Firepower is king

Chapter 917 Better sooner than later

It took quite a long time to fly from the United States to Italy, so Gao Guang met Smith at around eleven o'clock in the evening. I haven't seen Mr. Smith for a long time, and I didn't know what to say when we met again.

But Smith's feeling should be stronger, because when he last met Gao Guang, Gao Guang still needed to rely on him for food, but now when he met Gao Guang again, at least he could be on an equal footing with him in terms of strength to discuss cooperation.

However, Smith found that Gao Guang did not show the arrogance and domineering common among young people. Just like when they first met, Gao Guang was still humble and polite.

Gao Guang came to the airport to greet him. Although it was late at night, he had to come to greet the noble man who discovered him and gave him a lot of help on his growth path.

"Mr. Smith." "Gao."

Smith shook hands with Gao Guang, then he looked at the wheelchair not far behind, couldn't help frowning, and whispered: "Why are you in a wheelchair again? Why are you here in a wheelchair?"

"I was injured, nothing serious." Gao Guang made a gesture that was not worth mentioning, and then said: "Does Mr. Smith have a place to stay?"

Smith shook his head and said: "I came in a hurry, and I haven't arranged it yet."

"That's good, I have prepared your room, then let's get in the car."

Gao Guang smiled and made a gesture of invitation, but Smith whispered: "You are in a wheelchair, don't walk with me, you should rest and recover after the injury, don't ignore your body because you are young, if you ignore your body now, when you are older, your body will retaliate against you."

Smith is old after all, and he also likes to educate young people.

Regardless of whether he could hear it or not, Gao Guang was definitely listening attentively. He immediately smiled and said, "Okay, but we will get on the bus in just a few steps. I will take the wheelchair when we get back."

"Don't even take a few steps. Please give me the wheelchair."

Lola pushed the empty wheelchair. Smith walked over and took the wheelchair from Lola, pushed it in front of Gao Guang, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Sit down."

Gao Guang sat on the wheelchair obediently, and Smith immediately looked at Lola and said, "Your girlfriend?" "Yes, her name is Lola, Lola, this is the one I often mention Mr. Smith. "

Lola nodded slightly,

and said calmly: "Hello, Mr. Smith." "Hello."

Smith personally pushed Gao Guang's wheelchair, and Gao Guang pointed in a direction and said: "Where is the car."

Smith pushed Gao Guang forward, and then he whispered: "The reason why I came in a hurry this time is because I need your help. I have some things to be secretly shipped from South Africa to the United States."

"What are they?"

"Gold, about 60 tons!"

Gao Guang took a breath of cold air, he couldn't help but want to look back, but finally held back. "So much?"

Smith whispered: "Yes, it's because there are too many, and it must be shipped as soon as possible in a short time, so I'm worried, because there is no reliable transportation route."

Gao Guang didn't ask who this batch of gold belonged to, nor did he ask how to ensure the safety of the gold. Smith asked him to discuss transportation, so he only took care of transportation.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Guang whispered: "Such a large amount of gold is in South Africa. The United States has no troops stationed in South Africa, which is a little troublesome." Smith sighed and said: "Yes, if there is a US military base in South Africa, then things will be much simpler." Gao Guang said that it is a little troublesome, not that it cannot be done, which means that he can do it, and Smith found him for this reason. It's just that 60 tons of yellow metal is a bit too much. If it is a regular export, there is no need for secret transportation. If it is smuggling, the biggest trouble comes from the South African government. Gao Guang waved his hand gently and said, "I have two planes, using the CIA's aircraft number and taking the CIA's intelligence route. There is no problem landing in South Africa, and the secret flight will not be checked. If you can send the gold to that airport, I will send the plane to pick it up at that airport. Is this okay?" Smith sighed slightly and said, "It's feasible, because this is the only way." "That's good. When to use it, I'll have someone prepare the plane." Gao Guang didn't talk about money or risks, but asked when to use it. But Gao Guang was casual because he owed Smith too many favors, and Smith couldn't be so casual because he couldn't enjoy Gao Guang's favors so comfortably. "Three million for one flight, plus the risk, five million for one flight, a total of four flights are needed. What do you think?" Smith took the initiative to quote and raise the price. This price is very fair, but it is not fair. How to say it, mainly because Smith's relationship is mainly in the military, and he can't do things that the military can't do, and he can't find other reliable channels except Gao Guang. Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "The cost of one flight is about $300,000. I can pay the CIA a bribe of $3 million to buy the route. No problem."

According to the current market price, one ton of gold is about $50 million. Sixty tons of gold is about $3 billion.

Using an airplane to transport $3 billion and paying $20 million for shipping is not too high, but not too low either. The most important thing is that Gao Guang is willing to help.

Smith was very satisfied. He felt that his investment had paid off, and the payoff was much greater and faster than he had imagined.

Reaching out and patting Gaoguang's shoulder, Smith sighed with emotion and said, "I didn't expect that you helped me solve this trouble in the end. Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with this matter. Well, don’t you want to know who this gold belongs to?”

Gao Guang immediately shook his head and said, "Don't ask if you shouldn't know. I just know that you need to transport goods."

Smith thought for a moment, and finally whispered: "I still have to tell you that this batch of gold is the profit of Eric Mining in South Africa for many years. The extra profit will be divided between the two after this batch of gold is shipped to the United States. As a senator, I will be paid thirty million dollars for this delivery, but I will be nominated by the House of Representatives, and if nothing else happens, I will win.”

Gao Guang understood that Smith was only responsible for transportation, and he didn't earn much money, but he valued the positive rewards after the completion of the matter.

Gao Guang took a deep breath and said, "Then you can't make any mistakes."

Smith continued: "My connections are in the Pentagon,

So, I really have to rely on you this time. The accumulation of Eric Mining over the past few years, the extra profits, and the remuneration that several congressmen deserve are all in this batch of gold. "

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Send some people to escort it. It will be troublesome if it cannot be transported at once. I can find another plane, a big plane."

"The fewer people who know, the better. This batch of gold cannot be exposed, so I would rather fly one more time than find another plane."

Smith spoke in a consultative tone, and continued: "Send the gold to Iraq, and just put it on a big plane somewhere. But using a military plane, well, what I'm worried about is that it can't be kept secret."

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "I will use my own plane to send it to Baghdad, change planes in Baghdad, and send it to the United States at once. I don't care about South Africa and the United States, but I can guarantee that the plane is absolutely reliable."

It's hard to say who is stronger between Gao Guang and Smith in Baghdad, but in terms of the breadth of the relationship network, Gao Guang is definitely stronger than Smith.

The key is that Gao Guang has close allies in the Pentagon and allies in the CIA. This relationship is stronger and more reliable than Smith's. Smith also felt this, and he said softly: "Okay, then I am really completely relieved."

Already arriving at the car, Smith has also finished his conversation with Gao Guang. The really key part has been said in this short journey. What is left are some details, such as when the plane will take off, which airport it will arrive at, and so on. It's absolutely okay to talk slowly.

I didn’t say much when I got in the car, but after sitting side by side with Gao Guang in the back seat, Smith suddenly said: “Gao Guang, shouldn’t you think about your options?”

Gao Guang was a little stunned. He looked at Smith and said, "Huh? Now?"

Smith hesitated for a moment, but still whispered: "It may be a little early now, but earlier is better than later. Believe me, the sooner you do some things, the better. If you have ideas, talk to me later. I Some experiences and lessons can still give you some advice.”

The sense of crisis, the instinctive sense of crisis, I don't know if Smith felt it or saw some signs of danger, but after Smith said this, Gao Guang really thought that maybe it was time for him to prepare a way out.

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