Firepower is king

Chapter 926 Ask

There is a treasure house left behind by Edelweiss. This treasure house mainly contains information and privacy.

There are too many shady transactions on the dark web, and the dark web operated by Edelweiss is high-end, and its main business is not just those small items that are easy to find.

Among the customers who trade on the dark web, there are many people in the underground world, but there are also many big shots who usually stand high.

If you take over Edelweiss, you will inevitably come into contact with this information and privacy that is actually very important. It is true that it is a talisman, but it is also true that it is a reminder of life. Therefore, Edelweiss is a double-edged sword. It must be hidden well and used well. Otherwise, you are likely to hurt yourself before hurting others.

But Gao Guang has not asked for the data on the dark web for a long time, and now he has to get the data, but it is to investigate his own people. Okay, maybe Danny is not one of our own, but he is still one of our own. It feels weird to check old acquaintances first. But it’s impossible not to check, and this matter can’t be postponed, so it must be carried out urgently. Time is very tight at this time.

It’s so troublesome, so complicated, and so stressful.

Gao Guang's scalp began to hurt thinking about it. He once again felt that taking over this kind of intelligence organization was really not a good choice. It was troublesome, very troublesome, and it didn't make much money. It was typical of making a small amount of money with a lot of effort. I really didn't know what I was doing here.

Seeing Gao Guang's painful expression and sighing, Laura couldn't help but said: "What are you worried about?"

Laura is a very simple girl. If you tell her these things, she won't be of much help and will only add some trouble. Gao Guang shook his head and said: "It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it, it's okay."

Laura didn't feel any regret or helplessness. She thought it was normal, but she had different ideas. "But you seem to be full of powerlessness. Is it difficult to solve the current problem?"

Laura thought for a moment, and then she said seriously: "Why don't you ask Mr. Smith? Isn't it a good idea to ask him directly? Also, why don't you ask No. 3? Isn't he alive?"

Gao Guang looked at Laura, feeling a little shocked.

Laura continued: "I think since you took over Edelweiss, you have started to think about too many things and have unnecessary worries and worries. You are not as happy as before."

Gao Guang nodded and said: "This garbage organization will cause trouble, and it will force me to do things with the thinking of those spies. This will indeed lead to thinking too much."

Laura said calmly: "So, just ask them directly. Mr. Smith is Danny's boss. Tell him everything you know and let him decide whether to investigate or not."

"No, Mr. Smith doesn't know that Edelweiss has belonged to me, and Danny doesn't know either. It's a secret." "Do I need to tell you? Do you have to tell Mr. Smith how you got the information?"

Laura spread her hands and said: "I am in Alaska. If someone tells me where the reindeer herd appears, I will go directly there. I don't care who is the first to discover the reindeer herd. At the Phantom Force Training Center, the commander said When you get information, no one will ask who gave it to you, so why do you think about these irrelevant issues?”

Gao Guang was stunned for a while.


Of all the people in the entire King's Defense, no, of all the people Gao Guang knew, Lola was the purest and simplest.

Laura really rarely thinks about irrelevant things. She has the intuition of a sniper, and she also has the directness of a sniper. Unlike leaves that simplify complex things, Laura's characteristic is to go straight to the core of the problem and ignore the rest.

But it is indeed useful.

Gao Guang thought about it and felt that both Otto and he now like to think about and do things in a complicated way, but as far as Danny is concerned, there is actually no need to be so troublesome.

"It's time for me to have a plan B."

Gao Guang said softly, then he took a long breath and smiled: "Laura, you are such a treasure girl, thank you."

The dull mood suddenly became much brighter. Gao Guang thought about what to do next to determine whether he could handle it. Start solving the problem at its source.

Danny had already rebelled and had tried to kill Smith before. If Smith hadn't figured it out, then he was a simple fan of the authorities. Gao Guang's responsibility was to remind Smith, but he didn't have to do the rest. That was Smith's family matter.

Once this lid is lifted, Danny may be abandoned. Then the transportation business will have to be escorted by someone else. It is very likely that there will be no one available in such a large War Group, then Gao Guang will be able to take on the task of escorting, Dimit Rees is in Djibouti, and the professional transportation team he brings can undertake the escort business.

For the sake of safety, the King's defense can also be dispatched in person.

This is Gao Guang's Plan B. It's actually very simple. Just be prepared after Danny is eliminated. It's very simple. Just because of the battle between Fang Zhenwu and Ye Ye, the King's Defense was also gathered together, which saved time and effort. .

There is no need to follow Otto's accustomed methods and routes. After all, Otto is both a spy and a killer, so he subconsciously goes in a hidden and sinister way. And Gao Guang is a mercenary and arms dealer, so his approach is more biased. A direct and violent approach.

So, let’s get right to the root of the problem.

Gao Guang took out his cell phone and dialed Smith.

After Smith answered the phone, Gao Guang said very directly: "Mr. Smith, there is a question that must be clarified. I don't want to sow discord between you and Danny, but I must know whether you trust Danny."

It’s so direct that it even omits the opening remarks.

Smith was silent for a moment and said, "What, what happened?" There must be something, otherwise Gao Guang wouldn't ask this.

Gao Guang did not answer directly.

"Yes, I have received some intelligence. The intelligence shows that the last time you were assassinated by the Shadowless One may have something to do with Danny. I have no evidence and I have not investigated, but it is enough for those who work in our industry to be suspicious. , so before I look into it, I wanted to ask you if you feel the same way about Danny

Doubt whether you have absolute trust in Danny! "

After a long silence, Smith suddenly said: "Can you find out?"

"Yes, but it will take some time. If you agree, I will start checking. If the delivery of those goods must be accelerated, I can start Plan B and start transportation immediately while ensuring the safety of the goods, but Danny must be excluded. "

Smith took a breath and whispered: "No need to check." "Well, no need to check? Okay, I understand."

There are two possibilities for not checking. One is that Smith has absolute trust in Danny and there is no need to check. The other is that Smith knows what Danny did, so there is no need to check.

"Just let Danny be in charge of this."

Smith said to let Danny continue to be responsible, so Gao Guang did so. Anyway, the gold was not his, but the two planes and crew members were Gao Guang. If something happened to Danny, then Smith would have to take responsibility.

It’s better to explain these things clearly first.

Gao Guang said softly: "Mr. Smith, I have to make something clear. You are kind to me, and Danny has also helped me a lot. I don't want to provoke your relationship, and I don't want to doubt him, but the doubts have not been answered." Before giving a thorough explanation, I must prevent the worst case scenario from happening, so if anything happens to this transportation because of Danny, then you will still have to bear my losses."

"I know."

Smith agreed without hesitation, and then he whispered: "I know what you are worried about, okay, I'd better tell you."

In order to dispel Gao Guang's doubts and concerns, Smith decided to tell the truth. He said seriously: "Danny's role in the assassination of me last time was not glorious. He knew what might happen, but what about him? None."

Gao Guang was a little shocked. What was shocking was not that Danny really played a disgraceful role in it, but that Smith could continue to tolerate Danny after knowing it.

Smith continued: "Danny's mistake was that he didn't do anything, because once I died, he would have a great chance to take over the War Group. However, Danny ultimately chose to continue to work for me. He didn’t stop me in advance or remind me, but after the incident, he finally chose to remedy the situation.”

Doing nothing is wrong. Standing by and watching your boss be killed so that you can get rich rewards from the boss's inheritance is betrayal.

Gao Guang said nothing, but Smith continued: "I have experienced many things in my life, and this is not the first time I have been betrayed. But after all, Danny did not go down the wrong path to the end. He woke up in time and repented. , and I choose to forgive him.”

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Is this really the case? You actually forgive him?"

Mr. Smith whispered: "When facing temptation, everyone may not be able to control it. It is already rare for Danny to make the right choice, and he confessed everything to me afterwards, but the most important thing is that Gao , you know this Danny

How rare and precious are perfect professional managers? "

Yes, a perfect professional manager is really too precious, so Gao Guang understood that what saved Danny in the end was his own ability, which was indispensable to him.

"I understand, so you absolutely trust Danny now, right?"

Smith said softly: "I have given 30% of the shares of Zhanhuo Group to Danny. After I become a parliamentarian, I will completely step down from the position of chairman of Zhanhuo Group and I will keep 21% for myself. shares and transfer all the remaining 49% of the shares. In this case, Danny will be the largest shareholder. Together, the two of us will have 51% of the controlling stake. The position of chairman is only It could be Danny."

There is a first time and a second time for betrayal, but if Smith blocks the source of Danny's betrayal, then there really is no need to worry about Danny's betrayal.

Danny had done what he wanted to do all his life. Now he just needed to work hard and he would get everything in a short time. There was no need to betray, so why would he betray Smith?

Smith played a good move. He clearly arranged his retreat. As long as he becomes a member of the parliament, he can really sit back and relax.

Having figured it out and made it clear, Gao Guang was very happy that he listened to Laura's opinion and did not investigate secretly, which saved time, effort and trouble.

Gao Guang exhaled and said with a smile: "I understand, this is good, this is really the best."

Smith said calmly: "These things cannot be made public yet, but since you asked, I will tell you in advance, and since this matter has been mentioned, then... you are interested in 10% of the shares of the War Group ?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Who are you going to give half of your shares to? How much does one share cost?"

Smith smiled and said: "The equity will be very dispersed, very, very dispersed. Besides Danny and I, Ten Percent is the third largest shareholder. The specific price has not been determined, but if you want it, it will definitely be suitable." Great price.”

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Okay, I'm very interested. Please let me know when you want to sell your equity."

After chatting for a while, he hung up the phone, then Gao Guang looked at Laura and said: “Thank you, you may have just said a few words casually, but you really saved me a lot of trouble, and also let me. Well, let me Got a whole new understanding.”

Laura blinked. She didn't understand what Gao Guang was thanking her for, but it didn't matter. She didn't pay attention to it, so she just said calmly: "You're welcome, can you sleep now?"

Gao Guang gently pressed his stomach, and then he said with a slight worry: "The problem has been solved. You can sleep, but I'm afraid the wound will have an impact. Otherwise, I can ask Carlos?"

Laura thought for a while, and then she finally figured out why Gao Guang wanted to ask the doctor before going to bed, so her face suddenly turned red, and then she said: "Bah! What are you thinking about? But, well, just ask."

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