Firepower is king

Chapter 924: Amazing Skills

The game ended with Leaf being taken to the hospital.

In fact, Fang Zhenwu was opposed to sending Ye Ye to the hospital because he said it was useless to send Ye Ye to the hospital. However, except Fang Zhenwu, everyone was determined to send Ye Ye to the hospital.

Including Gao Guang, including doctors Lin Nianzu and Carlos, as well as Otto and Heidi, they all insisted on sending Ye Ye to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Of course they were concerned about Ye Ye's health in name, but in reality, they wanted to know what kind of harm Fang Zhenwu's kung fu could cause to people.

The reason why Chuanwu has declined so much in recent years is not because those who practice Chuanwu have no particularly good masters. Previously, Gao Guang himself did not believe that martial arts could be used in actual combat, and he was also a staunch braggart of Chuanwu.

But after meeting Fang Zhenwu, Gao Guang realized that there was still real kung fu in this world. From then on, he no longer doubted Chuan Wu's actual combat ability, but he wanted to know what the secret of kung fu was.

Just put it this way, after the so-called inner strength hurts someone, what kind of harm will it cause to the person?

In modern fighting skills, it is clear what kind of damage a move can cause to a person. For example, twisting a tree with a leaf can cause paraplegia, and a powerful and heavy punch to the head can cause a concussion and cause the person to stick out his arms. A broken arm, etc., the consequences are basically determined by how much force is hit and where. Everyone knows the consequences.

But Fang Zhenwu's light punch hit Ye Ye who was wearing two layers of protective gear, causing Ye Ye to faint. I don’t know where it was injured or how serious it was.

So everyone wanted to see it, including John, Fang Zhenwu's die-hard fan, also wanted to see the hospital's diagnosis of Ye Ye.

As for Lin Nianzu, as a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, he wanted to know exactly where the leaves were injured. If he was asked to treat it, he should know what exactly he was treating.

While Ye Ye was still unconscious, all the necessary examinations were done.

Then when they arrived at the hospital, when Ye Ye had already woken up, Gao Guang and the others still forced Ye Ye to do several examinations. No matter what MRI, what B-ultrasound, whatever you can do, you can do whatever you want. A white mouse like Ye Ye is quite rare. If you miss this opportunity, you will probably never meet again in the future.

In fact, Fang Zhenwu also wanted to know the test results later, because after hitting someone, he could go to the hospital for a check-up. This was the first time for him. He didn't understand what happened to his inner strength when he hit someone. , just take this opportunity to find out.

Even Ye Ye wanted to know what happened to him.

When all the test results came out, the doctor was confused, and Gao Guang and others were also confused, because everyone was a layman, so they could only watch the excitement in this regard.

But it's different for insiders.

Fang Zhenwu, Ye Ye, Carlos, Lin Nianzu, including the doctor responsible for assigning treatment plans to Ye Ye, they were truly confused.

"There is no abnormality in the patient's body, no damage to the bones, no damage to the internal organs, and no internal bleeding as you think. The patient's body is extremely weak. This seems to be more caused by psychological factors."

A bunch of instruments can't find anything wrong, but

The state of the leaves can be seen by one person. His face is pale, his body is weak, he feels nauseous, and he is extremely weak.

If something is abnormal, it is that Ye Ye's heartbeat is a little lower than that of a normal person, with a heartbeat of only about fifty. However, Ye Ye said that his normal heartbeat is between fifty-five and sixty, so this value is It's normal again.

So in summary, Ye Ye was punched by Fang Zhenwu. Under the examination of modern hospital instruments, his physical condition was clear, that there was nothing wrong with him.

The leaves didn't seem to play the role of experimental mice. Gao Guang thought for a while and finally said: "Okay, let's get out of the hospital and go home."

When he woke up, Ye Ye could already speak and do some simple movements. His only problem was that he was powerless. Weakly raised his hand, Ye Ye wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a long time, he finally said nothing and just lowered his hand weakly.

He pulled the person back, and halfway through, the large group of spectators began to marvel at Fang Zhenwu's magic.

Everyone knew that Fang Zhenwu was powerful before, but there are two different concepts between Fang Zhenwu beating someone to death with one punch and beating someone into a sick man with one punch but unable to find anything wrong with him.

When he pulled Ye Ye back to his guest room and asked Fang Zhenwu and Lin Nianzu to give Ye Ye acupuncture, a group of people gathered around him unceremoniously.

Ye Ye was very angry. He had never been so miserable, so weak, and watched like this in his life. "You, bastards, go away!"

His speech was not sputtering word for word, but it was still sporadic. There was nothing he could do about it, and Ye Ye couldn't breathe evenly.

It was a bit too much to watch like this. Gao Guang turned around and said to a group of people: "Get out, get out, everyone, there is nothing to see, everyone is gone, uh, you keep the bottle caps."

After driving the person out, Gao Guang stayed, and if he stayed, Laura who helped him push the wheelchair must stay. John couldn't leave. He absolutely couldn't leave. He had to witness the whole process with his own eyes, otherwise he would be sorry for his determination.

Heidi sat on the chair and refused to move, Otto would definitely not move either, and Carlos was a doctor, so he had to be there to help.

Fang Zhenwu couldn't leave. He had to guide Lin Nianzu. Lin Nianzu was even more important. He was the only one who could do acupuncture. So there were still many people in the room.

Ye Ye had no choice but to compromise, knowing that he could not drive away the remaining people, so he looked at Fang Zhenwu and said in pain: "What did you do to me?"


Fang Zhenwu scratched his head, and then he said helplessly: "I don't know how to explain it to you. It's just that, well, probably the strength of my punch didn't hurt your body, but it dispersed your energy."

Ye Ye swallowed hard and said, "Gas? Gas?"

Fang Zhenwu said with a sad face: "I told you, I don't know how to explain it. It's just that if I have more power,

, your internal organs will be broken. If I am less powerful, your body functions will be affected and you will lose your ability to move, because in addition to the visible ones, there is another kind of energy when the human body operates, um? "

Fang Zhenwu used interrogative sentences because he didn't know how to explain it, so he didn't know if the words he used were correct.

A Chinese person can generally understand what internal energy and meridians are, but it is a bit difficult to explain these words to a foreigner.

Fang Zhenwu himself felt awkward. He said with a grimace again: "I don't know how to say it. Anyway, you know how you feel. This is the result of my punch."

Ye Ye exhaled softly and said: "It's amazing."

"Actually, it's not that magical. But if you explain it this way, it sounds very magical. In fact, forget it, it's just magical."

Fang Zhenwu gave up, he gave up explaining, but at this time Lin Nianzu said: "The international authoritative medical journal "Circulatory Complementary and Alternative Medicine" has just published a paper. For the first time, a university discovered that continuous fluorescent lines moving along acupuncture points along the meridian are the pericardial meridian. The arm part is another kind of circulation different from the blood circulation, which is particularly obvious on the acupuncture points.”

Fang Zhenwu said with a shocked look on his face: "Really? Is there still such a thing?"

Lin Nianzu nodded, and then he said seriously: "Yes, this is indeed true, so how should I perform the acupuncture?" Fang Zhenwu said without hesitation: "How do I know? I am not a doctor."

Lin Nianzu struggled for a moment and said, "Then let me ask my dad?"

"Ask him, he must know. Just say that I beat him to the point where his qi and blood are unstable and he needs to straighten his qi. Yes, that's probably what he said. I gave him an injection to straighten his qi."

A group of people listened in confusion, as if they were listening to a book from heaven. Gao Guang and Yuan Zheng could understand a little bit, but the others couldn't understand a word. Although out of politeness, Fang Zhenwu and Lin Nianzu had always been English conversation.

Fang Zhenwu is a regular customer of the Lin family and his son. He has been suffering from illness for a long time. He knows a little bit about what he should know, but he is not sure whether the treatment plan given by him is effective or not.

Lin Nianzu called his father. Then, after Lin Nianzu babbled a lot, he hung up the phone and said excitedly: "I know, my dad said that this kind of injury is easy to say and difficult to say. Come on. , let’s try it.”

Ye Ye was lying on his bed. He looked at Lin Nianzu's excited face and couldn't help but said, "Why are you excited?"

Lin Nianzu couldn't help but laugh and said: "Because my father has never seen you hurt like you in his life. Now there are no such people who can disrupt the popularity. You are very lucky, ah no, I am very lucky to have the opportunity." Acupuncture regulates qi. My dad said that your qi sense will be very, very strong. I had the opportunity to see what the qi sense in acupuncture is. You are."

"What am I?" "You are a living teaching material.

Lin Nianzu is a little too straightforward, but if Ye Ye doesn't believe it or accepts it, he can only give in.

The man helped him take off his shirt and watched Lin Nianzu take out a large pack of disposable acupuncture needles.

There was a hint of fear on the leaves' faces.

Lin Nianzu couldn't wait to tear open the package, then he held a long needle, pressed it on Ye Ye's chest, and then inserted the needle in.

Ye Ye closed his eyes. After a moment, he suddenly whispered: "Hey, it doesn't hurt."

Lin Nianzu gently twisted the silver needle and said nervously: "Do you have that feeling of swelling, numbness, and a strange feeling?" Ye Ye shook his head, but he suddenly opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to scream, but could not speak. Come feel.

Lin Nianzu suddenly said loudly: "It's moving, it's moving! Throw it away! This needle is really moving, it's trembling, it's true, I

Lin Nianzu seemed to be the most excited, and Fang Zhenwu also said curiously: "Really? Let me touch it."

Lin Nianzu let go of his hand, and Fang Zhenwu pinched the end of the silver needle, and then he immediately said happily: "Yes, yes, it seems to be slightly vibrating, isn't it?"


Gao Guang coughed twice and said, "What are you doing? The patient is still waiting."

Ye Ye's open mouth was slowly closing, and he seemed to be in both pain and enjoyment.

Lin Nianzu took out a long needle again, found the right position, and slowly inserted the silver needle again, twisting it slowly, and then he suddenly said again: "Haha! I can feel the breath, this Man, that’s awesome! How strong he is!”

Ye Ye opened his mouth involuntarily again and exhaled heavily.

Lin Nianzu took eighteen needles in a row. After the last needle, he said to the leaf: "I will use this needle to prick your Tanzhong point. After this needle is inserted, you will feel something moving around in your chest, and you will cry out. Exhale and shout, and when you shout it, it will basically be fine.”

The leaves looked much better, but after the needles were inserted, he couldn't speak.

However, after Lin Nianzu said something that was more like an explanation than a preview, and mainly showed off, he finally took the nineteenth injection.

This needle pricked accurately and quickly, and when the long silver needle pierced in, Ye Ye suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and yelled out.

With a cry, Ye Ye sat up, then took a long breath, and then fell back heavily. Lying on the bed, Ye Ye's breathing became gentle, and then he said fluently and energetically: "It hurts me to death, bastard."

Ye Ye was suddenly stunned, and then he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "It's amazing!"

The person who was beaten was very confused, and the doctor himself was also confused. Fang Zhenwu, who beat the person, knew what was happening but did not know why.

As for others, they can only watch the fun. Anyway, they are just confused. They don't know how the leaf was injured, and they don't know how it recovered.

Otto stood up. After he shook his head, he began to applaud softly, but John, who had always been silent, said: "I have said it before, Kung Fu is amazing, but you don't believe it."

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