye looked at his watch and said, "Okay, I'll go now."

This was not the first day that Riccardo knew Ye Ye, but he still felt a little at a loss about Ye Ye's style. "Are you going like this?"

"Otherwise, will you go with me?"

It’s not like Ye Ye looked down on Riccardo. He laughed a few times and then said: “I just took a taxi and went there. I don’t have to arrange for anyone to pick me up. If I succeed, I will come out. If I fail, I won’t be able to come out.” ”

Riccardo didn't know what to say, but Heidi frowned and said, "Are you always so direct in doing things?" "Yes, it's just that direct. It's better to be direct, and it saves trouble."

Ye Ye stood up and was about to leave the hotel alone. Seeing that Ye Ye didn't even want to waste time to explain a few words, Heidi was indeed stunned for a short time, and finally said to Riccardo: "We Come and have a look.”

No matter what I looked at, I couldn't see anything, but I always felt that it would be a bit boring if I didn't go and take a look. So Riccardo and Heidi followed Ye Ye out of the hotel


Ye Ye got into a taxi in front of the hotel and gave an address in fluent Italian.

When it comes to the Security Intelligence Bureau, ordinary taxi drivers may not know where it is, but if they just tell them the street and house number, there will be no problem.

As a KGB member, it would be funny if Ye Ye didn't know the location of the Security Intelligence Service.

Also in Rome, the leaves quickly reached their destination. The headquarters of the Italian Security Intelligence Service was not a majestic and tall building, nor was it hidden in a tree-lined manor. It was an ordinary-looking office building, and then relatively Other government agencies are relatively low-key and have an additional courtyard that is not too big.

After getting off the taxi, Ye Ye rushed directly to the door.

As an intelligence agency, of course it must have guards, so Ye Ye was stopped by the sentry without any surprise.

Then Ye Ye said very normally: "I have an appointment with Mr. Giuseppe Barioni. I am here to see Mr. Barioni."

It’s just one sentence, I don’t even bother to say one more word. If I have to say something special, it’s that the leaves speak Italian. The sentry didn't drive away the leaves or lock him up, just a sentry watching the leaves while the officer leading them made a phone call.

After making the call, within three minutes, a man with a work permit on his chest hurriedly walked to the entrance. He didn’t explain anything to the sentry, or even asked the leaf’s name or what he was doing. He just said to the leaf: " You come with me."

Just like that, the leaves passed the first level.

That is to say, after passing the courtyard gate, but when entering the office building, the man who came to pick up the leaves swiped his work card, and then said to the two people in suits: "This is the guest invited by Mr. Barrioni. He applies for a temporary pass."

It stands to reason that there would be a series of identity verification and recording processes. However, I don’t know whether it was out of a show of strength or because the Italians were really informal. Two staff members who were supposed to conduct a thorough inspection of the leaves immediately took out the got a red badge.

"Please hang it around your neck. You cannot move alone in this building. You must be accompanied by one or more staff members." Leaf hung the temporary visitor pass around his neck, so that everyone could see the card on his chest at a glance. Then he nodded and smiled, "Okay, thank you."

Just like that, extremely simply, Leaf entered the core area of ​​Italy's most strictly guarded and confidential intelligence agency.

Is it normal? Not normal. Is it strange? Not strange.

It is abnormal because Leaf should not be able to come in so easily, but it is not strange because Giuseppe wants to show his strength. He can't let Leaf be refused entry after several hours of investigation because of identity problems, or even be detained and arrested as a spy.

So it must be so simple to enter, otherwise how can Giuseppe show his strength.

Leaf began to follow the people inside. He just lowered his head and looked at the road under his feet all the way, never looking around, then entered the elevator, came to the fourth floor, and after passing a short corridor, the person who came to pick up Leaf stopped at a door and knocked on the door again.

After hearing the response from the room, the person who received the leaf turned the doorknob, opened the door, and made a gesture of invitation. The office was not very big, and there were not many furnishings. Giuseppe was sitting behind a desk, reading a document in his hand. When the leaf came in, he put down the document in his hand and said in surprise: "Is it you?" The leaf walked forward a few steps, stopped two meters in front of Giuseppe's desk, bowed slightly, and said humbly: "Hello, Mr. Baglioni." Giuseppe was slightly surprised because he didn't expect that the leaf came, but that was all. It didn't matter to him whether the person who came was a bodyguard who looked like he couldn't fight or a pretty boy who looked like he couldn't fight. Nodding, Giuseppe waved his hand and said: "You are here and have seen me. Now you can leave." I came here to see Giuseppe's strength. Now I have seen him and entered the core area of ​​the Security Intelligence Bureau, so that's enough. If there is really something to talk about, Giuseppe will not talk to the leaf, so as not to lose his identity. As for suspicion, there is definitely no such thing, because Gao Guang is timid and dare not come to the Security Intelligence Bureau in person, so he sent the closest but most accessible bodyguard to come. Isn't this too normal?

But Leaf will definitely not leave like this.

So Leaf whispered again: "Sir, my boss has a few words for me to bring to you. Regarding cooperation, he has a few suggestions. I hope you can consider it."

What words can he bring? Giuseppe didn't want to say more to Leaf, who was not equal to his status, but Leaf said so, so he should listen.

Giuseppe said to the person who brought Leaf in: "Wait outside for a while, and send him away later." Open the door, go out, and close the door outside.

It's that simple. Now there are only Leaf and Giuseppe in the room.

Giuseppe put the documents on the table and said to Leaf: "What words, you can say." "Our boss said that as long as you are willing to cooperate, then all."

Leaf suddenly stopped. He was so lazy that he didn't even bother to make up a lie, and the most important thing was that there was no need to make up a lie.

Suddenly, the leaf looked at Giuseppe in astonishment and said, "Sir! You don't have a tie?"

Giuseppe was stunned and said, "Tie?"

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his collar, and looked down. After he reacted, Giuseppe was astonished and said, "Why should I wear a tie?"

The leaf said in extreme collapse, "How can you not wear a tie? You don't wear a tie."

The leaf was angry and anxious, and his speech was very fast. When Giuseppe was confused and waiting for the leaf to say that there was something wrong with him not wearing a tie, the leaf suddenly took a step forward, propped up his left hand on the desk, and his fat body, no, it was a strong body, quickly and silently flew over the desk. When Giuseppe subconsciously stood up, he had already crossed the desk.

This distance, this height, is too comfortable.

Leaf jumped to the left of Giuseppe. He supported the table with his left hand, turned sideways to face Giuseppe, and landed. At the moment when Giuseppe stood up, his right hand went around Giuseppe's head and grabbed Giuseppe's chin. With one hand and one arm, he exerted force. With a slight click, Giuseppe immediately fell back into the chair.

Giuseppe's eyes were full of astonishment.

Giuseppe would never have thought that Leaf would do it in his office, in the Security Intelligence Agency, in his office, because he was not crazy enough.

"If you don't wear a tie, what can I use to hang you up?"

After whispering in Giuseppe's ear, Leaf's eyes moved down, his sight fell on Giuseppe's waist, then reached out to buckle Giuseppe's belt, and then pulled out Giuseppe's belt with effort.

"I hate to untie men's belts." Giuseppe didn't die.

Although he only used one hand, Leaf still got it done.

What's hateful is that Giuseppe was not sitting on a swivel chair, but a heavy wooden chair.

Giuseppe was still alive, even conscious, but he couldn't move, couldn't speak, and couldn't move anything except his brain.

Confused, bewildered, even more than terrified.

Ye Zi took the belt and entered the room inside the office. There was a lounge inside, with a bed, a ceiling fan, and a bathroom inside.

Ye Ye finally smiled happily, because he thought the ceiling fan was very good.

The ceiling fan was too high to reach, leaving leaves on the bed. Then he put his belt through his belt loops, tied one end around the fan, and stepped out.

It would be a lot more laborious without a rope, and the belt is far less useful than a tie, but there is no other way, so just make do with it.

An adult is very heavy, but Ye Ye picked up Giuseppe like a child. He carried Giuseppe into the bedroom, stood on the bed, adjusted the sling made of a belt with one hand, and supported it with the other. Giuseppe on his shoulders.

"My boss. Bah, he is not my boss. Mad Dog asked me to give you a message. Who do you think you are?"

The leaves moved slightly and placed Giuseppe's head in the noose, then he began to lower it slowly until Giuseppe's body was vertical and the belt was taut.

Seeing that the belt could bear Giuseppe's weight and confirming that the ceiling fan could also bear it, Ye Ye completely let go of Giuseppe. Holding Giuseppe's leg with one hand, he raised the other hand to look at his watch.

Ye Ye was not in a hurry. Although Giuseppe was completely unable to struggle, Ye Ye still waited for five minutes before he let go of Giuseppe's hand.

Shrugging, Ye Ye didn't say anything, he gently closed the door to the office, went over to put away the misplaced documents on the desk, and then walked towards the door.

Opening the door and closing it with his backhand, Ye Ye whispered to the person who had been waiting outside the door: "Thank you, please send me out." Do you still need to ask Giuseppe for permission? Of course it's not necessary.

Did anyone think that Giuseppe was dead? The answer is of course not. After all, there are still many normal people in this world, and too few crazy people.

So whoever catches the leaves will send them out safely.

Ye Ye returned the temporary pass, but the person who picked him up did not send him to the gate, so Ye Ye shook hands with them politely, thanked them, and said goodbye, and then he walked to the gate quietly.

They didn't see the leaves go in, but Riccardo and Heidi, who watched the leaves come out, let out a long sigh of relief. Then, Heidi couldn't help but said: "He really did it."

Riccardo whispered: "He is powerful, but isn't he too reckless? I think the boss is greatly influenced by him, and now the boss also starts to like to deal with problems in a simple way."

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